
People Not Impressed About Battlefield 4 Running on Xbox One

During this year’s previous gaming events, some speculations were made on whether or not Xbox One games were actually running on Microsoft’s next generation console.

That being said, people who are attending this year’s Eurogamer exposition have confirmed that Battlefield 4 is actually running on MS’ Xbox One… and that they’re not really impressed.

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mewhy323875d ago

Well that was really a mixed bag of comments. The crashes were a little unexpected but they've still got time to figure it out. What rez is the PS4 released running at?

Captain_Mushroom3875d ago

I think it's still 720p on it as well.

Hicken3875d ago

It's above 720, but not yet 1080.

loulou3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

seems like nearly everyone said that it looked ok. except for one post from gaf lol

has anyone seen any vids on-line yet?

this should be removed for the shameful flamebait title alone. shameless hit-bait. ban this site

i just read hatsune-mikus comment rofl.. classic

sorane3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

I don't know what's worse, the people that make posts like hatsune-miku or the people that would actually give him agrees for it. What a world this has become. That's some downright delusional stuff.....

Ipunchbabiesforfun3875d ago

hahahaha Killzone SF looks amazing but is not better than Crysis 3 gtfo

LonChaneyTV3875d ago

"People Not Impressed About Battlefield 4 Running on Xbox One"

Because BF4 was debuted on PC first at max settings. PCs kinda spoil gamers when it comes to multiplatforms nowadays.

Lior3875d ago

It is 720p at 60fps I don't know where people are getting more than 720p native.

abzdine3875d ago

xbox one isn't powerful, that's why MS came out today with the BS saying cloud improves graphics, they are just anticipating all criticism.. the problem is they haven't given any proof that that might work.

PSX043875d ago Show
AngelicIceDiamond3875d ago

Lol Wow a handful of people complained and not that many people complained about it.

I think someones going for hits on this one.

thechosenone3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

DICE dev has already stated that BF4 on PS4 is running above 720p...now is it 1080? 1440? We'll find out soon enough I guess but it's definitely not 720p.

Deadpoolio3875d ago

They've already confirmed a few times that both consoles will be running BF4 at 720p end of story

Evilsnuggle3875d ago

To all xbox fanboys the PS4 is far superior to the xbone one. So u can keep hoping in secret sauce but xbone is the weakness next GEN console. PS4 over 720p and woll perform better on PS4

Docknoss3875d ago

Everyone was impressed but Neogaf which no one cares about Neogaf.

thechosenone3875d ago

OMG did you see the lack of shadows in the XB1 version....yikes! And it's running at 720p too!

Pogmathoin3875d ago

@ultimatemaster, the most sensible statement, but seems like a sony kid was really upset and reported you.

@sorane, do not expect maturity here, most never even heard of the word...

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

guess nvidia was right! lol consoles are already behind. AMD Mantle make it worse..

Lol needs more cloud!!!

gaffyh3875d ago

I don't mind 720p at all, as long as it looks good the resolution won't matter for most people.

TopDudeMan3875d ago

@Hatsune if you bought a pc with a decent to mid range graphics card two years ago you would have been well within next gen territory.

I mean, I'd love to think every game next gen will be in 1080p running at 60 frames per second, but I highly doubt they will. Especially games with the scale and depth of battlefield 4.

Amplitude3875d ago

720p in 2013 is actually unacceptable i dont even care...

Kleptic3875d ago

^hate to say it, but i totally agree...Granted I know BF4 shouldn't be the best example of a console game, it has been, and always will be...a PC centric franchise...

but for me its deeper than that...I bought a nice HDTV in 2009...and its now all but confirmed that neither new console will natively support its specs across the board...

its fine and great that people scream and shout 'i'll take more polys and this and that over 1080 res at 60 fps'...and good for them...but for me, its given me very little interest in either console...this full HD stuff was promised in 2006...STILL not having a unanimous minimum res and framerate on full retail games...simply isn't working for my own money...

hopefully after a year or so full 1080p (that is...1920 by 1080 resolution at 60hz native, by the way...people need to wake up with '1080p at 30fps'...that contradicts itself) will become the norm...but for some reason i doubt it...people said the same thing this gen...

