
Higher Player Counts Are Not Always Better

Hardcore Gamer: Games designed with a high player count in mind can be a lot of fun, but games designed specifically to provide a small scale experience have their own merits as well. It remains to be seen if Titanfall can live up to the hype, but the reason for its failure or success will having nothing to do with the player count.

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gillri3775d ago

Surely Gears Of War MP proved this ages ago

thekhurg3775d ago

So many damage control articles.

Getting old now.

NatureOfLogic3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

@thekhurg No surprise. This is coming from the same crowd that said there's no difference between 720p and 1080p. Let them justify a full retail priced multiplayer only game that's limited to only 6v6 players.

pompombrum3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

@ thekhurg Articles like this aren't damage control, they're just voices of reason and logic among many FPS fans.

@NatureOfLogic Not true, if the Xbox One can't start getting the majority of games working on 1080p soon, I'd personally find it very difficult to take it seriously as a "next generation" experience.

georgeenoob3775d ago

Seems like Sony fans love to forget there's 30 feet tall mechs in Titanfall.

Eonjay3775d ago

But this was supposed to be evolution. Look there is a article about Kingdom of Fire 2 having 10k characters in a single battle. I would love to see a massive Duel with hundreds or thousands of Titans. Yes, I would play that game.

scott1823775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )



I am getting Titanfall, it looks cool. But mechs plus high player counts have been done...

wsoutlaw873774d ago

Of coarse small player counts can be great. 1v1 and 3v3 stuff can be awesome, thats not the question. Thats trying to create a false arguement when thats not the entire problem. Just looking at titanfall everyone assumed it would be much higher. I think one team having say 2 titans and the other not, would just completely unbalance a 6 man team. Im sure they did their tests but i just hope 6 is a real choice and not a limitation.

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littlezizu3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

True but they had single player campaign. 6 on 6 on a game which has single and multiplayer acceptable but 6 on 6 on only multiplayer and 60$ not acceptable. Besides current gen games with only multiplayer like MAG (256 players) and Warhawk(24 players) were alot of fun as they had alot of players. even starhawk which has mech like titanfall has more no of player..

mhunterjr3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

What does the online player count have to do with single player? Does having more players in a game somehow add to a games value?

Why should A 6v6 game should be with less money? A much better way to determine a games value is longevity. There are multiplayer only games with all sorts of player counts, and it's never been the player count alone that determined longevity. MAG fell off quickly despite having a huge player count.

pompombrum3775d ago

Lol, good riddance, I'd be happy if narrow minded people like you missed Titanfall, it'll hopefully make for a much better community and help the game progress in the right direction for the future.

come_bom3775d ago

I'm waiting till Titanfall gets released, then pass judgment.

Revolt133775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

Agreed. 100%
Gears of War MP is perfect at its current 5v5

kewlkat0073775d ago

MAG did the opposite..

Pure chaos..No team work, Lame ducks being carried by better players...Plenty camping around doing sh!t on most games with massive players..

scott1823774d ago

Actually there was a ton of teamwork in mag, it was insane to try and take a base with different sqauds doing separate tasks calling in air support and paratroopers landing all over. It was chaos, but controlled and extremely fun chaos. It was a great idea to have a massive battle online, I hope they try for something similar again.

dcj05243774d ago

You clearly have never played MAG.In domination everyone did their part. It was a team effort and nobody played lone wolf.Their were whole squads dedicated to repair orhealing or recon. I hope there's a MAG 2 someday because MAG wasa great innovative experience.

LeoDDestroyer3774d ago

Are you sure you played MAG. It wasn't not perfect but what that game did was amazing at least to me. MAG main faults were map imbalances and the devs making stupid decisions with the patches(1.03 random bullet spread). Team work was there but I see the problem with most shooters is the lack of proper grouping and chat systems.

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ricochetmg3774d ago

People will try to anything to convince you that xbox one games and systems are gimped... this is kinda sad

3-4-53774d ago

Most of the N64 games proved this in the 90's.

Not having to make sure 64 players are connected will help the lag, but I'm thinking this game plays in it's own unique way like how the N64 multiplayer games did.

They each had their own "thing" that made them special.

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ThatCanadianGuy5143775d ago

Then why fluff the count with A.I?

Why are all these apologists pieces popping up? Titanfall, 6vs6 at 720p, on a new next gen console, by the lead team that has been pumping out mediocre COD's for years - and people expect greatness?

AngelicIceDiamond3775d ago

@Canadian"Why are all these apologists pieces popping up?"

So what do you want you people to do continue to bash it until release? What's wrong with you that makes no sense? You want continuous hate articles?

