
Final Fantasy 15 Seems To Be In Development Hell, Kingdom Hearts 3 Intro Detailed

Last week, when Square Enix published their E3 trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.5, they added a little teaser for Kingdom Hearts III. We knew that already.

Cyb3r3750d ago

Hasnt this game been in develpment hell for nearly a decade

iamtehpwn3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

What Square Enix doesn't understand is, It'd be easier for us to wait a little longer or "please, Please be excited" if they at very, very least just released a hand full of screenshots every few weeks to keep us going.

Irishguy953750d ago

Yeah its been so long, literally a screenshot a week with a trailer or gameplay vid or progression vid(like Bungie did) every few weeks -> Months(vids). They just pretend it doesn't exist for us. They have no clue. They are waiting until Ps4/X1 have more sales instead of being the reason to buy the console way back when. Shows how much has changed since Square Soft days

UltimateMaster3750d ago

At least we should expect Type-0 coming soon.
By "coming soon" in Square-Enix terms, I do mean before E3 2016.

colonel1793750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

It's not in development hell. Even the higher ups of Square Enix have said that they are waiting to the install base to be higher before they show it. They are being greedy, and they are in a position that they should be begging us (the consumers), not us to them.

The guy that runs the Final Fantasy brand (forgot his name) should get fired ASAP. He is going to run the brand to the ground. He already made so much damage with FFXIII, people are pissed that Type-0 wasn't announced for the Vita.

It's like they take avery plea from fans, and their job is to do the exact OPPOSITE!

UltimateMaster3750d ago

Type-0 on Vita.
Can't wait eternally, just release it already.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3750d ago

I get that type zero isn't on vita and that sucks(hey I own a oled vita) BUT, we do have remote play.

CertifiedGamer3750d ago

They are waiting for install base to get higher than make fans wait another year for the game yet again. This is the reason games need a deadline, sometimes games get rushed and end up like shit, other times games take decades to come out and are still shit. Duke nukes forever style but square enix used to be a company that released good games, I don't know what company it is anymore because it isn't the same.

Gamer19823750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Indeed what else is new?? SE Japan seem to have issues with modern game design. Back in the PS1 days they were pumping out a new game each year and all big hits PS2 era pretty much the same but soon as PS3/360 era they slowed riight down and seems like they are just not getting any better.. Modern games I get take more design and work but thats why other companies have increased staffing to cope with that. SE either hasn't got the staff or havn't got the experience.. Maybe they should also spend less times on tech demos and also scrapping a 5 year in the making FF game (versus) didn't help..

You can tell they were having issues when they made ff13-2 and ff13-3 on the exact same engine with only a tweaked battle with the same world/characters etc.. To get those games out quicker.. Still took longer than an assasins creed which at least gets a new place to visit and new characters..

EXVirtual3750d ago

It's not in development hell though.Kitase's work is done. If they don't show up at TGS, then we can be worried.

Magicite3750d ago

Im pretty sure it has been put to a halt, no way they have been developing it since reveal or before.

elninels3749d ago

With what evidence are you "pretty sure it has been put to a halt"?
This is porbably their most in demand property right now. As a firm, would you halt its production?

And how are you sure there is "no way they have been developing it since reveal or before."?
Go on youtube and look up final fantasy versus xiii. It is the same game as FFXV, they didn't scrap what was done with it. They reworked it for this generation of consoles. So yes they'd been working on it; possibly since kingdom hearts 2 was finished in 2006.

As has been stated above square wants this to sell big so they are waiting on the install base to rise. I believe the number they wanted to sell was 20mil or some crazy some such.

So it may be a long time before we play the game. But it hasnt disappeared.

Sly-Lupin3750d ago

No, no. There are so many different versions of the game it can be confusing, but FFXV has only been in development for 2 years.

First there was the PS3 game. It was essentially finished, but SE decided to toss it asidenin favornofna new game, which was a musical. (Right after the Les Miserables movie came out). The musical game was in development for two years, then they decided to start development over from scratch again for a PS4.

See: its not development hell--its just SE doing what SE does best: not giving a fuck.

DragonKnight3750d ago

Ummm no.

Final Fantasy XV was never, at one point, a game that was tossed aside for a music game. Versus XIII was announced as part of a trilogy known as Fabula Nova Crystallis which was to include ONE Final Fantasy XIII game, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.

Square Enix decided to phone in Final Fantasy XIII, but it sold well due to expectations so they decided to go with a sequel to the game and pulled resources from Versus XIII to work on that and Final Fantasy XIV's Mulligan. Then, because they purposely designed Final Fantasy XIII-2 to have a cliffhanger ending they knew people would want resolved, they decided to bust out Lightning Returns and once again pulled resources from other projects to make sure that that got out.

Around that time Square-Enix decided that they'd be greedy. They knew they had a deal to have Versus XIII be a PS3 exclusive, so they skirted that by changing it to Final Fantasy XV, scrapping any direct association with with the XIII trilogy, and making it a multiplat, next gen title.

All of this happened over the span of 8 years.

We've been waiting for this game for 8 years, have barely been shown anything, and we were rewarded with the absolutely atrocious FFXIII trilogy, and the "ok until you realize it's just an MMO" Final Fantasy XIV.

This game is most definitely in development hell. Square-Enix are morons, and if they weren't morons then they'd know that people are either losing, or have already lost, any excitement for this game.

elninels3749d ago

Sly-lupin, dragonknight

What are you guys even saying? It seems you don't understand how firms work.

It also seems that you believe no one is excited for final fantasy XV. Don't mistake one's own feelings for that of everyone's feelings.

