
Five Ways In Which Telltale Schools Quantic Dream With The Wolf Among Us

Dealspwn: "I've found myself disappointed by a number of the games that masses of others have been telling me are "masterpieces" of late, and I'm still not done castigating Quantic Dream for Beyond just yet.

But that disappointment in particular is made more stark by the arrival of The Wolf Among Us, which shows that you don't need Hollywood actors or ludicrously expensive motion capture studios or the backing of a major publisher and platform holder to deliver a game that appeals to our hearts as well as our heads and places story -- good storytelling -- at the very forefront of things."

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Blues Cowboy3852d ago

Agreed. Both games are pretty hands-off in terms of gameplay, but The Wolf Among Us has such a great story compared to Beyond! DAT ENDING.

badz1493851d ago

yup, take something popular (books or tv series) and make a spin-off version of it! success would be easy when riding on the wave of established names!

QD is doing something original, something of their own. not hoping on other's bandwagon and call it a day! granted that there are plotholes and weak links here and there in both Heavy Rain and Beyond, but they still tell their stories pretty well.

lodossrage3851d ago


People are giving Telltale credit for stories they didn't even do.

If people here read comics, they'd know The Wolf Among Us is actually from the Fables comics and The Walking Dead was a comic first, TV show second, and THEN it was a game.

Telltale needs to create the OWN stories and worlds before they take any "story making" title from anyone.

FuzzyPixels3850d ago

The issue isn't with IP. Telltale have some duds in their history too. Heavy Rain was excellent because it has a better story than Beyond, the genre of the narrative went hand-in-hand with the genre of the game, choices visibly mattered and had serious consequences.

Should Quantic Dream be applauded for delivering a brand new IP? Yes. Does it automatically make the game better? Hell no.

It doesn't matter where the background pieces come from. A comic is not the same thing as a game, and adaptation is a risky business (in fact, in this industry, adaptations and transmedia tie-ins are usually balls). TWAU makes me care, involves me directly, and tells a good story with clear purpose.

Beyond does none of that.

XboxFun3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

Telltale are excellent at crafting stories and getting the player emotionally involved. Another great example of not needing a super AAA budget and high paid Hollywood actors to get the player engaged,

Good story, great design and fun gameplay makes more of a difference.

Having a great time with Wolf Among Us,let's all hope TellTale is able to get some more stories from the Fable series.

lodossrage3851d ago

They didn't craft the stories for their games though. So you can't say their excellent at doing it when it's already done FOR them before the game is even made

Both Walking Dead and The Wolf Among us use Comics and TV shows as source material

FuzzyPixels3850d ago

This is the most ridiculous response ever.

It would be like rubbishing Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy just because George Lucas invented Star Wars.

Much of the comics industry is predicated on iterating on characters and story arcs developed by others. Does that mean we can't praise storytelling in comics? Of course not.

Also...different mediums require different rules.

ziggurcat3851d ago

My problem with telltale is that their games are way too buggy for what they are. There's just no way they can justify the stuttering, and momentary freezing when it isn't really taxing the system at all...

Jovanian 3851d ago

what are you running it on?

And on the topic of bugs yeah I had some pretty severe save game bugs for TWD

ziggurcat3851d ago (Edited 3851d ago )

PS3. It might be a completely different story on X360, though.

It always happens when auto saving/loading.

greatcrusader443851d ago

360 version has a lot of slowdown as well.

bowserone3851d ago

thank you! Ive been saying this the whole time. QD tries waaaay to hard with paying big budget celebs who do the marketing for them and focuses on the wrong parts of gameplay and the story they are trying to tell. TT picked a simple but popular comic book and put a new twist on it making it something interesting! The instalments give them oppruitney to figure out what worked and what didnt and tweak things (no patch needed here) and they hype you up for the next release...cuz man DAT ENDING to ep 1 was...woah. They learned a thing or two from walking dead about taking risk. TT opened this type of genre to me as no other could have... and personally? I will remember that. (see what i did there?)

lodossrage3851d ago

Come back to this when Telltale makes a game where the story/world isn't already made up for them.

The Walking Dead was a comic first, then a tv show before it was a game. So they had the story set before they even made the game.

The Wolf Among Us is from DC Vertigo series Fables. So once again, just like with Walking Dead, the story was already set for them.

When/If Telltale has their OWN story made without having to use a comic, book, or television show, THEN we can have a debate on whether or not they "school" Quantic Dream

lodossrage3851d ago

I see disagrees, but I don't see anyone showing me that I'm wrong.

What a shock....

FuzzyPixels3850d ago

The Walking Dead had an original plot set in an appropriated world.

