
Adam Sessler Leaving His Days as a Video Game Personality Behind

Adam Sessler explains how he will be pursuing other career opportunities in the industry after sixteen years of being in front of the camera.

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aceitman3689d ago

I am happy about him leaving , he doesn't know how to act if things don't go his way, and then favors one over the other because of that and that is not true journalism .

pixelsword3689d ago

...So the position of "closet fanboy" is available.

slate913689d ago

Lol Ill never forget when he departed from g4 and everyone was wishing him the best of luck and praising him as a passionate video game personality.

...and then...resolution gate. Yall have been out for blood ever since haha
Just an observation

FriedGoat3689d ago

Bubbles pixelsword.
He's not even closet fanboy, he's in your face.

truefan13689d ago

What i have learned from the n4g boards is that Sessler had a valuable opinion until he gave infamous a 3/5. Now it seems some people can't wait to see him go.

TomShoe3689d ago

Looks like GAF got to him lol. Best of luck in his future endeavors.

cell9893689d ago


Thats the thing, when he was in G4 he was neutral and showed integrity.

When he left and started his own website REVGAMES, thats when he changed and became obvious he is out for the money and his true fanboy colors came up. With blatant signs of interest for the party he so vigorously defends.

thisminetile3689d ago

It's sad, but true, lol. He's probably tired of the (rightfully deserved) criticism he received for rating Infamous:SS 6, while giving Titanfall and Forza 5 perfect 10's, even though he did have negative things to say about them, as well. All I have to say is...Obvious fanboy is obvious.

TheGreatAndPowerful3689d ago

Sessler had nothing to do with the creation of Rev3.

Rev3 Founder(s):
Jay Adelson
David Prager
Kevin Rose


InTheLab3689d ago

When Sessler was at G4 he was exactly as he is now. Most of you probably never watched Feedback and believe he was the same guy as he was on Xplay but that couldn't be further from the truth.

He surrounded himself with Xbox fanboys and it was almost embarrassing watching him, Morgan, Abbie heppe, Nicole Z, and I forget the big girl with glasses name. Those were the worst of the bunch. When G4 died, most of the Xplay team were rabid fanboys. He really allowed that team to crap on Nintendo and Sony for the 4 years he was editor and chief.

I think people really took notice of how bad Adam was after that ridiculous bros before hos thing but everyone who watched G4 behind the scenes knew he went full Xbox fanboy when he dogged MGS4 in 2008 and made fable 2 G4s game of the year.

Here's a quick highlight of his bull$&&$

Gets called out in the killzone 2 review thread for being a paid by MS then asked "does you mom suck you d1&&??"
On multiple occasions suggests certain Wii titles would play better with a 360 controller
Bashes Kinect on Sessles soapbox but creates a catagory for it to win on Xplay. Yes kinect "won" most innovative game in 2010.
Regularly praised MS for the volume of games during the early years but jumped on the quality over quantity fanboy bandwagon in 2011 when the ps3 had 20 exclusives while Xbox had 4.
Bashes Sony for the breach when the news broke and said that's why he pays for Xbox live but reprimanded everyone a few weeks later when it comes out that there were no cases of fraud and that we all overreacted.
Heads up a panel and says Uncharted 3 is not worth $60 but has not problem with Titanfall missing 2/3 the content of other shooters.
Says he's tired of military shooters when Killzone 3 and Bulletstorm dropped but suddenly loved Crysis 2 a week later.

I can go on forever with this stuff but I'll stop at what comes to mind.

He stopped being respectable years ago when he forgot to respect fans of other consoles.

Good riddance.

Flutterby3689d ago

I am pretty sure MS have hired him as the head of PR and the face of xbone, they said because of his ability to tell the "truth" without bias he will be a welcome addition to the team /S sarcasm in case people don't realise that. It also makes it easier to send the checks out as he will be an official employee and also for tax purposes.

u got owned3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Sony fans going out strong tonight. Good luck on your new phase Adam.

Boody-Bandit3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

This is the best news I've heard this week on N4G.

Raider693689d ago

I will not miss him!Godspeed!

Gozer3689d ago

A lot of irony regarding fanboyism and the posters in this story.

Eddie201013689d ago

I have never thought he was a good games journalist, personality, even when he was with Tech TV, and I loved Tech TV.

