
Ubisoft Confirms Far Cry 4 Character Is Gay

From the very second the cover images and art were revealed for Far Cry 4 they have been the subject of second guessing and controversy. Between the Tibetan prayer flags, the apparent subjugation of another human being and the overwhelming amount of stereotypical images pertaining to effeminate, gay men, where do we begin?

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Majin-vegeta3640d ago

SH*tstorm is about to hit the ceiling.

UltimateMaster3639d ago

It's easy to tell.
They all wear purple clothes to match their purple purses. /s

Just kidding.

AliTheSnake13639d ago

This should be funny and interesting. A gay Anti-hero ?
The thing is, what you described as "stereotypical" is actually true. I have met a lot of gay men and women from a gay friend, most of them fit the stereotype perfectly.

And this picture just made my day.

As long as they don't shove the sexual gay shit down our throats, this game should be interesting .

Yi-Long3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

So what if he's gay!? Why would the sexuality of a fictional character be such a big deal to so many people!?

You've got heartless killers and murderers and drug-dealers etc etc in games, but it's somehow a big controversy if there's a guy who's attracted to other guys!?

Grow up.

Everyone always says this industry needs to 'mature', yet every time a game strays a bit from the mainstream when it comes to sex/sexuality, there's a huge uproar amongst the community, because they're too immature to handle it...

The uproar SHOULD be about the ridiculous 30$ season-pass! THAT'S the reason why I won't buy this game!

wwarren193639d ago

its terrible that i laughed at that.

FunAndGun3639d ago


obviously stereotypes originate from common occurrences, but to say most of them fit the stereotype is just not true. There are a lot of gay individuals that do not fit the stereotype. One of the reasons a lot of gay men stay in the closet is because they fear being labeled with the stereotype you are saying is mostly true.

There are plenty of masculine gay men in this world, I am sure you have met many without even knowing they are gay.

AceBlazer133639d ago

Oh wow he's gay. Guess what, I still don't care. Does this help better the plot or gameplay of the game in some meaningful way or is it to please the egos of some over entitled homos.

If these people are gonna bring their world problems into gaming maybe it's best they just gtfo.

Anthotis3639d ago

The build up to this game is gonna be a lot of fun. So much raging from tumblrinas and kotaku.

Eonjay3639d ago

From racist to gay. This is getting interesting. I would like to submit an idea for a gay racist.

Tetsujin3639d ago

I'm glad a lot of gaming companies are starting to at least go outside the comfort zone with characters and stories to actually make something different for a change.

legionsoup3639d ago

Gay. Straight. I don't care.

Why even bring it up unless it's integral to the story.

I hope it's not just a talking point to get people riled up about the game, and that it's something mature and interesting, and perhaps even something that would move video games in an interesting direction. Otherwise, it doesn't matter, and this kind of announcement is lame.

memots3639d ago

lol top of the page N4G confirmed

DragonKnight3639d ago

Alright, so now either the fact that the character is gay isn't going to matter at all because that fact won't really be exposed (unless it is by virtue of campy stereotypes), or there's going to be an obligatory gay romance scene.

To all the SJWs out there, does the latter sound like it's going to make the game awesome to you, or is it COMPLETELY irrelevant the way most everyone else except homophobes feels about it?

guitarded773639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

We still live in a society where ancient beliefs perpetuate old prejudiced. I think it's great that the game creators felt compelled enough to tell the story they want to tell, regardless of whether some will be butt hurt (no pun intended) or not.

Hopefully, 10 years from now, this will be an absolute non-story. But luckily, we are seeing a rapid advancement for gay rights in America, and until those rights are equal with the rest of the people here, these characters will be a sub-conscious stereotype destroyer.

The Canadians are far more accepting of gays, and the rights they offer. So I would expect them to have such a character. I just hope their influence is positive for their neighbors to the south. However, I do see this game being banned in some less Western countries.

MonstaTruk3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )


My thing is: why mention it? Should we get the sexual orientation of every main game character, now? Why do I need his sexual orientation forced into my games?

Another point: a lot of parents use video games as a "nanny" for their kids. Having a main character's sexual orientation as a focal point for this game is wrong & tasteless...

