
Titanfall Review: Don’t Believe The Hype | This Is Infamous

TII "The Xbox One desperately needs a killer game right now and they are doing everything they can to convince us all that Titanfall is it. The fact is that couldn’t be further from the truth and while I hope in the future we finally do see Titanfall develop into a real franchise that I can get into wholeheartedly, it’s just not there yet and if this is really the best the Xbox One can do, there is a definite problem for this system’s future."

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fonger083694d ago

I feel like this review is less on the originality of TitanFall but more on the overall generic genre of 1st person shooters.

A little ironic that site called "this is Infamous" reviewing Titanfall isn't it?

DawnOfDon3694d ago ShowReplies(15)
starchild3694d ago

Yeah, this definitely wasn't written by a fanboy.

Anon19743694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

I love how, when faced with an opinion contrary to your own, rather then deal with the points raised or offer counter arguments, so many just go straight to "They're obviously a fanboy," or in this case "the site has Infamous in the title" like that somehow negates everything said in the review.

You guys should take up actual debating. Anytime the opposing debaters offer up an argument, you could just counter by calling them names and then smugly sit back like you'd just won. It'd be funny as hell.

Now if you legitimately disagree with any of the points he raised, it'd be interesting to hear why you think this review is off or you could offer up a counter to some of the issues this reviewer had. That's usually how people in the adult world handle differences of opinion.

Outside_ofthe_Box3694d ago

Huh, why are people getting upset over someone's "opinion" though!? Could it be that reviewers should in fact be as objective as possible when reviewing?

DigitalRaptor3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


Maybe this person just isn't choking on hype for this game, and can see it in a more balanced light. And so, they happen to have a different opinion and point of view to you.

If that makes you believe the author is a fanboy, then no wonder every insecure person on here is going around calling everyone else dealing in fact and logic "fanboys". But that's besides the point - darkride66 said it best.

starchild3694d ago


I don't have an opinion about Titanfall because I haven't played it. I don't own an XB1 and I haven't bought the game for my PC yet.

The reason I sarcastically implied he was a fanboy was not because of his opinion of Titanfall, it was because of other blatantly fanboy statements he made.

"The Xbox One desperately needs a killer game right now and they are doing everything they can to convince us all that Titanfall is it. The fact is that couldn’t be further from the truth"

-This is clear trolling and a big slap in the face to the majority of people that do seem to think that Titanfall is an excellent game. He states his opinion as if it were a fact and is needlessly antagonistic. Who are these nebulous "they" that are so dastardly trying to convince "us" that Titanfall is a killer game?

"I hope in the future we finally do see Titanfall develop into a real franchise"

-So it's not a great beginning to a franchise? Are the majority of people just hallucinating that they are enjoying a good game?

"it’s just not there yet and if this is really the best the Xbox One can do, there is a definite problem for this system’s future."

Oh really? So the fact that Titanfall has released to overwhelmingly positive critical reception and seems to be selling quite well is a "definite problem for this system's future"? Again, he acts like because he thinks the game sucks the rest of the world must too. Even if the game was universally panned by critics and gamers it still wouldn't signify a problem for the console's future. It's still early days yet and there is plenty of time for great games to be released on all the platforms.

I'm sorry, if you can't see the problem with what he wrote and why it reeks of fanboyism it's probably because you think the same way as the author.

darx3694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )


You didn't need to type all that. "Thisinfamous.com" is all that needed to be said.

Bathyj3694d ago

Actually darx, Starchild wrote a well thought out post, arguing point by point on why he disagrees.

You simply fell back to a fanboy stance, reacting to the name of the site, not the content of it, which incidentally from what I can gather, has nothing to do with Second Son, PS4 or Sony.

Anon19743694d ago

@Starchild. Hey, you actually showed up for a change. Well done.

Now, as for his "blatantly fanboy" statement. You're coming across as tremendously defensive when you look at the reviewers actual statements. He says the Xbox One "desperately" needs a killer game. He's certainly not the only one who's noticed that the XBox One isn't exactly lighting the world on fire. From financial analysts to game journalists, it's not exactly a secret that the XBox One hasn't been selling as well worldwide compared to it's closest rival. A "killer app" would certainly be a shot in the arm for the system. There's nothing "fanboyish" about that observation. That's just common sense.