GTgamer3689d ago

Thank god this is not a APRIL FOOL ARTICLE :D.
@Gozer your a fanboy calling out fanboys that's the only Irony here.
@InTheLab don't forget when he overreacted over the GOWAcension Bros before Hoes trophy can we really take this guy seriously.

Dee_913689d ago

wait so he made a tumblr just to post that? thats his only post, wouldn't he post something like that on twitter?
Something fishy about this

miyamoto3689d ago

good news for all gamers! woo hoo!

TheGreatAndPowerful3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Resgate is what did it for me..after that I just couldn't take the dude serious.


Boody-Bandit3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


"Resgate is what did it for me..after that I just couldn't take the dude serious.

http://youtu.be/QzqKd3fWFnk "

This youtube video says it all.
I really hope this is for real that he is leaving and not just a rumor. He is EVERYTHING that is wrong with the media. A flip flopping sellout hypocrite.

MysticStrummer3689d ago

Ha If Sessler was in the closet he was in there screaming out his love for XBox.

@truefan - You have more learning to do. Sessler lost his rep a long time before Infamous.

SilentNegotiator3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

@slate91, truefanboy, other fanboys pretending like distaste for Adam Sessler is new

Don't forget how that white knight stirred up that "bros before hos" "controversy" (A phrase that has to do with putting friends before sexual partners, not something meant to be demeaning to women).

morganfell3689d ago

It is a little after 6 am but this calls for a celebratory shot of Fireball Whiskey. You will not find a post by me wishing him well when he left G4. It was more like good riddance. I can't help but take pride in the fact it was likely more than a few remarks by gamers that provided a much needed swift kick to the rear that assisted in his decision to leave.

warczar3689d ago

Good riddance, and he can take that stupid 5 star rating system with him. I always thought he was giving out ratings for restaurants.

DatNJDom813689d ago

Great! Maybe he can now get a job @ m$. Well, he can always get a job at an only xbox website. Im pretty sure he can excel there. That will be great for him. Regardless of how much of a fanbot he is, I wish him the best. At the end of the day he is a person with a family that he needs to support. Every man should be able to do that. Good luck Sess.

ZodTheRipper3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Best news all week, finally we don't have to deal with his so called "reviews" anymore. He could start as a janitor in Redmond I'm sure he would enjoy cleaning Major Nelsons office and it would be on par with his qualification. Big lol at his new consulting firm btw.

Gamer19823689d ago

Thank god.. It's a shame as he is a good reviewer in the way he lays out his reviews and there well thought out.. It's just ashame he's so damn biased.. Nobody does reviews like him and not many have been around as long as him hes a dinosaur of gaming. Maybe thats whats made him so grumpy and biased over time..

ThanatosDMC3689d ago

Glad he's gone. Good news. Wonder what the bad news we'll get today.

+ Show (26) more repliesLast reply 3689d ago
nukeitall3689d ago

I liked Sessler. One of my favorite reviewers that isn't afraid to go against the hype!

sAVAge_bEaST3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Titan Fall 5/5

Second Son 3/5

Dude, Your so right!


MasterCornholio3689d ago

You only liked him because he favored the XBOX.


Gazondaily3689d ago

People on here hate him because he reviewed Sony games low.


MasterCornholio3689d ago


I agree with you. He targeted Sony games with low reviews to damage the image of Sony first party studios.

Glad we agree on that.

A true reviewer should not care about who makes the games. Instead they should judge a game by how good it is than who makes it.

Why o why3689d ago

Sorry septic, by saying what you're saying you kinda imply you believe zero bias exists. Like this industry is so different from any other. . C'mon now

Adam sessler was talking about 1080p and 60fps being the defacto . . . . . When the x1 couldn't achieve parity with the ps4 he controlled the damage. . . Good riddens from gaming but hope he does well wherever he goes. . No ill health or harm wished upon his family or friends from me. . Good luck but good riddens

u got owned3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


What about if it was the opposite, would you be complaining. Popke really showing their true colors tonight. Reviews are just opinions, take them as what they are.

tuglu_pati3689d ago


So what do you think about the 5/5 he gave to Last of Us.

DragonKnight3689d ago

@Septic: You know better than that.

Why o why3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

What do YOU think that means tuglu?

After that explain what you think about 'in the labs' list.