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3875d ago
malokevi3875d ago

Last time I heard about it running on PS4, it was 8v8 and everyone was hating on it.

not saying that's a bad thing. I find with Battlefield games in particular that a lot of work gets done in the months/weeks/days leading up to release. Dice really likes to hold out until crunch time to do all the refinement. Their Beta test periods are usually atrocious.

I have it in good faith that the game will run splendidly on both consoles.

Jumper093875d ago

PS4 version was at TGS. 16vs16 siege of shanghei

Joe9133875d ago

That’s not what I read about it running on PS4 I heard a lot of ppl said it is as good as pc on highest settings but I didn't hear any hate about it.

malokevi3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

It was at least a month ago... I'm not thinking about TGS. I think it was the first time they showerd it on PS4.

Anyways, I'm getting a Day-1 edition PS4, so this is not an attack on PS4. I hate how every time I make an impartial post I have to explain that I'm not attacking anyone, in the wake of a bunch of people arguing with me.


Here they talk about the 8v8.


Feel free to make all the meaningless comparisons between unfinished games that you want... the amount that I care could not possibly be any lower.

torchic3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

stop spreading lies and trying to make other consoles look bad. the PS4 version has never ran 8v8, that was the "Xbox One version" at PAX on PCs.

-just saw your link and you're right but still.

everyone has thus far praised the PS4 version, haven't heard a single peep about how much it sucks. all I hear is that it's not quite as good as the PC version, but vastly superior to the current gen versions.

also after reading the article it doesn't look like people are saying it's bad, majority actually praise it.

malokevi3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

"stop spreading lies and trying to make other consoles look bad. the PS4 version has never ran 8v8, that was the "Xbox One version" at PAX on PCs.

-just saw your link and you're right but still. "

Holy hell, do you people see what I'm getting at here?

This place is full of INSANE PEOPLE!

I'm getting a PS4, I have nothing against the PS4, simply stating things AS I REMEMBER THEM... Which turned out to be true (which you discovered only after you were finished lecturing me)

I have NOT heard unanimously good things about EITHER console version... SO HOW ABOUT A LITTLE REALISM?

The PS4 and Sony aren't suddenly going to evaporate and disappear if we approach this with a sense of realism, are they?

"also after reading the article it doesn't look like people are saying it's bad, majority actually praise it. "


*jumps off a bridge because humanity is doomed anyways*

HammadTheBeast3875d ago

Lol N4G. Congrats on 5 bubs malokevi.

torchic3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

okay dude you can calm down

I don't care if you get the PS4 or Xbox One or Super Nintendo or a tray of eggs day one, I don't get why people feel the need to appease others with that info. it does nothing for me just to point out

I honestly can tell you that I've heard many good things about the PS4 version, and like I said the only complaint is that it's not as good as the PC version but very close to it. we both remember certain bits of information because we only read those bits of info (you clearly didn't read about the TGS demos, apparently it was awesomeaballs) so you need to chill with your caps-on rage and jumping off bridge exaggeration.

and lastly, my comment about the comments on the Xbox version wasn't directed at you, I was just saying.

you can chill.

abusador3875d ago

Malokev I'm a ps4 supporter but completely get what your saying. Earlier builds of bf on ps4 got criticized but later builds are shaping upppppp well like the recent 18v18 but damn still no 64 Plyer gameplay

malokevi3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )


THANK YOU! somebody understands!! I'm weeping with happiness over here, lol.

I'm extremely skeptical of the absence of 64 player gameplay as well. But, like I said, Dice tends to mash everything through at the last second. i imagine player counts can be upped once they iron out the more important (or... pressing. Nothing more important than 64 players :D) issues.



