
Why everyone loves to hate the Xbox One

Xbox One has spawned a subculture of hate. With some expert help, Screen Robot posits ideas on why this is.

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Gazondaily3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Well, it didn't exactly start off with the right footing.

Before its release, the 360 had a lack of new first party games and also a lot of Kinect shovelware.

Then rumours were abound of its media focused console. Sony have an impressive reveal and MS reveal their so-called 'games console' as anything but a games console.

Then the DRM fiasco which eclipsed the impressive showing of games.

Then the u-turns, mandatory Kinect, NSA fiasco, corporate jargon and disastrous PR.

Then the resolution problems.

All this plus Microsoft's image of the evil, money-grubbing company run by the Illuminati and you have the perfect storm.

GarrusVakarian3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

"Xbox One has spawned a subculture of hate"

No. MICROSOFT has spawned a subculture of hate. You can't hate a plastic box. It's not the console people hate or it's games....it's the company behind them. I don't get why people act all dumbfounded about why MS get so much hate, look at 2013 alone to see why, 2013 was disastrous for MS, it was just bad decision after bad decision. But others like myself would argue it goes further back than that....

In 2010 they abandoning the core gamer for casuals and families, focusing on Kinect titles instead of giving people quality exclusives. Add to that all the things you just listed......how can anyone blame people for not looking at MS in a positive light. No one is to blame for MS's hate but MS. MS in the original Xbox days and MS now are completely different companies. I wish they were more like the former.

TomShoe3760d ago

TL;DR Above:

Microsoft brought a lot of it on themselves. You can't say that it's not uncalled for.

Hatsune-Miku3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Cite xbox's history and xbox ones initial announcement.

There is a running theme perpetuated by most sony nay sayers that n4g and most non-biased websites are rampantly filled with sony fanatics. It isnt true at all. Sony PlayStation is just the most rational choice for core gamers with its consumer friendly choices like being a powerful machine, worth the price of hardware, having the most criticality acclaimed exclusive games, has one of the best online service with psn which gives gamers access to a lot of free games

human beings seeks out to get the best of anything often times that they are able to attain unless there is something else they might like for their own personal reasons

MightyNoX3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Abandoning Core gamers is fine and all, long as you're honest about it. However, they took a downright offensive approach and rather than say "Well, that's fine but we're after a different segment of the market." they attacked any one with different opinions. It was always OUR fault and not theirs.

People without internet : LOL! Why would I wanna live there? - Adam Orth

Remove the kinect : It can't be removed! Are you an engineer? - Major Nelson belittling Angry Joe

Power Gap: Any one wants to fall on their sword that the PS4 is more powerful than Xbox One, go ahead but you WILL be apologizing to us - Albert Penello

On moral issues of DRM: DRM wasn't wrong, we were just too advanced for the consumer - Albert Penello

See that? It was never a difference in strategy or being honest about what they were after. It was the consumer who was at fault. Microsoft was ENTITLED to the consumer's money and the consumer is always wrong, too backward, too hung up on things like morals and/or ethics (pfft!)

MSFT fostered this toxic environment.

BX813760d ago

@ tomshoe at this point it is uncalled for. They announced some dumb policies, changed them based on what the consumer wanted before release. Came out with great games straight out the gate. What's your complaint?

Pogmathoin3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Lukas, you are right about what MS did, they definitely messed things up, despite clearly having some amazingly talented people working for them, but as is business at any company, the suits get too much control and think they can drip feed us anything. All have been guilty of this. I think though too, the hate for MS is a bandwagon culture as well. I see people commenting as well, wondering do you even know why are posting crap like this, is it just to fit in? The promotion of the hatred though, through sites like this is the worst though. I am upset over how MS launch X1, still got one though, along with PS4, because no matter what, there are still gamers/developers who simply love making great games, are they are on both. In the meantime, I hope MS turns back like the one that launched Xbox, and 360, especially in the Peter Moore days when it was all about the games and whatever gamers wanted.... Sony learned from PS3 launch, not to take us for granted any more, why will people not give MS the same chance? They are both big companies who at the end of the day are driven by profits.... PS4 will do great, but then the suits might like that profit and want to squeeze it.... that's how it is....

Kayant3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )


"hey announced some dumb policies, changed them based on what the consumer wanted before release. " - *You mean they where lacking in preorder numbers* - Fixed.

