
Global Weekly Chart Week Ending 12/14/2013

Gen 8 Hardware Lifetime Totals:
PS4 374,879 (+40%) 2,753,910
XOne 306,436 (+19%) 2,126,782
WiiU 264,627 (+53%) 4,749,539

Gen 8 Software Lifetime Totals:
WiiU 1,403,817 (+42%) 15,983, 418
PS4 1,000,956 (+11%) 6,531,17 2
XOne 818,064 (+34%) 5,203,605

1. Call of Duty: Ghosts (X360) Activision, Shooter 550,854
2. Puzzle & Dragons Z (3DS) GungHo, Puzzle 540,821
3. Call of Duty: Ghosts (PS3) Activision, Shooter 495,843
4. Pokemon X/Y (3DS) Nintendo, Role-Playing 451,019
5. Just Dance 2014 (Wii) Ubisoft, Misc 434,064

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Eonjay3789d ago

Sony may be one week away from 3 million calendar 2013 goal.
Also, interesting that Wii U is leading hardware. When you think about it the Wii U is not selling to poorly compared to the other systems. If the Wii U can keep this up (and if Sony can't ever restock supply) the Wii U may be able to retain that lead for a longer time than people think.

NYC_Gamer3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

The PS4/X1 just have higher demand compared to Wii U based on early sales of hardware..I'm just happy the console market is in good shape to be honest.

DejectedJeff3789d ago

well keep in mind the wii u's a year older too. a lot of people were saying all the nintendo fans went out and bought one and it wouldn't sell near the other consoles this christmas

mikeslemonade3789d ago

Soon the X1 sales will plateau and it will take atleast 2 years in total to surpass the WiiU. $499.99 just isn't viable enough to start off. Price drops won't work either because the competition is always gonna be cheaper.

avengers19783788d ago

It will be interesting to see what the numbers are for the last couple weeks, as all 3 consoles were selling well leading upto Christmas

Hicken3789d ago

Keep in mind, these numbers are two weeks old, now. It includes none of the systems restocked and subsequently sold in the days just prior to Christmas.

(And, of course, VGChartz is only an estimate, not a definite.)

That said, I do believe 3 million sales will be surpassed before the end of the year. I imagine that the Wii U will be just around 5 million sales(demand just doesn't seem to be all that strong, though it has picked up during the holidays). I expect the XB1 to be in the 2.5 million range.

Ol_G3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

you do understand it did more than 100k last week in japan only if you count us and europe christmas sales i think it's safe to say they surpassed the 5 million easily


mikeslemonade3789d ago

Does it really matter? 5 million in one more than one year is pitiful.

Theyellowflash303789d ago

But more than 2 million in a couple months is good. And that's where the Wii U right now.

It had its problems. But things are clearly looking up. Nintendo's 2014 software is going to be big. Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Monolith Soft's X, to name a few.

Nintendo will easily sell more than 5 million units next year.

Skip_Bayless3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

5 million next year?? That's a pretty slim chance considering WiiU launch window sales, year one holiday sales, and then year 2 holiday sales.

Tito083788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

The question is if they gonna reach the 9 million they projected for the fiscal year which I totally doubt the will, but if they do, good for them.

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PSNrandom153789d ago

At Ol_G. Wii U sold well in japan 1. because of holidays and 2 because the wii U has no next gen competition in japan is either get a wii U for xmas or a ps3 or xbox.

Sharky2313789d ago

How is it interesting that Wii U is leading? They only had a year head start.

Eonjay3789d ago

Agreed. I meant to say leading software. It sold more software this week than PS4 and Xbox One.

Shnazzyone3789d ago

nevermind that the #1 console was 3ds by a mile. it sold almost 900k last week. 1.4 million in game sales for wii U ain't bad either.

At this point, if nintendo is doomed, then the entire gaming industry is doomed.