Yi-Long3639d ago

@Monsta: Why hide it? People were reacting to the cover-image, and the appearance of the guy, so Ubisoft explains who and what he is. If he's gay, he's gay. That's the character they've written.

Michael in GTA5 was always portrayed as a straight married guy with kids. Did you feel that was 'forced' in!? How about the hetero-sexual sex-scenes in God of War!? What about The Witcher 2 or Assassin's Creed 2!? Talk about forcing sexuality into games, THOSE games go out of their way to show how much of a macho hetero-sexual guy your main character is. So don't pretend Ubisoft having a gay guy as a villain is somehow doing something other games aren't doing, as in informing you a little bit about the sexual preferences of a character.

Oh, and parents who are using R-rated video games as a 'nanny' for their kids, is a pretty terrible excuse to hide behind. You don't have a problem with killing a whole island of people to survive and reach your objectives, but 'oh lordy, think of the kids when one of the characters is gay!!!" (!)

Again, I say: Grow up! Nothing wrong with homo-sexuality, and there's certainly nothing wrong with our media showing gay characters. If some homophobic parents can't handle that, then they should pick up some other games to 'babysit' their kids.

MonstaTruk3639d ago


"There's nothing wrong with homosexuality"...says who, you? I don't agree, and maybe that's why we have the opposing views that we have, I guess.

There's a lot of confusion/dispute on what's appropriate and not appropriate in the world, today. Just to be curious, what are a few things that you find to be "not appropriate". Don't worry, I'll wait...

AgentSmithPS43639d ago

"The Canadians are far more accepting of gays"
Of course, they don't want to freeze to death ;). It's very cold up there and they say it's best to share body heat with skin to skin contact, it might even work as an excuse if someone walks in on you. /s

Imagine the response if he takes you captive in the game and does stuff to you, lol.

Yi-Long3639d ago

@Monsta: In life, there are certain things that I have problems with. The usual stuff, like racism, illegal wars, corruption, rape, murder, etc etc.

In entertainment, there's very little, probably nothing, that I deem 'inappropriate', in a way that I would go out of my way to try and get it 'censored' or banned. It's fictional. It's 'entertainment'. And while there's content I personally wouldn't be interested in watching or playing, I don't have a problem with it being released and enjoyed by others.

For example, I haven't watched Ichi the Killer yet, simply because what I've heard and read about it, it seems like something that goes so far over the top (in terms of gore/violence) that I wouldn't enjoy it. I could very well be wrong, but having watched the trailers, I'm just not interested in it. However, I would never say it should be banned or forbidden or that they've gone too far or whatever.

-I- believe I wouldn't enjoy that movie, so -I- decide I won't watch it. That's my choice. Just like I avoid anything David Spade appears in.

So that's always a personal preference. If you believe you can't enjoy this game because it features a homosexual villain, because that somehow upsets you, then just don't play it.

Other people, like me, honestly don't care if a character in a game or TV-show or comic or movie or whatever, happens to be gay. It's not an issue for us.

But like I said, the reason why -I- won't get this game, is because of the Season Pass. I have never supported that DLC-greed, and I'll never will.

Dee_913638d ago

im guessing his sexuality plays a role in the story because other than that, there would be no need to make his sexuality known.

But eh it creates buzz.My word of advice for people ( that im 1000% sure will fall on deaf ears) Think before you type.

Gunstar753638d ago

"as long as they don't shove their sexual gay shit down our throats" ????

What is that supposed to mean?

FriedGoat3638d ago


I think he is referring to brown sausages.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3638d ago
ProjectVulcan3639d ago

It was probably only gonna be an 18+ in Russia anyway sooooo....

BiggCMan3639d ago

Am I the only one who thinks this is satire? I can't really tell, but I mean there is no sources or links to any confirmation of this. It's written as a blog with immature writing, I think it may be satire.

hellzsupernova3639d ago

Yeah I get that feeling too. Was not very professional, plus who really cares.
As long as they do not push some gay agenda, or free tibet or other political crap on us I'm all for it.

The last farcry was amazing I cannot wait

Mikelarry3639d ago

who really cares, does his sexual preference does it advance the story in any way interesting, i mean this is just silly as the dumbledore being gay announcement years after the harry potter series ended. i aint got nothing against he gays i am just trying to understand this angle ubisoft is trying to put out there

FunAndGun3639d ago

How many evil bad guys have been in video games? This one just so happens to be gay. Why is it that every time there is a gay anything everyone thinks there is an angle or agenda?