""stop spreading lies and trying to make other consoles look bad. the PS4 version has never ran 8v8, that was the "Xbox One version" at PAX on PCs.

-just saw your link and you're right but still. " "

That wasn't directed at me? Pardon my french, but you're brimming with feces.

"I don't get why people feel the need to appease others with that info. it does nothing for me just to point out "

Because you continue to defend it as if I was going out of my way to attack the PS4 version. How else am I supposed to get across to you that I'm not, if you completely ignore everything I've said in favour of perceiving my argument as some ridiculous and pointless attack on what is clearly your console of choice?

I don't care to downplay the PS4 version, but its obvious to me that you think I do. So there are YOUR BIASES, not mine.

AngelicIceDiamond3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )


One of things that Dice tends to do is Max out PC and leaving everything else in the dust. They even said they PC will always be better and they made compromises on next gen hardware.

That's now how you develop games. Its apparent EA wants the money so EA made Dice do console versions while the REAL gaming experiences is on PC like always. Despite stronger hardware coming to the market.

As long as the game runs well and looks decent on console, console owners won't complain right?

But yet the PC is where the full experience and actual game is at.

torchic3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

this is the last comment I will waste on your over-dramatic self.

"also after reading the article it doesn't look like people
are saying it's bad, majority actually praise it."

you took my comment and wrote a whole caps-on rage essay talking about nothing, for nothing. that comment was in reference to THIS article about the Xbox One Battlefield 4 version apparently not being good according to a few twitter comments, but you were too busy being dramatic trying to win an Oscar for Best Actor to notice. I was actually defending the Xbox One version but hey, exaggerate more.

I felt the need to defend the PS4 version because like I said, I've heard nothing but thumbs up about it. you didn't read about the latest PS4 build so what am I supposed to do?

lol the perceived fanboy bias is all in your head.

srd44843875d ago

IGN wrote an article about how bad it sucked playing on a PS4.

Not sure where people come up with their "Facts"

JP13693875d ago


Once again, others have said the PS4 was fine. One article proves nothing. Having said that, at least the PS4 version has shadows, which is more than I can say for the X1.


Pogmathoin3875d ago

Malokevi, any more of that common sense please. Breath of fresh air.

gedden73875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

Hey someone help me out here.. ps4 version of BF4 will have 64 players online right???

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3875d ago
Eonjay3875d ago

I don't trust comments. I want to see it with my own eyes. Remember the PS4 BF4 debacle. Show us some video please!

sigfredod3875d ago

well since this report is from eurogamer expo should be plenty of people capturing videos right now

BigShotSmoov0073875d ago

People was unimpressed with the PS4 version when it was first shown also so this is nothing new. When you're comparing a $4000 PC version of the game running on ultra settings to a $500 or $400 console version running mostly and medium to high settings on a PC you'll always be disappointed. I see both versions being a big step up from the 360/PS3 version and I'm very happy about that.

Kingthrash3603875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

realest comment in comment section ^^^^^

JP13693875d ago


The X1 version doesn't even have shadows.


Dude4203875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

"When you're comparing a $4000 PC version of the game running on ultra settings to a $500 or $400 console version running mostly and medium to high settings on a PC you'll always be disappointed."

Dammit, can you please stop exaggerating the price of a PC please?

You can most likely max out BF4, or be close to maxing it out if you design a Tower for $1000 today, that's almost twice the price of a freakin' console.

Take a look at this benchmark...in alpha...and tell me you need a $4000 PC to max out this game.


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3875d ago
3-4-53875d ago

You need to understand, with Battlefield, the maps are huge, so they won't capture the full abilities of the PS4/xb1.

A game with a smaller scale will be better at showing us what next gen can do.

The fact they make it this big and look this good Is impressive though.

Coach_McGuirk3875d ago

huh? if anything, the abilities of the ps4/xb1 would be ON DISPLAY with a bigger map. Who wants smaller levels just so you can have slightly better gfx?

kickerz3875d ago

What a stupid title for this article. Half the people liked the game.