FamilyGuy3789d ago

Probably already over 3 million by now, this was the two weeks ago after all.

showtimefolks3789d ago

i am glad for nintendo and wiiu, system is good and we will get to play nintendo games in HD. $299 is a very good price

but ps4/xbox one will sell that much better. we could have a situation where:

ps4 sells 85-100 million
xbox one 75-90 million
wiiu 35-50 million

that's a huge gap between 2nd and 3rd considering wii sold 100 plus million

Shnazzyone3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

Are you a time traveler? No way you wanna risk predicting 5 years from now. I'd comment on the numbers but it's funny you think wii U will be that far behind and ps3 didn't even hit 100mil before ps4 hit. Wii was LUCKY to break 100 million before its life was up and that was the blockbuster console last gen,

showtimefolks3788d ago


i didn't say 5 years, i am looking at it throughout the whole next gen. so more like 7-10 years. Both ps3 and xbox360 will sell somewhere 95-100 million range

PS4 and xbox one are up to a very hot start, wiiu isn't gonna be able to compete with either so that's why i see a huge number difference. Most gaming pundits are actually saying under 40 million for wiiu

why pay $299 for wiiu when for $399 you can get a ps4, that's the million dollar question

xtremeimport3788d ago

People are STILL buying CoD games...I can't understand why..

to each their own.

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PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3789d ago

i feel like vgchartz right isn't so accurate..

i feel like its missing a lot of sales

Eonjay3789d ago

It doesn't track digital sales.

B1663r3789d ago

They don't track anything. They make up numbers based on some hidden calculus that they won't show anyone.

Their numbers are CONSISTENTLY wildly off base, then they stealth edit their website to reflect the changes when real data becomes available done by real market research firms.

Geobros3789d ago

Its not easy to track everything. Though, I think its the only site for video games sales....I wish to see another one in the future.

ThatCanadianGuy5143789d ago

They don't track anything.It's all "educated" guesses.

Skip_Bayless3789d ago

I don't care what any of you guys say. It's ballpark numbers and they are close enough. And then they edit their numbers once they get reliable sales data from outside sources.

The fact is the numbers tell the same story. And it's just dumb how when the numbers favor X1, the X1 fans all of sudden believe the numbers are "kinda" correct and then vice versa for PS4 fans. At the end of the day the numbers are basically correct and tell the same story. "Law of very large numbers" people..

Ju3789d ago

I agree with you there, Skip_Bayless. They show a trend. For our amusement they are accurate enough, for people interested in real numbers those are edited when more accurate numbers are available. Nobody tracks weekly sales accurately anyway.

But one thing, though. Global 374K, Europe 174K and USA 144K. Where's the rest? ~60K are missing

USA doesn't include Canada? but 60 is to much there, Europe includes EMEA? (which is Australasia/Middle East?).

insomnium23789d ago


I'm a Sony guy and VGC is NEVER right. They should be banned from this site no matter how much they show PS4 winning over XBone. Capish?

Skip_Bayless3789d ago

Well it beats waiting weeks longer to brag. Eh?

insomnium23788d ago


Brag? GTFO who gives a s*it about bragging unless they are a 10 yo?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3788d ago
showtimefolks3789d ago

They take bunch of guesses and are usually wrong, but its a great site if you want to find out exact number for past years. Their present numbers are always wrong till they actually get all their facts in at the end of the year and update everything again

but look atleast its a site working hard to provide some data

urwifeminder3789d ago

Any news on new games or is this news for nasdaq gamers now lol.

B1663r3789d ago

I will now make up some imaginary numbers as well...

The square root of negative 3.

xboner3789d ago ShowReplies(7)
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Please, can Call of Duty leave awful Netflix-style menus behind

Call of Duty games used to be streamlined experiences, but COD 2024’s UI could be another nightmarish clutter of streaming tabs.

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LucasRuinedChildhood15d ago

Let's just leave Call Of Duty behind.

anast14d ago

The isn't for you anymore.

BlackCountryBob14d ago

If we’re beating that drum, can we also stop forcing anyone who wants to play only the single player to download Warzone and all updates BEFORE they are then able to do another download from the menu of the single player campaign. I don’t see why I need 150gb of downloads in several ways to play the single player mode only from a bloomin disk which should have that campaign on it already.

