
PS4 Sold Out Almost Everywhere Again in Japan: Retailer Advises to Grab it When You Find One

With the beginning of March Sony is halting shipments of the “First Limited Pack” of the PS4 in Japan, moving from the bundle with Knack to the standard boxes without the game, and looks like almost all the units that were pushed into the market so far have now found a loving home, while retailers advise customers to grab one when they can.

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Hatsune-Miku3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

PlayStation nation. When you make such a quality product then itll sell out constantly . The most powerful console is winning this generation and its the best console ever bestowed on earth for people to have the honour of playing .

The ps4s hardware is so powerful and PlayStation plus is the best video game online service which helps to highlight big differences from having an amazing video game system to the other mediocrity to rubbish services.

Ps4 is the future and the future is Ps4

AD7053722d ago

lol what a good movie that was. I give you the keys to the internet fine sir.

scott1823722d ago

The PS4 is doing great, Sony has a winner for sure.

ThanatosDMC3722d ago

I really wish Yakuza Ishin was localized to NA. I'd be playing it non-stop till i get a plat.

alexkoepp3722d ago


PS+ is the best online service eh?


These are both systems on my 50mbs network, both wired connections. Xbox live is more than twice as fast, its not even a comparison.

GutZ313722d ago

Looks like you didnt read that last little bit at the end of the PS4s speeds...
"*Connection speeds are estimates only."

In other words, it just tells you if you are within range or standard speeds, and wont show past those numbers.
Make no mistake, your connection is still 50+MB/s on PS4 (I have 50MB/s as well).
Tested with actually downloading games, it is using it all. PS3 is slower though.

Conzul3722d ago


LOL I used a wireless connection and I get those same speeds for my PS4. I shudder what would happen if I ever got over my phobia of cords and put it on a cable.

'Twould probably start a fire!

TruthInsider 3722d ago


Now show us your speed on a Speedtest.net test to see what it actually is.

GutZ313721d ago

Go on your PS4 and xbox one and use the browser to look up this site.
It should be a much better reading than both system connection diagnostics read.

alexkoepp3721d ago

Ask and ye shall receive


There is no fowl play here. Xbox Live is a superior network plain and simple.

"Looks like you didnt read that last little bit at the end of the PS4s speeds...
"*Connection speeds are estimates only."

In other words, it just tells you if you are within range or standard speeds, and wont show past those numbers."

In other words, "I didn't like the results, I'm going to go ahead and make up something that I think explains the differential"

Please show me some proof of "it won't show past those numbers". I understand an estimate, and an estimate isn't off by 32MB/s

CryofSilence3721d ago

I bet I could get 230 Mbps down if I bought either console and hardwired them in. Google fiber ftw. Here's what I got when I plugged in my old laptop:

GutZ313721d ago

This site works on both the PS4 and xbox one. getting 47MB/s download 24MB/s upload.

Tapani3721d ago

I'll just give you a bubble for your preference for Amiga! :)

Damn, those were the good days...

amiga-man3721d ago (Edited 3721d ago )

Bubble to you Sharp for the same, as you said fine days and great memories :)

Reaon3721d ago

@alex dude I'm constantly downloading ps4 games at 15 megabytes per second (which is my max), yet the connection test says my down is only like 50/60 mbit. It doesnt mean shit, it's a rough estimate based on a very very tiny file, the higher your speed the more inaccurate it becomes, because it practically downloads the file instantly.
So don't go spouting nonsense about xbl being superior based on a freaking internet connection test (read: connection, not speed test!).

You fanboys are getting insanely defensive...

kopicha3721d ago


what is your point here? how about it's your own internet that suck?

I have a 100MB connection and this is what I get on PS4

kenshiro1003721d ago

Alex you sound like a typical fanboy. Try and downplay PS4 news with drivel.

Boody-Bandit3721d ago (Edited 3721d ago )


I have had similar disparities when I do speed test on the PS4 and XBOX ONE that also favors the X1. BUT, yes there is a but, when I have played GHOST and BF4 on both consoles online they run they same as far as latency. Both are basically identical.

I've done several comparisons. Playing one after the other and even playing both at the same time while a friend was playing one version and myself the other. We would even switch controllers back and forth mid match using the same exact weapons and neither of us noticed a millisecond difference and both of us have been online gamers since it's inception.

Another thing I noticed is when I download demos, add-ons and games slightly faster on my PS4 over my XBOX ONE. Now none of this is an exact science so I think you're saying XBL is 2x could not be more of a fallacy and simply your opinion.

As far as I know no tech site has put both online services through their paces so it's basically a he said she said until the data transfer has been measured for both and documented. Even then it would be a who do you trust and what was their basis for the test and how were they measured.

All I know is the single most important aspect of online gaming is latency and I have not noticed one bit of difference between the 2 top shooters online. The hit detection is essentially identical.

Giul_Xainx3721d ago

Download speeds again?

Talk about clasping straws......

USA0073721d ago

Sony's Internet connection test is not truthful and only an estimate. Go to one of those testing websites provided and check. All sony's devices are inaccurate at the Internet test. It is not simply the speed of XBL or PSN, as in most games you will be connecting to a host or server that has nothing to do with the networks.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3721d ago
zero_gamer3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Edit: It's good to see PS4 doing so well for Japan. It's actually the most important region for me because I am a jRPG gamer first and foremost. I want more jRPGs on home consoles with my 46" TV and not having to rely on portable hardware with a much smaller screen and inferior controls. PlayStation's home consoles are always my to go platform for jRPG's.

PS9 is the future and the future is PS9.

Magicite3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

yes, my 50'' Philips Ambilight HDTV screams for JRPG goodness!

PoSTedUP3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

ya but, im on my handheld, in a hammock, in my [grandmothers] beautiful japanese garden, with like, 6-7 japanese cherry trees raining down pink flower pedals... rolf, sorry, had to.. (not now, but in the spring/summertime). :P

psvita, it's unrivaled oled-color scheme, & ps4 remoteplay ftw.

eh, idk i just prefer handhelds :P

AsunaYuukiTheFlash3722d ago

My Samsung 4K TV need some JRPG love too.

ZombieKiller3722d ago ShowReplies(4)
jessupj3722d ago

It's interesting.

After hearing this about the PS4 I find myself pretty much accepting this as truth.

However, when MS spouts their sales numbers, my immediate knee jerk reaction is - How accurate is this really? I usually do a lot of digging and analysing their words for 'PR spin' before I even start to consider any of it to be true.

But it's good to see strong demand is holding steady in Japan. I personally don't care for JRPGs (at least the turn based ones) but I know a lot of people do and they've been starved of them for so long.

So I hope for their sakes, we start getting a lot more of them. Judging from the sales I'm sure we will.

3722d ago
Watari3213722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

No offense but I like PlayStation but this is kinda ridiculous. This is blatant PR lol

Akuma2K3722d ago

Lmaoooooo....ssssssssssmoking !!!!

jebabcock3722d ago

A little over the top there hatsune..

5eriously3721d ago (Edited 3721d ago )

You ar trolling this same off topic BS in multipne articles.

How do we know you are honest? I thought your PS4 were not connected and collecting dust so thus you only take it out when you want to discredit the PS4, thus I cannot take you seriously and for all I know YOU ARE USING TWO DIFFERENT NETWOKS for your so called "proof". Maybe you have the PS4 over the wireless network for all I know. Looking at your comment history I do not trust your motives and cheating the results would not be beyond you.

Bubbled down for serious trolling by a butthurt fool.

Tempest3173721d ago

I dont think hes using different internet connections, I just think the ps4 connection test to judge speed is like using Windows experience index as an indicator of pc performance. My connection test is consistently saying I have a 12-15 mbit connection (its actually closer to 30mbit) when I download, my download speeds are better than 3 MBps, right in line with projected speeds. Instead of testing it hes just taking that number as law even though as many other people have said, its inaccurate.

bigfish3721d ago (Edited 3721d ago )

I don't understand why no one is buying Xbox One,, c'mon guys its a wicked console, its got like voice activation and you can control the content using voice only. its like a set top box also where you can watch and record tv, so your getting so much for your money...

PaleMoonDeath3721d ago

Wow, just.. wow.

If Sony ain't paying you I have no clue what's going on.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3721d ago
Majin-vegeta3722d ago

Are these still from the 2nd batch of PS4?

Abriael3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

3rd for Yodobashi and Amazon, but it depends on the retailer, some got less, some got more.

RPG_Lover3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

sold out? no it isnt. From what people are saying who live in Japan. It is quite easy to go to a store and pick one up. Of course I believe John Riccardi.

Eonjay3722d ago

Are you suggesting that these retailers are lying?

Hicken3722d ago

Yes, the retailers are lying, and Nintendo "fans" like pedroyamato are telling the truth, with no ulterior motives.

Where are you getting your info from?

Kryptix3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )



Looking at the very high initial demand, I really doubt you can easily pick one up over there.

kayoss3722d ago

Sorry but you're mistaken that for the wii u. But what else is new. It's expected from you since you're pro Nintendo. Every chance you get you'll bash anything Sony especially the vita. Retailers are saying its sold out but I guess you're the person who is in charge of over seeing all th retailers in Japan so of course you would have inside info bout how many ps4 are left at retail. /S

chrisarsenalsavart3721d ago

Dude I know you hurt Nintendo is not doing well right no
w but quit the bulls on what u think u know about japan.
My brother actually works in tokyo for a French restaurateur(l'attelier Joel Robuchon,Minato Roppong)and he spent the all weekend in Akihabara trying to find a ps4 but without success.


+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3721d ago
pyramidshead3722d ago

Very very good sign. Revitalise that console market PS4, this may help the XB1 in the long run too. We need Japanese devs back in the game.

RPG_Lover3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Japanese devs never left the game. They have been just as good and as bad as the west and as they have ever been. This sensationalized fiction that Japanese devs aren't making good games needs to end.

Eonjay3722d ago

That fiction has its roots in an over dramatized dissatisfaction with FF13. I actually liked the game though. But yeah, they are constantly pumping out good games.

Parapraxis3721d ago

"This sensationalized fiction that Japanese devs aren't making good games needs to end."

Blah blah blah, i'm just going to ignore the fact that western developed games have been kicking ass and Japanese developed games have been hanging onto relevancy by a thread.

DCfan3721d ago

Someone gets it finally.

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