Mikelarry3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

because i believe ubisoft are doing this in regards to the backlash they got when the character was revealed

@ below i suggest you reread my comment. i dont care that the character is gay i am more concerned that ubisoft are doing this just to deflect the backlash, so before you start name calling atleast reread and understand my comment

also kratos sexuality does advance the story he was straight and lost his wife and kid

FunAndGun3639d ago

Does the sexual preference of Kratos banging hot chicks advance the story in any way?

Does the sexual preference of CJ and the hot coffee advance the story in any way?

Does any straight sex "scene" or sexual undertone in any video game advance the story in any way?

The dude is gay, who cares. You guys are such hypocrites when it comes to sexuality that you don't approve of when video games are full of sexual themes on a daily basis.

hellzsupernova3639d ago

That dumbledore thing was complete bullshit, such a media whore!

Dee_913638d ago

I'm pretty sure his sexuality has something to do with the story, otherwise they wouldn't have made a gay character.I don't see anything "silly" about it.

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lelo3639d ago

It would be better if there were lesbians instead of gays...

Dead_Cell3639d ago

Because that's the cool kind of gay, right chief?

lelo3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

I have nothing against gays and lesbians... but I just prefer seeing 2 girls rubbing themselves then 2 guys.

...But if you prefer seeing 2 guys, then respect and enjoy. Everyone have their preferences.

palaeomerus3639d ago

"Because that's the cool kind of gay, right chief?"

Whoa! Sick burn bra. Fist bump!

PFFT3639d ago

I agree it would be better to watch two girls rub each other rather than to dudes sword fighting..... *shivers*

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Dead_Cell3639d ago

If you think "gay" at all phallic symbolism then you may be gay.

SilentNegotiator3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

Well, these days it's either include a gay character in your game or get bullied by GLAAD, so they had no choice. /jk

Jughead34163639d ago

What's with the worldwide gay movement over the past few years?

Irishguy953639d ago

Typical occurrence of the human race. It's due to the vast majority of the population having low intelligence and being closed minded. There shouldn't need to be a gay movement and it never should have been a big deal. The human condition.

palaeomerus3639d ago

" It's due to the vast majority of the population having low intelligence and being closed minded."

Normal distributions don't work that way. Learn some basic math before you mouth off about 'low intelligence' lest you appear to prove your own point in a manner you had not anticipated.

Gamerbynight3639d ago

Its called equal rights. Something gay men and women do not have. All we want is to be able to dream the same as everyone else and have the same opportunity. It is not that you are so sexy we want to hit on you. People are people and love is love.

MonstaTruk3639d ago

@ Gamerbynight

Oh please, g*y rights my @$$. What rights have they been shunned from having (excluding marriage)?

You're lucky I only have 3 bubbles, I would've loved to debate you about this...

JohnathanACE3638d ago (Edited 3638d ago )

But you have equal rights. You can't marry someone of the same sex and neither can anyone else. If you wanted to marry a woman you could. See you have the exact same rights that everybody else has. What you want is to change the definition of marriage which is wrong.

Jughead34163638d ago

Yo, it's your business who you choose to love or lust after. But, there's no argument that this is not how things were created to be. If we were created to be with the same sex, then humanity could be facing extinction then right? Maybe not that extreme, but marriage was supposed to be for men and women to be fruitful and multiply.

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Sevir3639d ago

Does it need to be a shit storm? I really can't imagine why this is a big deal. There are gay and lesbian characters in every entertainment media, as long as they handle the character with tact and non-stereotypical, I don't see what the controversy is for. it's just a character...

Whatevs, I'm glad Ubi and other devs are bold enough to exploring other characters than just the safe, sellable stereotype norms. Break new ground I say.

Magicite3639d ago

I hope he is a main villain and gets killed in the end.

cyguration3639d ago

What if he rapes the main character instead?

SephirothX213639d ago

The amount of homophobic comments here is sickening. Just goes to show the ignorance and stupidity of many N4G users. The lead character's sexual preference doesn't matter.

