
Nvidia boss: “No longer possible” for consoles to have better graphics than PC

Tamasi: It’s no longer possible for a console to be a better or more capable graphics platform than the PC. I’ll tell you why. In the past, certainly with the first PlayStation and PS2, in that era there weren’t really good graphics on the PC. Around the time of the PS2 is when 3D really started coming to the PC, but before that time 3D was the domain of Silicon Graphics and other 3D workstations. Sony, Sega or Nintendo could invest in bringing 3D graphics to a consumer platform. In fact, the PS2 was faster than a PC.

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Irishguy954014d ago

News to me, I always thought PC >>> Console graphics wise. Half life 1 and 2 etc

OlgerO4013d ago

Just leave it to Naughty Dog to show you that games on PS4 can look prettier then any PC game

Hufandpuf4013d ago

And then I'll just show them Crysis 3 running at max settings.

vishmarx4013d ago

you guys cant even play tlou or gta v .
the two best games of the year.
does crysis on max still feel better than actually playing these games.
pc games will always look better.
consoles will always get better games.

_QQ_4013d ago

@vishmarx i didn't realize consoles had DOTA2 and Starcraft HOTS, i guess console games aren't better afterall.

Bolts4013d ago

GTA 4 on the PC looks better than Watchdog on the PS4. And you don't have to wait for anyone to see that.

Oh and GTA 4 release date? 2008 and you can play this on the TV with Steam Big Picture mode.

starchild4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Ridiculous. Uncharted and The Last of Us are really fantastic games and they look very good by console standards, but there are MANY games on PC that look better.

And that is despite the fact that the PS3 was more powerful relative to high end gaming PCs than the PS4 is going to be when it launches. No, the truth is, console games, even the very best of them, will still be well behind the visuals that you get on a good PC.

@ vishmarx
I love the way some of you console fanboys try to use something as subjective as taste in games as an attemept to downplay the PC as a gaming platform. There are TONS of exclusives on the PC that I wouldn't have wanted to miss out on.

You guys live in your own little bubble and aren't even aware of the world outside that tiny sphere. I own both a PS3 and a 360 in addition to my PC and honestly there are like maybe a half dozen games that I really love on each of those consoles that I can't get on the PC. There are more exclusives on the PC that I love than on either console.

But beyond all the talk of exclusives, my favorite platform is always going to be the one that offers the best experience with the vast MAJORITY of games, not the platform that has a couple more exclusives than another platform. With the best graphics, smoothest performance and the wonderful world of mods, the PC is hands down that platform.

MadLad4013d ago

The game, you know, needs to exist first.
Then you can talk.

showtimefolks4013d ago


preety graphics boring/dull gameplay enjoy crysis


so many FTP MMO's are coming to consoles next gem, while most of consoles exclusives are staying exclusive. don't get me wrong i understand how big PC market is and how much money it makes but like console players miss out on some excellent pc games so do the pc gamers

difference being most console owners say yes those pc games are great, while any game that doesn't end up on PC automatically gets labelled


how many people can actually run most games in max settings?

Amazingmrbrock4013d ago

The real difference between console exclusive games and any games on the pc is funding.

There are no pc manufactures spending the lavish amounts of money on pc exclusive content in the same way console makers do. The closes would be valve, and blizard, as far as spending money to push the pc market in a way thats similar to how the console market gets pushed. Even then valve doesn't put out a whole lot of games compared to sony or even microsoft.

So yeah thats why there are such top notch AAA console games and less of those for the pc. Granted there are still some for pc just less. Where the pc makes up for this difference is in the almost overwhelming amount of indie games. Not just medium sized indie games like ftl, or chivalry, but the thousands of small games that come out of game competitions. There's no comparison to those on consoles and in my view its something consoles are sorely missing out on.

wtopez4013d ago

@ OlgerO

By the time Naughty Dog launch a game on PS4, Titan level GPUs will probably be mid-range $200 video cards. ND has incredible talent but they're still dealing with severely limited hardware that's already old in many PC gamer's homes.

nukeitall4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


Stop being delusional!

I love Naughty Dog, but you simply cannot outpower a PC even with careful optimization.

Just look at the games, they are all shown on PC then downgraded to console to maybe hit 1080p across the board on console.

On PC we can easily talk about 2k graphics, and best specced rigs can hit 4k with little problem.

Before even release of either console, we got 6 gflops graphics card. That is almost 4 times as much flops as PS4. Even if the PS4 was running on secret sauce and puffing the cloud, it could not outgunn a PC.

Heck a console is simply a PC downgraded with added features (NOTE, ADDED FEATURES). It is not a supercharged PC, nor is it play beyond PC.

Anyone that says otherwise is selling you snake oil!

I love consoles, but we don't buy them for graphics. We buy them for the games, the ease of use and the ease of access to.

My PC can easily play Netflix and I can navigate it even faster, but my console is easier to use on my couch.

NewMonday4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

the very top PC sure are stronger than next gen in numbers, but the issue is price vs power, how about that BF4 demo on a $2000+ PC, can anyone show us a difference vs the PS4 demo worth over $1600? anyone that brings up the PC without specifying the GPU is being dishonest.

and how many games actually take advantage of the PC power? very few because developers scale down to the most common specs, the one game that is mentioned (Crysis3) is an average game, CryTech push the high end specs to show off their engine.

every developer that brings up the PS4 vs PC say the console is like a high end PC, only those in denial argue otherwise.

I wonder how many of the so called "PC master race" actually have a high end rig.

Nvidia are continuing the trash talk because AMD swept the console deals, and they feel the turning of the tide business wise, they talk like this to stir the fanboys into confrontations.

MRMagoo1234013d ago

when every pc gamer in the entire world including myself all have the complete max hardware everytime new hardware gets released then we can care about PC having the superior graphics but at most its around 10% that can play everything at its max.

