
Microsoft: Titanfall Will Set A MP Look/Feel/Gameplay Bar So High, It'll Take A Long Time To Match

Microsoft: Titanfall Will Set A MP Look/Feel/Gameplay Bar So High, It'll Take A Long Time To Match.

ShugaCane3743d ago

Destiny looks way more interesting to me. And I say "looks", because obviously I didn't play either of them, so the hell I know ? But I'm much more attracted to Destiny's universe than that of TF, which TO ME, "looks" like COD with mechas.

AceBlazer133743d ago

Sad that you have to stress on the 'looks' to avoid being attacked from certain individuals.

Completely agree though, TF looks so basic. Destiny looks like it has more potential.

ShugaCane3743d ago

I'll be attacked anyway lol. But yes, you summed it up. Destiny has more soul and personality, based on the trailers. It's an online game, but developers cared to build a world from scratch, with its lore.

ZodTheRipper3742d ago

Of course MS needs to hype them but these guys came up with CoD so ...yeah.
Can't wait for Destiny though, RPG >>> FPS.

Aggesan3742d ago


I have a PC that's slightly less powerful than my PS4 and slightly more powerful than the Xbox One. I still doubt I'll be playing Titanfall though. Never cared for CoD or CoD clones because of their cramped environments and twitch based gameplay.

lolCHILLbro3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Basic is what made COD4 so good though, then all those perks and that messed up COD, these guys made COD4 and it will be a good MP game

OrangePowerz3742d ago


Yes they came up with CoD bit that was already a carbon copy of MoH games they made previously.

Gazondaily3742d ago

Titanfall is a competitive arena based fps though so I don't know why you guys are drawing comparisons with Destiny, which is more of a mmo/ explorative co-op experience.

Titanfall's direct competitors are the likes of COD, Battlefield, Halo etc. In that regard, it might just be the best in its class.

Destiny is in a whole different class really. In fact, youre probably better off comparing Destiny to The Division even if it is a TPS.

4Sh0w3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Destiny will surely be great, I'll get both of these on my Xbox One. Excuse me though if I see a a whole lot of envy from sony guys hidden behind typical "I dont care about Titanfall" type posts. I didn't care about KZ SF so you won't find me following the game trying to downplay any good press. So really I'll just take the comments from the usual suspects above or below with a huge grain of salt, pfft now trying to promote a multiplat game on a Titanfall thread they never miss an opportunity, its clearly in their nature to always be so negative about anything xbox related and wave pom poms whenever a sony drops a average screenshot of any ps4 exclusive.

If preorder sales hold true Xbox One version is killing pc and 360. 360 will sell given the huge fanbase but the fact it's not being directly dev'd by Respawn and a bit delayed hurts it. As for pc truth is despite some always trying to hype pc versions, history shows the pc versions always sell considerably less than its xbox countetpart making Xbox One version literally where most gamers will be getting their Titanfall fix from daily. Titanfall definitely "looks" like alot of fun and to add there has been awards and a avalanche of PRAISE FROM MEDIA AND TONS OF GAMES WHO HAVE ACTUALLY PLAYED TITANFALL vs Destiny who is a ways off and hasn't had hands on or very much shown of the games.

DeadlyFire3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

I have to agree. Destiny does look more like a real game people can get into. Titanfall's only appeal is CoD + Vertical + Botkillstreak mech drop. Not saying that is all bad though CoD has long held the crown over Quake for top Arena FPS shooter. I personally get tired of Arena FPS games, but even Battlefield wants to have some arena combat in its games with smaller game types, and maps. I like Open range maps like what Halo has offered in past titles. Destiny may be MMOFPS with a story element, but even Planetside 2 has some arena combat plans. Go here @3:19 = Competitive multiplayer is in Destiny. http://www.youtube.com/watc...

I believe honestly alot of sleeper FPS titles could innovate multiplayer as well. We still don't have a clear picture of everything that is releasing in 2014 just yet.

GTgamer3742d ago

I dare anyone to look at TF and take out the mechs and the people running on walls and tell me what TF looks and plays like and its not even funny how the game is basically COD and you all know this So I don't see it setting a Bar in my opinion.

dedicatedtogamers3742d ago

Please stop with all of the artificial hype. My goodness. If Titanfall is so dang good, then it will prove itself. The more I hear about this game, the less excited I become because so much of the hype feels manufactured.

