
Dark Souls II to Get Three DLC Episodes

Sneakily added to From's Youtube Channel, it appears that Dark Souls II will be getting three DLC episodes to add-on more content to the acclaimed game. The title of the episodes will be Crowns of the Sunken King. They can be expected on the PS3, PC and Xbox 360 versions of the game.

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LAWSON723631d ago

Hopefully they each deliver

BlackTar1873631d ago

They have yet to not deliver on anything last gen.

Also DLC for Dark Souls 1 was fricking AMAZING

I know it's a different team(Or i think) but i have zero worries about DLC delivery.

BiggCMan3631d ago

I'll just copy the comment I made on the official Youtube trailer.

"F****** sell outs. I hope Project Beast turns out to be the new Demon's Souls game, cuz that looks to destroy Dark Souls 2. Also Deep Down looks so amazing. Dark Souls 2 was a big disappointment to a lot of dedicated fans.

It's still a really good game compared to other games. But compared to Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, it's nowhere near that level of masterpiece. And before anyone mentioned the Artorias DLC, that s*** had a purpose.

People CARED about the lore and story in Dark Souls, and the DLC was perfect. Nobody has interest in the garbage lore of Dark Souls 2, because a lot of it doesn't make any sense."

What do people here think?

darren_poolies3631d ago

Wow talk about overreacting.

"Nobody has interest in the garbage lore of Dakr Souls 2"

Erm speak for yourself. I and a lot of other players love the lore. Stop speaking for everyone when you don't have a clue.

pecorre3631d ago

I really liked Demon's Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2. I don't know how you can look forward Deep Down (F2P (most probably p2w) garbage made by the greedy Capcom) and say Dark Souls 2 was bad.

BiggCMan3631d ago

Ok clearly I said Dark Souls 2 was a good game. Compare to any other games and it's still amazing. Compare to the previous 2 games, and it's nowhere near as good or memorable. Many of the DEDICATED fanbase feels this way, the newer players don't know the difference.

Swiggins3631d ago

As a longstanding member of both the Bamco and Fextralife wiki forums, I can say that BiggCMan is partially right...but he's over-reacting big time.

While DS2 was not as well received as DS1 or DeS, it was still very well liked and many people have warmed up to it in time (though this latest patch has ruffled a lot of feathers). You could attribute this more to sequelitis more so than a significant drop in quality.

To say that all the DEDICATED Dark Souls fans didn't like it is laughable.

pecorre3631d ago

I have all three platinum so I think I am dedicated, I played demons souls when it was released, and I still like dark souls2... What is wrong with me?

Palitera3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

I'm also a fan and, to me, it is better then Dark Souls, but maybe no game will ever even touch Demon's Souls feet.

The only three things that I didn't like about Dark Souls 2 was the lack of memorable bosses (specially when compared to the previous games), the horrendous storytelling (I, as many others, couldn't even figure the story after the second playthrough) and the frame rate.

Everything else I see on the same very high level. Gameplay, progression, animations, move set, equipments, balance, diversity, difficulty etc.

I'm on for more.


PS: Deep Down? Really? It's a F2P by Capcom, there's no worse combination. Mark these words.

PurpHerbison3631d ago

Animations and move sets have taken a plunge from the last Dark Souls.

shammgod3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

I can agree with some of your points.

DSII was lacking. Most notably to me was the level design. Towards the end it was just uninspired filler. New area...walk up steps...boss, new area...walk up steps...boss. No depth to any of the last 7-10 areas.

Lore also lacked, but truthfully, i started rushing towards the end just to finish the game and buy a ps4, so i didnt pay as much attention

Kivespussi3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

I agree somewhat. Remember the feeling when you were in Anor Londo for the first time? And what kind of a hellish journey it was from the beginning all the way to Ornstein and Smough? And the dick twins too! It was more of a journey, not a tour. Most notably because the distances between bonfires were larger and there was no warping between them until after anor londo.

But the lore? Oh boy, you are wrong about the lore. There is a great lore in Dark Souls 2. It's more hidden than in Dark Souls but it's there. And it's great. In my opinion better than dark Souls' lore at some points. Not as whole but at some points.

ThanatosDMC3631d ago

The funny thing is didnt they say Dark Souls 2 is the complete package and wont be getting DLCs or expansions?

Kivespussi3631d ago

They said so at first but a week or two later stated that it's all up to fans. If fans want DLC, From delivers DLC. And that's what fans seem to want (me including) so they did what they said they would

PurpHerbison3631d ago

Fans definitely wanted the DkS1 DLC but I haven't seen one person beg for DkS2 DLC yet.

ThanatosDMC3631d ago

What I dont want to happen is for Souls series to be milked and become dull and become casualized... like Bonfires being really close to each other. Hmmm... too late.

Palitera3630d ago

They never said they wouldn't do DLC in Dark Souls 2.

It is a complete package, nonetheless.

