
Europe snubs the Xbox One and Titanfall - Why?

Videogamedebate writes:

I reported a few weeks ago that the PS4 was crushing the Wii U and Xbox One and that momentum hasn’t ceased. This being despite the release of Titanfall, coupled with widespread official and non official price drops in the continent. Should Microsoft abandon all hope in Europe?

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Neonridr3700d ago

"If we exclude the UK then sales across Europe are extremely thin"

well we can spin any story if we are selective at what information we use and don't use can't we?

Hatsune-Miku3700d ago

Playstation nation that's why.

TheLyonKing3700d ago

regardless of the situation TF did sell well but not as well as MS hoped.

thrust3700d ago

I do like hatsune posts!

Do not know why but they make me laugh I think he would kill himself if something bad was to happen to Sony.

He likes Sony a lot :)

Nothin wrong with that unless it gets this bad hehe

Maddens Raiders3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

"well we can spin any story if we are selective at what information we use and don't use can't we?"

.... and yet without any spin, the simple mathematics remains the same doesn't it? Go figure.

Eonjay3700d ago

The Xbox One has a hardware lead in zero (0) regions, countries, or territories that it has launched in.

Neonridr3700d ago

@Maddens - what is that, that if we include the UK, then Titanfall and the Xbox One are selling pretty well, but by excluding the largest market in Europe the numbers don't look as good?

While the Xbox One maybe isn't selling very well in the other countries, the extra sales they are getting from the UK can definitely help offset some of the difference. Last time I checked the UK was in Europe.

Gazondaily3700d ago


".... and yet without any spin, the simple mathematics remains the same doesn't it? Go figure."

Well simple mathematics would show that the Xbox One has been outselling the PS4 in the UK for over 4 weeks. Last time I checked, the UK was part of Europe and that the X1 isn't available in all European countries.

Go figure.

Imalwaysright3700d ago

Just because the X1 is selling well in the UK, it doesn't mean that is selling well in other countries of Europe. This isn't about offsetting sales or overall sales but the fact that selling well in one country in Europe doesn't in any way shape or form means that the X1 is selling well in Europe. For that to be true the X1 would have to sell well in the majority of Europe's countries, not just 1.

ajax173700d ago

PlayStation Continent is more like it.

candy_mafia3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )


Hehe yup Hatsune you totally rock!

Bubz up, looks like you need it :)

bigj793700d ago Show
himdeel3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

My thought. Releasing Titanfall on the 360 was an bad move. Until that version is released there is no telling what the final sells will be. For a new IP it's doing well.

Also delaying or having to delay the 360 version does nothing for the overall advertising momentum for Titanfall. Normal folk who don't frequent gaming sites probably don't know it's coming to the 360 and might think it's xbox one only.

Phoenix763700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

@bigj79: Sony is falling apart and they are losing a lot of people. In the past twelve months, so has MS. Don Mattrick, Steve Ballmer etc etc. this happens in business all the time. And why would u want the compition to be wiped out completely? If it wasn't for rivalry, the remaining company would be free to sell you shovel ware all day long because there is no one else to set the bar. Your comments are clearly that of a fanboy troll sadly.

Alsybub3699d ago (Edited 3699d ago )


I'm an Xbox One owner but I have to say that it would be bad for gaming, in general, if Sony were to fall apart.

I don't personally take sides, as soon as the PS4 has a game that I really want I'll be at the front of the queue to buy one.

I'm a fan of gaming in general, I don't want any company to monopolise and kill competition and along with it creativity.

Your post is also a bit racist.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3699d ago
Mr Pumblechook3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

I won't reiterate the major factors about why the PS4 is selling much more than the XBOne in Europe. But something else to be mentioned...

The USA is described as 'the Big Country.' A massive land mass with big wide roads so it is perfectly acceptable to have big cars to drive down them. Likewise the XBOne is quintessentially an American console in its design philosophy. It is incased in a massive box and the Kinect camera is very large as well. Whilst it fits in with the 'more is better' mindset of the USA this is totally at odds with European and Japanese culture where the people live in more modest sized homes and have an appreciation for svelte design. Microsoft have actually said that the XBOne large design is partly so it shouts that it is the central device under the TV because they believe it should dominate this space. Whereas the PS4 has been designed to blend in.