4013d ago
Blackdeath_6634013d ago

crysis beyond being a pretty game isn't very good. linear shooter and lameass story

Krosis4013d ago

"Just leave it to Naughty Dog to show you that games on PS4 can look prettier then any PC game "

Wow...only on N4G would you read that AND get agrees lol It looks good--for a CONSOLE game lol Christ these kids are deluded.

MuhammadJA4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


And that's always your argument, console fanboys. Everytime someone say a PC game looks better than a console game (which is true all the time), you get defensive and say "we have better games". Games are and always will be SUBJECTIVE, graphics capabilities: PC > Consoles.

PeaSFor4013d ago


it take more than high resolution and hi res textures to look great, meanwhile OKAMI on ps2 still look better than crysis3 on max setting.

ChrisW4013d ago

Considering the dollar to CPU/GPU ratio*, A $399 console is going to out perform a PC of the same price for quite some time.

* GPUs like nVidia's Titan ($1,000 for GPU only) vs PS4 (which has both CPU & GPU), the amount of power per a dollar is darn near equal.

Skips4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

"“No longer possible” for consoles to have better graphics than PC"

It doesn't matter much when the VAST majority of PC gamers don't even have PC's as powerful as PS4 and XB1. lol


And that probably won't change for a good few years... The majority of PC gamers aren't all gonna upgrade at the same time just because the PS4 and XB1 come out. XD

And "well said" @ showtimefolks...

Fluke_Skywalker4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Graphics shmaphics, Crysis 3 (at max settings) is by far the prettiest game of the last well, ever really, but it's absolutely shit!!

HardcoreGamer4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


HardcoreGamer4013d ago

im digging the new ps3, but its not the same with ps4, the ps4 is off the shelf pc parts. its not gonna work like the same ps3 in terms of lastability

ps2 took 5 years to maximise
ps3 still not maxed out, but mad there, in 7 years

ps4 will be topping itself in 3 years.

this is the truth. its not like the days of ps2 and ps3, because sony only has to compete and not give away market share to xbox, otherwise ps4 wouldnt of be releasing this year.

its hard now and sony cannot afford the old route. (ps3 was a little too hard to develop for and were too ambitious. but thats what sony is)

thats why your getting alot of dissagrees

PrinceOfAnger4013d ago

Just like crysis 3 did? even on console.

Army_of_Darkness4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I have no problem with 1080p console games on my.... well, 1080p hdtv ;-)
I don't care if my ps4 can't do 2k gaming because for one thing, I don't have/ and can't afford a damn 55" 4k tv anyways!

If pc fannies ain't impressed by killzone:sf yet, then I know they will be when naughty dog shows what they have in store for us.
I'm sure that's when the pc fannies will cry back to crysis max settings once again LMAO! the one series that makes them sleep better at night for purchasing that expensive precious video card.

MWong4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I just don't get why Nvidia seems so fixated on consoles now. I mean of late all you hear is them saying console this console that. I mean consoles (PS3, PS4, Wii, Wii-U, XB360 & XBone) range low end gaming to mid-high end pc's with non-interchangeable parts. PC's aren't and are fully customizable as long as you have the money and need for a game. I don't why there is always a debate of which is better. PC and game consoles are both great in their own rights. It will always depend on the gamer and the price they are willing to pay.

To me Nvidia just seems mad that AMD is doing something they aren't.

schubacca4013d ago

I got love for Naughty Dog, but please stop with this notion that PC graphics are inferior to equal to console graphics.

1Victor4013d ago

Well At Least Console Gamers Don't Have To Buy A $300 GraphicsCard To Play The "Latest Game" Every Year And A New CPU Every Other Year .Don't Even Bother To Say But But That Is If You Want To Play The Game On Max Settings

hollabox4013d ago

Yeah Naughty Dog can work their magic, the same goes to SCE Santa Monica Studio in the GOW series. Crysis 3 maxed looks good, the PS3 looks ok but I doubt you could run Crysis 3 on 7 year hardware and perform as good as the PS3 or X360 version. Heck my ATI 3870 couldn't even play Crysis War Head at decent frame rates back in 2008.

kurac4013d ago


I'm sure he meant ARTISTICALLY better. Of course PCs will always be technically better but it doesn't matter since the best artists and game-designer superstars make games mostly for consoles

saber000054013d ago

@OlgerO I would love to see the PS4, or any console, try to handle Arma3 on max settings, with maximum view distance.. Oh wait.. It's exclusive for PC.

The PS4 WILL be nice, but never will game consoles be more dominate that the PC. And this is coming from a guy who pre-ordered the PS4 as soon as it became available after E3.

RVanner_4013d ago

The Last of Us, uncharted series, GTA V are gorgeous for PS3 standards but compared to the vast majority of PC games over the last 2-3 years they look like a game running on low settings and low resolution. PC games have been looking next gen for the last few years. A future release by naughty Dog on PS4 will look amazing no doubt and I will buy it as I play both platforms but still if there was a PC version it would look as good and for those with High end machines they're would be options to exceed the graphical fidelity on the PS4 and Xbox One.

Pintheshadows4013d ago

Has no one here played Metro Last Light. Max that out and it is waaaay prettier than Crysis 3, and not only that, it is actually an amzing game. One of the best this year.

The_Con-Sept4013d ago

I finally sold my pc and my accessories. PC gaming is dead to me.

So ..!., Nvidia and their pro pc gaming elitist torrenting fanbase. Continue to get games last.

LonDonE4013d ago

Only a retard would dispute that a pc priced at £1000 can out perform a console at £350, why nvidia feel the need to point out the obvious just shows how butt hurt they are over Sony,and MS going to amd their rivals!! LOLOL i own and game on all platforms, i love consoles, and i love my gaming pc, but pc guys need to remember that most pc gamers do not own rigs which can play at max settings, this is fact,sorry but its true, i see so many pc fan boys banging on about how great the games look and run on pc on max, when statistically most of these so called pc elitists are not running said games at max!

Consoles are great for what they offer,cheap price of entry, with relatively great performance and bang for buck, you would be hard pressed to build a pc with ps4 level performance, and extra's, if you couple in cost of EVERYTHING in the ps4 no way can you build a pc for the same cost, its not happening!