I think Titanfall looks okay. But what does it do better than its competitors? I'm sure it will be a well-polished game, but the constant praising it as the Second Coming is beyond silly. If this game was coming to PS3 and 360 and PC (and wasn't being used as a next-gen "system seller" ) I guarantee you the hype would be 1/10th what it is right now.

OrangePowerz3742d ago


Why do you think the 360 version is delayed in the first place? I don't buy it that they need to polish the game on the 360 and that's the cause of the delay. I think they delayed it because the rumours that it's not far of the X1 version are true and they just want to sell more consoles.

MysticStrummer3742d ago

I don't know what they mean by "look" but that old engine won't be setting any graphical bars, and the gameplay/feel appears to be sci fi CoD so there's not much bar setting going on in those categories either. I'm sure the game will be fun for CoD fans, which is a lot of people after all so it will be successful across three platforms, but MS is just in PR mode here.

UncleGermrod3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

basic yes, but i think it could be just enough to shake up a winning formula. all the gameplay i see looks so fluid and it just seems like a really fun game.

destiny deff has my interest as well...it seems a lot like halo, but the way you interact with the world is a much more ambitious idea.

truefan13742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Who are we kidding here this is n4g, nothing positive about XB1 can be said without being downplayed in some way. I guarantee if Destiny was an XB1 exclusive it would be called Halo on another planet, the same way Titanfall was called COD with Mechs after the announcement of it being a Microsoft exclusive. PS bringing Destiny up doesn't hurt XB1 fans, because we will be able to play both. Titanfall will be great and you all need to get over your jealousy, you all supposedly have gaming pc's anyway right. Lol this is an article about Titanfall and all the ps4 fans brought up Destiny, it's getting pathetic.

Sayai jin3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

@Dedicated - Artificial hype? You could throw that connotation on any game that has a lot of positive news. MS seems excited, but where/who did the majority of good press about this game come from? During E3 where it took home many awards.. Also, the majority of people who have played the game have rave reviews and are super excited for this game. Why is it a bad thing if a company is happy about an upcoming game and there excited about the potential.

Those of us who have not played it do not know how it will turn out, but from the looks of everything and the reviews from those who play it; it seems like it will be a very good game. How it will do against it's competitors? Not sure and I could care less. I never worried about that kind of stuff. I'll leave that to the companies that develop games and make console. I never thought how will a Mario game compete against the next Sonic, Halo vs KZ, etc.

Also, thats what companies do...promote (hype if you want) their games especially there big games. It's a double edge sword to. Because if you heavily promote a game and it does not do well...then you know what happens.

On topic, I'm looking forward to this game and hope to get into the beta. I've look at most of the videos and I like what I see.

Kryptix3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Titanfall does have a lot potential to break down many barriers. Hopefully it brings a lot of innovation with it's formula to let it top CoD and raise that bar. It does look like another CoD with mechs but at the same time, it's good for competition as it's doing something CoD developers never had the balls to do...which is to expand and really change the battlefield. Hope that it gives new ideas like for example having a great leveling system like CoD4 did with unlocking weapons and perks, setting a bar there for multiplayer in shooters.

As for Destiny, I prefer it because of it's universe, style, and co-op and not sure how PvP will work out but I'm sure it's going to be like Halo with more complex mechanics. They're separate games but I did say it before, rather pick Destiny because it's raising a bar, too in many ways. It's pretty much Bungie's talent going all out, not being tied to just Halo but rather creating a larger world centered for you, the player.

Giul_Xainx3742d ago

Looks like they just hired a new pr person. Get ready for an onslaught of jumbled words thay prick the senses. Causisng confusion is this pr persons specialty.

alexkoepp3742d ago

Lost faith in bungie after ODST and halo reach. Luckily 343 has been doing great with halo so far. I'm skeptical how destiny will turn out.

supersonicjerry3742d ago

@septic Titan fall is not competitive. its more of a casual shooter.

scott1823742d ago

A game with so many bots as opponents is not competitive, is it?

That's really my only complaint.

NumOnePS3FanBoy3741d ago

lol so much delusion in that title

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3743d ago (Edited 3743d ago )

Well I'll be playing both so I won't be missing out.

But I respect your opinion.

Just because others are jumping on board doesn't mean you have to.

Or its not criminal if you don't like it.