Surely you're not suggesting because sessler gave the game of the year and possibly gen, a top mark it exonerates him from his history of favoritism. C'mon man. Even polygon have giving a couple sony exclusives high marks and their bias is as clear as the 750 bags ms pushed their way. . . Please. Ive even heard some of the 360 faithful call him bias towards their favoured console.

MorePowerOfGreen3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


Infamous scored around that universally from most reviewers. You're mad for nothing. You are blaming Adam because Infamous is a mediocre game? I think you guys are upset because Adam did not sugar coat or defend Infamous's mediocrity as the rest of the Sony bandwagon media has done in the past, although most are returning to normal.

MysticStrummer3689d ago


"Infamous scored around that universally from most reviewers."

Titanfall didn't, so what's your point? He gave a fair review to I:SS and overhyped TF?

badz1493689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


TLoU? Why you ask? It's not like it's the most critically acclaimed and most awarded game in history or anything, right? /s

OT, I'm glad he decided to go away. He's nothing but an attention whore and often can't hide his fanboyism despite being a "self-proclaim" PROFESSIONAL!

LoveOfTheGame3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Simple, TLOU is neither of those.

IntheLab's list doesn't really say much:
There are several games on Wii that would have been better with a 360 controller, Zelda anyone?

He gave an award to something he didn't necessarily like himself, aka kinect, which means he didn't let his personal feelings get in the way. That's kinda the opposite of biased.

Uncharted 3 wasn't worth the $30 I paid for it, Titanfall isn't really missing any content from other shooters. Less guns but more maps.

I'm not too fond of the man myself, since the GOW: Ascension debacle, and while he was clearly a fan of Xbox, I never really saw a huge amount of bias coming from him.

Except the above mention of bashing MGS4, clearly the second best game on PS3 behind Demon Souls(or TLOU for others). Giving Fable 2, a good but not great game, GOTY is a little biased.

warczar3689d ago

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. That's right up there with "Fox news is fair and unbiased."

ziggurcat3688d ago (Edited 3688d ago )

@ loveofthegame:

"He gave an award to something he didn't necessarily like himself, aka kinect, which means he didn't let his personal feelings get in the way. That's kinda the opposite of biased."

does it really need to be explained as to what that means? hint: it's not objective, it's the opposite of professionalism, and it usually involves an exchange of currency.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3688d ago
DrKarateChop3689d ago

I don't believe he ever claimed to be a journalist. A commentator and a critic, sure, but a journalist? Never. He's easily one of the most educated folks in what we call Games Press. Whatever he may have lacked in general game knowledge in the beginning (late 90's), he more than made up for by his first hand experiences over the years.

Now this idea of him being stubborn, or ignoring the truth in favor of his personal bias is flat out wrong. Not only because he only gave opinions, not facts, through-out his career, but many of his videos included him admitting surprise. Surprise doesn't come stubborn people. Also, he would regularly admit his predictions were wrong. I'm not sure where you got this impression of Sessler, but I completely disagree.

I'll miss him and I believe it's a huge loss.

FriedGoat3689d ago

People aren't saying he is stubborn. People are saying he is a hypocrite who says one thing and then goes back on it because the people who are writing him cheques and have the weaker console want him to. He is clearly leaving after his perfect scores on both forza and Titanfall sealed his fate as a poor journalist.

I have no beef with the Xbox one, I will pick one up when halo 2 anniversary comes out. I had an Xbox and a 360 before I even touched the ps3.

But if you can't see how slimy sessler is and how biast towards playstation, you must be blind.

InTheLab sums it up nicely in his huge post above, and all true.

UnwanteDreamz3689d ago

Man are you serious? Sessler produces absolutely nothing but opinion. He doesn't make games or fund them. What has the industry lost? Sheeple really miss their talking heads. Loss to the industry? What are you 10 years old.

3-4-53689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

I actually like listening to what he has to say most of the time even if I don't agree 50% of the time.

* He's made a lot of really good comments or points about random video game topics over the years, and I've enjoyed what he has to say more often then not.

When he was wrong though......He was REALLY wrong.

Good Luck Adam

Games_R_Us3689d ago

Its idiots like you who do nothing but complain and whinge thats probably pushed great talent like Adam Sesslers and more to the point of breaking.

There is only so much trolling one can take.