TrollCraftTales3875d ago

It will be running just above 720p on PS4, 64 players per match, I know I am getting BF4 for PS4 first because of my friends on PS4, but when I build my god PC it will be one of the first games I will buy...

JP13693875d ago

Terrible camera work, but the game doesn't seem all that bad.

Beastforlifenoob3875d ago

No way its running at 1400p (2560X1440 is crazy because its 2x FULLHD)

allgamespc20123875d ago

720 upscaled to 1080 but runs at 60 fps which for you fayboys should be fine, you will never be able to run it at full 60 at full graphics and above 1080 like us, so dont fret so much and keep you fanboyism down.

BallsEye3875d ago

So few random twitter comments from random people say they preffered PC version. Jackfrags that before was bitching about ps4 version said X1 version actually looks great. Hes known pc player on youtube, kinda trust him. Crashes? That's pretty normal with early code. BTW...my bf3 still crashes quite often -,-

Dandrydog3875d ago

It doesn't look good. The frame rate is the only large difference. It is smooth but the controls are clunky the resolution is too low, small things like pixelated grass obviously popped up as you walked towards them (from like 75 feet). This game is NOT an impressive example of next-Gen AT ALL.

thisismyaccount3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

Both will run at the same reso, judging by those crappy yt videos they have to be running at 900p, both version still had a nice, nitid image.

One has no shadows, while the other did. Let´s just hope we get at least 32v32... everything below that is unacceptable and a poor evidence of Dices "hard work" on the ngen system.

BF5 will look ten times better on ngen 2014.

Kaneda3875d ago

This should be retitled "Sony fanboys Not Impressed About Battlefield 4 Running on Xbox One"

3875d ago
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sigfredod3875d ago

And that explains it all, the lack of gameplay on the Xbone hardware

Izzy4083875d ago

Because no game has crashed on the PS4 right? By the way,the PS4 received the same criticism when BF4 was shown on it.

Minato-Namikaze3875d ago

Killzone shows that if BF isn't running On PS4 properly then they are holding it back because of the "lowest common denominator".

ThatCanadianGuy5143875d ago


Same criticisms? That's weird, considering this.

loulou3875d ago

day z do you have some xbo footage to compare it against?? besides, looking at those comments, the only negatives were a crash and a forum post lol

people are trying way too hard

PFFT3875d ago

Yes DayZ but the Ps4 version was criticized to high hell before that footage surfaced ONCE it did the video shut everyone up. THEREFORE we also need actual XBO footage to see whether or not those comments are FULL BS or actual facts.

MysticStrummer3875d ago


I'm as big a PS4 cheerleader as most, but come on. BF4 has more players, bigger levels, and destructible environments. Comparing that to KZ:SF, as pretty as it looks, says nothing about the "lowest common denominator".

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3875d ago
fullymoated3875d ago

So 3 people say it looks very good, and 2 people say it looks bad, and you come up with an article title of "People Not Impressed". Makes sense on N4G!

PFFT3875d ago

lol, only in N4G. He might be part of the Sony N4G dev team. You know the same ones that got interviewed by Edge. Then in turn Edge released that BS article where they place one system over the other without any solid facts.

AngelicIceDiamond3875d ago (Edited 3875d ago )

Take for what you will but this footage looks pretty good imo.

Be sure to run it at 1080p for great quality thanks. (I'm serious some don't know that)

http://youtu.be/GjfyosmgoU8 X1

http://youtu.be/DUTHvYj_4vA PS4

Both look smooth and nice to me.

Despite both looking good. I'm surprised the PS4 footage surfaced here on N4G but no X1 footage surfaced here.

But yet the X1 gets an article like: "People Not Impressed About Battlefield 4 Running on Xbox One."