I just wish people on this site were mature enough to say the same thing when its a PlayStation game though.

Like I said I'll be playing both but I'll gettin my Titanfall on when its released.

capjacksparrow3743d ago

I can afford an Xbox One, but I refuse to buy it because of Microsoft's business practices. That being said, Titanfall looks fantastic, and I'll be getting it on my PC! I am looking forward to Destiny also, but that will be for PS4 and my friends list.

ZodTheRipper3742d ago

^Same situation for me. And to be completely honest, I wouldn't mind missing out on Titanfall. It's rather a "good-to-have" than a "must-have" for me.

MasterCornholio3742d ago


I'm in the same boat as you. Destiny interests me more than Titanfall and currently I'm planning on building a 500$ gaming PC. With that configuration if I'm interested in playing Titanfall I can do so without buying an Xbox One. But I'm more interested in building this PC for MMOs.

lolCHILLbro3742d ago

@carpack didnt you get the memo? they reversed all those so called "business practices" which would of still had you buying games and online like you do today

Aces173742d ago

I agree. I'm also more excited for Destiny, but Titanfall will still be great. Calling it CoD with mechs is like calling Destiny an open word Halo it does neither game justice.

jetlian3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Man n4g is in a sad state. Titanfall is gonna be tight. Destiny has nothing to do with it. Get both if you can/want but the crying needs to stop.

As for over hype try "the order 1886"

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3742d ago
christocolus3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )


The fact that you and others have to drag destiny into an article that has nothing to do with destiny says alot about the type of gamers you are. You guys do it all the time. Does titanfall annoy you? You have the option to skip buying it so pls stop with the hate. First it was cod with mechs, the clouds, 6 vs 6, crap ai, 720p,its also on 360 and pc, ill just get it on my pc and now its destiny looks way better....wth? Give it a rest guys.if you dont like it then move on.

Titanfall may look like cod with mechs to you but it doesnt make it less fun.its great to play, confirmed by hundreds who have actually played it and a winner of so many awards already..people love this game, and i actualy believe its going to set a multiplayer standard, so pls do refrain from stealth trolling.

Pls stick to the topic and make n4g a happier place for all gamers.

4ShotKing3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

I don't know why Playstation fans or Titanfall haters always bring up Destiny? Destiny isn't exclusive to the PS4, nor the XB1, it's on current-gen as well, there are no bragging rights to be held bragging about a "MULTIPLATFORM" game on MS and PS platforms.

MasterCornholio3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

"there are no bragging rights to be held bragging about a "MULTIPLATFORM" game on MS and PS platforms."

Only three things can be bragged about a multiplat.

1. If it runs better on one system than the other.
2. If one version has exclusive content and the other does not.
3. If one version gets DLC before another version.

I'm just speaking in general terms here but besides that I agree with you.

NewMonday3742d ago

the twitter comment is calming TitanFall will be better than other MP FPS games, many gamers don't agree and give the opinion Destiny is more interesting.

ShugaCane3742d ago


The topic is about a guy basically saying that TitanFall will set a benchmark in Online FPS. I don't see why this is off-topic to mention another very popular game in the same genre.


Destiny is not a PS4 exclusive, yes. So how am I being a PS fan here ? Your argumentation doesn't make much sense here.

BG115793742d ago

@4ShootKing, and TF is on Xbone, 360 and PC...
What's your point?

pompombrum3742d ago

This article has everything to do with Destiny though.. I'm not a Titanfall hater nor a PS fanboy but Microsoft mentioned setting the bar so high it won't be matched for a while.. obviously it was meant as hype but that leaves itself wide open to be compared to pretty much every MP game in production. Destiny stands out as the MP game many people are excited for and a breath of fresh air in a somewhat stagnant genre so it's only natural it would get mentioned in an article like this.

Farmassy3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Hey guys what do you know? Who would have guessed that Newmonday is in a titanfall article with the sole purpose of downplaying the game?

Its getting pathetic. It is going to be a great game so you should just get over it. For someone who isn't interested in titanfall you sure do look at a lot of articles about it and write a lot of comments.