When they announced their policies in May after their reveal everyone was already giving their feedback. They said nothing at E3 waited two weeks after to finally address it and doing the 180s. It really had nothing to do with our voices their main drive to change was the initial pre-order numbers if not they would have said something before or addressed at E3 considering the uproar. It took them about month from the announcement for the change to happen.

OrangePowerz3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )


Did they really listen to the consumer? Before the.console reveal the rumours started about DRM and everybody was against it. They still didn't change their mind. They changed theit mind after pre orders started when they saw that they are miles away from the PS4 pre order numbers. They couldn't care less about what their consumers want (see not making a kinect less bundle).

At E3 they cancelled their interviews so they wouldn't need to answer questions and the onlu interview they gave was a train wreck telling people to buy a 360.

creatchee3760d ago


"Abandoning Core gamers is fine and all, long as you're honest about it."

Xbox One had a very good launch lineup and has a lot of potentially good games releasing in the next year.

The "not a gaming machine" "argument" needs to die in a fire.

Charybdis3760d ago

I find that the problem mostly stems from the policies Microsoft announced at unveiling of the xb1. They tried to strip away many options/choices of consumers and force requirements on consumers (internet requirement, kinect requirement). People don't like being told what to do.

ZodTheRipper3760d ago

I don't hate the Xbox, I hate Microsoft. Their business methods are far from what I call "acceptable". It's sad to see that for Microsoft only money talks in an industry that's built on creativity.

thehitman3760d ago

I actually dont hate MS, I do hate the xbox LOL... and I don't like their games or the lack thereof and hate their xbox policies. I love windows with the one and only exception of windows 8. I hate Internet Explorer, but I like MS Office. I like stuff that actually works and is good and worth the money. I dont care about the company behind it or their past. I use to be a Nintendo fanboy and I gave up on them after I bought the gamecube and it was baron compared to the N64. I am loyal to quality and quality only. The minute Sony starts showing they dont care about producing great games and goes the MS/Nintendo route I would stop supporting them too, but I doubt that will happen.

Bathyj3760d ago

Exactly. I don't hate Xbone. I hate Microsoft. I don't care about them because they don't care about me.

mewhy323760d ago

I have to agree with Lukas. ms brought this all on themselves. Don Mattrick did the damage and then left. How can we forget the "if you don't have internet the we have a great platform for you call xbox 360" interview with gametrailers? Yeah. Nuf said.

pompombrum3760d ago

I agree with most of the posters in this bit, it isn't the Xbox One I hate, it's Microsoft and I'm sorry but only the most ardent Microsoft fanboy can deny that the hatred is at least partially justified.

dedicatedtogamers3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Nearly a year ago, I predicted this out in my blog http://n4g.com/user/blogpos...

They're the new media whipping boy. Playstation was the whipping boy for nearly all last gen. Now it's Xbox's turn. I think certain people are uncomfortable with that fact because they saw how long it lasted for PS and how viscious it was. Now that it's aimed at X1, it makes some people nervous, and it definitely makes people eager to just sweep stuff under the rug and say stuff like "They released good games. Why are people still complaining?" and "The hate needs to stop. They reversed the DRM"

MAULxx3759d ago

I could not have said it any better than that Lukas. Bubble for you.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3759d ago
Volkama3760d ago

Hate is such a strong word. And yet seemingly accurate, people get quite passionate in their vendettas around here.

It will all be forgotten in time. It wasn't that long ago that people loved to hate Sony, and they've gone on to become the peoples' champion.

Personally I don't get emotional about either company. If typical sci-fi programming is accurate then I think that lack of emotion makes me the bad guy.

DragonKnight3760d ago

It's never been forgotten. Have you not seen the SonyToo™ everywhere? The difference is that Sony worked hard over the years to change, they positioned themselves as the company for gamers first and that's what the PS4 is designed around.

Microsoft have always had the attitude that their vision is correct, everyone else just has to get used to it. They have no interest in consumer rights or being pro-consumer. Everything they have done will not be forgotten because the internet isn't a person, it doesn't lose its memory.

Volkama3760d ago

I've only seen that Sony Too nonsense from the likes of you and dedicatedtogamers. I figured it was just a deflection technique as that's how I've seen it employed.

You're right though, not everybody will literally forget the facts. The storm of negativity will calm and attitudes can change.

pyramidshead3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

I think people forget PlayStation was put through its paces in 2006, and it lasted a whole lot longer than what's already happening now for XB1. Sony took their sweet time to rectify all the missteps they did too, I believe 2 years, no? Hell they even removed features on hardware revisions!