And i am not talking about just the gpu,cpu etc, i am talking about EVERYTHING in the box,the blue ray drive, the Ethernet port,the wifi adapter,the gpgpu,cpu, operating system, etc, EVERYTHING!!! with the same power consumption rate!

I love my pc for playing games like skyrim with mods etc, and i love my consoles for the console exclusives, like nintendo first party games,and Sony exclusives!

If anything this gen, its the xbox 1 i see no point in buying, i will have my pc and ps4 for all multi plat's, and my wiiu for the nintendo first party, and so i wont get a x1 till later in its life!!!

PC fan boys need to grow up and remember this is not a dick measuring contest, and console fan boys need to realise that consoles can never be more powerful then pc,but when you take into account all factors, it balances out!!
you cannot get a pc for £350 which gives you the same level of performance as a ps4 with everything that is in the ps4 unit!!
And even if you could, you wont have the Playstation or nintendo exclusives so what's the point? ITS ALL ABOUT THE GAMES PEOPLE!!
not graphics, the GAMES AND GAME PLAY!

FamilyGuy4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

*clears voice*
















I don't get what all the talking is about, PS4 is "mid ranged" yet I'm seeing lots of cases were the characters are looking better than what's been seen on PC, high-end or otherwise.

People bring up Crysis with its dead plastic eyes and freshly starched faces as if it's something to be proud of.

I'll take my PS Exclusives over PC games any day.

duplissi4013d ago

That is an overstatement if I have ever seen one.

Sure Naughty Dog's skill is well known but they make do with the tools they have, and sure their games are some of the prettiest around (on any platform) there will always be pc games that will look better, sometimes staggeringly so.

Syntax-Error4013d ago

OlgerO, Naughty Dog doesnt make graphical masterpieces...they make amazing games and stories. Quantic Dream does a better job graphically than Naughty Dog. I like those developers, but let's be honest here

Chrischi19884013d ago

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ^^

sorry, but that just made my day^^

This is impossible and everybody knows that, some deny it, but even they know it.

Chrischi19884013d ago


Total nonsense. Every so beloved game, that is even worth mentioning, except Zelda and Halo and maybe GOW, are on PCs and will be way better on PCs. GTA V will come to PC and there it will actually look good, not like a modded GTA4 because the Hardware cant deliver.

PC has a ton of exclusives and some of the best games ever, which are not even close to be playable on a console and everyone knows that. That is actually not a thing of opinion, it is pretty much fact and everyone who denies that, just doesnt own a PC capable enough and tries to defend his or hers investment in a console.

Gabnet4013d ago

The thing is any game made for that super pc has the potential to look better. The sad thing is, most game devs don't take full advantage of that hardware like naughty dog does for Sony's hardware.

PSX044013d ago

that's super old news for me BTW PC has a great graphics but console have a great games .... I want the games

tachy0n4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )



consoles will now be able to do 1080p @60fps

while PC runs @ 2k and has been doing 1080p+ at 60fps+ since years ago......

be realistic and dont be a sheep.
sony sure is going to kick ass next gen but it just cant have better graphics than PC no matter what. PC got far more support from tech companies than all consoles combined (corsair,AMD, INTEL,MSI etc....

watch crysis 1 running at ultra settings thats next gen consoles right now.

but hurr durrr crysis gameplay and story is boring hurr i liked a lot, i have passed the game multiple times.

and TBH i find uncharted boring as hell. IMO...

saying that BS about a game is pretty much invalid since everyone got different opinion

Murad4013d ago

I don't want to offend you, but I depise your comment. You got a huge flame going underneath you because you had to say something about consoles, and then someone else had to say something about PC. Why can't you guys learn to enjoy both?

SonyPS3604013d ago

"Well said".

Right, right...

You can already get a PC that can out perform the Ps4, and it hasn't even been released yet.

If Naughty Dog made PC games, then we'd see what they can really do.

KazHiraiFTW4013d ago

@ FamilyGuy

That's cute you took all that time to link those pics but the reality is none of those PS3 or PS4 games look as good as the best looking games that PC has to offer. Even multi-plat games like Tomb Raider on PC absolutely smash anything you linked. Compare the Tomb Raider PC benchmark to Beyond 2 Souls and you shall be enlightened.

And I love how Naughty Dog is the go to argument for Sony fanboys. It literally is the only reason I use my PS3. The games are great yes, and they look good for console games yes, but compared to PC the graphics are uglier than Kirstie Alley's cellulite riddled ass. There is nothing wrong with that, for some reason fanboys keep trying to defend against there console being like 1/20th the power of a high end PC when nobody in there right mind would ever expect it to compete. Stop with this nonsense

ProjectVulcan4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

PC will always have better graphics. Its a fact. Pointless arguing over it. End of that discussion.

Its also a fact that these new consoles are behind the technology curve before they even hit the shelves unlike generations that preceded them.

Does this really matter? Probably not much.

Should you talk a bunch of crap that only consoles have good games worth playing? Should you make up a load of balls about how much PC gaming costs because you have no clue about it?

Please don't.

Just get over it, these platforms have their strengths and weaknesses and people who love games would embrace whatever platform they can afford.

Typically PC gamers also game on consoles, which in my opinion makes most of the PC gamers more knowledgeable.

Why do console only gamers think PC gamers only play on PC?

Surely you are more likely to have a PC and a console if you can afford a good gaming PC. Its a mystery to me, some of the nonsense people talk on here. Straw man arguments all over the shop.

gaffyh4013d ago

TECHNICALLY PC games will always look better than console games graphically, because you're paying a ridiculous amount more for it.

ARTISTICALLY/STYLISTICALLY - That's debateable. Uncharted/TLOU and even simple games like Journey look fantastic, and better than almost any PC game I can think of. Yes Crysis 3 looks good blah blah blah, but graphics isn't all about the amount of polygons.

zippycup4013d ago

lol love how they always use crysis series as the best looking pc game although after playing it i can see why its all pretty graphics and crappy story and gameplay

GentlemenRUs4013d ago

GTA:V and TLOU look WAY better then no-gameplay-crysis 3

Seafort4013d ago

@vishmarx I'm a predominantly PC gamer and I can play GTA5 and The last of us. well I already have done and finished them.