See my comment above. Adaptations in this business are usually inadvisable and Telltale has a scattershot history. The reason TWD succeeded was because the original writing was good and they understood the benefits of making choices count.

Read the article, identify with the matter at hand and take a look at the reasons stated rather than fabricating a false, straw man argument. When/if you do that, THEN we can have a debate


The Wolf Among Us – Episode 1 Review

Peter Starr from Bit Cultures writes:

"I’m no stranger to Telltale Games’ work. Having played through Season one of both The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, I’m well aware of the kind of experience Telltale delivers. Personally, I really enjoy spending time with these games. They definitely have their issues, but I admire Telltale’s attempt to further blur the line between videogame and film. Having just finished episode one of The Wolf Among Us, not only am I already enjoying it more than their other offerings, but I now also have an even stronger faith in Telltale’s upcoming take on the Batman."

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Is It Possible To 'Convert' An Anti-Gamer In 30 Minutes? [Video]

Kotaku AU: We like to believe there are games out there for everyone. There’s no such thing as a “non-gamer” — just people who haven’t discovered their particular bag yet. To put this theory to the test, we enlisted the skills of technology writer, cosplayer and gaming veteran Rae Jonhston to “convert” Mia: the most rabid anti-gamer in our office. It proved to be a very bumpy ride.

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DarkOcelet3396d ago

Mia looked a bit like Anita lol, thought it was her at first, That was an interesting video but still its really hard to make someone a gamer especially an adult , i tried that 4 times with 4 different people, it never worked. They were interested in watching but playing just gave them headaches or so they said haha. I am so glad i am gamer from since i was 5 years old.

SniperControl3396d ago

Yeah, my bro's the same, he would rather have a kip on the sofa than play games(he is 54 though) lol.
Ironically, my bro was the person to get me into gaming when he bought home an Atari 2600 all those long years ago, been gaming since i was about 10(i'am nearly 40 now).

3-4-53396d ago

* If you purposely are trying not to like something....good luck actually enjoying it.

The reason some people discover a ton of stuff they like is because they are positively open to it.

* I'm open to trying things but it doesn't mean I'm going to like the thing I'm doing.

* If I TRY not to like it....I WON'T....

* You have to actually attempt to try and "get into" the thing your spending time dong.

* More importantly is the Correct game for that person.

* One game will please somebody....you just never know which game that will be.

* Did you know you were going to like all the games you did, at the level in which you did ?

3396d ago
PeaSFor3396d ago

i wouldnt even waste my time in front of "anti" attitude to beggin with

I_am_Batman3396d ago

Well if you go in with such a biased attitude into anything new you won't enjoy it no matter what it is. She started complaining right from the start searching for reasons to dislike it. A more open minded person would've at least try to understand why so many people like video games so much.

ameliabaz3396d ago (Edited 3396d ago )

On one hand I agree. But on the other hand I think some people just aren't wired to like certain things.

I once had a housemate who hated video games. She just didn't see the point of them at all and thought they were a waste of time. But she loved tacky reality shows and even had the entire Kim Kardashian series on DVD. Personally I don't see the point of such boring trashy TV and thought watching it was a waste of time. I don't think of open-mindedness would make me want to watch something like Honey BooBoo or Big Brother. My housemate probably felt the same way about games. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

I_am_Batman3396d ago (Edited 3396d ago )

Agreed. But you can't really compare a whole medium like video games to a very limited genre of another medium (TV).

Not everyone can get into every hobby but I think it's important to be respectful even if you don't share the same hobby. The thing that annoys me the most is not that some people don't understand games but that they are ignorant about it pretending to know better than you and not willing to have a rational discussion about it (this doesn't nessessarily apply to the person in the video).

quiddd3396d ago

Get the right game for the person.

HeMan763396d ago

I will make my wife watch this.She is the worst anti gamer in this planet I guess.

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Defiance & The Wolf Among Us Are Now Free On Xbox Live

Techtorial: Defiance and The Wolf Among Us (full game) are now free on Xbox Live. Meanwhile, PS Store offers The Wolf Among Us for free as well.

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GodGinrai3460d ago

sweet. good thing, I kept my x360 :)

SteamPowered3460d ago

Yes I forgot how many games I bought through XBL that didnt transfer to my X1. Ill be keeping my 360 running for a little while yet.

Dirtnapstor3460d ago

Full game or just the first episode "Faith"? Xbox already doled out the first episode for free a while back.

GodGinrai3460d ago

full game according to the link. havent downloaded it yet, but will do in a few hours when im settled at the TV.

Kivespussi3460d ago

Telltale games usually make their first episodes free, this is nothing new.

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