
Xbox One to become default console for all online 2K+ Tournaments

MLG would like to announce that all online 2K and 5K Call of Duty: Ghosts Tournaments, run by MLG or UMG, will be moving to Xbox One as the default console.

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Eddie201013598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

They just moved from Xbox 360 to Xbox One. They got this from being huge sponsors and giving lots of cash to both Activision and MLG (Lots of cash).

Mind you, this is just for Call of Duty Which Microsoft has already bought timed exclusive content for.

MysticStrummer3598d ago

Yup they already had a contract with MS.

joab7773598d ago

Exactly. Its about money. If it were about gamers, it wouldnt be. I personally know 3 ppl who bought a ps4 convinced MLG would shift.

ZodTheRipper3598d ago

The funny thing is, nobody would care on which system these tournaments are on if these companies wouldn't make a big deal out of this. Marketing for amateurs.

USA0073598d ago

MLG can switch between xbox and PS whenever a new Call of Duty comes out. Though it hasn't been ps since black ops. It forces anyone interested in competitive Cod to own a xb1.

ShinMaster3598d ago

Xbox the default COD machine???

NO WAY! This news to me

FamilyGuy3598d ago

Xbox was already the "default", they're just notifying gamers that they're moving from 360 to X1 only.

alexkoepp3598d ago Show
DLConspiracy3597d ago

You also go where cod servers have 100% dedicated server coverage. Matchmaking and p2p doesn't cut it anymore. Cod has 100% dedicated severs on XBL not hybrid servers. So it makes sense.


Rainstorm813597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )


“Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible.”

from the article you posted.

DLConspiracy3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )


Yep, this is the OFFICIAL STATEMENT too. Directly from the article I posted.

"Here’s the official statement:

Just a reminder that we are using a hybrid system for Ghosts online play to deliver the best possible connection. So sometimes you might be on listen-servers and sometimes you might be on dedicated servers, depending on which offers the better connection. We’re making tweaks every day to improve the experience across all platforms, more updates to come. And yes, with today’s launch of Xbox One, there will be dedicated server support."

They are saying it that way because they don't want people to feel disadvantaged. It's true though. There is FULL dedicated servers for the Xbox One version of the game. It's NOT hybrid on Xbox One.

EDIT: They all have Dedicated servers, but only one platform has 100% dedicated servers. The rest use Dedicated with mostly Listen servers that use Peer 2 Peer matchmaking and use your CONSOLE as the server to run games. FULL dedicated versus HYBRID.

If you want to know what the difference is. Read this link. It breaks it down.


Eddie201013597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

PS3 and PS4 has always had dedicated servers. Xbox 360 did not. The reason COD games are on Xbox is because of contracts not anything else.

MLG are probably using their own servers for their tournaments. or servers that are specific to their use.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3597d ago
3598d ago Replies(2)
Raziel8933598d ago

@alex lol good joke. We all know the real reasons why, and the controller is no where near the top of that list. Most skilled players can adjust to any controller. Heck I could probably outplay alot of people with the N64 pad.

frostypants3597d ago

Wait, people still play CoD competitively? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3597d ago
60FramesPerSecond3598d ago ShowReplies(8)
fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Yeah, after all, what professional gamer, that relies on pixel perfect, frame accurate precision, cares about having less resolution and/or framerate?

supersonicjerry3598d ago

resolution doesn't matter that much when it comes to playing competitive you won't be like "oh my god look at the trees." framerate on the other hand matters and cod has a more stable framerate compared to ps4 from my experience playing both. also cod online on xbox live is a lot better than PSN

fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Resolution does matter when you are sniping someone from clear across the map, and their head is only made up of a few pixels.

Also, care to explain how it's better on Live over PSN? Both offer dedicated servers, party systems, cross game chat (that works better on Ps4), etc... so what's the advantage?

JBSleek3598d ago

So you play all your games at 1440p on PC I'd assume?

Funantic13598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

What pro gamer relies on the best ONLINE play with dedicated servers? I assure you that X1 COD players have no problems at all seeing your face across a map and sending you a headshot. You must think we're not playing in HD or something. The X1 has better frame rates for fast gameplay. And when you're playing twitch shooters like COD you don't have time to count unnoticeable pixels. We played just fine on the 360 and PS3, so the X1 version will be more than enough.

fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

I don't have a 1440p PC monitor, so that would be pointless. My PC is also often busy encoding video, as that's what I do for a living. but I do play the vast majority of my console games at 1080p native.