It's good to be a gamer and not have fanboy tendencies hehe.

My PS3 is a nice compliment to my gaming PC :)

blackmagic4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I remember at the beginning of the current generation of consoles when few people had 720p televisions let alone 1080p and tons of people were playing ps360 on tube televisions.

Fast forward to today, 4K televisions have been available for a while now. Seiki has a 39" 4K television for $700 and a 50" 4K television for $944 and TCL has a 50" 4k television for $1000. Those are competitive prices. Even Samsung's UHD display is $3500 for a 55" which is less than I paid for my first 50" 1080p Samsung and that was well after 1080p televisions were established.

Earlier this month HDMI 2.0 was announced at IFA with an industry wide 4K display standard and Singulus announced 100GB Blu-ray fabrication machines, both of which are a precursor for the upcoming BDA announcement of 4K Blu-ray. CEDIA starts today with tons of 4K announcements expected.

PC gaming at 4K has already arrived. Running an NVidia Titan, 780/770 in SLI or AMD HD 7990, 7970 in Xfire will run just about any game at 4K. And some games will run 30 fps or better on an HD 7950 or 660 which can be easily found for under $200. Meanwhile, both AMD and NVidia are expected to bring a new generation of GPUs either late this year or early next year (ie same timeframe as consoles) which will make 4K gaming even more affordable and accessible.

Meanwhile, in console land, 1080p 60fps is the best you can hope for with many titles already falling to 30fps or worse sub 1080p resolutions.

Bobby Kotex4013d ago

From the votes it just looks like there are way more console gamers here than PC gamers. The content of your posts are meaningless. I'm glad I game on both.

Dee_914013d ago

Games doesn't look better on my pc.
My laptop has better graphics card and more ram than both PS3 and 360, but I can't even run gta iv on here...
Oh wait. we are talking about modded PC's...

PurpHerbison4013d ago

"Just leave it to Naughty Dog to show you that games on PS4 can look prettier then any PC game"


vishmarx4013d ago

for supposed console fanboy on a pc article.
thats a new world record folks.

black0o4013d ago

400$ with great games, auto updates, streaming sharing, .....easy UI for malti media and much more features which are pain in the a%# doing it with a PC and always comes with cost and req extra devices .. and every 2 years I gotta update Something in the box, drivers, looking for patches ...etc

PC only got better looking/frame rate on the console which come with extra cost
with the same experience and some times it's better on consoles

Diblo3 says Hi

AuToFiRE4013d ago

Im sorry, but you are incorrect. The playstation 4 can pump out 1.6 TFLOPS as a whole., while my 2 year old outdated graphics card pushes 6 TFLOPS on its own.

PopRocks3594013d ago

That wouldn't change the PS4 specs you know. PC tech is constantly evolving with new upgrades releasing each year. The PS4 is deadlocked in its current state as of its launch. So at one point or another, PCs will have better specs and therefor the potential for better games.

However, Naughty Dog is an excellent dev. They'll make some damn great looking games; PC specs be damned.

Hello_World4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

lol silly console gamers have no clue. Some do, but this comment shows you certainly don't. The Last of Us and Uncharted don't even scratch the surface of how even console ports run on PC.

Higher resolution, way higher framerate, better effects and dynamic lighting/post-processing, way higher-rez textures.

Silly console peasants. ;)

buckley4013d ago

Not sure if serious... o_0

assdan4013d ago

Naughty Dog is an amazing dev, but the PCs are still stronger than PS4. I bet their game will look amazing, but no. Naughty dog games would look even better on PC.

lesrima884013d ago

"Just leave it to Naughty Dog to show you that games on PS4 can look prettier then any PC game "


that is all

starchild4013d ago

I'm getting a PS4 and I definitely feel that consoles have their place, but some console gamers on here are really grasping at straws.

I keep seeing the same repeated excuses that people use to make themselves feel better about the PC having better graphics. It's funny, too, because a lot of these same people will turn around and talk up the graphics of the PS4 and try to rub it in the faces of Xbox or Nintendo gamers.

Here are the top rationalizations that I keep seeing.

1. "A PC might have better graphics, but it costs like $2000 to get something like that".

False. A $700 PC with something like an HD 7950 will likely generally beat the PS4 and XB1. And a year or two into the generation there is no doubt that you will be able to build a PC for that price that will eclipse the consoles by a wide margin.

2. "The graphics might be technically better on PC, but there is more to graphics than graphics technology...art is just as important".

This one really makes me laugh. Art direction is definitely important, but considering that the PC gets 90% the same games as the consoles it's silly to act like only console games have good art.

Personally, I think games like The Witcher 2 or Castlevania Lords of Shadow have better art than pretty much any console exclusive that I have played. Those games just happen to also have amazing graphics tech as well and they look amazing on the PC.

The point is, there is an equal amount of good art to be found in PC games as there is in console games. PCs just have much higher quality technical graphics as well.

3. "Crysis 3 is the best looking game on PC, but it sucks so it's worth nothing".

Console gamers have really started to latch on to this one. They think if they downplay the Crysis games it will somehow nullify the graphical advantage PC has over consoles.

Well, the fact is, Crysis 3 might be the best looking game on PC, but it is far from the only outstanding looking game on the platform.

Second of all, the Crysis games are good games. They have a higher average score than the Killzone games that are hyped so much. I don't think they are amazing games, but they are still enjoyable games that are well above average.

4. "PCs might have the most powerful hardware, but developers never really use that power".

This is a line of thinking that I see even some PC gamers fall into. Nevertheless, the power in our PCs IS being put to use. It seems some people don't understand how much extra hardware performance it takes to output at much higher resolutions and framerates, with higher quality textures, higher resolution shadows, vastly better texture filtering, high levels of anti-aliasing, and all the other graphical advantages we usually see on PC.