Why do you keep doing it? Do you hate yourself? You have given yourself a life where you need to actively seek out and disagree with something simply because you will not have it. It is honestly very sad

Don't be jelly mmkay?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3742d ago
Edsword3742d ago

These kind of statements are typically not good PR moves. MS should be more reserved because even if Titanfall is a great game, these kind of statements can make the hype a whole other entity of its own. The idealized Titanfall and the realized Titanfall might meet MS expectation, but it might not meet the expectations of the gamer that buys into all the hype expecting something that is well beyond something they have ever experienced before. Let's be realistic, it is still on a screen, requires a controller to play, and involves attempting to kill AI or Human players in a large, albeit set parameter arena. I don't think its possible for it to be so good that it will take a long time to match. That is just MSBS.

N2NOther3742d ago

Let's put it this way. Has there been a game that has matched Call of Duty in terms of success or influence? Nope. Like it or not, Call of Duty set a bench mark for online MP and has influenced tons of games after it and yet none of the games it has influenced has matched it.

Take any hate of the franchise out of the equation and this is undeniably true.

Titanfall is expected to be the next game to do this.

mediate-this3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )


there is nothing but praise about this game. Its been shown gameplay dayone, it has got an alpha testing phase, we are getting a beta. Everyone loves it.

there are games im more concerned for that have been hyped to no end. with zero game play at all.

But one side of n4g blindly follows that false hype, and that game could be a dud

dcj05243742d ago

Nobody has matched WARHAWK or MAG yet so when will that bar be reached?

kingduqc3742d ago

Mag was garbage, warhawk was a good game but forgetable.

Sayai jin3742d ago

Whats funny is that people are on this article comparing it to Destiny. Why Destiny?

UnHoly_One3742d ago

I don't understand why everyone keeps bringing up Destiny, either.

They aren't even really the same kind of game.

It's like comparing Halo to Borderlands.

I know Destiny is going to have some dedicated PvP stuff, but it's main focus is basically being like an MMO.

I just don't get the comparisons. Especially because anyone with a PC, XB1, or 360 will likely get both games anyway.

Hicken3742d ago

Probably has something to do with the claim of it being far superior to every other multiplayer game coming out, which includes Destiny.

People are countering that Destiny had their interest more. Regardless of the specific type of game, this statement tales a shoot at multiplayer, period. Does it not make sense for someone to being up other multiplayer games? It's not even a comparison, directly. Just an opinion on which seems more interesting.

TheKayle13742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )


in fact u have no idea of what games are u talking about...

u mixing oranges to apples...

destiny mmo ..co op persistent world...with raid bosses


titanfall competitive multiplayers arenas...

so how can both games look to u dosnt really matter coz TO U..they can look as everything u want coz u didnt understand how both games works

if u need to make the first post just to beat down some ms exclusive...just do it with a brain...

coz in this way u win just bubble down for trolling

ps. to the artificial hype..
everyone in the industry that playe dand seen titanfall been excited from the day one....so pls ...if ui dont want play and wanna play other games...just do it ..without trying to change the reality

pss. destiny come to the xb1,ps4,wii u, and maybe to pc



and im already telling u if is true that come also on pc ..this isnt a remake of an old console game..like tomb raider was....that they had to put NICER things on the video to make ppl buy the game again...
destiny is being developed knowing already all the platforms..and will take advantage of them
so IF IS TRUE THAT IT COME is 100% sure that the best version of Destiny will be on pc ...

ssj273742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

Competitive? But it has bots in it for easy kills.

You and me have a huge difference into what's competitive.

Killing mindless bots and been able to be vip by doing so is far from competitive as it can be.

3-4-53742d ago

Destiny has me much more excited but Titanfall releasing can ONLY be a good thing for the industry.

Doesn't matter what companie makes it, the FPS genre needs a bit of a shake up.

I like Dev's that are trying something different.

They risk failing, but at least they have the nuggets to try.

Most likely not getting a XB1, but I hope this sells really well.

Jaces3742d ago

Still don't like the bots as filler. If I wanted to fight bots I'd play a single player campaign.

ITPython3742d ago

The bots are there to make it easier for people to get kills. They are designed to be cannon fodder so people feel good about themselves and think they are really good players.

Respawn knows that the majority of COD players enjoy free and easy kills, and this is their attempt at stepping that idea up a notch.

bjmartynhak3742d ago

Destiny is different type of MP.

Titanfall may set the bar for arcade/fast-paced shooters. That's it.

But yeah, Destiny will be big. Shame that I don't enjoy co-op focused games so much. Warframe and Borderlands for example were a miss for me.