In turn the 360 was a huge success for them(minus the RROD). I don't think xbox fanboys or Microsoft were prepared or even expecting this amount of backlash from the Xdivision's decisions so now a lot play the whole 'victim' card or just in general can't come to terms with Microsoft doing any bad seeing as they took care of them well for a full 8 year gen. Now it's reversed people have Stockholm Syndrome.

Fanboys need to suck it up and take it on the chin, it no doubt didn't affect any die hard xbox fan's decision on buying the box anyway.

alejandroelputo3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )


JAJAJA your comment was just perfect bro. Couldn't have said it better myself.

badboy7763760d ago

Because we get paid to hate them.

GarrusVakarian3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Lol, i don't even need to work a real job, every pro-Sony comment and every anti-MS comment i make, Sony pay me £10!

That's a joke btw.....There are people on this site that genuinely believe that.

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Hellsvacancy3760d ago

They do it to themselves, Microsft that is, it's no conspiracy that the way they handle business is tyrannical

green3760d ago

They did bring all this hate upon themselves. I have been impressed with how fast they reversed their policies and a lot of things that they have been saying.

But this year will be the year that they have to prove that they are indeed committed to providing great games and services to benefit their consumers.

TheKayle13760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

i mean numbers are not showing this

x360 sold as much as sony ps3...(they ended pretty much in pair) ...

xbox and x360 gained lots of market share from sony and nintendo in this two last gen and already in the second one the "king" ended pair with the "newbie"
the start of the xb1 sets for MS a record..in sales..(compared to the x360)

i think theres no hating...is just like said millions times...there are a lots of biased internet media and usually sony fonboys users are more louds

ps. clearly is true the drm (that also if u will not want will come soon also for sony with the ps now) ...been used againt ms so badly by ..that biased blogs/forums/sites/magazine and by every sony users

i know i will end with 800 disagree..on N4G...but the sales number are a true fact....and if u look just at this months u need to dont forget that ps3 been 8 millions consoles back the x360 for 6 years...so i dont think this two months mean a lots

just dont lie to urself ...and dont act always like a fanboy

pyramidshead3760d ago

"i think that theres no hating...is just like said millions times...there are a lots of biased internet media and usually sony fonboys users are more louds"

What ever pushes your narrative thekayle. I bet believing that helps you sleep at night.

SniperControl3760d ago


"just dont lie to urself ...and dont act always like a fanboy"

You my friend are one of the biggest fanboys on here.........lol

TheKayle13760d ago

i could agree with u sniper but this dosnt change the facts

Kayant3760d ago


"clearly is true the drm (that also if u will not want will come soon also for sony with the ps now) ...been used againt ms so badly by ..that biased blogs/forums/sites/magazine and by every sony users" - Right facts such as the above i guessing.

Please stop the BS when does MS's DRM policies become the same thing as a digital service that requires DRM like any most other DD services of it's type (netflix etc) and is entirely optional.

Baka-akaB3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

Well the facts is MS was always massively disliked in the PC World , managed to salvage some reputation with its three consoles , yet somehow kept repulsing some people with some practices during the life of the second console , lost some more goodwill with the lack of support of its second console in its final days , and had some more baffling decisions and shenanigans with its latest console .

Finally , you guys are a riot with your "n4g only hate" meme . It then quickly became "Neogaf is Sonygaf" . You are by admission giving those places so much power , and control over the whole of media-dom and internet press and blogging .

Good job fanboys , you made n4g and gaf your tyrant overlords oppressing your valiant microsoft white knight . LOOL .

PS : Oh yeah but i forgot "but but .. Sony is evil too "

CorndogBurglar3760d ago

"and if u look just at this months u need to dont forget that ps3 been 8 millions consoles back the x360 for 6 years"

Because this is horrible english, I'm assuming that you are saying that PS3 sales were behind on Xbox 360 sales for 6 years, and only just now caught up?

If that is what you are saying, its like you forget that the Xbox360 came out an entire YEAR before the PS3 did. If you don't think that effected their sales, then you are sorely mistaken. They had a lot of catching up to do.

pompombrum3760d ago (Edited 3760d ago )

It seems that ever single Xbox/MS whiteknight on here ignorantly blames Sony fanboys for everything remotely negative towards the Xbox or Microsoft. Open your eyes and smell the coffee, most people on here are gamers and Microsoft burned that bridge for many back with kinect.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3760d ago
Fishy Fingers3760d ago

Because they bought playstations?