If every developer was pushing the most bleeding edge visuals on PC there would be no performance left over to run the games smoothly at 60fps+, with high quality anti-aliasing and texture filtering, with all quality settings maxed out.

Sure, more optimization would make things even better--and things like SteamOS, the Mantel API, and X86 in consoles will greatly help this--but the extra performance in PCs is still being put to good use even now.

starchild4013d ago

Continuing on...

5. "Yeah, yeah PC is more powerful than next gen consoles, but so what?...a majority of PC gamers according to the Steam survey don't have PCs stronger than the PS4".

First of all, the Steam hardware survey is optional and doesn't represent anywhere close to all the people that use Steam. I have an HD 7950 and i5 2500k, but I have never done the Steam hardware survey. It isn't something that just automatically reads all the hardware of every Steam user.

Steam isn't the only way people game on PC anyway. There are lots of other digital distribution sites and other software for connecting gamers. I know a few PC gamers that don't even use Steam.

Furthermore, the PS4 user base is currently zero. I guarantee that even in the first year or two there are gong to be more people with high end PC rigs than there will be with with PS4s.

And the prices on PC parts will only go down. A graphics card more powerful than that in the PS4 will be available for around $100 by the end of 2014. By that time there will be even more PC gamers with rigs more powerful than the consoles.

A lot of PC gamers haven't upgraded simply because they haven't needed to. With more demanding next gen games coming soon you can be sure that many of those PC gamers with weaker rigs will be upgrading.

Lastly, I don't understand what this matters anyway. Most of the PC gamers that are into games enough to spend time on game sites are the kinds of PC gamers that are going to have good gaming PCs.

I have a decently high end gaming PC, so why again should I care how many people are out there with weaker PCs that only enjoy the occasional indie title or whatever? It doesn't matter to me at all.

It's such a silly argument. It would be like saying "who cares that your Lamborghini is far faster than my Camaro? There are more people that own Camaros than who own Lamborghinis...so na na na". The Lamborghini owner would be like "yeah, and?". It doesn't change the fact that the Lamborghini is much faster.

These are a few examples of the mental backflips and illogical rationalizations that console gamers typically use to try and downplay the PC and make themselves feel better.

Fergusonxplainsall4013d ago

WTF is Nvidia up to now days..

Of course PC will get better than next gen consoles in time but it will not be the same value of a console.

Then there's the exclusive console games. Sorry but starcraft and DOTA are not in the same level as TLOU and Uncharted.

I also played the Beyond Two Souls demo and that game is gorgeous.. It's really fun to be the entity and do spirit like stuff. It seems it will be a great game. Geez! I'm talking about current gen games again. That's how good they look nowdays.

Nvidia is talking like they made the greatest game ever and it's only on Nvidia GFX cards.

Fauk them!

TekoIie4013d ago


Nice looking PS4 you got there... Would be awesome if you could play TLOU on it ;)

kevnb4013d ago

Witcher 2 is the prettiest game so far.

Rageanitus4013d ago

umm ND made very nice looking games for the PS3.... having said that there is no way it looks BETTER than games like battlefield.

A pc gaming rig is really that much better, console only players should really open their eyes.

Hell most games last gen could barely do 720 native resolution! and this is a FACT

+ Show (70) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
PoSTedUP4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

ill take the critically acclaimed console exclusives for $400, alex.

hell, im almost more psyched for gravity rush 2 for the vita than all ps4 launch titles. and i havent favored a fps like i do KZ:M, in a long time.

gameplay> graphics

but dem multiplats do look mighty pretty on pc. but we all know that most of the money and talent goes into first party devs. right? idk but sure as hell seems like it...

starchild4013d ago

Sure as hell doesn't seem like it to me. Most of my favorite games are multiplatform games.

There are of course a few really talented first party developers like Naughty Dog, but by and large you see the same variability in talent among first party as you do among 3rd party developers--some are good, some are bad, and some are just mediocre.

I'll take a Bioshock Infinite or a Dishonored or a Castlevania Lords of Shadow or a Tomb Raider or a Deus Ex Human Revolution or a Mass Effect or a Far Cry 3 over the majority of first party games on PS3 or 360 any day.

First party games just get over-hyped by those of a fanboyish mentality.

PoSTedUP4013d ago

first party games win awards and are the most critically acclaimed by the gaming community for a very good reason, not fanboyism. and this next console gen, oh man, its looking great.
third party's are doing their thing too, i hope most of their games make it to pc.

Kurylo3d4013d ago

curious.. where do you see that first party games are the most critically acclaimed. Last I checked grand theft auto 5 is the highest selling most crtically acclaimed game. In fact... i mostly see higher scores for multi plat form... tomb raider, hitman, call of duty, battlefield, batman arkham series... i mean i can make the list go on.. Just cause u get 2 or 3 games on a console that are only for that console .. doesnt make them more critically acclaimed or better in anyway.

I mean as much as i love games like god of war and uncharted... doesn't really make them any more "critically acclaimed"

duplissi4013d ago

Gameplay>Graphics, I wholly agree. The problem is is that you assume pc games are only about graphics.... with crysis perhaps, but there is a wealth of pc only games that have insanely deep and rewarding gameplay that cant be found elsewhere.

Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

PurpHerbison4013d ago

Right now I am only stoked for Outlast and that is currently on the PC already. Still waiting for a game announcement that caters to my wants.

PoSTedUP4013d ago

like the most talked about games are usually that of the console exclusives. halo gears, mario uncharted etc. but yeah youre right ther are more higher rated multiplatform games. there are also more third party devs that do their thing aswell. youre right +bubble.