Aussiebeachbabe3639d ago

Yeah. Gay might just mean he's happy.

dodgemoose3638d ago

That's the internet for you. The second anonymity comes into the equation, homophobia will follow.

BX813638d ago (Edited 3638d ago )

I wouldn't want to play as a gay main character. I don't hate gay/les, I just prefer to play as a straight character. That doesn't make me homophobic. It's like saying if you wanna play as a gay/les character you are now straight phobic. I like how it's supposed to be a big deal if you don't like it but not so much if you do.

palaeomerus3639d ago

Not a SH*tstorm I care about though. Not a real guy. Not a real anything. Might as well get upset about comic books and note-book doodles. The "outrage" is starting to sound kind of forced and insincere anyway.

ITPython3639d ago

Based on FC3, I have a feeling this game is going to be extremely controversial in regards to gays. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be some gay-sex rape cutscenes for shock-value and psychological impact, probably involving the protagonist or one of their friends/family/etc. And I have a feeling there will be a lot of preaching about homosexuality being done is a very powerful psychological way (If FC3's story-telling is anything to judge by).

I'll keep my eye on this game and the reviews since I enjoyed FC3 so much, but if stuff like that is going on in the game, then this one is a pass for me.

BallsEye3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

reminded me..


the times we live in...

ovnipc3639d ago

I dont care if the character its gay actually gay villians are cool, but please dont add a sex ecene of gay man, that will ruin it. I dont have nothing against gay ppl but I dont want to see something like that on a game.

Mystogan3639d ago

WtF? I really hope he's not a major character. That is so creepy. I was planning to get into farcry, never played one, but now I'm not so sure.

ziggurcat3638d ago

You do know that you're not going to turn gay if you play the game, right? Are you that insecure with your sexuality that you feel threatened by a video game character?

Mystogan3637d ago

Nothing to do with insecurity. I just find gay people gross. I'm not comfortable watching 2 guys kiss or do nasty stuff with eachother. My opinion.

Thanks but no thanks. I'm gonna pass on this one.

showtimefolks3638d ago

this country will all turn to gays and lesbians in 30 years. Everyone who announces they are gay should be treated with extra care and they are special

give me a damn break, keep all that stuff to your damn self. Its pathetic how people who don't support the gays even say the right things because they don't have the balls to stand up for what they truly believe in

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-Foxtrot3640d ago (Edited 3640d ago )

Gee...wouldn't of guessed that /s

It's like when you have a friend who is really camp comes out gay and you have to force yourself look surprised.

XiSasukeUchiha3640d ago

Ohhhhh boy, in 3.2.1 (Haters are coming)

But this got real!

ISHU3639d ago (Edited 3639d ago )

I personaly don't think its a big issue, I mean its 2014 and we are still surprised to see gays in games,loool

LarVanian3640d ago (Edited 3640d ago )

It should be interesting to see how this dynamic plays out in the story. A self proclaimed homo-sexual king, something you don't see everyday in video-games lol. I seriously can't wait to see more of this game!

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Far Cry 20th Anniversary Celebration

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DefenderOfDoom257d ago

Played and enjoyed Far Cry, Far Cry 3 and 4 campaigns .

-Foxtrot56d ago

4 wasn’t so bad

Pagan Min was pretty entertaining

Skuletor56d ago

Yeah, 4 was good, was hard choosing which Golden Dawn member to side with, when they were both pieces of sh!t.
I've beaten all the main entries except 2 and 6, ended up uninstalling 6 to download something else instead.

Profchaos56d ago

I'd love a far cry pack with the original PC game (not the half assed port on ps360) instincts, predator even a port of far cry 2 to modern consoles back when these games had their own identity and weren't far cry 3 cut and pastel

Demetrius56d ago

Still one of my most favorite franchises along with assassins creed

banger8856d ago (Edited 56d ago )

Same here, I don't know why these games get so much hate. I've thoroughly enjoyed every single one of them, with only a couple of exceptions. I wish they'd hurry up and announce Far Cry 7. The only thing I'm concerned about is the rumoured time limit.

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nibblo891d ago

I would put 5 above 6 but agree with the other ratings. Though 6 has more refined gameplay compared to 5 it's lack of a compelling story really does hurt it imo but if you are a gameplay fiend and don't really care about story it makes sense.