Likewise when it comes to game tastes the PlayStation brand with its reputation for experimental games like Journey is a better fit in mainland Europe. The USA loves dude-bro FPS games and action games like Twisted Metal more than any other nation. Look at infamous Second Son -in the USA it was mostly scored 8 and 9s, in the UK and Europe mainly 7s. Then you get a game like Heavy Rain a big hit in Europe but only a fair hit in the USA.

The PS4 is strong games platform and a big part of the reason behind that this is that Sony, a Japanese company, didn't just use Japanese people to plan and develop the PS4 project they used an international team. Mark Cerny designed the console! With a ton of Brits, Americans, Europeans and Asians too. But the Xbox One was put together by a insular group of Microsoft's American staff in Redmond. The console reflects their tastes and their sensibilities and understandably a weakness of it is that there is a disconnect between it and the worldwide audience of gamers.

3700d ago
Mr Pumblechook3700d ago

@Cobra951. Thank you. Definitely not trying to put any system down [well, not in this post!] I'm just talking about some of the cultural differences in tastes.

You are right about the online thing too. Whilst I've travelled around a few western European countries which all have a working internet structure, generally speaking there does seem to be a preference for offline games.

3700d ago
Why o why3700d ago

Well played lads...people can make criticisms without trolling as well as some can accept criticisms without getting defensive and upset.

In regards to the titanfall sales, guess time will tell but ms are conspicuously quiet which is telling as we've all seen em chest thump when they believe they've reached a milestone. You would of thought the whole of europe would of grabbed a bundle like that..thats what many were banking on anyway

Belasco3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

Last I checked, Americans come from all creeds, colors, religions and backgrounds. Or are all Americans just fat,rich,white dudebros? You could easily say MS has the same diversity.

warven3700d ago

Im from sweden and i agree what you say but there are some other things that people dont think about.
American digital/software companies has a very bad reputation in europe right now (ms youtube facebook etc.)
why? beacuse Snowden showed and proved that NSA have been spying on european citizens and its leaders, even nato Allies.
And that american companies sits in the lap of the goverment and collecting data from people.
There have been stories in the media about the kinect spying for the nsa.
I saw a newsclip here in sweden from germany from the ps4/xbox launch and they asked people standing in line why not anyone wanted the xbox and alot of people said "I dont trust that microsoft isn't spying on me". Young europeans today dont trust the us and its companies.
For example, Edward Snowden is a big hero in europe and basically the entire world but in us hes considered a traitor.

Sorry for my bad english learned it from games :).

jnemesh3700d ago

warven...You NEVER have to apologize for speaking a SECOND language! Most of us Americans (myself included) only speak one language...so if you speak English AT ALL, in addition to your native tongue, you need not apologize if your grammar isn't perfect! (it's not bad at all, by the way!)

Why o why3699d ago

Well said jnemesh

@ waven, dude, that was fine and very true.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3699d ago
Evilsnuggle3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

sense when it is Being out sold by our closest competitor 3 to 1 or even 2 to 1 selling well that's not good . Microsoft is losing market share it once had in the United Kingdom to Sony. You guys and you Spin.
What the hell are you talking about . Last gen 360 won the United Kingdom. 360 is the highest selling game consoles of all times in the U.K. This generation PS4 is out selling xbone 3 to 1 in U.K. . After 360 being the highest selling consoles of U.K history the PS4 launched 1 million in Europe and the xbone sold 100000. Xbone is getting destroyed by PS4 in Europe. The xbone is doing well in the USA. But xbone is not doing well in the United Kingdom or Europe. I know reality can be a hard thing to deal with sometimes. If these sale trends continue the xbone will not be as successful as 360 was in the United Kingdom or Europe. The xbone will continue to sell well in the USA because of Microsoft multiplayer focus.


Please stop the Microsoft P.R SPIN machine. Microsoft is in 7 countries because there's is demand for xbone in those countries. Microsoft has 900000 consoles sitting on selves in the USA and U.K. The could been in all of Europe and Asia . But Microsoft just don't want to because of lower demand in those countries. We all know that xbone is in high supply They could ship that extra supply to any country.


Neonridr3700d ago

over 120k copies of Titanfall sold in the UK in one week isn't too shabby.

I never said that the PS4 wasn't outselling the Xbox One in the UK so please don't put words in my mouth, but you can't deny that Titanfall hasn't helped sell some more XB1's. And it looks to be a healthy amount in the UK (Europe's largest gaming community).

Gunstar753700d ago

Hasn't most of Europe not seen the release of xb1

SugarSoSweet3699d ago

The UK is just ONE country out of several in Europe....