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Kivespussi3631d ago


How are they sell outs?

How was Dark Souls 2 a "big disappointment"?

What has deep down to do with this?

Dark Souls 2's lore is great, in my opinion at some parts better than Dark Souls'. It's not as easy to understand but when you truly start looking for it it gets pretty clear what is happening.

SolidDuck3631d ago

I think your way off base. DS2 was great. It took the best parts of demons that wasn't in the 1st dark souls, and put it in DS2. Like a hub, dedicated servers, and individual co op healing to name a few. The souls series has always been about gameplay and not the lore or story. From software knows this, that's why there's very minimal dialog and cutscenes. I'm not saying the lore is bad, it's just minimal. It's all about the gameplay. If u don't want more DS2 then don't buy it. Don't complain just to complain. I loved DS2, and now there making more of it, sounds great to me.

CrashJones3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

Ya, I'm waiting to see how it all ties together before I would think along those lines.

Once Dark Souls 2 and the 3 DLC's are together to form one game...

It may just be something that is remembered. Even revered the way the original(s) is.

Maybe even more so once it's all and and done.

I know one thing for sure, I'll be playing as long as my health permits. :)

Evilsnuggle3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

I loved Demon's Soul's it's one of my two favorite games of last gen +TLOU. I didn't love dark souls it had broken gameplay mechanics aka back stab and horrible frame rate and I didn't like the story or the lore. I'm praying that project beast is a direct sequel to Demon's soul's . I love Demon's Soul's so much I platinum it took me months to platinum it incredibly .


Who would disagree with your comment you fanboys are so weak and butt hurt so lame. twdll I'm looking forward to both Deep Down and Project Beast also.

Didn't say dark souls 2 was bad just not as good as Demon's Soul's which is true.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

The lore in Dark Souls 1 and 2 are connected. Just because you can't connect the dots it doesn't mean it isn't there. They aren't sell outs either They're giving 3 sizable dlc drops starting 5 months after the games launch, nothing wrong with that.

EDIT: for those of you claiming it's the weakest entry in the series, the metacritic speaks for itself. Instead of calling everyone else butthurt, try not being elitist assholes. No one cares if you were one of the first to play the game or not.

PurpHerbison3631d ago

I strongly believe it is the weakest and metacritic isn't going to get your point across.
That doesn't mean I think it is downright terrible either. I personally don't agree with the new engine and some shortcuts that were taken.

Hellsvacancy3631d ago

You had my attention until you mentioned metacritic

BlackTar1873631d ago

i'm not a newer player and i disagree with you on almost everything.

The thing i do agree is Dark Souls 2 is the worst but coming in last in this series is still amamzing and the game is still amazing.

They needed more upgrade levels and to be a bit harder and cheap. Other then that game is also a materpiece

SolidDuck3631d ago

Don't say dedicated fan base like your part of some special group. I imported demons to the u.s before there was ever even a plan to bring it over to the states. I've put over a thousand hours into demons and dark, and am well on my way in ds2. I just don't get online and tell everyone to look at me I'm a true dedicated souls player and act like a douche. Everyone has the own opinions for me the first dark souls was the weak link of the 3. I could go into why but no one wants to listen to that.

PurpHerbison3630d ago

" I just don't get online and tell everyone to look at me I'm a true dedicated souls player"

Yet... you still sort of did exactly that.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3630d ago
ziggurcat3631d ago

maybe i'll get the DLC this time. didn't get the first dark souls DLC, but that was mostly because there was no trophy support... and it was $15.

twdll3631d ago

I'm looking forward to it. Also looking forward to Deep Down, and Project Beast.

Summons753631d ago

=/ I miss the days when From put out COMPLETE games that didn't require DLC. Dark Souls 2 is a full game by itself, it doesn't need DLC...

Hopefully if Project Beast is really Demon's Souls 2 and the old director will give a truly complete experience that Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were.

LAWSON723631d ago

Dark Souls 2 does not require DLC.

Summons753631d ago

And yet they are forcing it down our throats...

Swiggins3631d ago (Edited 3631d ago )

Nobody is forcing anything on you...it's not as if you NEED to get the DLC to continue playing, it's an option for people who want to explore the game some more.

DLC isn't required on ANY game, it's a nice little bonus you can buy if you want to extend your playtime a bit.

Dark Souls 1 was a totally put together experience that didn't "require" DLC, but we got Artorias of the Abyss anyway, and it was great.

BlackTar1873631d ago

How exactly are they forcing it down our throats?

I hate to break it to you but Demon Souls 2 will have DLC.

being a bit over reactive.

LAWSON723631d ago

Is From holding you, a friend, or family member hostage and if you do not buy you/them will die? This DLC is not required to enjoy DkS2 so I really dont see what you are getting at

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anast77d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols77d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing6977d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer77d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville77d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


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Father__Merrin81d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing164d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha164d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan164d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha164d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls