
Battlefield 4 Producer: "We Were Stupid" to Believe PC Gaming Was Dying; "Has Never Been Stronger"

Battlefield 4 Lead Producer Patrick Bach is preparing for the launch of the game across many platforms, and for a new generation of consoles. Yet when he looks back to a few years ago, he sees the error in the ways of many that abandoned or neglected PC development to focus on consoles, thinking gaming on PC was dying. He also feels that PC gaming has never been stronger.

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gillri3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

Lol I dont think anyone thought it would die, when millions were hooked playing WoW (which is when all this talk started to come about)

But me and many other people thought that the big budget PC AAA exclusive was dead, and of course it is...dead as a a dodo

I have my PC for those indie horror games now (cant wait for Routine) and look forward to getting either a PS4 or Xbox One...not decided which yet though :/

vishmarx3857d ago

just about anyone with a laptop and minesweeper on it is technically a pc gamer.
it just doesn't have worthwhile exclusives anymore(amnesia and outlast are great but not exclusive)
.lets face it
stuff like tlou, halo, gow, ff, mario, zelda, uncharted
will never come to pc and I dont wanna miss out on these coz im some self righteous pc elitist with an 8 yr old wow account and a gtx 780 running it

JsonHenry3857d ago

The thing is most of us "PC Elitists" also have consoles. But when something is multiplat, and MOST games are, we want to play on the best platform available with the detail maxed.

Don't hate us because we play games the way we want and can afford to as well.

raWfodog3857d ago


I was co-signing with you all the way up until the end of your last sentence. Then the "PC Elitist" came out of you and I had to hang my hang :(

I love all my gamers, I really do. Smartphone, handheld, console, PC, it don't matter to me as long as you love games, regardless if you can afford them or not.

0ut1awed3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

@ JsonHenry


I'll play anything multiplat on my PC every time. I'm still a GAMER though. This gamer is also pretty excited about picking up his PS4.

These comments and bickering though...They should just name this site N4T/F aka News for Trolls and Fanboys.

I'm really stopping myself from commenting on articles more and more every day. N4G just doesn't seem to be a very well tempered, polite, or educated community 99% of the time.

It's a community that seems very toxic and simply put not one that I want to indulge in anymore.

LAWSON723857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

I would rather play minesweeper than play a new Gears of War. Also are you sure you are not an 8 year old that spelling is horrible?

aliengmr3857d ago

What makes you think those exclusives you mentioned are worth it? I couldn't care less about them.

Just like you couldn't care less about any PC exclusives.

I know its hard to consider that any gamer would have zero interest in any console exclusive, but its true.

mikeslemonade3856d ago

PC isn't dead but isn't as viable to making money as consoles. Just go to vgchartz and compare the sales.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3856d ago
Pandamobile3857d ago

AAA exclusives are a dying breed all together. The only companies actively engaged in the exclusive games department are the companies who own the platforms and are trying to generate sales. Multiplatform game development is the future, and it's coming faster than you know.

CGI-Quality3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

If multiplatform game development is the future, then what a bleak future it would be. Fortunately, that's not true, so no reason to worry.

OT: No Dice, PC gaming was never dying. Glad you realize that now!

@ Roccetarius: My post had nothing to do with anyone"preferring" multi-platform games. I'm saying if multi-platform gaming is all the future has to look forward to, then the game industry won't be what it once was.

As for "AAA", I think that term is used too loosely. And I disagree about those types of games losing anything.

Roccetarius3857d ago

Well, i would definitely say, that more and more AAA exclusives have become lacking in story, depth and complexity.

And i agree with Multiplatform games taking the crown, because most of my favourite games have been just that.

Bolts3857d ago

Multiplats are king, to think otherwise is to be delusional of the facts. Oh and the platform with the most exclusives? PC. For all this talk about digital "services" and the cloud, the PC completely clown the console in terms online games. Virtually all of the free to play games are PC and every MMO you can think of are PC based also.

awi59513857d ago

Lots of Pc exclusive are still around like the witcher games they just have all gone to consoles. The fact is PC still means freedom and mods and i will never pay for online play. As this gen goes on i think more console players will go Pc because the DLC fad and console dictatorship has gotten out of control in the last 10 years and they are full of themselves. Microsoft and sony dream of being apple and its never going to happen so more and more people will jump ship to pc to escape their craziness and price gouging on DLC.

kingduqc3856d ago

There is some AAA games releasing on pc..