Also, PS4 has dedicated servers. So does PS3. Quit parroting bullet points without knowing what you're talking about. The proof that dedicated servers have been used since the PS3 days is in the fact that many older PS3 games (much like many older 360 games) can no longer be played online due to their dedicated servers being shut down (SOCOM, MAG, GT5, certain EA games, etc.).

JBSleek3598d ago

If you use your computer for productivity I think your setup would greatly improve with 1440p by the way. But at this moment save up for an affordable 4K monitor.

I use my PC for coding and financial programs and the added real estate really helps.

supersonicjerry3598d ago

nobody has a problem sniping someone across the map not once i have heard someone say i couldn't hit/see because resolution. party chat on ps4 is a lot quicker but the quality on the xbox party chat is a lot better and psn doesn't have dedicated servers for cod and if they do then its trash compared to xbox one i notice a huge difference between the two online. also PS3 cod online feels just like ps4 cod online.

urwifeminder3598d ago

Was just thinking server stability early content released , plus they are familiar with the service not to mention the controller , imagine how many gamers would accidently hit the PS4 whinge button during a tournament.

Kayant3598d ago


MLG is mainly LAN based and all platforms use the same hyrid servers for COD:G. So no.

tokugawa3598d ago Show
BG115793598d ago

Can we actually say it's competition when all players are using auto-targeting options?

Calling it competition, is actually quite ridiculous.

fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )


The obligatory comment that attacks the poster but not their argument, since the commenter has no ground to stand on when debating the topic.

jnemesh3598d ago

Yup, those headshots are pretty hard to pull off when your console suddenly drops it's framerate into the mid-teens! Sounds to me like the "pro" gaming circuit just lost what little credibility they had!

Kribwalker3598d ago

For someone who apparently hates COD you sure sound butthurt by this decision Frosty. It's cool tho, you make it sound like X1 looks like minecraft when you are sniping, which I can assure you it's not

Volkama3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

The servers thing is interesting. Before COD released MS and Activision were very clear in their message that it was using Live for dedicated servers. Then Activision tried to appease ps4 and PC gamers by saying they got "hybrid dedicated" (which was blatantly not dedicated, as a player hosted the game..).

Then it came out and all attention went towards resolution and the fact that the game was rubbish. Since then people have said all versions use the P2P networking, but I have never seen anything remotely official to confirm that. I have also never played the One version, so all I can confirm is that the PC version sucks...

If it actually does use azure for the xbox version then it is clearly the console COD fans should buy it on. Nobody in their right mind would choose resolution over latency.

fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Azure servers wouldn't be "dedicated servers", as they process a wide range of things that aren't even gaming related... therefore they're not solely dedicated to gaming. Live does likely have its own dedicated servers for certain games, however so do other services. Dedicated servers are not exclusive to Live by any means. Even PC games use them.

I think there's a reason why we haven't heard much of that dedicated server talk since COD released...

As mentioned before, it wouldn't matter anyway since MLG uses LAN.

Volkama3598d ago

Oh and as for competitive gamers needing to see more pixels? That's just funny.

I remember playing quake 3, where everyone in the competitive scene very deliberately modified their graphics settings to be way below the minimum available. Console commands to remove all textures, shaders, and lighting. Why? Because less detail made it easier to see the important things; targets.

Do you think on the xbox version of COD the players have smaller heads because the game runs with a lower pixel count or something?

At the end if the day this announcement has nothin to do with online play or graphics or quality, it is purely about sponsorship. But that doesn't mean you need to go round sticking PS4 bumper stickers all over the comments section.

Volkama3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Azure servers cannot be dedicated because of the other services Microsoft offer? You understand the concept of virtual servers, yes? If not you prooobably shouldn't comment on cloud articles quite as much as you do...

Dedicated servers are certainly not new or exclusive to MS. Azure enables devs to provide dedicated servers with good locality, without needing to plan and invest to meet estimated demand. It makes it cost effectivee and practical for devs big or small to provide good servers. That's what is new, and that is a genuine advantage for MS.

Hopefully it will prompt Sony to invest in similar, either building their own infrastructure or more likely working with another provider (or possibly even Azure, I suspect MS would happily deal with Sony).

USA0073598d ago

First off, ghosts doesn't have dedicated servers on xb1. It's the same match finding system that all platforms use.