Magicite3742d ago

''Microsoft: Titanfall Will Set A MP Look/Feel/Gameplay Bar So High, It'll Take A Long Time To Match'' - empty talks.

Spenok3742d ago

I agree with this sentiment exactly.

Not only that but the Hype MS is putting on TitanFall with this statement is pretty much just setting it up for failure....

WillM173742d ago

This game is just a crap.

ITPython3742d ago

Obviously MS is going to hype this game to hell and back. I bet that either slightly before, or after Titanfall releases, we are going to see nearly every bag of chips, soda can/bottle, and fast food place flooded with "Win an XB1 and/or Titanfall!" giveaways.

This will accomplish 3 goals for MS:

1. This essentially advertises the heck out of the game. Anybody who eats chips, drinks sodas, or likes McDonalds, will become very aware of Titanfall.

2. All the consoles and copies of TF they give away, they count as sales. Padding their numbers significantly.

3. With those padded numbers, MS will use it as ammo to show the world that despite heavy hitting games coming out on the PS4 in the same month as Titanfall, the XB1 managed to 'keep up'. Giving the illusion that the console is successful and doing well.

Might seem far fetched, but come on, this s MS, we know they are capable of doing whatever it takes to convince the world that the XB1 is the right choice. And I mean WHATEVER it takes.

mediate-this3741d ago

TACOBELL gave away free playstation 4 systems for FREE. Did I mention they were giving away for FREE

ITPython3741d ago (Edited 3741d ago )

Yeah, they had that one giveaway. But the difference between Sony and MS is that Sony doesn't need to pad their numbers and has the integrity not to do so. Unlike MS, who has proved time and again that they have no ethical or legal boundaries when it comes to getting their way.

Sony had the taco bell giveaway to let people get a PS4 before it was released, which was pretty awesome of them! MS only had the giveaways to pad their numbers for November and December to make it appear as if the XB1 was 'competing' during the holiday season. And I wouldn't be surprised if most, if not all, of the ones winning these giveaways were actually MS employees who put the consoles back on the market and counted it as two sales.

Nothing is beyond MS at this point, they are as low as a company can go in terms of sleaziness, lies, and deception. They took a page right out of the current US administrations book because they saw how well it was working, and figured they could apply the same tactic.

Luckily the gamers aren't quite buying into it as much as MS hoped, but every legitimate XB1 sold proves that it is working to some extent.

ZombieKiller3742d ago (Edited 3742d ago )

I'll be the judge of that Respawn. This and Destiny (later) are up there on my list.

That's after Metal Gear though. I need to clear my damn schedule. March looks like November, as far as me buying games this year

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF3742d ago

Of course a game on both consoles looks more interesting than an Xbox exclusive. Of course now the Sony fan likes and can't wait for a Bungie game.

I wonder why that is.

Docknoss3742d ago

Huh... What? I don't understand the comparison? Maybe exclusive vs exclusive or MMO vs MMO. Not a Exclusive vs multiplatform or MMO vs FPS.

beereal3603742d ago

Destiny looks good but titan fall looks funner. I'm buying both u should to.

DonFreezer3741d ago

Why do I have a feeling that you base your opinion on the fact that ps4 won't be getting Titanfall. Almost all of the people agreeing with you try to downplay Titanfall in order to cover up the fact that it's not coming to the ps4 as the reason they think Destiny will be better.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3741d ago
Thatguy-3103743d ago

it plays just like COD. Just throw in Mechs and parkour

Kayant3742d ago

Agreed but what makes it difference is the you will be using those so often it won't feel/play like COD based on the leaked videos. Which is not a bad thing IMO it will be good for people to try something a but different from the usual run and gun.

But yh if you just stay on the ground then the interface/feel is quite COD-like.

N2NOther3742d ago

The mechs and parkour would mean that it doesn't play just like COD though, wouldn't it?

MorePowerOfGreen3742d ago

Yeah escaping Mechs and using them plus flying around with jetpacks and moving around like the girl in Mirror's Edge plays like COD. SMH

ZombieKiller3742d ago

So you're telling me you didn't see even a bit of Call of Duty in the gameplay trailers?

Put away the sarcasm, it's probably why you have 1 bubble. He was saying the movement and gun play look similar not the parkour and mechs. Helen fncking Keller could see what the guy meant...and he's right. It does. Only it looks more refined and way better than any COD game.

