
Why Xbox is Poised to Make the PlayStation a Niche Product

This new console generation is going to be much different than the previous one. To win the console war, the console must win in the overall entertainment experience, rather than primarily just gaming.

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TheHater3663d ago

if PlayStation is a niche product and it leading in sales, what do you make of the Xbox One?

Naga3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Amazingly, if you read the article, you might find out what the author makes of it all. He isn't saying the PlayStation is a niche product right now. Rather, he is looking down the road and speculating on the effects of each console's strategy within the market.

"These consoles are currently catering to the gamer with high price points and the mainstream consumer is not yet being exposed to these machines, but two or three years from now when these consoles see lower price points, having a broader availability of entertainment services will be crucial for mainstream acceptance.

This is when the real battle for market share dominance begins..."

Despite the divisiveness of the topic, there's a pretty fruitful discussion to be had regarding the long-term implications of each platform's strategies. But that only happens if you actually engage the substance of the ideas.

MeteorPanda3663d ago

the problem with the xbox is that half of the suff it's meant to do aren't available in a lot of countries...making it a gaming machine only..which sony does better.

candy_mafia3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

I'm afraid the author forgets.... Sony 'IS' entertainment!

Sony have exclusive TV shows in development for PS4, and could easily cater to media services much more than MS could if they so wanted to.


Well, because Sony own Movie, Music and TV studios. Sony even benefits from royalties from MS for using Blu Ray tech. I don't understand how Xbox One has an advantage in this regard?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my Xbox One, but BS is BS all day long, no matter which way you wanna look at it ;/

alexkoepp3663d ago

All the friends who have toured my PS4 and X1 decided to buy the Xbox. You show them Ryse and Killzone, both stellar looking games which is a wash, then get into the UI and functionality and the X1 wins everyone over easily. X1 will certainly appeal to the masses better in the long run.

IndoAssassin3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Man Xbox Video is crappy for me regarding right now. I watch a trailer and it's in french and I goto rent a movie and there's no 'Rent' button anywhere even though the option says 'buy or rent'. I've been way more successful with renting movies on the PSN. Problem is my PS4 is in my room, whereas the Xbox One is in the family room. It's really making it difficult to have a family movie night. What the hell MS? You want my money then fix this shit.

sprinterboy3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )


£349 ps4 is a high price point? Plus ps4 will have entertainment like the incoming 4k Netflix streaming, 4k movie streaming, 3d bluray update, skygo and nowt, YouTube plus lots of others, what planet you living on bra

GarrusVakarian3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )


So? All 5 of my closest friends either have a PS4 already, or are planning on getting the PS4 later this year after seeing my PS4 and X1 in action.

But so what? A few of our friends preferring one console over another means nothing. How can you possibly make a prediction of the masses based on a few friends while completely ignoring the sales gap right now, that is in the millions, lmao?

georgeenoob3663d ago

It all comes down to games. If MS keeps releasing heavy hitter exclusives at this rate, the PS4 is bound to be a niche product.

Naga3663d ago

@ sprinterboy

I don't know why you're questioning me on a point the author made - I didn't write the article. I just quoted it in the middle of my comment because that portion directly addressed the question made by "TheHater" in the first comment.

fr0sty3663d ago

The article also neglects that TV is on the decline, thus negating any additional entertainment benefits offered by Xbox One. People are more interested in streaming media, which PS4 matches feature-for-feature. Not to mention, if TV ever did take off, PS4's USB3.0 ports transmit data fast enough to accommodate a HDMI input port that could easily be bundled with the console.

avengers19783663d ago

@alex. As if you have a PS4, not a single person on this site can say that they believe that.

GarrusVakarian3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )


You are beyond deluded. If the PS4 has this big of a lead and is this popular with "NO GAMEZ", then how is it going to become a niche product when the exclusives start coming in steady?