Sly-Lupin3749d ago

I was joking. Well, half joking. Guess it was more subtle than I thought.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3749d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Development hell what!? /s

But the best of luck to everybody @Square Enix!

I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3!

DarkLord10033750d ago

Almost first comment... you need to focus.. you're losing the battle...

Ripsta7th3750d ago

Haha yeah most likely, and by that time we will have FF13-8

blackbeld3750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Hahaha.. I can imagine that it will released on PS5.

Its been now a decade and still no FF15.

filipakos3750d ago

By the time it comes out it wont be called ff15 i guess :P

Software_Lover3750d ago

Games are getting too complicated.

BattleN3750d ago

They could've made so much money had they just kept going turn based rpg! Dont understand there logic, great grafix terrible gameplay! :(

colonel1793750d ago

I disagree on that one! It has and improved Kingdom Hearts gameplay. Of course it's going to be great!

Godmars2903750d ago

If they had further developed narrative story and character development rather than pretentious styled nostalgia they could have had more than they do, which is a shrinking fanbase.

But because the first instance requires more effort, is a gamble rather than a certainty, they are what they are.

Which if sad at this point.

Godmars2903750d ago

To make.

That is the irony: Square is trying to go ultra detailed on graphics while making gameplay "accessible to a wide audience" meaning its so simple fans have to interject complexity into it.

Adrian_v013750d ago

Because the turn based FFs were so difficult.

DragonKnight3750d ago

@Adrian_v01: They could be. What they lacked in "action based complexity" they made up for in strategic complexity.

Adrian_v013750d ago


It wasn't really strategic. They might as well have inserted an auto button into the old ffs, cause pressing x is enough. The only strategy you needed was in boss battles.

I didn't like ff13's battle system, but objectively it was more difficult and had a better sense of strategy than the old turn based systems.

Spotie3750d ago

Honestly, not a whole lot of complexity in the old games, and those were my favorites. Hell, XIII had far more strategy involved in the average battle then anything without the name "Tactics" attached, but that game was labeled as "press X to win." Ironically, that's something I can do regularly in all the classics.

When are we gonna be fair about the depiction of Square-Enix's games? I mean, I admit they've made a TON of stupid mistakes. But no reason to misrepresent titles because you didn't like them.

Godmars2903750d ago

How do you "misrepresent something you don't like" when you don't like them for the very reason's you're supposedly misrepresenting?

The older games required plenty of tactics. Needing to use certain spells at certain times. Manipulating an enemies actions so that they hurt themselves instead of you party. The position of your party and their equipment.

Where Square really started to mess up was with the staged battles where you were expected to lose to advance the story. Getting to a certain point in a boss battle where the bosses gave "A Taste of My True Power!" just became a point where you beat them by all counts and they walked away as if bored.

That mess started with the Turks in FF7 too.

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modesign3750d ago

lol ps4/xbone is actually easier to develope for than the predecessors. so your full of turds software lover

hello123750d ago (Edited 3750d ago )

Microsoft to the rescue don't bet against it. Sony dumping its shares in this company could spur Microsoft into action. I hope they do, its a great game, be awesome on xb1.

Eonjay3750d ago

I don't understand your comment.

Majin-vegeta3750d ago

God this never gets old.

Lol you act like SE in major trouble.

Nodoze3750d ago

Microsoft can have them! They are now almost totally irrelevant. Wada destroyed this company.

kingdom183750d ago

Now why would MS waste that much money? JRPGs don't sell well on their consoles.

SpideySpeakz3750d ago

Stealth Troll.

Nice try at stirring the pot.

hello123750d ago

Why troll? Titanfall, for example almost never got made, only for Microsoft to step in and fund the development of the game.

You might not like it, but its better, to have it made, than it remain in limbo.,

filipakos3750d ago

and sony saved demons's souls,a project that was almost cancelled.Look where it is now,one the greatest rpgs in my opinion.Also i think EA saved titanfall not microsoft

Xsilver3750d ago

Well given that Sony Saved Square Enix in the Past

“The presidents of both companies had negotiation and resulted as everyone knew. We did not have argument. Since Sony once helped us, it was time we helped Sony back.”

i don't see Square turning on Sony :/

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3750d ago

Lmao no one is buying JRPG'S on a Xbox, that's just not gonna happen.

OT: Seems like that hold company is in "hell".

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Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When it comes to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, fans have had a variety of ways to play it throughout its incredibly long length. They could have followed it from 2002’s original release and subsequent questionably canon releases on handheld devices only to return to the core game again with Kingdom Hearts II to find out that yes, they were canon. Then in that wait until the third game the mixture of titles along the way and other numerous platforms would make following Kingdom Hearts‘ story a challenge even for the most eager fan. Square Enix made up for this prior to Kingdom Hearts III’s release by bringing together an HD pack collecting the game’s together in an easier to digest package for fans and releasing them on consoles only for PC fans to be left in the dark. That is of course until all of the games arrived on PC, but not in a way that many had hoped. See, PC users can be a fickle bunch and when the Kingdom Hearts collection arrived on PC exclusively through Epic Games, it may as well not exist. Now, three years after the fact, these same PC players can now enjoy the exact same games on Steam with a bit of extra support including Steam Deck compatibility with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece. The question is, do all of these games still hold up on their Steam PC ports?"

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Inverno83d ago

Far from a 9, Square have left these games a janky mess since their epic release. Even now they have not said anything about fixing some of the problems that many steam reviews mention. You gotta download the re:fined mod to fix what square refuses to do.