Hoping Titanfall develops into a "real franchise", how on earth is that negative? The reviewer made his case as to why he felt Titanfall didn't feel like a complete game. That's his opinion, he backs it up and you can certainly see where he's coming from. He likes what he sees and wants them to develop the game into more than he played this time. On what planet is that somehow a "fanboy" slam of the series? He likes it, he wants more. How on earth did you just spin that into something negative?

And here's another big problem with your issue here, and I don't know if it's your reading comprehension or what. The reviewer recommends people check out this game. He says it's fun. He states it's "cool". He questions it's value at the current price. Somehow, you've twisted that in your mind to mean "he thinks it sucks and is bashing it." You say so yourself. "He acts like because he thinks the game sucks the rest of the world must too."

Here's the problem though. The reviewer never said that. You just completely made that up. You're just setting up a straw man, and then arguing against that.

I think he has a very valid point. Titanfall is a good game. Not great, not universally acclaimed by any stretch of the imagination, but a good, solidly reviewed game, and this is the game that Microsoft is currently throwing their substantial marketing might behind. A game that, based on the majority of reviews, is good, not great. Are you telling me that isn't a bit concerning regarding the Xbox One's short term prospects? You'd think by Microsoft's efforts and PR that Titanfall was some 95 percent Metacritic, game of the year contender. They're sure working overtime to make us think that, but it's not the case. The game is a lot of fun but it certainly isn't going to be on anyone's game of the year list come year end. You can certainly see the reviewer's point.

That is unless you've already convinced yourself that this review hates the game despite the list of positive things he had to say about it and you've simply dismissed anything even remotely negative to do with the Xbox One in general.

LogicStomper3694d ago


You are literally like the only person on this site who can actually argue/counter-argue with plausible and logical premises.

I'm assuming you've either:

a) Done a lot of debating.
b) Taken philosophy.
c) Both A and B.

Just to nick-pick though, I wouldn't consider the authors argument "valid" as it's non-deductive rather than deductive. Just to say again though, it's good to read an actual counter-argument.

alexkoepp3694d ago

Someone is jelly that PS4 doesn't have/won't have any "KILLER APP" in the near future. Infamous has worse enemy variety than Ryse, and it doesn't look as good lol.

Mulletino3694d ago

Haha most of the article is about Titanfall not having a real "campaign" mode. Infamous has zero multi-player mode. "But infamous was made for single player..." I would give Titanfall in the 10 or so hours I've played it about an 8.5 but I think that it did what it tried to do very well.

venom063694d ago

kinda pathetic how NO ONE is being honest on how easy and lack of skill this game really is... all the guns have NO recoil and are laser beams, the AI is stupid as hell, only 6 vs 6, takes NO skill to get a Titan... this is what happens when all the game review sites hype up something beyond reason..

Antwan3k3694d ago

what you and the reviewer are failing to realize is Titanfall is indeed a "great" game.. Not just a "good" game, not just a "solid" game, but a "great" game according the vast majority of reputable game review sites..
Most major sites have given it a rating of 9/10 or better and despite many polarizing opinions from unbiased individuals who have legitimate concerns of "online only" multiplayer games, hardcore E-Sports gamers who hate the idea of AI on the battlefield, and 100% fanboys who just want to see Titanfall fail because it's associated with the Xbox One, the game has still garnered a 86% on metacritc which (last time I checked) can be rounded to 90% by all current rules of math..

Considering how high profile this game is, with reports of fanboys purposely creating horrible reviews to drive the score down, maintaining a score roundable to 90% on metacritic is quite the feat to be honest.. Again, anything roundable to 90%+ on metacretic should be consider "great".. A "good, solidly reviewed game" can be something in the 70%+ percent range.. This is simply not remotely the case for Titanfall..

Also, the Xbox One isn't doing as well as the PS4 in terms of sales but it is selling fast and as a matter of fact, faster than the Xbox 360 did.. It's a little over four months into the new generation and you agree with an assessment that says the Xbox One "desperately" needs Titanfall?.. Sure Titanfall is big for the console.. No denying it.. But looking at console sales, the Xbox One is Microsoft's most successful Xbox console to date based on sales rate (quoted right from Microsoft). The PS4 console costs $100 less and has benefited from tons of bad Xbox One PR ranging from "always online", DRM, "resolution gate", and more.. It SHOULD be selling better.. Until the price becomes more comparable, I'd be shocked if the PS4 wasnt selling better.. But regardless that doesn't mean that the Xbox One is selling poorly and using words like "desperately" sounds more like a biased fanboy statement rather than an objective view of real world sales figures..