I'd like to see you or others do a better job and acheive what he has acheived and contribute to the industry in ways that these people do.

Gamers are so quick to cast a stone, and it makes me sick.

Wish you well Adam Sessler, your works will not be forgotten.

FriedGoat3689d ago

Sessler will be forgotten in no time, I barely knew who he was before a year ago and I've probrably been gaming longer than he has.

I could do a better job than sessler, I just need to go on twitter and start complaining that I PAID for all my consoles. WHERE ARE MY FREE CONSOLES?!?'

DragonKnight3689d ago

Please. Sessler was nothing. Hell, I've wanted Tommy Tallarico to come back to reviewing ever since he stopped because he really was the only one that I could say pulled absolutely no punches no matter what games he was reviewing, even if they were Spider-man related or Tron related, as those are two of his favourite franchises.

Sessler was a well spoken fanboy, simple as that.

Fez3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

I kind of think Adam Sesslers enjoys the hate he gets. This can be seen in his I:SS review at the 6:37 mark. He includes this line of dialogue "Looks like the haters are getting ready for their big parade". This is placed in his review after a deluge of negative comments and is unrelated to the points he is actually making.

It is important to note that this section of gameplay must be near the start of the game due to the Sony embargo so when Sessler was playing through, he must have taken note of this phrase and thought "I'm going to use this in my review".

It is clear he is aware that lots of people won't like what he is saying, even before he has written his review, and is consciously playing up to it.

Even more interesting is the fact that he would be nowhere near the end of the game so has pretty much made his mind up long before completion. You could possibly let him away with that though because he'd have lots of pre-release hands on and first impressions of a game are important but it does raise doubts about the mindset he had when he went into the game.

From his review it is also very clear he was not happy with Sony for limiting the content of his review again raising questions of integrity.

It's a very fishy review overall.

Then there's the other controversies with Sessler like resolution-gate and GOW:A.

I like Sessler when he is talking about something non-company specific and that he is passionate about, but based on his actions his bias eventually shines through.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3689d ago
thehitman13983689d ago

Thank you. A journalist can favor something more then another, but when said journalist interjects that opinion into their review/comments about the product their are judging, then that is where the journalist should not be allowed to review/comment anymore. Because people look at the reviews/comments as an un-bias standpoint. And don't give me this crap about, well I should have known better, that excuse does not justifie or make it OK.

Cryptcuzz3689d ago

I really wish this isn't another late and cruel April fools joke again!

Good Riddance I'd say.

Conzul3689d ago

I won't miss him either. His way with words was charming at first, but no amount of culture or book 'larnin justifies his obvious bias.

I hope Tara and the others hold down the fort and don't give up without him. Actually if Tara left I don't think I'd keep up with Rev3games anymore. Everyone else is just too airheaded.

trenso13689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

completely agree, i never liked him even on G4 his reviews never seemed to have the same forethought as Morgan Webb, and then with resolution gate he was just acting like a child who couldn't get his way.

solar3689d ago

idiots in this community have done it again.

ThatOneGuyThere3689d ago

He was entertaining on xplay. after that, he kind of went all game hipster and lost that magic that made him fun. Best of luck to the dude.

Orionsangel3689d ago

You mean his opinions are never your opinions and it pisses you off.

solar3689d ago

do you remember his rant about KZ2 and how he gave it a 5/5 and yet he got bombarded by Sony Extremists because his commentary wasnt "good enough"? the poor guy probably went insane because of all the insane fanboys extremists over video games.

BTBuck13689d ago Show
PudgeySan3689d ago

I think this is the right time, he is at the point where he has mastered his craft. Some might disagree and to be honest I wouldn't disagree with them. That said you could see it in him at Rev3. He has worn the position thin and there is no more stimulation there. Whatever he ends up doing I think he will do well.. and as much as I won't miss some of his opinions ill also miss his opinions I just previously said I won't miss.

TruthInsider 3689d ago

Crack open the champagne, nearly as good news as rabid Xbawx fanboy Tim Dog (@PNF4LYFE) buying a PS4!

Even the most diehards can't resist the power of PS4.