Resolution doesn't matter. Up until MLG Anaheim the comp platform was the 360. Ghost maps are to small for only seeing one pixel of someone to be possible.

Framerate is a solid 60fps at all times in comp. Maps are only Octane, Freight, Strikezone and Sovereign and they don't cause drops. Things like C4 and other explosives that could possibly cause performance issues are also banned. You get 60fps no matter the console.

The xbl vs PSN thing is also biased. Usually it's because someone doesn't realize the nat type is moderate on one of the devices. MLG isn't just LAN though, so your internet does matter.

XB1 got this because of sponsorship. Advanced warfare could very well switch to ps4 if sony wanted. But in the end the console doesn't really make a difference

Gamer6663598d ago

Any real MLG gamer will tell you that resolution is secondary to online service latency, capacity, and removal of host advantage.

fr0sty3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Neither of which has Xbox One proven to be better at than PC or PS4... esp. with COD. As the poster above mentioned, this was a sponsorship thing. $$$

JasonKCK3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

Lots of confusion here about LAN and online 2k/5k.

Not really the same thing. The goal is the same but the methods are different.

DLConspiracy3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )


There are some things you have said that are not true. In fact PS users are using hybrid servers to play matches. That means some dedicated and mostly p2p servers aka listen servers. In fact COD is only using full dedicated on Xbox One servers because Xbox One offers them up for free. So you will only find full dedicated server support on XBL. That's very important in MLG games as people are all over the world who play.

This is the official statement from COD:

"Just a reminder that we are using a hybrid system for Ghosts online play to deliver the best possible connection. So sometimes you might be on listen-servers and sometimes you might be on dedicated servers, depending on which offers the better connection. We’re making tweaks every day to improve the experience across all platforms, more updates to come. And yes, with today’s launch of Xbox One, there will be dedicated server support."


This isn't about fanboying or anything else. As even PC gamers have been upset about using p2p hosted listen servers too. There is no reason to pass around miss information around. Here are the facts.

Michiel19893597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

LOL frosty, you have no clue what an actual dedicated server is do you?

You give as an argument that its a dedicated server if the service goes offline when publisher closes servers. WRONG!

There are so many non dedicated server games and the online service consists of the matchmaking servers (connecting to eachother not hosting an actual game) and running the online service itself (people being able to log in to their servers). The game itself will then be hosted by the players. If publishers stop their support for the game they pull out mming and online service.

Dedicated server means that when you play the game, the game is not hosted by one of the players. This has no effect on the online service itself which always has to be hosted by developer/publisher.

That by no way is an indication of it being dedicated servers.

Funny you call out people for being clueless while you spread the most random bullcrap on the interwebs.

If you actually thought players host the servers to log into a game online without dedicated servers you should hit 'I'm feeling lucky' after typing in dedicated servers at google.com

and FYI CoD 4 had NO dedicated servers on ps3, why would u think there would be a message online sometimes: switching host or whatever it was when the host dcd

fr0sty3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )

I am aware that a dedicated server hosts the match, and there are literally dozens of PS3 games that fit that profile... PS4 games as well. It is nothing MS exclusive by any means. There was never host migration in MAG, Resistance, Warhawk (it used a combo of both, you could choose dedicated or p2p at will), etc.

Also, the above COD quote simply implies dedicated server SUPPORT for Xbox One, it says nothing about Xbox One only using dedicated servers. In fact, the following quote you neglected to posts clarifies...

“Dedicated servers will be used on current gen, next gen (Not just PS4) and PC with Ghosts. And, in order to make sure that people have the best possible experience regardless of platform, location or connection, Ghosts will be using a hybrid system of dedicated servers and listen servers. So no matter where you are the game will always be trying to give you the best online performance possible.”

Even on XO, your connection decides if you get a dedicated server or not.

DLConspiracy3597d ago (Edited 3597d ago )


That is your assumption by the wording. Here is another article from destructoid.

"Jumping into an actual game was straightforward, considering that dedicated servers are now standard practice (although the PS4 runs on a hybrid mix of P2P and dedicated, whereas the Xbox One is entirely dedicated)"


The reason its "entirely dedicated" is because MS has enough servers to achieve it. They forked up their servers to achieve this. Hence bringing it back to my point which is that this is a huge determining factor in their decision with MLG. Think about it hosting vs dedicated. Dedicated is always going to be the more trusted route.