CrimsonFox134013d ago

Gameplay > Graphics is definitely true. That's the reason I switched from consoles to PC, actually. Maybe I've become a 'hipster' but the majority of games I play nowadays are low-budget PC exclusives that put most of their effort into rewarding gameplay instead of the same dumbed down gameplay designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator rehashed over and over for most AAA games (of course, this applies to PC AAA games as well). Consoles just don't have even close to the indie support the PC has, and to me, that's what matters the most.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
Mr Tretton4013d ago

I know, this is nonsense, PC has been more advanced than console for longer than is being told here.

badboy7764013d ago

Beyond Two Souls on a 7 year old Console says Hi!

Angeljuice4013d ago

When PS1 was announced, people were calling it the death of pc gaming (I still have magazine articles from that time). PC's at the time didn't have graphics cards, and had no way of rendering 3d graphics properly.
Then, just before the PSX launched, the first PC graphics cards were announced. These required new motherboards etc and took several years to become the norm.

TekoIie4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


I can make ME3 look better on PC.

PC versions of games tend to be more "future proof". I still cant play Arkham City with DX11 features at a good FPS and I've got a GTX 770 :/

pixelsword4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Nvidia just needs to give it up; all they are doing is smack-talking consoles because they aren't getting paid anymore. One thing they aren't considering is that since consoles aren't using Nvidia, they will likely be not the latter choice for emphasis in terms of detail if it comes down to tweaking to get the best out of one GPU or another; even if they are the better of the two, if no one takes advantage of it, it'll never matter in the long run.

MadLad4013d ago

Designing with a custom, console-specific APU in mind says nothing about actual PC tech.
Nvidia was used in consoles last generation, but it was still a game by game situation, dictated by which manufacturer would be allowed first access to the games in order to develop drivers. That's if they even took a side.
Besides, the only reason AMD is in consoles is because the first choice, Nvidia, wouldn't agree to the price that AMD seemed willing to. That's the only reason.

WarThunder4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Well of course they say that because their main competition AMD are on both consoles lol....

I bet if nvidia GPU was on both console they would say consoles are the future. I was a Nvidea user for over 10 years, now i switched to AMD (HD7870) and AMD is way better price/performance graphics card!

Seriously, Consoles on paper are weaker but they are more optimizable, there are lost of dev who can pull good looking games on console that can look as good as PC games.

I mean look at the PS3, look how good Ucharted, last of us look, Beyond Two Souls, these games are running on a platform with a 256 GDDR3 and a 550MHz GPU.

U can NOT run a game like that on a PC that has 256MB GDDR3. even a 1 GB GDDR3 can not run it properly...

Think about it for a sec

ChrisW4013d ago

Wow Pixelsword,

There are times when you say intelligent things, and there are times when you don't...

Lately, the latter seems to be more prevalent.

pixelsword4013d ago

@ Chris,

It could be that I say things that go way beyond everyone's head, so let me give you an example:

When benchmarked,the PS3 was supposed to have the better graphics out of the PS3/360:


But oftentimes when it came to multiplatform games, the 360 looked and performed better, so why is that when the PS3 had the better performing GPU?

Because Developers make games to the lowest common denominator, which means the PS3 suffered because the more numerous (at the time) 360 had to be the best looking, because they want to make money. Sure, devs want to make a pretty game, but they want to make the prettiest game on what will potentially sell the most; and I can't think of any multiplatform game that sold the most on PC short of games that started on the PC and was on the PC for years.

It's not about stats, it's about money. The same reason why MGS almost jumped ship for the 360, and why FF was destroyed to be put on the 360, and why GTA was put on the 360, and why Insomniac stopped being exclusive to go make a game with EA...

...and it's the same reason why Crysis, whit it's free to roam island, was replaced with the tunnel-board for Crysis 2 and 3.

It ain't about pretty, it's about money.

Does that simplify it enough for you?

Dynasty20214013d ago


90% of gamers have a Nvidia card because AMD's cards suck in comparison.

They always have. This is simple, unarguable fact.

Take the same priced Nvidia card and an AMD card, and I guarantee you, you will see better performance, even if only by 2 or 3 frames, on the Nvidia card.

Gamers should be WORRIED that AMD are in the PS4 and Xbox.

Nvidia beats AMD every time, end of story. AMD may release the world's fastest card, but a few months later, Nvidia beat it.

ChrisW4013d ago


What I was saying is that your first comment was crap. nVidia smack-talks because they can. It may seem like a close race between AMD and nVidia, but nVidia always comes out ahead.... just like post-PS2 Sony could smack-talk, because they had the means to.

Your follow-up comment has little to do with your initial one... albeit more intelligent and slightly easier to follow, it still has no correlation.


Yeeeah... That's why I've always gone with nVidia GPUs. But honestly, AMD should be more worried that their architecture is in both consoles, not gamers.

WarThunder4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

@Dynasty2021 Nvidia better than AMD? haha! First Nvidia needs to learn how make a good price/performance card...

Nvidia GTX TITAN price: $1000

AMD Radeon HD 7990 price: $710


even GTX titan superClocked SLI can NOT beat a HD7990 lol

HD 7990 is $300 cheaper and 30% faster than than GTX Titan.

Nvidia will never be as fast and as inexpensive as AMD Radeon.

Nvidia cards are overpriced. But if you want to throw your more money on a slower card then thats your prob.

But u know as they say: Dumb people pay more. Smart people pay less...

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
Persistantthug4013d ago

Back in 2005, XBOX 360 was state of the art.

There is no PC from 2005 that can run HITMAN ABSOLUTION, for example.

Today though, the next gen consoles are using high end LAPTOP gpus, basically.

xKugo4013d ago

They're using high-end laptop CPUs not GPUs. I don't know where you got that from.

Bolts4013d ago

Yup. The PS4 and Xbox 360 back then were truely transcendent devices.

The PS3 was the first to introduce Bluray, and when I first watched a movie in Bluray, Apocalypto, it blew my mind. I knew right then that DVD was dead and that the future of my entertainment center would change. This is something my PC could not do.

I don't think I would have the same experience with the PS4. This is a console that struggles to uphold the 1080p 60 fps standard, a standard that the average gaming PC can blow past with power to spare while bringing along nothing new in the process.