Think about what you're saying before you type.

scott1823663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Yeah, Sony isn't concerned with media and functionality at all... That's why they are making deals for cable box-less tv and constantly updating the PS4 via firmware for added features.


Sony is the only one out of the two making games, they aren't relying on pseudo exclusive 3rd party franchises.

SonyMontana3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

In other words the article is titled as such to get clicks. Because clicks = money. Truth.

macusa223663d ago

A lot of peeps need to remember that Sony also owns Crackle. a free TV Streaming service. Sony also have their own TV station. So I think SEN will be just fine

krouse933663d ago

"These consoles are currently catering to the gamer with high price points and the mainstream consumer is not yet being exposed to these machines"

Interesting quote... Considering the console with the highest price point is also the least powerful...

Also, you submitted the article bro. You're just fanning gamers flames. Chill out

3663d ago
RyanShutup3663d ago

An article from a site called "microsoftproductreviews. com"... common bro, what'd you think they were gonna say... lel

Prime1573663d ago

I think the one thing the author ignores is the pay wall of xbl and that ps3 was the streaming box of choice. If Sony continues to only place Sony things behind ps+ pay wall, it can pan into a better media box than xbl.

He also mentions the install base of the wii without mention of the extremely low attach rate.

Oh, and then there's the obvious bias in the website's name... Microsoftproductreviews.com...

ZodTheRipper3663d ago

I was about to ask where all these delusional Xbox articles are coming from ...then I saw:


Anarki3663d ago

Sales doesn't make it a good console, Microsoft shot themselves in the foot with the DRM.

Hell, look at the Wii. That sold more units than their rivals last gen yet that console was bad.

choujij3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Read the article. Nothing but one-sided wishful thinking.

If people are becoming more and more interested in a device that does more than games, then certainly they'll be more inclined to buy one that makes those services readily available and not stuck behind greedy paywalls.

Just a side note on the whole HDMI-In feature. My bro's the only one in our circle of friends that bought the Xbone. He praised the inclusion of the HDMI-in, insisting how he plans to make great use out if it. We're 6 months in now, and he still hasn't used it once (no exaggeration). Guess why? He canceled his Satellite subscription. People aren't moving to cable TV and Satellite, they're moving away from it and into online streaming services (if it wasn't already dead obvious).

QuickdrawMcgraw3663d ago

If the Xbox1 was leading in sales as of right now,N4Xbox would be full articles saying this gens console wars are over and the Xbox1 has won...But no the Xbox is lagging behind so now all we get here on N4Xbox is how we must wait for years to see which console sells the most and blah,blah,blah...N4XBOX is the most slanted site there is...I for one really appreciate the few Sony and Nintendo fans here who always try and give a fair assessment of the gaming industry...

BlackWolf123662d ago

No, "TheHater" is correct.

A Niche product is something that caters to a small percentage of the market.

That in and of itself, proves that the PS4 will NEVER be a Niche product, because although it may cater to gamers first and foremost, the PS4 is selling millions more than the Xbox One, which means the PS4 is NOT a Niche product, because the % of people it caters to are not a Niche.

The logic behind this argument is flawed, and in actual fact, if ANYTHING was going to become a Niche product, it is the Xbox One. A multimedia box which also plays games versus a gaming console which plays multimedia.

To say the PS4 is assuming that only a small percentage of the market wants to play games first and foremost, which is obviously completely stupid.

VegasDawg3662d ago

The Author is also stating that most of the casual market will be leaving the console market for mobile gaming, to look for an example of this look no further than Japan, so what he is saying is there will be little money to be made in the future in gaming on consoles and since MS is expanding and marketing the X1 as something other than a gaming console it would make it more viable in the near future.
This is why MS keeps saying it's a marathon and not a sprint or something like that.

@MeteorPanda,the author is talking years down the road plenty of time for MS to make changes.

@Candy_mafia, Sony is entertainment but it's not going to stop entertaining the masses for the small PS4 market.