Wow anyway.

I realized 6v6 will be fine. The AI could change how it works among human players, how useful they could be this time around. And interact and counteract among the players just as Respawn said.

If this works this could be the first game to cure really dumb or overpowered AI. Plus like the above mentioned, COD and Halo are 6v6 and look how stupid things can get with 12 players on those games.

Some of the AI was seen in games like Halo amongst various upon various other games trying to "help" the player but ultimately failed time and time again.

Like I said I bashed this as well in like 4 other articles.

"Titanfall, 6vs6 at 720p, on a new next gen console,"

Yep just as predicted. Lets bash the res and make it a big deal out of it because its not hitting the bigger res number. I'm glad you can see 1080p is bigger number than 720p.

I mean its funny because its not like you ever have anything good to say in these articles anyway.

The ultimate conclusion is this. We have to play it! Well your not gonna play it so it doesn't matter to you.

SoapShoes3775d ago

Because it's Microsoft's only exclusive with any hype. Unfounded hype though, I'm sure once it jumps and the sequel becomes multiplatform it will be forgotten.

admiralvic3775d ago

"Then why fluff the count with A.I?"

Probably to avoid people comparing it to games that already exist. Like Lost Planet 2 has 8v8 online multiplayer and mechs, so the fluff makes it seem super action packed.

"Why are all these apologists pieces popping up?"

Regardless of where you stand on the player count, we really need to see the game to know if this is right or wrong. As it stands, a lot of people have it in their head that this game should be XY vs XY, which might not work as well as 6v6. On the other hand, they could totally be right and the AI is a cop out. The only thing we know for a fact, is that we don't really know if it was the right or wrong move until we actually play the game.

"and people expect greatness?"

The problem is the growing segment of gamers that use their own terms and the increasing ease to be a journalist. Since a lot of the former become the latter, we're seeing a lot of terms being replaced with more "powerful" versions of the original terms.

Some examples include the following:

Potential is now 'save the' and then whatever the game is saving
Low sales / poor reception is now 'dead'
law sales (for a game) is now considered 'underrated'
Derivative is now a 'rip off', 'clone', or in some rare cases 'plagiarized'
Lack of variety (usually due to ones personal preference) is now genre 'fatigue'

Many people hyped Titanfall up to THE end all, beat all, Xbox One game, which was set to redefine the genre. Since people kept hearing people say this, their expectations were raised and now you see people realizing that it might not be the case (similar to Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified being the game that would 'save' the Vita). Only time will come, but sites / people need to choose their words better.

Irishguy953775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

Because the AI is part of the gameplay, NOT the PvP. The Ai does not 'fill' out the map/ They are not bots. The can't wall run/jump, they have no titans. They are 'normal' troops, among the Elite 'Titan pilots'(Which the players play as). Seriously, this game is like a Co op versus game. It's not straight up PvP.

Killing Ai gives you experience points. A tiny amount. If someone goes around killing only Ai, they will have a 0 kill count and the lowest score.

You have a Titan timer
Killing Ai reduces it
Killing Players reduces it much more
Doing an objective reduces it even more
Killing a Titan gives you the most.

The Ai can also be part of the objective in some gametypes.

Edit -

00 - The Ai is there for exploitation. They can be used to your teams advantage(strategically) and they give the players points. I imagine the best players are the ones who will be killing the Ai and the enemy team as the go along, I imagine the best teams are the ones who will force enemy players into a firefight versus player and Ai together. Effectively making it a few players and some cannon fodder which can do damage shooting at their enemies. Effectively the numbers will be higher on one team than another a certain points, if a team is able to utilize them well.

The Ai are not completely useless btw. They can damage players. But again, you won't be getting sneaked up on through a window or over you or by running up a wall behind you by an Ai.

003775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

when you put it like that the A.I bots sound like canon fodder and will be predictable and probably exploited by the many better gamers.

AngelicIceDiamond3775d ago

I would listen to @Irish. He seems to know more about how this works than anyone.

Even corrected my mistakes on the game.

pompombrum3775d ago

Honestly this hate is really making me facepalm but I still think the ai controlled bots is a BAAAAD idea. Watching over gameplay footage, you can clearly tell what the bots are, they're just cannon fodder there to fill player's ADD impulses until they find real opponents. I still have faith in Respawn and can sort of see what they are trying to do but I love mp for the thrill of playing human controlled players, if more than half the people I'm shooting at are pure cannon fodder, a lot of that thrill will go.

lonewolfjedi3775d ago

The way you explained it sounds cool, understandable, and you fully explained it bravo! Respawn should have done this.