Overall the PS4 and Xbox One isn't nextgen devices, it's the catching up to current gen devices.

MRMagoo1234013d ago


"I don't think I would have the same experience with the PS4. This is a console that struggles to uphold the 1080p 60 fps standard, a standard that the average gaming PC can blow past with power to spare while bringing along nothing new in the process." The average pc ? the average pc is a lot lower specced than you seem to think, the average pc which i see most every day when i repair them can barely run COD mw2 at mid settings, you would need everything put on low to get 1080p with 60fps.

We all know a good pc will have better performance but most ppl with pcs dont even have a dedicated gpu, they have onboard gpus and they barely run sims 2.

Persistantthug4013d ago


A long time ago, many months ago, we were told that the PS4 would be using a 7970M.

The reason Sony and AMD chose a MOBILE gpu is because if they used a full one that was simular to a desktop PC, it would burn up in that small case.

The TDP is the most important factor there and a 7970M only uses 75 watts. The PS4's probably even uses a bit less because it's only 1.8 Teraflops instead of 2.1.

A PC equivalent, 7850 or 7870.....they use 130 watts and 175 watts. That's clearly too much for an enclosed console box.

Again, there was no way they could use a desktop gpu....that's why they chose a mobile....TDP.

Take a look here if you are interested:


Gorilla_Killa_X4013d ago


He said average gaming pc. PC gamers always say gaming PCs not PCs in general. I am console gamer and have the PS4 preordered but to believe that either console is more capable of running high end graphics over true gaming PCs is delusional.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
bumnut4013d ago

Whats price got to do with it?

Would I tell my boss his Ferrari isn't better than my VW Bora because the Ferrari costs more?


kingduqc4013d ago

I disagree.

ps4 cost is 400$
ps4 cost to play online 400$ for 8 years

Right there, today with 800$ you can build a pc that will play games that will look better in 7 years then what the ps4 will be able to do.

­­And that's not considering sale on pc... Usually save 200-300$ vs what the cost of console game PER YEAR on my pc. So yeah, this argument is hands down a lie.

SilentNegotiator4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


A lie if you intentionally mixup "price" and "cost" to push your agenda and assume the player someone that plays online.

And saving $300 a year? Why, because you don't know how to find console games on sale?

kingduqc4013d ago

Sorry, for me price and cost is kinda the same. I'm not English so I might not know the subtle difference

cost is the value of money that has been used up to produce something

price: the amount of money that you pay for something or that something costs

Yeah, thats what I though. preaty much the same thing.

I buy around 15 games a year, make it 20$ each game you get on pc cheaper and bingo that's 300. But hey you don't belive me cause you got a sony printed into your skull so I'll tell you something that I found really amusing:

Metro last light was 59.99 on release day for every retailer on both console and I got it for 38$ + civ 5 + Xcom.

Now that's 22$ saved + 10-20$ worth off free game. There is a ton of exemple that I got like this.

Bioshock infinite 45$ + bioshock 1 and 2 vs 60$ on console.

But hey the difference is even bigger with older game... Dark souls prepare to die edition was the same price on pc (full game + dlc) then the dlc of ps3 and xbox 360. you had to get the 30$ copy to get the game on top of 15$ for the dlc.

That's just to show how little console gamer know about playing on pc. On top of that we get the better version (imo worth more then a few bucks here and there anyway)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4013d ago
4013d ago Replies(13)
SephirothX214013d ago

Try modding in console games. Not really possible. PC gives you choice of operating system. Do you want Linux, SteamOS, Windows or iOS? Steam has far better deals than PS Plus and Xbox Live. PC has complete backwards compatibility and is upgradeable and endlessly customisable. A new graphics API comes out and PC games can take advantage of it almost immediately with driver updates or new gpus on the market. NVidia will release their Maxwell line of gpus next year which will have 14 - 16 teraflops. That is 14 - 16 trillion floating point operations per second. The PS4 gpu has 1.84 teraflops. The PC is the gaming platform for the elite. You can talk about console exclusives all you want but there are many PC exclusives including MMOs like Guild Wars 2, WOW and SW:The Old Republic and RTS games such as Rome: Total War 2, Star Craft 2 and many others. Though multiplatform games have been the best this generation and those on PC play best on PC. When it comes to GTA V releasing later on PC, there are many examples of the same on consoles. Diablo 3 says hello. Diablo 3 was out ages before coming to consoles. So was Half Life 2 and the Witcher 2. PC is the elite gaming platform.

Ohlmay4013d ago

Actually once Gaikai comes around, Sony has stated they will stream their Playstation games to PC's, so yes, I'll be able to play all your precious Playstation games and GTA V has been pretty much confirmed coming to PC, it's just the waiting game now.

Next-gen consoles - Battlefield 4 720p
PC - 1440p Ultra Settings, 60+ FPS


ded10204013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

As someone that believed what he read on the interwebs about how hassle-free gaming on PC has become and spent $$$ to build a gaming PC, I have to disagree with you.

My PS3 with PS+ trumps my gaming PC so hard it's almost laughable that people suggest Steam is a valid alternative for the majority.

NewMonday4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

"PC - 1440p Ultra Settings, 60+ FPS"

that will cost over $2000


limewax4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Actually a GTX will do that on all but a couple games and you can get one for around £200 in the right places now.

Also that's the most expensive component right there. A Sandybridge processor will also do the job while saving a bit of cash. Honestly you could build most of my setup without going anywhere near £1000. I only have 8Gb of RAM and I never have any issues with performance on max settings.

Cheap and powerful PC's are a reality but for some reason N4G are scared of the idea. PC's aren't here to invade your hobby, they're an option kids, and a good one at that too!

NewMonday4013d ago

again listing the price of GPU only without the dozen other things, add it all up for someone starting with nothing and tell us again how much it costs.

people who believed talk like yours got burned, the first time I followed the same kind of "advice" I ended up with a disappointing setup for the money I spent, as I wised up I built a machine from the top to the bottom costing over $1500, and even with the GTX680+i7 couldn't run tomb raider with everything maxed and 60fps, could only manage 45fps.

sync904013d ago

You sound so childish.