Arma 3
Star citizen
guild wards 2
total war games
civ games
compagny of heroes
titanfall? kinda

There isn't as much as consoles that's true cause pc isn't a company that pays to get exlsives...

allgamespc20123856d ago

what a retarded comment. no exclusives eh? not only are there whole genres with exclusives, such as gw2, dota 2 and LoL, but you have indie exclusives, rpg exclusives and even fps exclusives to pc that are worth every cent, just because you think halo or GOW is better doesnt mean we pc gamers do, in fact, imo halo sucks ass and so does GOW, and in fact, we got halo 1 and 2 on pc, rumos say we will get 3, and gow 1 came to pc as well.

so before you make ignorant comments like the one you just made, i suggest you do some research before talking shit about a platform you obviously are jealous of you fucking sony n4g fanboy.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3856d ago
aquamala3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

just look at EA's revenue by platform Q1 2014
PC 276 million
X360 256 million
PS3 238 million

and look at BF3 player count right now:
PC online 37 333
PS3 online 32 180
360 online 15 810

PC gaming is more alive than ever

dazzrazz3857d ago

What does player count have to do with this anyway ? All they care about is selling the product , the less people play the better for them at the end because they don't have to maintain than many servers :)

Pandamobile3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

PC games generally have longer legs than console games. Longer player retention = more post launch purchases. Of the 6 people I know who play BF3 on PC, 4 of them bought Premium. Of the 3 people I know who play BF3 on PS3, not one of them bought Premium and only one actually purchased an expansion pack.

Another good example of PC player retention is Team Fortress 2. That game turned 6 years old a few days ago and still pulls in 60,000 concurrent players every day.

Obamanationn3857d ago

you think hosting servers hurts EA's wallet ?

TekoIie3857d ago

What he's trying to point out is that your finding a higher level of commitment from the community on PC, despite it selling worse than every other version.

Kleptic3857d ago (Edited 3857d ago )

pandamobile...sorry man, but i can't see your post about PC vs. PS3 as a 'good example' specifically related to bf3...

you 'know' 3 people who play bf3 on PS3, and not one of them bought premium...Some personal friends and I set up a platoon...with over 50 active ps3 members...all of whom purchased premium...and many of these members went on to purchase the PC version during various origin sales, and never bothered with premium on PC...

not a contest...just saying...the fact that you only know a few guys who purchased additonal dlc for the ps3 version, and happen to know a few that purchased it on PC...doesn't really mean anything...

the PC and PS3 versions were always right with each other through active players and sales...the 360 version was always a distant third...that won't be the case for BF4 though i'd imagine...PC is going to walk away with it this time...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3857d ago
Beastforlifenoob3857d ago

Wait is that a typo or what

aquamala3856d ago

fiscal year 2014, EA's fiscal year starts on April

My_Name_BTW_Is_Dante3857d ago

PC gaming has never been stronger. That's why they're proud to announce that Xbox One will be getting exclusive DLC.

Convas3857d ago

Because God forbid that publishers should ever have exclusive content partnerships.

GarrusVakarian3857d ago

Is it your permanent/paid job to troll the comments on n4g?

On topic: Who said PC gaming was dead in the first place, Steam is incredibly popular.

justiceabove3857d ago

5 years or so ago, there was a huge boom in console games and quality NEW PC games seemed to be few and far between.

Then indies hit the scene, Unreal engine was released publicly a year later and we have seen the effects of that when we look at all the quality free games that have been released since then.

Not to mention the revolutionary development of the Frostbite engine that helped spur the success of the Bad Company series and Battlefield games we see today.

With all the new tech, hardware purchasing on the rise, and more people moving to PC gaming as a result of places like Twitch and popular Youtubers, PC Gaming is stronger than it has ever been before.

famoussasjohn3857d ago

Someone was going to pay for exclusivity, last time it was Sony with 1 week early, now it's Microsoft. How would exclusivity happen on PC?

EXVirtual3857d ago

For EA, the PC is the main place of revenue. Am I right about that? PC gaming isn't dead, coming from a console mainly guy.

SnakeCQC3857d ago

mantle and steam os are going to take it further!

Gasian3856d ago (Edited 3856d ago )

@EXVirtual no it is a main source of income for so many developers out there with steam,origin(puff),and other online distributors making it easier than ever to really profit and get your game out in the open

P.S. I am new to PSN with PS4 being on 360 this gen so I am looking for anyone who wants to be my friend when it launches and looking at your profile and all I can see we have similar interests. So PM me if you want to be friends. :)

Tzuno3857d ago

You damn right man i love PC since this next gen war. I realized that buying a console is not worth if you look at the graphical leap between current gen and next gen. Simply it doesn't worth. On PC i do more than gaming so PC wins for me.

Feralkitsune3856d ago

Also, on PC you don't have a library of games you can no longer play without tons of hassle in 5-6 years.

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Ubisoft Scalar aims to make games more like the web

Patrick Bach and Per Olof Romell of Stockholm studio discuss the Assassin's Creed publisher's newest tech.

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RaidenBlack753d ago

Ubisoft : Bigger Isn't Always Better In Game Design
Patrick Bach : "Do we need games to be bigger? No,"

752d ago
Magog752d ago

That doesn't sound appealing at all...

Inverno752d ago

So trendy, toxic, full of stupid takes and censorship. Oh and filled with ads!

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Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot772d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250771d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface771d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop771d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno771d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel772d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps771d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888771d ago (Edited 771d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33771d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888771d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH771d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad787d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.