In the end, to be fair, if you claim that starchild is reaching in his assessment that the review has clearly biased undertones, it should also be said that maybe you are reaching if you DONT see those undertones.. Because they are there, plain as day in my opinion.. Throwing in a few niceties like the game is "cool" doesn't erase his other statements.. Like you defending his stance that he's hoping Titanfall develops into a "real franchise" one day and wondering how that could remotely be seen as negative?.. Well clearly he's saying that the game isn't worthy of being a "real franchise" now.. That doesn't sound negative and a little fanboyish?.. I'd wager he'd think it would be "real franchise" worthy once Titanfall 2 lands on PS4.. But maybe I'm reaching right?..

Everyone has their opinion and the reviewer is certainly entitled to his.. But also realize that his opinion is in the vast minority.. And that doesn't magically make him the one shining light of truth among the corrupt hype machine and all the other puppets dancing to Microsoft's tune.. There's also the real possibility that he is just a biased fanboy, pandering to his fellow fanboys and getting clicks for his previously unknown website.. Both are possible but the later is more likely in my opinion..

redwin3694d ago

The only thing I can say about this game is that I would like to customize my mech with different colors or decals. Other than that, everything else is done well. This is a game that has great playability. I think I will be comparing every shooter to this one from now on. It's callers chai sing the dragon, lol. Remember Counter Strike or Steel Battalion ? This is a cross between them!

bumnut3694d ago

Venom06 took the words out of my mouth. Titanfall is for the press x to win generation

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GTgamer3694d ago

Are you people that paranoid that because the name of the site has infamous it apparently has something to do with Second Son the sites mainly about movies I guess no one can say anything bad about TF without being a Sony Fanboy all y'all kill me sometimes.

Patrick_pk443694d ago

Some people aren't that intelligent. They probably think Sucker Punch Prod created the word Infamous.

alien6263694d ago

i played Titanfall recently im i wasnt really impress :T i dont get all the hype for it

rawson8153694d ago

I'm a 100% with you there I played on xbox one and didn't see what the big deal was it's strictly a hyped up form of call of duty that has been out for years now and frankly zombies and extinction were the best parts of those games "in my opinion" !!!!!!!!! So I didn't see the big deal I'm very ready for the run and gun games to stop being so hyped

Syntax-Error3694d ago

Jumped that ship after the second delay to sell more XB1's. Lost interest and going to buy a PS4 instead for my next gen experience. I was waiting for it on 360 to see if it was going to be worth t, but since I see they are more concerned with selling XB1 than giving fans what they really want, it made my decision that much easier. I will wait until they get desperate enough to drop the price when I consider to buy one, but until then I will be playing my PS4.

callahan093694d ago

What is wrong with everybody here? This website has literally *nothing to do* with the InFamous game series.

Did you guys even peruse the site at all before debasing it based on the name alone? It's a coincidence. The website has been around since August when they were formed after a successful indiegogo funding campaign.

There is a comprehensive "Who We Are" link on the site that tells you about each member. They have names & faces. The site itself isn't even really a gaming site, it's more of a pop culture site and focuses more on movies than games.

If you had spent more than 2 seconds on the site, you'd know this isn't an InFamous videogame fan site reviewing a loosely-defined "rival" (only in the sense that Titan Fall came out within a week of InFamous). It is just another pop culture/geekdom site reviewing a videogame.

The conspiracy nature of the comments disparaging this site purely based on the name... simply ridiculous.

3-4-53694d ago

I bought into the hype and was let down with the Beta/Demo, so I kind of agree, that it's not worth the hype or isn't what I thought it was going to be.

It's still worth trying out, it just may not be for you once you've played. it.

Titanfall could also be your favorite FPS game of all time, it kind of depends on what your in the mood for.

If currently your burntout on FPS games, then it won't be as fun.

If you haven't played one in a while, it might be exactly what you are looking for.

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Kiwi663694d ago

What a stupid article posted by a troll

ger23963694d ago

At least give an explanation as to why. What part of it is stupid?

Hicken3694d ago

There isn't an explanation. It's just not what many users of a certain alignment wanted to hear, so they discount it. They can't provide any quantifiable reasons, though, so asking for that is too much.