Ashby_JC3774d ago

You basically are thinking what I am how the game will work.

Another thing is....I'm curious if the ai players week respawn???

Let's say they can't respawn...depending in the objective or game type it could get really strategic far as the end game goes.

One thing that I have never experienced that they show is the enemy having to retreat at the end of a match.

I will respect that they...The devs know what and the why of there choices. Simply bumping the human player count from what they said didn't improve what they set out to do with game.

I'm very interested in this game. Look forward to plain with friends.

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maniacmayhem3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

Because 720p shouldn't be a benchmark to determine if the game is next gen or not.

READ the many, MANY articles submitted to N4G from the actual developer on why they chose 6v6 and what the actual AI will be doing during the multiplayer match.

This isn't a basic BF4, CoD deathmatch where the objective is to kill everyone and the game is over. There are goals, story progression and objectives that must be completed the AI help to further that on the battlefield.

They are trying to tighten up gameplay not have a player respawn a million times because players are camping in bushes.

I love how whenever people come out to correct huge mistakes people are making about a product those people accuse them of DEFENDING. Yea, because you are spreading ignorant and wrong information.

dcj05243774d ago

Why did you say BF4? BF4 has different objectives like capturing flags,arming MCOMS,stealing the Bomb, and capturing the flag. The goal is the objective. Even COD has objectives although small. Why are you lumping in a objective focused game like BF4 with a deathmatch like Call Of Duty.Clearly you haven't played battlefield to make such a ignorant statement. Thats just stupid.

mhunterjr3775d ago

The AI doesn't fluff the count. The AI isn't meant to replace human players. They serve a similar purpose to creeps/minions in Dota or Lol... games that have no problem facilitating competitive multiplayer environments with lower player counts and AI.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3774d ago
Derekvinyard133775d ago

Until I play it, then I will see.

mdluffy3775d ago

Where are the xbone guys that said killzone failed for only having 12 vs 12?
And killzone also got 24 a.i bots in the matches... thats 48, 24 vs 24

mhunterjr3775d ago

Did xbone guys ever say that? Because that wouldn't make sense considering the only xb games to have high player counts it bf... which is multiplatform.

NegativeCreep4273775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

Xbox Fanboys hardly ever do make sense. Their stances on certain aspects of gaming and the gaming business change with the direction of the wind; sales don't matter anymore, power of the cloud, ordering pizza hut with kinect, and Titanfall 6v6 players is what really matters now!

scott1823775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )

The AI being there doesn't bother me at all as a future owner of this game on pc. I am just wondering WHY the AI is there... Is it to give the illusion of a bigger multiplayer experience, if so, why not just have more human players? I have no problem with playing games where AI has a specific task like on lol, to run in mindlessly on a set path and destroy towers. But in a shooter it just doesn't make much sense to me. If 6v6 is the magic number, why add more AI to fight.

True_Samurai3775d ago

He's just pulling straws cause I sure hell don't remember ever seeing anyone saying that

mhunterjr3775d ago (Edited 3775d ago )


I just don't understand the sudden why there is such the AI is such a big deal all of a sudden. They've been talked about since the debut.

They are aiming for what they call 'campaign multiplayer'. They want to blend the multiplayer experience with what we traditionally see in single player games. This means the inclusion of npc's. It's just like having marines fighting alongside master chief, or having extras fighting alongside the protagonist in a movie.

They are a lower class, and wouldn't be fun to play as. Would you want to be a marine in halo while everyone else is a Spartan?

And there will be opportunities to use these npc's strategically, like in a MOBA. They aren't meant to replace human players at all.

scott1823774d ago

Interesting, I will just have to see examples of it to understand how and why they are used in game before I make a judgment.

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Ashby_JC3774d ago

Ok. I have been on this site for awhile. And follow all games.

I have never seen anyone talk about ai in kill zone. Hell I didn't even know the mp had ai lol.

I'm not saying know one ever trashed it because of this. But it wasn't wide spread as your making it.

LeoDDestroyer3774d ago

When GG announce the player size of 12 v 12 for kzsf there were a lot of people disappointed with the player size. For better or worse people expect more from new games and you don't want a situation where your looking for something to do on a map b/c the player count is to low( cod ghost stonehaven map for example).

All we can do is wait for a beta or the games release and then make proper judgements.

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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub612d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad612d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g611d ago (Edited 611d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp11d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot776d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250775d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface775d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop775d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno775d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel776d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps775d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888775d ago (Edited 775d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33775d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888775d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH775d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad791d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.