
Did the Developers of Stalker Just Receive a Letter from Vladimir Putin?

Hardcore Gamer: Vladmir Putin has been in the news lately for a myriad of reasons, but we never thought Russia's President would permeate the gaming world.

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ValKilmer3586d ago

Honestly, it sounds like something he would do.

"What is this you speak of, a Plane blew up over Ukraine? Eh, let sleeping dogs lie. We have bigger fry to fish, like talking to video game developer."

Blacktric3586d ago (Edited 3586d ago )

"The developers of cult survival horror game “S.T.A.L.K.E.R.” are currently trying to raise funds for a spiritual successor dubbed “Areal” via Kickstarter."

Putin confirmed to be a retard for falling into supporting scam. There is only one "spiritual successor" that's in development from ex-devs and that's Survarium. Areal didn't even have a gameplay video when they put up the damn Kickstarter page, eventhough they claimed it was in pre-alpha. And the video they've recently released looks like dogshit and far from being in pre-alpha.



wsoutlaw873585d ago

ya I didnt know about the areal game but it looks like they got themselves into a mess and are illegally using stalker footage and are claiming to be the "core" team which is actually Vostok Games. Theyre is also questions about why the person receiving the money is based in Vegas and has faced legal issues before.

Blacktric3585d ago

Here's the newest update;


It just keeps getting worse and worse.

3585d ago
extermin8or3586d ago Show
Ripsta7th3586d ago ShowReplies(13)
BX813586d ago

I hope Putin is prone to suck starting pistols!

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Suspended By Kickstarter : Investigating Every Suspended Kickstarter Video Game Campaign

Josh Griffiths writes: "When a campaign is suspended its funding is permanently halted. If we take the word of those who have had their project suspended, Kickstarter gives little to no warning that your campaign is at risk. They don’t tell creators why their campaigns were suspended, nor do they communicate with them after the fact. In the most extreme cases like Plane Simulator 2001 and Should I Bother With this Game, the titles give you a good idea on why Kickstarter took action. But with Kickstarters like Flat Kingdom and Chumba World, it’s a lot less apparent."

garyanderson2958d ago

Damn, that's a super long article. Lots of shady campaigns in there.

tanukisuit2957d ago (Edited 2957d ago )

I was wondering when someone would write an article like this, what with all the shady campaigns that have failed recently. Going to be a good read.


Stalker Apocalypse Update - North Korea, Spying, and Expulsion

Ahmad Khan writes: "West Games is back to their same old tricks again, but this time they are aggravating more than just Stalker fans and crowdfunding enthusiasts. Here's a quick recap of what the fine folks at West Games have been doing while the rest of us are getting ready for the winter holidays."

Nesflix3429d ago

STALKER is one of the most immersive games I've ever played. I'm very much looking forward to a new entry. ***GET TOUTA HEA STAWKER***


World Wide Funder Features Another Possible Scam

Ahmad Khan writes: "Where there is West Games there is Space Enigma Studios following closely behind with its own infamous Project Tool. Yes sir, Areal/Stalker Apocalypse has a twin sibling called Project Tool. Previously titled Space Pioneer over at Kickstarter, the game failed to be funded because it was correctly accused of plagiarizing artwork and game assets much like West Games' Areal did. Developer Space Enigma Studios is now calling itself W.A.R.P. and have relaunched Project Tool via World Wide Funder."

WeirdShroom3433d ago

Nothing to do with the band? Crappy indie game? Koalas in the Rain.

garyanderson3431d ago

We can only dream of good Tool (band) news at this point.