WeaseL3743d ago

Microsoft need to be careful on setting the bar to high for this game because "IF" it fails it could be disastrous for there image.

Tedakin3742d ago

I think those record breaking 75 best of E3 awards set the bar high for them.

3742d ago
mochachino3743d ago

nothing about it looks revolutionary perhaps it's an amazing refinement of existing gameplay at best but in no way is it changing the genre.

TKCMuzzer3742d ago

Microsoft need to understand a lot of people will go by they watch and not what they play. If Microsoft want to attract sales for the Xbox one it has to look like it does something completely different.
At the moment it just looks good and even by the few videos it's quite obvious that Respawn did't want to venture to far from their rooted control scheme.
I like the look of the game but when your on foot it does control like COD which can be clearly seen.
I was kind of expecting a bit more weight to the controls judging by subject of the game, I was also expecting a lot of destruction in the environments also due to the subject matter but like COD there seems to be little of that.
Don't get me wrong I would probably buy it if I had an Xbox one but I won't buy a console for it, a few 360 owners will be attracted.
Like others say when I watch Destiny and 'The Division' I'm far more interested as their multiplayer aspects look far more appealing and offer a greater depth.
Titanfall will succeed but like Activision, EA won't be able to resist bleeding it to death and there will be another game right around the corner, year on year.
I kind of wish EA were not the publishers, not only for the benefit of the 'IP' but for the benefit of the gamers as well....

KennersEd3742d ago

A Call of Duty clone with mechs and freerunning isn't anything special and won't set any bars ......

KiLLUMiNATi_893742d ago

Can't be a clone if they created the cod that started the success journey ! Theses people aren't rookies at making great multiplayer games, they know what they doing. So let us wait and see that's all we can do

Off topic isn't the beta coming up very soon?

SCW19823742d ago

Not to mention padding peoples kill count with dumb ass AI

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Phil Spencer trends on Twitter amid calls for him to resign

Phil Spencer and Microsoft have come under fire following the closure of multiple Bethesda-owned studios including Tango Gameworks.

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gold_drake7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

wow haha.

i dont think he will resign. or will be kicked off.

if hes still here after everything in the past, this wont affect him unfortunately.

RhinoGamer885h ago

He and his cronies have a sweet deal. Even if they are fired, stock options and parachutes will mean they never need to work again. Cronyism at its worst.

neutralgamer19924h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I think his days are numbered TBH. Spending 80 million of all acquisitions yet can’t even compete with others it’s insane

This also proves gamepass isn’t as profitable as Xbox fanboys make it out to be

RaidenBlack3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

That huge Acti-Blizz acquisition wasn't worth it ... They should've stopped at Zenimax and instead focused "rescuing" individual studios like Crystal Dynamics, Eidos Montreal, Crytek, Volition or Gearbox etc (much better than trying to devour the whole of one of the largest gaming publisher)
IMHO, with no $70 Billion deficit, these studio closures would not have happened ...

5h agoReplies(1)
5h agoReplies(1)
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Xbox Has No Idea What They're Doing, and I'm Not Sure They Ever Did

Nirav from GL writes: "If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?"

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Christopher9h ago

***If the makers of a GOTY competitor that outdid sales and Game Pass expectations and owned by the richest company in the world cannot stay open - what hope is there for everyone else?***

None if you stay in an arena of corporate driven metrics. And this is what happens when you allow publishers to buy up massive amounts of studios and IPs. There's only so much internal competition and the focus in the end will remain on those who look best on a spreadsheet.

Players can be so driven by what is best for them and only see what is put right in front of them. But that's not what is best for them. They are being lied to constantly, as seen by Microsoft's ridiculous praise for Hi-Fi Rush and Phil's lies about Redfall prior to release and how big of a supporter of both studios he has been. But, instead of thinking "wait, this corporation wants me to think this way, should I be listening to them and believing them?" players eat it up and go "OMG, did you hear what they said! They're just like us and they know what's best for the industry."

And because of this single-mindedness of the majority of gamers, we are where we are now. Massive layoffs. Massive studio closures. Games that we were told were representative of the core values of said corporations shelved and studios behind them shuttered. The truth is coming to bear because the truth all along was only what the numbers in an excel spreadsheet told the corporate suits.