Death3694d ago

It's a flamebait article at best.

Titanfall is sitting at 86 on Metacritic getting as high as a 100 and with 30 reviews of 90 or above. If the critics think it's great and gamers are happy too, then what is the point of this article a couple weeks later?

It's a multiplayer online only game. Would a campaign make it better? I think so. Should it get dinged for not having one? That's a very gray area. Infamous doesn't have a multiplayer component. Does this mean it's less than a full game and should be discounted?

Titanfall is what it is. If you are looking for a fleshed out offline campaign, you are in the wrong spot. If you want a side scrolling beat 'em up with RPG elements you won't be happy with Titanfall either. If you are looking for something multiplayer similar to COD with big ass mechs, Titanfall is the perfect fit.

MidnytRain3693d ago

This is funny because the people defending the reviewer were s****ing all over Sessler's inFAMOUS review.

Slevon3694d ago

I shant give you a single click judging by the comments here, thank you n4g comments

ITPython3694d ago

Don't worry, I'll click it twice for the hit it missed out on.

Although most of the time I don't even click on the article links either, I just read the comments.

isa_scout3694d ago

A site called "This Is Infamous" reviewing TitanFall? Yeah, who didn't see this coming.Of course he/she didn't like the game as it is on a Xbox One...
TitanFall and Infamous are both fantastic games...Give it a rest already. There are plenty of reasons to own both consoles.

insomnium23694d ago

For what? Stupidity? In what way has the site's name anything to do with the game series called Infamous? That's so stupid I just made an effing backflip facepalming so hard. My god!

R_aVe_N3694d ago

I really don't see how the name of the site really matters here. People play more than one console so it doesn't matter.

Anon19743694d ago (Edited 3694d ago )

Wow. So the site has "Infamous" in the title so it must have an anti-MS slant? Are you for real?

Site owner and contributor, Billy Donnelly, was a contributing member of AintItCoolNews for years under the handle "The Infamous Billy the Kidd"

He started ThisIsInfamous.com last year to provide "honest and credible opinion and commentary at all times" on everything from Movies to Games, Comics to Toys.

And they came away with the opinion that Titanfall, while fun, feels a bit generic with not a huge amount of content. They're perfectly entitled to their opinion.

MasterCornholio3694d ago

Just shows how stupid people are for targeting the site just because there's a Playstation game called Infamous. Pretty stupid in my opinion and its just as stupid as people bashing fool.com for having fool in the name of the site.

Copen3694d ago

Xbots only see things one way and that way is to instantly be defensive without weighing the merits of an article but instead pass judgment because of the name of the site. Can't get any more narrow minded than that. Because the site has "infamous" in it it's just instantly assumed to be Sony related and gets the kids riled up.

T23694d ago

so you are thinking the website was made for the sole reason to make this review?? Hahahahaha....
the website has nothing to do with infamous ss ...

GTgamer3694d ago

So apparently the word infamous isn't allowed to be used at all when it comes to anything Xbox related because fanboy logic :/.

thejigisup3694d ago

I can't even watch star wars anymore, gotta skip scenes with x wings in it.
Can't move to another house because I can't physically imagine putting my stuff in boxes.
Speed doing geometry because circles give me the shivers.
Can't go to Broadway, too many plays.
Radio stuck on country don't wanna change the station
It's impossible to get away from the fanboys.
The article is done and I agree with as much flak as mg ground zeros is getting im surprised rather I guess I'm not surprised at all unfortunately. TF is another thoughtless shooter, it's pretty, and fun(for now), but it's bland and I feel like it's barely a step above cod, is not even above its just a little to the left of, TF is miley cyrus.
Unless they start adding some real content we'll all be saying it was fun while it lasted

isa_scout3694d ago

Funny thing is I'm not a fanboy...If you look at my comment history...Go ahead. You'll see that I own both consoles and love them both equally. If I am incorrect about the origins of this site then my bad, but it is very easy to make a website and since this is site isn't EVER at the top of n4g I thought it was a fanboy article. Honest mistake.
Funny that people would call me a fanboy when I'm splitting time between Infamous and TitanFall PS4/Xbox One. If I'm a "fanboy" I don't know what the hell the rest of you pathetic people are.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub604d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad604d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g603d ago (Edited 603d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp3d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal885d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad884d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal882d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.