That makes no sense. Its apparent MS been running this game on the show floor since Gamescom, on the actual X1 hardware.

ziggurcat3875d ago

no, xbone BF4 was running on PC with xbone controllers at gamescom as well as PAX.

Phene3875d ago

I'm getting this for PS4 ...but wouldn't the poor performance be on the part of DICEs code and not the hardware?

MysticStrummer3875d ago

It could be either one, or both of those.

TheFamous13875d ago

Most likely the code - BF4 has been in development for a long time - long before DICE even knew the final hardware specs of either console. With that being the case I have to think they either version is optimized for their hardware.

Ko_Uraki3875d ago

No one was impressed for BF4 running on PS4 too. So the thruth is that if you want to play BF4 in its full power you have to buy the PC version (and maybe even a new PC).

jobboy3875d ago

i read plenty of good previews for the ps4 version

JP13693875d ago


You're lack of understanding is appalling. One bad preview doesn't mean that he hasn't seen others that were positive. Idiot.

Brix903875d ago


Did you really just waste two bubbles postin up the same article smh. Is that the only negative review you could find lol.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3875d ago
Kakashi Hatake3875d ago

@ Izzy, ever thought thats because its an earlier build than this one?

Izzy4083875d ago

what are you talking about? It was shown a few weeks ago.

Show all comments (180)

Battlefield 1, Hardline, BF4 Servers Are Being Taken Offline by Cheaters; EA Silent on Issue

Cheaters & hackers have been causing grief on Battlefield 1, Hardline & BF4 servers, with nonstop DDoS attacks among other things. Unfortunately, EA has remained silent about it.

-Foxtrot770d ago

Course they are silent, they are hoping people flock to 2042

gamesftw250769d ago

Maybe it was a inside job then haha.

jeromeface769d ago

wouldnt be the first time, titanfall 1+2 anyone?

PapaBop769d ago

Not even if they paid me.. EA always do this with old games with less money potential, if this was Ultimate Team, they'd address and sort it faster than stories could spread. Why invest time in their products when they will just dump it in the following years? Then again EA never could see the forest for the trees.

Inverno769d ago

I imagine after those games were given out for free a couple months back through Amazon, anything that makes people go to 2042 is a plus for them

XiNatsuDragnel770d ago

They want people to go on 2042. My theory

excaliburps769d ago

Nah. I think they can't do anything about it or they want to sink money into fixing it.

Pudge102888769d ago (Edited 769d ago )

EA owns all BF servers so yes, they can do something about it but they refuse to because they dont want ppl playing their old games instead of the new one. Its EA we’re talking about here

pr33k33769d ago

if this happened in 2042, they'd have something to say. which is weird, considering battlefield 1 has more players on steam right now.

Pudge102888769d ago

Its so obvious that EA is doing this or hired ppl to mess up the games so that we’d be forced to have just 1 Battlefield working.

FPS_D3TH769d ago

Honestly it’s probably the devs themselves. They did an update to bf4 way back that kinda made assault rifles doo doo in hopes that people would flock to BF1 cuz BF4 was too perfect

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5 Great Shooter Games on Xbox Game Pass

The shooter genre is one of the most beloved videogame genres in the gaming community, and rightfully so. From DOOM Eternal to Battlefield 4, passing through The Outer Worlds, the Xbox Game Pass has a lot to offer when it comes to amazing shooter experiences. Come check out some great shooter games available on Xbox Game Pass!

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MadLad784d ago

There's a bunch of great shooters on gamepass; both legacy and new.

A recommendation I have is a work in progress preview title called Anacrusis. It's a lot of fun, and has a cool aesthetic.


5 Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess

KeenGamer: "Sometimes a game starts out as a buggy mess and we all just stop and think, “that definitely could have spent a bit more time in the oven”. This is the case for these 5 games which infamously marked their place in recent game memory."

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KingofBandits876d ago

"Games That Started Out As A Buggy Mess - A Bethesda and CD ProjektRed tale"