If you truly want what is best for the industry, what is best for developers, then you need to support Indie games, support developers that maintain control over their IPs and direction, support boutique publishers who only exist to help Indies make it out the door and don't own the IP. Stop supporting major corporations with your money or you devotion. Stop playing their games, and I don't mean video games, but their marketing, their double speak, their guy without a tie who says things you want to hear PR, their future of video gaming concepts as if we were hurting for new ways to play games other than installing/downloading and playing them, and especially any slogan from them that gives the impression that they are for you, the consumer. They are not. You're merely a value on a spreadsheet.

Christopher8h ago

Sure, I'm the one drinking the koolaid. Keep believing in the corporations. They definitely have your best interests in mind. All hail the Big Green, For You Blue, and Nostalgia Red! All praise big corporations buying up other publishers. All praise the inevitable spreadsheet adjustments. For greed, not the players.

Crows901h ago

I'd like to but I think you drank it all...

anast6h ago

"then you need to support Indie games"

Get punk rock with it.

rlow13h ago

I don’t always agree with you. But you are correct and well said. It amazes me on what used to be a pretty straightforward industry has turned into such a greedy mess. Layoffs galore across the industry and corporates pushing/firing whatever is going to move the bean counters. With no regard for the people making the games. I’m tired of hearing these rich companies saying it’s just business, or an adjustment needed to be made, but it’s not personal. Then on top of it they have to inject corporate inclusivity into every game. On top of releasing broken games and expect people to pay top dollar.

But again well said and we as the consumer need to not only speak up but vote with our wallets.

Tody_ZA7h ago

This should not be surprising to any of you. We have been saying for MONTHS that Game Pass is not sustainable and that these acquisitions will come at a massive cost to the industry. People refused to grasp the difference between buying and investing in a developer like Insomniac or Housemarque, and buying the entire publisher. People refused to accept that spending billions to acquire the biggest publishers in gaming means you have to RECOUP those costs, and you aren't going to do it without consolidation, focusing on core IP that sells, creating revenue streams via ownership and releasing on other platforms, and closing down studios that are superfluous to the budget requirements. You will not recoup those costs by investing in risky new IP or creative new games and studios.

No, people cheered Microsoft on like they were delivering GOTY titles to their door and pouring money into the industry to grow Indies and triple A projects.

You are getting what you deserve. You take the consequences of the practices you supported.

Layoffs happen. Some games don't succeed. Everyone has seen it happen. Happens even to the winners.

This, however, is goddamn shambolic and if you can't see it now then there's no helping you and you should keep enjoying the "value" of Game Pass while contributing nothing to this industry.

I've never seen the developer of one of the best games of the year get axed before.

Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2, I can see them going independent again. There's more to come from MS.

TiredGamer6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

This is exactly it. There is more of this coming. MS runs from one bad idea to the next, and GamePass is an unsustainable train wreck that we get to watch in real time.

GamePass is stalled for subscriber growth, and all that they can hope for is to either A) Reduce the quantity of games (i.e. shutter game studios), B) Reduce the quality of games (to make more mediocre but lower budget offerings), or C) Raise prices on existing customers. Or some combination of those.

MS does not have a passion for the industry. The XBox project, from the beginning, was sparked from the fear that someone else would eat their PC market lunch by making a games machine that replaced the PC. THAT was the entire motivation for getting into the games industry.

Profchaos5h ago

I saw it from the outset of day 1 on Xbox it's unsustainable no one was buying their games and a noticeable decline in quality and a push to live service elements to keep subscriptions active was obvious.

I saw it every time I'd go to a physical game shop for a Multi plat pre order no one was there for the Xbox version.

I'd go to CeX or other used game stores and be able to pick up the full range of Xbox studios first party games for 20 bucks and change while on the PlayStation side 20 bucks might get me two PS4 launch games and wouldn't even get me a single Nintendo first party game.

-Foxtrot5h ago

"Ninja Theory is next after Hellblade 2"

Anyone think it's weird it comes out in 2 weeks and there's hardly anything on it

MrBeatdown6h ago

But hey, at least we get Call of Duty free on game pass*


anast6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

They know what they are doing. If 'you' treat them like "good 'ol simple minded folk", then 'you' are relieving them from blame via ignorance. They knew that they were going all live service, streaming and mobile a long time ago, The Oracle tends to see the obvious. While companies patronize gamers like they are children, which most of them are, may be confused for stupidity, they are also not so stupid they don't understand the decisions that they are making toward the overall direction of their company.