Neonridr3699d ago

actually the United Kingdom is 4 countries - England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3699d ago
jackanderson19853700d ago

the xbox is in 7 countries in Europe officially, the ps4 is in 18. doesn't matter if they're big or small countries they've shifted units in those countries widening the gap.

not to mention europe (bar the UK) has always been a playstation cluster, sales are consistently better for Sony then MS in regards game consoles so not sure why it's such a shock that it's continued that trend

Flamingweazel3700d ago

So in your bizarro world, size of the country and sales percentage is irrelevant? Those tony territories would make a tiny dent at best weekly, would make zero difference.

jackanderson19853700d ago

not sure where you got that from?

i said PS4 was in 11 more countries than xbox in europe and stated that it doesn't matter what size those are but a single unit shifted there increases the gap on xbox because xbox isn't in those countries.

also went on to say that historically Sony outsells MS in europe

Nekroo913700d ago

xbox is still using in those 7 countries it doeset matter if they launched in 18 because they will lose..

AnteCash3700d ago

You can buy any console in any country in europe even in croatia where im from.


Bobets3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

No need to exclude anything considering PS4 is still ahead even in UK.

As for the topic the answer is easy because Europe doesn't get a hard on every time another FPS is being hyped like U.S does. Only a few shooters Europe really buys into and thats halo and COD.

DJustinUNCHAIND3700d ago

So we are just going to conveniently ignore the fact that the X1 is only 13 territories.


Titanfall has sold over a million copies so far, by the way.

barb_wire3700d ago

Really? cause I haven't seen or read MS or EA releasing sales figures on it.. and if it had done over 1Mil, you can a bet a dollar they'd be crowing about it..

As for the topic at hand.. pretty easy really, when you treat fully over half of Europe as second class customers.. well, why should they have to wait til September 2014 (when MS finally gets to releasing to most, not all of Europe) when the PS4 is available in your country.

Flamingweazel3700d ago

Like you conveniently ignore those small territories make up 5% of xbox sales???? MS is already in the biggest markets where most sales come from please. Might add 100-200 a wekk max to x1.

IanVanCheese3700d ago

A million over PC and Xbox One combined. MS are likely waiting until it passes 1 million on Xbox One alone before making an announcement though.

Yaay4me3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

You have to understand, there is a reason why MS has not yet released in the same number of teritories. The idea that the sales numbers dont count because Sony has released in more territories is sort of mislead. MS is not stupid. They believed that by focusing on core markets(where people have more money to spend, both on consoles and on games) they could get the console sales thatcount more in terms of profit. Therefore they focused shipping the same number of units to those regions only. This was a strategy, it didnt happen because of chance. It was by design. What MS didnt count on was being outsold in these regions. By focusing on the richer markets they took a chance, and i would argue that even though it didnt pay of as well as they had hoped, it still worked better than if MS had tried to match the PS4 in every market it was released. So yousee the argument that MS is behind because its released in less markets is a fallacy.

vivid833700d ago

Why do people bring up this less territories thing ? Less territories is microsofts fault/strategy whatever so please stop bringing it up as a defence to an argument because as far as selling items to countries Sony and Microsoft have the same level playing field as in there no vetoes stopping Microsoft selling to the territories they're not in

kneon3700d ago

It doesn't matter who's fault it is, it's entirely irrelevant when the xb1 is behind the ps4 in every territory in which it has launched.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3700d ago
DeadRabbits3700d ago (Edited 3700d ago )

Because Europeans are not susceptible to the 24/7 M$ BS Hyped PR Machine. I feel for our American cousins whom are bombarded day and night by the media while trying to break away from the clutches of the Xbox brand into the warm embrace of the Playstation Community!

gazgriff2k123700d ago

yep maybe its because Europeans are educated and can read plus use logic and reason

borgome3699d ago

Europeans educated.... good one. More like a bunch lazy cheese eaters saltin my game who don't want to work.

WeAreLegion3700d ago

Yes, we are. Titanfall is still plastered all over Walmart, Game Stop, and Best Buy. We see commercials for it every day. It's a miracle that inFamous is doing so well here. I can't believe people know it exists with all this Titanfall crap around.

nypifisel3700d ago

That's a bit over the top perhaps but there are some truth to it in that European consumers tend to make more educated purchasing decisions.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub612d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad612d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g611d ago (Edited 611d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp11d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal893d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad892d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal890d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.