Gaming1013662d ago

There's a lot of crystal balling going on in this article, rather than legitimate analysis. There is no data to back up any of their claims, it's just rhetoric and conjecture posing as analysis.

tbone5673662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

Everything the author said in the article was right. Sony has lost billions upon billions of dollars. Some facts that you may not know but Sony lost all the money they made on PS1 and PS2 from the PS3. The lost today is still enormous. They have lost countless billion on many unsuccessful ventures. Sony has just recently posted another loss of 1.3 billion. Doesn't really matter if the PS4 sells so well when the whole company itself is sinking. Just think of all the poor choices sony has made the last gen just in regards to the playstation brand. PSPGO, Move, Wonderbook, SixAxis, PS vita TV, PS Vita, PS 3d televisions, PS phones. All have seen little success.

guitarded773662d ago


NO... sensationalist headlines from sites like microsoftproductreviews.com don't deserve a read. That goes for ANY site that does it, but especially ones with a brand name in the URL.

styferion3662d ago

and almost all of that entertainment features will only available to US/UK, your point is?

miyamoto3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

r u kidding yourself?

now i really feel pity on you xboxers

i hope M$ ends your suffering and misery....soon

noticed a lot of optimistic Xbox One articles popping left and right lately....looks like the corporate reputation managers are working over time...

cable is dead in America and is even more dead outside of it. M$ really have its work cut out for it.

M$ like Nintendo wanted the other bone on their reflection on the water and ended up losing both. M$ wanted both video games and cable TV market for its box and Nintendo wanted the casual and the hardcore market both in its Wii U platform and lost both.

PlayStation focused on just one bone-the gamers and boy the gamers did it get in droves!

Eonjay3662d ago

If you haven't figured it out yet; its consumers who will win the war, not Sony or Microsoft. As of this point in time, consumers have picked the PS4 over the Xbox One. This can not be denied.

fr0sty3662d ago

I wouldn't say consumers that got duped by false claims of power into buying an inferior product won anything at all...

P_Bomb3662d ago

Sixaxis is still around, the ps4 controllers have it. Contemporary games still use it. The Last of Us had it. Move's motion control light is also integrated into every Dualshock4.

Wonderbook is one niche game out of a thousand. Estimates peg it just over half a million. Following a year when AAA sequels like Metal gear Rising, Metro and Lost Planet failed to reach even *that* much on the 360, it's a drop in the pond

r1sh123662d ago

Sony gets no benefit from Movies and music.
The biggest investors in Sony want them to sell those businesses - all they do is lose money.
Why is sony making further losses this year?

Sony will never be niche because its a one size fits all console - no matter what you want to do, the PS4 does it better than the xbone!
Its that simple.

MS has had a bad strategy before the launch and its going to be hard to get it back to a good strategy

MightyNoX3662d ago

@Naga: Because it sounded like you could have been the answer yourself, given the nature and how it dissected both on this site and on the site itself.

Sky Go's coming on PS4, not so much on Xbox One. Who do you think UK owners would flock to?
Kinect's not working in other countries.
TV features: Useless in other countries.

So yeah, keep on shilling. Gotta feed the kids somehow.

UltraNova3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

I was rolling my eyes as I read through this..opinion piece (???)

I had flashes of the author taking a check from MS's propaganda dep, while reading this (I multitask).

5 million to 7? Using sold to shops numbers vs sold to customers now?

How can the fact that 90% of what makes the one an entertainment machine will not work outside the UK and US (I m not sure if other countries will be supported)be forgotten and forgiven apparently, so easily I cannot comprehend. That's unfair and misleading to the average customer.

The only advantage the one has over the ps4 is the HDMI Out, again which is something that will only work in the UK and US for the foreseeable future.

These articles hurt the xbox1 more than they try and benefit it.

Callum_Alexander3662d ago

It is definitely an interesting discussion, but I think Sony will win in all aspects, including entertainment. Microsoft may appear to cover more bases at the moment with their hdmi in option, but Sony are looking at creating an Internet-based TV service. Microsoft backed cable TV which is slowly but surely dying out and being replaced by Internet based alternatives. As people we want ease of access and less clutter in our homes, we want cheaper alternatives to satisfy our entertainment needs, and Sony look like they will provide that, whilst Microsoft have backed a dying horse.

RedDevils3662d ago

Xbox fanboy deluded level is high here.

TronEOL3662d ago

The only issue with this comment is that by that time, Sony will have ALL the third party entertainment apps and MORE stuff exclusively from Sony themselves.

Sony was smart, and that's why they're ahead. The article is right that right now the price is directed towards gamers, so what did Sony do? They made a console that focused PURELY on gamers and what gamers want (mostly).

What will they do when most of the gamers are bagged? They introduce new multimedia apps, among the variety they already have to pull in casuals. And since their name is so damn good right now after that whole launch and PS4's being so hard to get, casual-customers will be interested even more because of it's rarity, or positive word floating around.

The article (which I didn't have to read thanks to your comment, so thanks for that) just seems to be focusing on Microsoft and Sony staying absolutely static. I'd agree if we fast forwarded 3 years and Sony didn't move an inch. But I highly doubt they'll be making that mistake.

vongruetz3662d ago

I read the article and couldn't get past him calling the PS4 Camera the PlayStation Eye, which was a fun toy for the PS2/PS3, but it isn't the camera you use on the PS4.

DARK WITNESS3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

in my humble opinion, this whole idea of cater to the masses, it could work.. it could backfire badly.

Nintendo went after the masses and look where they are now. they seemed almost unstoppable with the Wii at one point.

The casual masses are quick to forget, they don't have any loyalties, they look at value for money more then the average hardcore gamer and they will be asking even more so then the usual gamer why they need to buy a box that does the same stuff their smart tv, cable box etc already does - especially if they are not buying an xbox for games!

sony are in just as good if not better position to offer great entertainment services and at least they have the cheaper device

deno3662d ago

Everything you said is correct. I assume many people on this website are kids and teenagers who see things the way they want. Great observation.

RosweeSon3662d ago

So why title the article why the xbox is set to make ps4 a niche product? No chance, otherwise xbox must be considered a quiche console.

Dee_913662d ago

put xbox and playstation in the same title.
this is what you get.
Get what ever system you like, who really give a sh1t

+ Show (41) more repliesLast reply 3662d ago
XBOTTOX3663d ago

If PS4 gets outperformed by midrange computers, where do you get the conclusion of "powerful" from

avengers19783663d ago

More powerful than an XB1, witch by the way also gets out preformed by midrange PCs... PS4 out preforms XB1, PCs out preform both.

Dirtnapstor3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

So sick of these comments! My nephews got a high end Alienware designed for gaming... I've compared and contrasted Tomb Raider, COD, and more. Yes it's impressive, but TR, Hitman, and the likes on my PS3 plugged into a samsung 1080p 240 & 600 refresher looks just as good if not better. Sorry PCers, but a lot of individuals play on TVs that don't allow for what the console can put out, ergo they can't argue. I know PCs can put out incredible graphics, but in the end you're playing on a 2' screen. Not my idea of a good time. The PS4 is an obvious jump graphically, so do I need to say more?

TH3BR3W3662d ago

@ Dirtnapstor

Right now.... this very moment... I'm typing this with a keyboard sitting back comfortably in front of my 50" Panasonic smart T.V.

Your sick those comments? Well I'm sick of the ignorance of your likes saying every PC is plugged into a 2" screen. Your knee-jerk reaction caused you to do what a lot of people do nowadays and say something totally untrue with no factual backing what so ever.

BTW Alienware is an overprice pieces of crap box brand computer. Next time anyone in your family wants to buy a computer for gaming/workstation, tell them to do the hour of research on how to build one for half the price.

jebabcock3662d ago


Unless you in a very slim minority, your tv maxes out at 1080p right? So what exactly are you gaining over a console if you can't actually get the better resolution your high end pc is capable of? Hmmmm... For most games the answer is slim to nothing... A pc rig attached to a tv in most cases turns into an over priced clunky alternative to a console...

SkippyPaccino3662d ago

I like how everyone loves to emphasize how weak the new console generation are and that PCs are more powerful than ever... PCs are powerful but expensive... Than you'll turn around and say that you can build a PC for 399$ that will be better than a PS4... And I'll rebuttal "can you build a 399$ PC that can fit in the small ps4 box?" than you'll turn around and say something about steam sales and I will have used that time to bone your Mom ;-)

TheSaint3662d ago

Hows GTA V on your much more..... oh wait you can't play it.

LogicStomper3662d ago


Sorry but I'm not quite understanding the message you're trying to convey. What is the conclusion you're arguing for?

RosweeSon3662d ago

Well if ps4 is struggling what do you call xbox not even reaching 1080P (standard) jog on ;)

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3662d ago
avengers19783663d ago

In the article they talk about the casual gaming market, but seriously that market is gone, moved on to tablets and such. And the talk about the broad scope of entertainment features, well both PS4 and XB1 have nearly the same features, and as the years progress they will continue to be identical in the entertainment area, and both will probably have some sort of playstation now type service. Besides an HDMI in.

The consoles will become practically the same price around 300$ and both will have tons of quality games to choose from.

But when an article like this starts talking about other features other than gaming, they seem to not understand why people buy gaming consoles, cause entertainment features are every where, PC, tablets, phones, EVERY WHERE. people buy consoles for gaming anything else is fine, most people could take it or leave it.

Can anyone really take what the article say seriously when it's microsoftproductsreviews.com it be like if playstation magazine ran an article that said XB1 a nich entertainment devices that's why it will never catch the PS4... No one would take that seriously either.

Jazz41083663d ago

Playstation lifestye articles are ran on here all the time without complaints so it goes both ways. Sorry.

avengers19783663d ago

Well having articles is one thing, but my point remains, no on would take it seriously if they were down playing there competition... No need to apologize

Saigon3662d ago

I do agree with your point and it seems that most people that do these one sided reviews in favor of the XBO seem to forget, TV has been in decline for some time now and it won't stop no time soon. I didn't realize how bad it was until a few of my friends stated that they stream from hulu, Netflix, crackle and amazon to get their content. Mainly because they found themselves recording everything under the sun and found it easier to just stream. I do not blame them. These articles seem to forget that this is the case. Most people do not want to pay 100+ dollars a month to watch TV when you can pay 20 - 40 dollars a month for internet and use streaming services less than 20 - 30 a month.

3-4-53663d ago

An Established fanbase of Millions isn't going to disappear because of the XB1.

3663d ago
Jazz41083663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

The article stated poised to. It did not say whoever is leading 6 months out the gate. This gen has barely started and lots of things are POISED to change in the coming years and that is the point of using the word poised instead of saying its happening now like you were trying to suggest.

Flutterby3662d ago

By the looks of the current trend which is all we can go by factually is the xbone is "poised" to come in second if it's lucky and that's about all.

Evilsnuggle3663d ago

The biggest problem is most gamers want to play games and all the media stuff is gravy. Most gamers don't walk in a gamestop and ask about a game consoles media functions. No most gamers want to talk about the hardware and games on the system. Xbone got everything in reverse Media Player first gaming Consoles last. Weak hardware and weak GPU so the media Center functions better. The priority of a gaming system should be the how game perform on the hardware not how the peripheral perform. Kinect and the weak GPU will be holding the xbone back this entire generation. If Nintendo plays it's hand right drop wiiU to 200 or 250 bundle with Super Smash Brothers or Mario Kart kart Microsoft would be in three place.

3663d ago
HammadTheBeast3663d ago

Article presented to you by "Microsoft Product Reviews.com".


solidjun53662d ago

Yep. With a sensationalist headlines like that, they want us to read the article. No.

Docknoss3663d ago

It says "poised to make" which means future tense.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3662d ago

Your favorite football team is down 7-14 and just fumbled the ball to the opposing team, are they really ” poised ” to win the game?

Tedakin3663d ago

People put a lot of stock into the first 4 months of a potential 10 year cycle. A lot can and will be different in 2024.

marcofdeath3663d ago

"if PlayStation is a niche product and it leading in sales, what do you make of the Xbox One?"

12 V.S. 72 country's

badz1493662d ago


That's exactly the meaning of niche. Available to less people. I meant the Xbone.

Sheikh Yerbouti3662d ago

The author didn't get Phil Spencer's memo. Games aren't niche anymore. They are the business.

I wish my PS4 had more media function - DLNA, mp3 playback, Youtube - but I don't NEED it for that. Same with the XBOne.

nosferatuzodd3662d ago

Man the xbox diffence force is reslly at work doing everything their power

showtimefolks3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

the one box entertainment xbox one is aiming to be is possible with less hassle in other countries, also if we want to talk abou DOWN THE ROAD than IMO ps4 is more future proof than xbox one or wiiu

also sony isn't new to this gaming console business. If they can recover from the disaster that was ps3 at $599, and still sell 75 plus million consoles and catch up to xbox360 in one less year than i think ps4 will be alright

also none of us have a crystal ball to see what the future holds, when ps3 was struggling and ps3 fans were saying wait in the long run ps3 will be more successful, than xbox fans said no way. Present matters and right now ps4 has all the momentum and a strong showing at E3 will make it that much harder for xbox one moving forward

if the biggest IT game Titanfall couldn't help xbox one out sell the ps4 than nothing in near future will.

MS needs to have some great surprises and show gaming content only available on xbox one to entice people into buying a xbox one.

if i was running PlayStation this is how i will do E3:

Start with Drive club
bring RAD on stage to show the order 1886
Uncharted next

1st huge surprise:

Sony has bought back the rights to Crash and crash HD collection is coming

show the new IP from GG
show the new IP from Demon soul team/from software
show new build of deep down
announce a new ratchet and clank game only for ps4
Sony Santa Monica's new game

(my personal wish)david jaffe on stage to talk about his new project

show sony bend's new game
LBP3 for ps4(developed by team that did the Vita version)

MM's new IP since its not LBP3

Yakuza collection including all Yakuza games coming to ps3,ps4 and Vita

bought the rights to SHENMUE(HD collection coming and 3rd in development for ps4 exclusively)

before going off the stage and closing the show, yushida comes to stage:

Thank you everyone for being here and before we close the show here is the Last Guardian coming exclusively for PS4 in February 2015

also some sort of news from RS about agent would be nice

side note:

as always show 3rd party games like the crew from UBI, FF15,KH3 etc,

Thank you

Greatness Awaits

Mr_Writer853662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

So the average customer is going to pay £40 a year to watch Netflix and other apps on their X1.

When they can watch it for free on their Apple TV, Smart TV, iPads, PS3/4 etc?

Yeah good luck with that.

JMyers3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

The Playstation will not become a niche product... It's target market is mainly gamers. Other services are add ons, but the predominant function is gaming. With 6-7 in every 10 people playing games in some form, Sony's gaming focus will not be niche. The console will also adapt with services serving other wants.

The XBONE however is losing it's identity. MS wants to be all things to all people. One message is that we are focusing on games, the other we are catering to the masses with TV and Kinect. Who are they really? Which section is being alienated as a result? Can they be both? ... Only time will tell.

MS's TV and Kinect commands don't event work in a lot of countries. How can they become mainstream? I feel that Sony will continue to lead this gen. Both worldwide and in the US.

It will not be Niche among gamers or the gaming market. Instead it may be the dominant device of choice and ownership.

Gamer19823662d ago

The issue is everything Xbox promises to do modern TVs can do now or your cable box can do. We don't need your Xbox to do it. Why pay for Xbox to get these features when you already have them? You will choose which gaming system you prefer for gaming reasons. Its not really a hassle changing to channel to get your media as your gonna be using a remote or whatever to get your content anyway. The snap in features the only thing Xbox has got going for it over playstation but thats not selling them over PS4s right now so I doubt multimedias gonna do it down the line.
Also PS4 is getting DLNA back plus other media features so its not really that much of a big deal. If Sony thought it was they could add in those snap features easily but they don't see it as that much of a big selling point plus they can see that uses console power, thus less is used for gaming.

assdan3662d ago

I'm sorry, but there is no evidence suggesting the the ps4 is losing to the xbox one at this point. Their biggest exclusive didn't boost sales as high as sony's biggest exclusive, which is regarded as smaller than titanfall, mind you. So far, the xbox one has only outsold the ps4 2 weeks. The week it came out, and the week titanfall came it.

frostypants3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )

Was this article written back in early 2013? It's pretty clear by now that people DON'T much care for an all-in-one media box, or at least not for gaming. MS and their PR cheerleaders keep telling us that a system "MUST" do this to "win", but they've yet to provide convincing support for that argument. I can get all of the non-gaming functionality of the One from products that cost $100 or less and aren't eyesores, and spend the rest of my money on more focused gaming hardware if I so desire.

I'll just leave this here.

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3662d ago
amnalehu3663d ago

Playstation is already a Niche product.

DeadRabbits3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Amoung people whom want a games machine that is Full Next Gen then yes the PS4 is for them while the xbone is for those who are in the niche multimedia market.

Ninver3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

yeah a niche product favored by the majority of the world lol. man were do you fanboys get the nerve?

amnalehu3663d ago

I don't think most people understand what the word "niche" means (a distinct segment of market). Over 70% of American homes have internet. Over 90% of homes have a TV. The PS4 may reach 15% of households during its life cycle and is clearly not aimed at my 87 year old father.

The PS4 is focused on the "niche" market of gamers. The may be the favored next gen console in the world but right now, about 1% of the worlds population own a PS4. It IS a niche product. Sidenote: I'm not a fanboy and in fact currently do own 2x PS4, Vita, PS3, PS2 and PS1's.

Sheikh Yerbouti3662d ago (Edited 3662d ago )


Then almost every market would be a niche according to your misleading definition. A niche is going to be based on competencies you only have or barriers to entry that keeps competition out from your segment or niche of the overall market.

360ICE3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

If it is, you're setting the bar for not being "niche" really high.

PS4 is the most sold next-gen system, PS3 is the most common way to watch Netflix, or at least was the last time I heard, and in addition to consoles, PlayStation-certified devices are selling millions. Sony runs huge advertisement campaigns and get plenty of media attention on PlayStation. PlayStation is one the main sponsors of Champions League - on of the world's biggest sports tournaments. Not my definition of niche.

Same goes for Xbox too, really, and Nintendo. Any of those three seem a little too present to be called niche.

ge3zy693662d ago

well then if thats the case, i would not want to know what the x1 is considered....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3662d ago
cfc783663d ago

I have to disagree i think the best games machine will win that's the only reason i buy consoles to game on everything else added is just a bonus for me personally,the console with the best games will get my vote just like the previous 7 generations.

Bigpappy3663d ago

I agree with that sentiment. The problem is that X1 has the better games and it is not leading in sales. The power perception has pushed PS4 ahead, but I don't believe that resolution gate will be there after E3 or at most by year end. COD- Modern warfare is a strong sign that Graphical parity is right around the corner.