They obviously haven't done themselves any favours, but when your a member of a site like this you see plenty of unjustified "hate", whether to justify they're choice or downplay others is regardless. They're lumps of plastic/silicone, there's no need for them to invoke such strong emotions.

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Microsoft once tried to nab LittleBigPlanet from Sony after a few drinks

It turns out that many moons ago, Microsoft once had its eye on the Sony published LittleBigPlanet series.

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XiNatsuDragnel1d 5h ago

Microsoft had a good idea but fumbled it again.

Cacabunga0m ago

Project Spark idea was decent but they quickly gave up

ApocalypseShadow18h ago

Microsoft in a nutshell. Always tried to poach Sony employees, games, 3rd party games and devices like the depth camera that was turned into Kinect but was running on PS2 before Xbox 360. Wouldn't be surprised they wanted LBP. Just like they worked behind the scenes pushing the MLB to bring Sony's baseball game to Xbox instead of making their own.

They didn't spend years trying to develop their own baseball game. They wanted Sony's game.

They're scum.

OtterX1h ago

"However, Healey said Media Molecule wouldn't have felt right doing that, adding it would have been "morally corrupt"."

Major kudos to Media Molecule for being an upright studio with principles.

Tody_za1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Great, more stories like this please. Show the last of the zombies holding the line what we've been saying for years: Microsoft is anti competition, anti industry and has no interest in making games at all.

But hey, at least there's an Xbox Games Showcase to look forward to, right?

Inverno40m ago

Well considering SONY just killed the series, LBP would've been dead by now either way. Though MM probably wouldn't exist by now either, so I'm glad they stayed with SONY, hopefully they don't get shut down any time soon or ever honestly.


Game Studio Closures, Entertainment News, Disney, And More Skewedcast

The full Skewedcast crew back for this episode and Gareth, Justin, Michael, and JoeyZ at Skewed and Reviewed break down the latest entertainment news qith a focus at 40:00 on the Microsoft Studio Closures and how it impacts the game community and what can be done to help offset this negative trend.


What is the point of Xbox?

Xbox has repeated the same terrible mistakes for over a decade. The reason is simple: its priorities are back-to-front.

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purple1011d 2h ago

ohhh man, the press really did not like those last closures, their having a field day bashing xbox,

anyway, ive got to nip off to the shops now, i've run out of microwave popcorn.

Jingsing11h ago

Apparently the last 10 years wasn't enough to get the gaming press to notice but as soon as they touch Bethesda it is full on nuclear war. A lot of people in the gaming press seem to have this irrational hard on for Fallout and Skyrim despite the fact they are low quality poor buggy games.
I've grown tiresome of the unbalanced fandom in the gaming press for fantasy games and their ability to just forgive crap so long as it's a fantasy game RPG game all quality concerns are not an issue for them,

anast10h ago

Popcorn has been good lately.

PapaBop8h ago

Clearly this is just a big conspiracy orchestrated by the popcorn industry, Microsoft are just their puppets, every time they open their mouths, I'm forced to stock up on popcorn.

TheEroica2h ago

Yep, Microsoft and Sony are a mess. Neither have a compelling business strategy and they're not making bangers anymore.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 1h ago

Xbox is getting rightfully roasted here

Einhander19721d ago

The only point to xbox is and always has been to take market share and money from PlayStation and Nintendo, but mostly PlayStation. It's been the goal since sweaty Steve Balmer said it himself.

1d ago
ApocalypseShadow18h ago

Yup. To put Sony out of business because they thought they were a threat to their Windows business.

solideagle6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

Genuinely curious: how is Sony (hardware company) threat to Windows (operating system/software company) business?

isarai23h ago

I mean the motto "xbox, the most optional console ever made" was peaked years ago, people are just now taking a step back from deepthroating Phil to see what we've all been seeing for a long time now.

P_Bomb22h ago

I’ve still got friends that main on XB. For their sake, I hope it sticks around. They’ve put everything into that ecosystem. It’s all or nothing.

I wonder if we’ll ever get back the level of competition seen during the 360/PS3 era?

NotoriousWhiz11h ago

Seems like Daddy Microsoft is trying to shut it down. Or at least bring costs under control. On the bright side, it seems likely that acquisitions are going to stop.

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