AnotherGamersOpinion3594d ago

if they cared that much they would be playing on pc

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3594d ago
akaFullMetal3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

They had a good relationship last gen, I guess it isn't too much of a suprise that they would work together again. But I do wonder why they didn't go with PS4 this time, since it is the more powerful of the two and have similar online experinces.

Artista 3598d ago ShowReplies(2)
MorePowerOfGreen3598d ago (Edited 3598d ago )

Makes sense due to XBL being a more solid online gaming service. Your opinion on the power of the two consoles makes little difference when XB1 is powered by advanced system software and dedicated cloud compute servers. Probably partners again based on the past relationship and knowing where MSFT will take XB1 through software innovation and their server network.

More shaders in a GPU means nothing in a MLG context, a stronger CPU with DX12 and cloud would provide a superior experience, managing massive amount of things/players on screen without flaw is better for online. You already see the evolutionary difference in game design on XB1 vs PS4(XB1 starting to have high fidelity open world games with co-op)

Kayant3598d ago

And you do know that means jack shit because the main line tournaments are done on LAN.

"More shaders in a GPU means nothing in a MLG context, a stronger CPU with DX12 and cloud would provide a superior experience, managing massive amount of things/players on screen without flaw is better for online. You already see the evolutionary difference in game design on XB1 vs PS4(XB1 starting to have high fidelity open world games with co-op)" - Also http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photo...

sic_chops3598d ago

They use a LAN connection. do you know what that is? I don't think it has anything to do with Xbox live.

MysticStrummer3598d ago

Makes sense due to the existing contract with MS.

USA0073598d ago

I hate to be supporting mpog, but 2ks and 5ks are ONLINE tournaments, not LAN. Most of MLG is online. Only about 6 LAN events a year.

I disagree that xbl is somehow better at matches than PSN. It mostly comes down to how your personal network is set up since ghosts doesn't use dedicated servers on any platform. Black Ops 1 was played on ps3, I had no complaints

And the whole one console will perform better than the other really doesn't matter. Comp play doesn't stress framerate like normal online matches(I can go into reasons if you like). And since games are played on a 22-24" screen resolution doesn't matter either. Most comp players could care less what console they played on, as long as the tournaments keep going.

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Half_Minute_Hero3598d ago

If power is the only thing that matters, why don't they all just game on top end PCs then?

BX813598d ago

I find that Xbox has easier interface to use plus making a jump from the 360 controller to the xb1 controller is as big as going to the dualshock. If they had a good relationship before I would guess a return would be in order.

scotmacb3598d ago

X1 pads have 40% less delay than x360 pads and if you stick a charge cable in it becomes wired and xlive has so much better chat cd quality psn chat is awful

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3598d ago
Majin-vegeta3598d ago

Cuz they wouldn't be able to hit anything without aim assist.COD is a game that relies heavily on aim assist.Take it away from these guys and they will look like chumps.

BG115793598d ago

Exactly, they call it competition but all players are aided by these kind of options...
Really ridiculous!!!

Half_Minute_Hero3598d ago

Meanwhile you look like a chump every single time you post something.

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thorstein11h ago

Don't worry, AI will save us all.

And if you didn't know, that's sarcasm!

Goodguy0110h ago

Idk. Great games have still been releasing. Mcsft is still no different than after the 360 era. PS, you just have to wait many years for. Nintendo is readying next gen and will definitely have many games. 3rd party and indies have been the highlight so far this year.

LucasRuinedChildhood7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Yeah but the games coming out have been in development for many years so they're not affected by this issue.

This is more about the future.

I would say that indies will continue to put out interesting games at least. They need to avoid buyouts though or they're in danger of ending up like Roll7.

Part of the issue is that CEOs created projections based on the Covid years. Now that the line/Growth™ isn't going up, they're overcorrecting for stakeholders despite good profits. There's a certain mindlessness to it.

Hopefully with inflation down and more realistic projections, things will level out.

shinoff21837h ago

The bad thing is these ceos should now those numbers are bad faith and should know better then to use those numbers.

jwillj2k46h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Yea ok.. Microsoft is no different than the 360 era eh… what in tarnation have u been smoking to not only come to that conclusion but to consciously post it publicly.

isarai5h ago

Not really, what's happening is the sh!tty AAA industry is finally collapsing and things will revert back to mid-tier being the dominant tier like back in the day.