*None of their games were even close to competing for GOTY. They paid for names to be mentioned.

Profchaos5h ago

Xbox survived it's first gen by pure luck halo became a hit and it was huge followed up by halo 2 which had one of the biggest marketing campaigns I can remember seeing in the early 00s we had guys in master chief outfits on the sidelines of state of origin as a promo it blew my mind.

Then the 360 fell under the excellent leadership of Peter Moore and outpaced the PS3 for the first three quarters of that generation the only time anyone has ever done that.

Since losing Peter Moore it's been a rapid decline and buying up the industry stank of a desperate move along with the idea of gamepass itself stank of desperation to me no one was buying the X1 they needed something to get people interested and here we are.

I would happily lose gamepass if Xbox could go back to the 360 era style of focused heavy hitters and solid games.

The championing of consolidation they did was disgusting and what's happened as a result is proof they never had gamers or the industry at heart they need their ROI and that's all they cared about big daddy ms has signed a number of blank checks getting them here and it's coming to collect on their debts

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Former Blizzard President Says Closures Hurt Phil Spencer 'as Much as Anyone Else'

The former president of Blizzard Mike Ybarra in a statement on Twitter says Microsoft Gaming CEO is hurting just as much as anyone else following the closure of three studios under Bethesda - Arkane Austin, Tango Gameworks, and Alpha Dog Studios. Roundhouse Games is also joining ZeniMax Online Studios.

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jambola18h ago

Yeahhh I doubt it's hurting a millionaire as much as it's hurting fans and people who lost their jobs

VenomUK6h ago

Mike Ybarra‘s defence of Phil Spencer is the dictionary definition of tone deaf. Even Alanah Pearce, who’s close to Aaron Greenberg and Phil called him out on it.

“Mike, I have a lot of fondness for Phil and don’t doubt he’s incredibly bummed about this, but CEOs can handle some “shots” amidst people having their lives destroyed. Your sympathetic posts should solely be directed at those who’ve lost their jobs.”


Name Last Name13h ago

Phil is the only guy in the industry that has plot armor.

Tody_ZA12h ago

Hahahahahahaha! xD Legendary comment.

lelo2play10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

At this moment, even Xbox fanboys are starting to hate Microsoft. It's fu**up, after fu**up, after fu**up... that's the state of Microsoft gaming.
Purchasing developers left and right, then killing them off...

Phil was the worst thing that happend to Xbox. Might as well just shut down their gaming division and fu** off

Jingsing14h ago

I can already hear Jim Ross.. He has a family damnit!

Barlos13h ago

Poor Phil. He must be crying into his bonus cheques. Makes your heart bleed doesn't it?

MrDead12h ago(Edited 12h ago)

I'm sure he'll be upset that those cheques contain a small percentage of money MS is still making from the closed studios games too. Next time someone purchases High-fi Rush or Evil within all that money is now just Microsofts, just think the former devs at Tango who made Hi-fi Rush MS's most highly acclaimed game in years will get nothing more.

MS are buying these publishers for the big IP's like Elder Scrolls and Call of Duty they have little interest in the ones that don't make huge profits... and firing thousands and closing studios looks good on the next quarterly shareholder report. Gotta protect the share price.

Eonjay16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

This is all coming from the executive who thinks we should have the option to tip devs... apparently so publishers can pay devs minimum wage. Will someone think of the C-suite executives!!!

dumahim11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

That was from a former Blizzard exec. Did Phil make a comment on that also?

edit: Oh, it wasn't Phil who said this himself.

HyperMoused1h ago

Gott alove the tought process on that...gentlemen we need think of more ways to get money out of these..gamers...wait..what if they just gave us their money..like for free.

LucasRuinedChildhood16h ago(Edited 16h ago)

Yeah, the guy making $10m a year is hurting as much as those who have lost their jobs and are worrying about their future and supporting their family. /s

It takes a real lack of shame to even try put the Good Guy Phil™ spin on this. It's not going to work this time.

Profchaos16h ago

He's sitting around feeling sorry when he should of been doing everything in his power to get people jobs in other studios you're telling me after toys for Bob split from Activision there wasn't a opening in the call of duty mines for arkane it's just woah is me.

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