
These are the 5 games that could win the console war for the PS4

The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One launched to a great deal of fanfare in November. Thousands of anxious consumers lined up at their local retailers at midnight to be among the first to experience the next generation of video games. Over 7 million consoles have already been sold, anticipation is at an all time high…but we haven’t had a great reason to turn on our new consoles in almost a month.

xHeavYx3758d ago

What I like about the list is that I see a variety of games, not a focus on FPS or timed DLC. There are also great games coming out (like the next Uncharted) and who knows what E3 will be like, most likely....

ThunderSpark3758d ago

Very true. Playstation is synonymous with variety and quality. This gen should definitely be as fun as the PS2 era was.

jidery3758d ago (Edited 3758d ago )

The PS2 era is something I hope can make a comeback, the era of the platformer. Sly cooper, Jack and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, PsychoNauts heck even Rayman were amazing platformers. I hope these type of cartoony story based games come back sometime this gen, or am I the only one who enjoyed them?

Kingthrash3603758d ago

you are not, sir.
we all enjoyed them.

victorMaje3757d ago

Oh I have a feeling this gen is going to be fun indeed!

FamilyGuy3757d ago

I'm excited about those big titles and plan on playing all of them but Transistor really has my attention too. I really want to check that game out so I hope there's a demo. Even if there isn't I guess I could watch some live streams once it's released. *Hugs PS4*

scott1823757d ago

While I am very excited for these games, I would think the biggest ones will be from Naughty Dog and their other major studios... I am very excited to see what's in store down the road from them.

VforVideogames3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Are all this games exclusives to ps4?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3757d ago
Pogmathoin3758d ago

I mean, you post the story, fair enough, but you were so excited about you comment first too.... Anyone else would wait and see others comment first, then you use a gif seen a 1,000 times... Really?? I thought PS4 did not need help either winning the 'console war'... Why are you worried about with the Xbox? Is it the fact its selling really good too? An inferior more expensive machine? This must make your mind go http://images4.wikia.nocook...

GarrusVakarian3758d ago (Edited 3758d ago )

What an incredibly bitter, completely off topic comment. Do you hear yourself? He says what he likes about the article he submitted, what is wrong with that? He got excited by the variety of upcoming Sony offerings and decided to comment....so what? Does that really offend you?

"Why are you worried about with the Xbox? Is it the fact its selling really good too? "

Lmao wth, he didn't even mention Xbox....i would love to read his comment through your eyes, i really would.

Where do you people keep popping up from? Just really bitter, warped individuals.......

NeoTribe3758d ago

Pretty bad when we can tell how bitter and angry you are through a text comment.

FamilyGuy3757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Ugh, so SALTY

Not sure if tears or sweat from hot, angered typing :/

Ever considered the thought that he might just be excited about the game line-up/topic at hand?
A decent number of contributors make the first comment on their own articles because they're, surprise surprise, interested in the subject.

3-4-53758d ago

Remember when WW2 was won on in the first few months?

O wait...it didn't happen like that

Kingthrash3603758d ago (Edited 3758d ago )

u lost me. "WW2"? what does war have to do with this article...y'know what...yall fanboy's are miserable people. ENJOY you console of choice and stop sulking everytime yall see positives about the other console dam. go play games.
that said, i cant wait for these to release. ps2 era here we come!

ShwankyShpanky3758d ago

There's console wars, and then there's tripe like this.

Irishguy953757d ago (Edited 3757d ago )

Yeah it was over before it even begun. The only thing left is to see how much of a win it is for them. If MS manage to have a quality generation then the gap won't be massive. But if they falter then we'll just see the gap rise. I'd be surprised if MS managed a turned around with some random major exclusives. But I doubt it.

Edit -
Nah Corvus -> You see, a console will always 'win'/ Last gen arguably the 360 won due to the fact that MS managed to pull a huge market share, whereas the gen before it Sony absolutely dominated. This gen it seems like it won't be complete domination, but SOny will have pulled back alot of players they lost last gen. Thus they win.

So far i'd give highest quality consoels per gen -> Ps1-Ps2-Ps3(later years) and the Ps4 and X1 seem even enough right now except the X1 simply costs more in general.

Oh yeah, what was I saying?? Yeah so Corvus, someone wil always win, and whoever loses is forced to 'better' themselves. And the winners want to keep winning. Thus -> Competition is ALWAYS good for us. Xbox 360 having such a good online is what led to Sony having such a good online, Ps4's policies are what led to X1 changing their policies. Get it? The one who ****s up has to buck up and we only win due to it

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3757d ago
Neonridr3758d ago

I'm looking forward to seeing more of The Witness. Love the art style and the game definitely has a Myst feeling to it.

ThyMagicSword3758d ago

None of them will win 'the console war'. Capcom could make a new Monster Hunter for the PS4 or PS VITA, instead of making Dark Souls clones like Deep Down.

corvusmd3758d ago (Edited 3758d ago )

This topic is all just opinion, but if any game company "wins" the console war...it's gamers that lose

Admittedly this list has the only two exclusives that I cared about, but the more I learn about Order and Deep Down, the less I like them. Witness may not be an exclusive, so that won't "win" anything.

admiralvic3758d ago

"This topic is all just opinion"

You mean an article on N4G listed under opinion piece is just opinion?! Gee, better stop the presses!

But seriously, I don't see these 5 games or really any 5 games making such an impact that it completely vanquishes the competition.

DragonKnight3758d ago

"but if any game company "wins" the console war...it's gamers that lose."

What? How do you figure that? History has proven that having a leader with insurmountable numbers has, more often than not, been a good thing.

Before Sony entered the console industry, Nintendo vs. Sega saw Nintendo always trouncing Sega. Why? Games.

Sony enters in and they trounce Nintendo and Sega 2 generations straight. Why? Games.

Can you provide an example of how any company "winning" the console war means gamers lose? The only thing I can think of is possible arrogance, but if that doesn't happen then how does anyone lose?

SixtyNine3758d ago

War? I'll leave you kids to it.

On that list, I'd take second sons and transistor.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

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Deeeeznuuuts118d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM118d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck118d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati117d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

Profchaos118d ago (Edited 118d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

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Christopher150d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88149d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183148d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie148d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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