Never underestimate the power of Playstation.

andrewsqual3689d ago

Good riddance. Can hopefully stop seeing articles about him showing up here, whoever he is.

james0901623689d ago

aceitman, as far as favoring one over another, that is why it's called an opinion. And as someone who has followed him for years, I am sorry to see him go.

nosferatuzodd3689d ago

Good good never like this bias a hole anyways

Aceman183689d ago

Meh i'm not gonna lose any sleep over him quitting the biz. maybe now the whining will become less.

geddesmond3689d ago

That sessler dude wouldn't know a good game if it jumped up and bit him in the ass. I'm tired of these game journalists who think they are someone special because they over criticized this game or that game.

The industry will be much better without him.

joab7773688d ago (Edited 3688d ago )

Shoulda happened after G4. He is one of the few ppl that actually come off as thinking they know better or are more informed, and will grace us with his infinite knowledge.

Maybe its just me, but he has never been likeable and we won't even go into his PC rantings that were oh so annoying.

I do wish him well as hes been there from the beginning but I cant say ill miss him that much.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3688d ago
Paulie_gualtieri3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )


Can't stand this guy the last year or two.Glad he's done.
His whining, obnoxious sense of entitlement is over! and finally never have to look at that rat fur he covered his cheeks with again!

3689d ago Replies(1)
SilverTuna3689d ago

Prediction: This comments section will soon reveal the reason Adam Sessler wants to step away from video games.

SilentNegotiator3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Because the gaming community sees him for the hypocritical shill that he is. He can't keep on being a VG personality with a reputation like this.

DigitalRaptor3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

I like Sessler as a personality. He's firm and his interview style kicks ass.

But I'm glad he going and I'll tell you why. He's full of double standards as a "professional". He exaggerates things from one company that aren't relevant, and downplays things that are important to recognise from others. As a journalist, he was meant to bring us the truth about the next-gen consoles, but all he was doing was muddying things up intentionally, which really spells out "shill". The industry doesn't need people like that.

And his reviews are hit & miss.

Gozer3689d ago

I think this is an instance of the pot calling the kettle black. You truly are fun to watch DigitalRaptor.

DigitalRaptor3688d ago (Edited 3688d ago )

I am not a journalist or someone representing the press, who's programming or publishings influence a great deal of people. The position that Sessler had demands standards. Your point basically did nothing to prove otherwise.

I don't pretend to be an unbiased gamer, like you do, but I at least have integrity. You are the pot calling the kettle black, calling the pot black.

candy_mafia3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

I agree Adam Sessler is more aligned to Xbox, sure, but Max Scoffield (now@Destructoid) was far worse than Adam Sessler IMO.

Max was such a condescending jerk to Tara Long. You could see how uncomfortable Tara looked working with Max.

Has anyone seen just how awful Max Scoffield is on Destructoid? He hasn't changed one bit, an ego bigger than you can count....Destructoid is probably the worst show on youtube like ever!

Conzul3689d ago (Edited 3689d ago )

Max and Anthony are egotistical airheads. Sess is a shill and Nick is still a n00b. I'm pretty far from a White Knight or feminist, and even ** I ** got uncomfortable watching how often they spoke over Tara and dissed her all the time. You can see it easily in their "Casual Friday" episodes.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI3689d ago

To be fair, Max at least has some comedic value to him. Listen to Comedy Button. It's a great podcast he's a part of.

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Adam Sessler on Game Reviews, New Games Media, and X-Play

On this week's episode, former co-host of G4’s X-Play and the current president of TheoryHead, Adam Sessler, joins host Josiah Renaudin to talk about the new games media landscape. They cover modern game reviews, how we talk about games, the importance of sites like Waypoint, how X-Play was done from episode to episode, the brilliance of Horizon: Zero Dawn's design, and what Adam's up to now.

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i prefer extended play and tech tv haha.

OldGuyStillGaming2564d ago

F this clown
He ruined God of War Acension because he's easily offended and sucked at playing it so they had to dumb it down for his sappy ass.

TheUndertaker852564d ago (Edited 2564d ago )


Sony Santa Monica develops the game while Sony publishes.

If it was dumbed down it was by those two parties. Stating that they changed the game due to one individual is asinine as either

1) Sony Santa Monica and Sony then gave into the supposed demands of one individual and altered the game
2) Sony Santa Monica and Sony dumbed down the game based on their own opinion
Or 3) Sony Santa Monica and Sony wanted to push multiplayer with God of War Ascension then dumbed down the game to get individuals into the multiplayer with the micro transactions they introduced with the same title.