Some gamers are already hearing from their friends, that X1 has the games that will entertain them for far longer that what is offered on PS4. Titan Falls and PvsZ along with Ryse, Forza, Dead Rising and Killer Instinct are some of the most entertaining games on console, and will keep you entertained for long time, PvsZ and Titan Falls being the really strong ones, and they might just be the best games you can just fall back to and have and unscripted experience.

dolkrak3663d ago

No. PS4 has the best games even now. It also has the best hardware, the best price, the best future and the best sales.

There's zero reason to choose the losing console right now.

cfc783663d ago

I don't see it being a problem as i own xb1/ps4 if xbox gives me the better games then it gets my vote same with ps iv'e never brought a console yet for any reason other than gaming.

URNightmare3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

Thinking short term?

List the PS4 and XBone exclusives for this month and you will understand.

What if Sony did what MS did? Leave the Xbox 360 fanbase with no exclusives last year because they moved most of them to XBone? Are you understanding now? How many of the now XBone exclusives will turn multiplatform in the future?

PvsZ is already confirmed to release later on PS4, Titanfall will most likely be on PS4 too according to the developers, Dead Rising is on PS3 and will most likely be on PS4 too. It's all the same as last gen, Microsoft pays for timed exclusivity at the beginning of the gen to make people think they have a variety of exclusives but that's just bs as most of those will end up on PS4 a year later and Xbox is left again with a lack of exclusive games.

Playstation has always been the best choice for gaming with a huge catalog of exclusive games of all genres. Even PSN is now better than Live in so many ways. PS+ has much better offerings than Gold. Add to that the upcoming Playstation Now and Project Morpheus. And if you have a PS Vita even better. Put all this together and you are in gaming heaven! Microsoft falls short when it comes to gaming compared to Sony.

ger23963663d ago

Having the better games is subjective. If they were so great the Xbox one would be selling like hotcakes.

Flutterby3663d ago

Actually big pappy more people are choosing the ps4 over the xbone at a higher rate than at release my sales figures at EB give a good idea and the ps4 has been getting even more sales than before , people are turned off from the xbone because of the free games bundled being digital only and even more people are being turned off because some of the games are online only. MS have missed over 50 sales last week at my store just because the games bundled are digital. Imagine how many they are missing world wide.

Your statement making out that the xbone has the better games is also false because it doesn't seem to be true at all from a sales standpoint.its about time you face reality and see that the ps4 is the far more popular choice and it is gaining momentum.

Kayant3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

"The problem is that X1 has the better games" - Again completely subjective. Correct wording is it has the most retail exclusives. PS4 has the most Digital exclusives.

And right now until fall it looks like the roles have reversed in exclusive content.

"The power perception has pushed PS4 ahead, but I don't believe that resolution gate will be there after E3 or at most by year end" - Yh keep thinking there will be a 1:1 parity with both consoles in demanding games. There is a difference in hardware specs for a reason.

"COD- Modern warfare is a strong sign that Graphical parity is right around the corner" - How when the trailer is pixel counted to 882p at most atm. I bet you there will be a res difference between both again.

OrangePowerz3663d ago (Edited 3663d ago )

First of all it's Advanced Warfare and secondly how is it a sign for graphical parity? We have seen one single trailer that says it's X1 footage. We haven't seen anything else to compare it with.

Also there is more to hardware than just resolution.

As for the games PvZ is timed exclusive and as for Titanfall, well to each their own. MS decided to move games from the 360 and change them to be X1 games like Ryse.

Sony has more devs working on games and the only reason why we haven't seen that many exclusives yet is because they released games in the last 2 years for the PS3 to give their customers games. MS stopped working on 360 games years ago that's why there are more exclusives right now.

kingdom183663d ago

Unless one system has many exclusives that have flopped, neither have, so its merely subjective about which one has better games.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3663d ago
candy_mafia3663d ago

This article is from a site called microsoftproductreviews.com

I don't expect them to be biased.........


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