DefenderOfDoom214d ago (Edited 14d ago )

The UI is confusing to me because I have not purchased a Call of Duty iin like 8 years .Only bought CoD MW3 because 3 of my friends I have known since to 70s are playing zombies . But I am used it now .

smolinsk14d ago

The UI is the least of the franchise many problems these days. But yes the UI is also terrible.


Players claim Fortnite ruined Call of Duty by letting in more corporate greed

Do you remember what gaming was like before Fortnite entered the gaming space? One of the biggest arguments was about loot boxes. Now we have conversations about crossovers, battle passes, and community outreach.

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GoodGuy0926d ago (Edited 26d ago )

Idk. Loot boxes did disappear and battle passes and in game purchases are all cosmetic. We get free weapons and maps post launch, any gameplay affecting content. I could care less about all the cosmetics.
I absolutely hated the days where weapons were locked behind a less than 1% chance lootbox pull where it'd take 5+ hours to have enough tokens to do a single pull and lazy remastered/remake maps cost you $15 each wave or $50 for the season pass that you didn't know what you'd get and these maps were only available to those that bought it so you get a smaller pool of players match with.

Tacoboto25d ago

The "good ole days" are actually what drove me away from COD and Halo 3/Reach. Halo 4 becoming a COD-like drove me away from that only a week or so after it launched and I beat its campaign.

It sucked way back then, going a month or two without playing online-shooter-of-the-moment, and then needing to buy a $15 map pack to play with the majority of the population or your favorite playlist. The "community" rejecting Spartan Points in MCC killed that game's support, too. No revenue = no support, plain and simple.

Cacabunga25d ago

That headline could easily be something Spencer could have said 😅 I had to check if it was really an opinion piece

KyRo25d ago

As times gone on, the COD battle pass has got ALOT worse so they can push people to buy the more premium battle pass which itself is a huge rip off and nearly half the price of the base game.

The cosmetics can be fine but they've taken it to far to the point of no return. Why make a military themed game then have rabbits, dinosaurs, cats, rats & z list rappers as skins? You wouldn't add a Lamborghini to a fantasy RPG to replace a horse and you would never see Mario have limb dismemberment because they know what they are. COD is having identity crisis but kids and streamer but then all

franwex25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Call of duty can simply not copy the bad aspects of Fortnite? Or is that too out of this world? Like COD, a realistic shooter-just HAD to have Nicki Minaj running around? Or super heroes?

Inverno25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Exactly! Trends don't all need to be followed. Plus where Fortnite got somewhat better with it's monetization, Acti got worse. Or at least Fortnite has lended itself more to the wacky stuff, and has put more effort and quality into that stuff.

jjb198125d ago

I prefer the battle passes with free maps than the $50 season pass that divided the community. I definitely feel that Fortnite had some influence on CoD having loot boxes with Blackout being introduced in 2018 with Black Ops 4.

PRIMORDUS25d ago (Edited 25d ago )

Actually Fortnite bullshit ruined Unreal Tournament. Epic are sellouts and I will never have that shitty store on my PC, fuck them and that shit bag Tim Sweeney. At least the community keeps the games alive, I still play UT2004.

StoneTitan24d ago

I mean cant really blame them for supporting the game that made them the most money and the most people player...ever?

Psychonaut8525d ago

Call of Duty ruined Call of Duty. They needed no outside assistance.

Ra303024d ago

100% correct! The makers of Call of Duty ran out of ideas long, long ago so they take ideas from other games like Ghost Recon, Fortnite and any other FPS game hat had success hell CoD remasters maps that they've remastered several times already then charge you again for it. Call of Duty is simply a cut, copy and paste and then put the $70 price on it every year. Activision and now Microsoft has been essentially remastering Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare every year since it was released in 2007 its to the point it's worse than the sports game like the Madden, NBA and others yearly sports franchises.
@Psychonaut85 is spot on "Call of Duty ruined Call of Duty. They needed no outside assistance"!

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Massive new COD Black Ops Gulf War leak lifts the lid on loadouts

The Black Ops Gulf War leaks continue with a list of weapon descriptions giving more info on what you can expect from new and returning weapons.

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