Either way it didn't come down to Sessler. He wasn't directly creating the game, publishing the game, or even involved outside of critique.🙂

Lionheart3772564d ago

That's not how video game development works, dude.

Fullmetalevolust2564d ago

I don't think his sphere of influence can impact a game and its development. However, he has made some statements I do not agree with but it doesn't take away that Xplay was fun to watch. They'd both shit on JRPG's almost every time and I'd shrug and still play them, lol.

dirkdady2563d ago

Actually if Adam did a mock review for Sony it could have heavily influenced aspects of the game.

Mock review for those that don't know is when a publisher hires a game critic to do a mock review for internal use/feedback only. It gives them a sense for how it will review upon release.

TheUndertaker852563d ago

@dirkdady: For them to want a mock review they'd had to have doubts with the product. Further for them to change aspects of the game comes down to Sony & Sony Santa Monica. They wouldn't do so unless they thought the feedback was valid.

Even still Sony & Sony Santa Monica would be involved in a green light. Not Sessler, again.

rainslacker2563d ago

Huh? Only thing I recall getting changed because of him was the name of a trophy.

Hardly something that would ruin the game as a whole. They didn't even remove the trophy....just renamed it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2563d ago
Pantz2564d ago

Hope they are together at E3 again. It warms my heart.

TheOttomatic912564d ago

I've never been a personal fan of Adam Sessler but hearing his insights about game industry (or specifically in being a gaming journalist) is quite interesting.

medman2564d ago

X-play and Aots all day every day.

fenome2564d ago

I used to watch both those shows all the freaking time. I lost a lot of respect for Sessler after some of his ridiculous rants though. God Of War was the first wtf seriously moment, and then the whole backing out of the industry because of the share button thing was just the icing on the cake.

OoglyBoogly2564d ago

His review of Bioshock Infinite did it for me. He talked about that mediocre game play experience like it was the greatest game he had ever played. Didn't make sense to me honestly.

TheUndertaker852564d ago

@OoglyBoogly: Yes, god forbid someone enjoys Bioshock while you don't.

fenome2564d ago

He literally just started contradicting himself and having little meltdowns toward the end, it would almost be funny if it wasn't kind of sad. Like I said, I used to watch X-Play all the time back in the day.

I'd post links just to show you what I'm talking about but my phone is ghetto and it's not worth the effort. Just look it up, it's not hard to find, he started slipping bad.

rainslacker2563d ago (Edited 2563d ago )

I lost complete respect for him the day he was at some E3 post conference show completely drunk off his ass, barely coherent, and just cynical as all hell. Claimed he had a cold, and was on cold medicine, even though he was fine early that day, and the next day seemed like he was not sick at all.

I've only enjoyed about half of the content he ever was a part of, and I did enjoy when he did interviews, because he was always fair, and even pushed hard on some questions at times, but his reviews either seemed shilled or extremely biased.

After that though he just started thinking his own opinion on how the industry should behave made him intolerable. Particularly his rant about not getting free stuff from the console markers. It's like the guy went off his meds, and all you ended up seeing what the bat-sh*t crazy side that just makes you uncomfortable to watch or be around.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2563d ago
Segata2564d ago

Aos was trash. Screen Savers was better. Extended Play stomps X-plays crappy skits with interns and lame jokes.

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Exclusive New Friday The 13th Game Interview On Spawn On Me Podcast

It’s a spooky, scary time of the year in Brookago! So it’s a no better time
to bring back our newest minister, Adam Sessler! Adam has so many great
things going on, and we get right into to it. Between his new movie
Lumberjack Man and his excitement about the kickstarter/upcoming video
game, Friday the 13th, The Sess is everywhere! What would a show with Adam,
Kahlief, Cicero and Shareef be if there wasn’t a ridiculous amount of
hilarity? Enjoy episode 82 of the Spawn On Me Podcast!


Adam Sessler, Jessica Villareal and Jeff Cannata discuss the biggest stories out of E3 2015

Adam Sessler, Jeff Cannata, and Jessica Villareal sit down to discuss the latest trends and biggest news coming out of E3 2015. See what they have to say about the show’s hottest games, including Uncharted 4 and Halo 5: Guardians, as well as their thoughts on the impending arrival of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality headsets that could change the way we game forever.