Damageinc844013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )


If you had a 680/I7 and only pulled out 45 FPS on tomb raider you are doing something wrong. I run an I5 4670k with 660 TI 3GB cards in SLI which compare nicely to a 680. At 1080 maxed settings without the Tressfx hair settings I pull 140+ FPS. With the Tressfx enabled I still manage 80 FPS. The tressfx is a waste to be honest and is optimized for ATI cards. Also something else to keep in mind if you GPU is getting above 70c it will down clock itself. You need a nice case with an aggressive fan profile on your GPU using afterburner or Precision X. Neither of my GPU's go over 55c while playing anything besides the Titan benchmarks. And I didn't spend 2000. Spent MAYBE 1200-1300. I would have to go back thru receipts.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
Cryptcuzz4013d ago

Who gives a damn about PC visuals being better or not. What's the point of that? Nothing will be gain or lost to each respectIve demographic.

PC gamers only, not those that game on both like myself, will only care that a computer can play games available on a computer with higher visuals.

For you see, consoles do not care to be better in visuals and graphics fidelity compared to computers for that is not its purpose and reason why it is created.

Use your brain cells and contemplate that it shouldn't matter. Consoles serves a purpose and computers for gaming serves another purpose that should be viewed as an extension of console gaming.

Nvidia, I once respect and understand and admit makes great performing video cards. The fact of the matter is they are butt hurt they are not represented in any of the next gen consoles. Why else does anyone that has been gaming for the past two generations cannot understand that when they had their tech in previous consoles did not down play consoles as they have done so adamantly as of late?

My point is, the computer only gamers who are out spoken about superior visuals and graphics are but a minority. Those who game on a PC, and I am one them, are numerous in numbers, but those who game on PC that down play consoles at the same time are but the last of their kind. That is why they are so outspoken. Fear that their kind is dwindling, but oblivious to the fact that it does not have to be as simple as having things either black or white.

Those who game also on consoles and a computer, respect.

Those who game only on computers and yet have a need to downplay consoles at every opportunity they can, wake up.

Those who claim to game on consoles and a computer and yet down play console gamers whenever they can, one word. Delusional. Meaning...seek the definition.

limewax4013d ago

That's a mighty fine speech except you only covered one base. If you expect PC only gamers to stop moaning about console gamers then you also have to accept that console gamers need to quit getting on to PC gamers and claiming to have the more powerful setup.

In reality a bit of rational thinking and 5 minutes with Google would teach anybody why all of the options make a great choice, but this is N4G and I don't expect any level of maturity from the community or staff.

On the staff note, for the love of god N4G get Candy Crush the hell off your site! I can't even browse the home page for 5 seconds without getting redirected the the Play Store encouraging me to get Candy Crush Saga

joeorc4013d ago


"That's a mighty fine speech except you only covered one base. If you expect PC only gamers to stop moaning about console gamers then you also have to accept that console gamers need to quit getting on to PC gamers and claiming to have the more powerful setup. "

On the same token, Many PC gamer's also have to come to grips, that until we can see what Gabe n company are doing @ Valve that any game you buy for PC has a windows performance tax, more so than the console's. enough so that there is quite the number of wasted resources that your PC could have , but instead developer's do not get because the WindowsOS takes them. Unlike PC Console's /performance right now outstrips the same cost in PC due to the fact that the OS overhead. But like i stated Valve is or is trying to take this problem head on in fixing this very issue. until they do, PC's do not get really programmed to the Metal like Consoles do. that is just the blunt truth of the matter. At least Now consumer's $$$ for expensive GPU's and the Resources that those expensive GPU's contain will not be or have going to waste because of an OS that is designed for majority of other tasks but games as the priority.

with Valve heading up this, that OS Tax will or should be reduced by quite a bit. Console's are great, but PC's could be better game machines with a more streamlined OS.

Again that is just the truth, you purchase expensive components but yet you cannot take full advantage of said components due to the OS tax, valve is driving to fix that. It is indeed the one area where Consoles had the main advantage over the PC for price/performance. with Valve releasing their new OS we can see what the performance increase will be.

Kakashi Hatake4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

@Bolt,what the hell are you smoking to say that? GTA4 PC better looking than Watch Dogs PS4? So the PC version of a last gen game looks better than a next gen title? Funny you say that since the PC version only has higher resolution, slightly better textures and higher fps over console version. GTA 5 stomps it to hell and back so how does it look better than Watch Dogs PS4? PC fanboys love to exaggerate. Got anymore for us? Like Final Fantasy 8 PC looks better than Killzone Shadowfall?

Irishguy954013d ago

I'd say he's counting mods...in that case GTA4 looks better than Watch Dogs

CRAIG6674013d ago

This argument is ridiculous, we all have personal tastes, we're human.
I game on PC/PS3/WII and 360, I have my personal favourite BUT each platform offers something that the others don't hence the reason I game on ALL the major platforms, the same as I will next gen.

The my dick's bigger than your's on N4G will never end, but every once in a while I like to speak up and remind people how ridiculous this argument is.

Hence my 2 bubbles.

Consoldtobots4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

in a few years I will have been gaming on PC for 20 years and even I think all these PC elitists sound like a bunch of idiots. A PC will NEVER offer the unified experience that a console does. It's like comparing your non street legal hot rod which sits in your driveway to a racing circuit where you're actually enjoying a great experience.

MazzingerZ4013d ago

I would care more about PC playing Playstation exclusives

thisismyaccount4013d ago

It´s obvious that they are lying about spending 1.5B of dollars yearly for R&D. Simyply because if i was the Boss at Nvidia i would spend that cash into a own propietary console with a Titan built in it.

1.5B per year, not Sony and not Microsoft have spent that much into making their ngen consoles. They already have a great GPU up to Titan, one would think they would be more smart about how to invest their own money.

For 1.5B per year you can compete in the gaming market and have the strongest console with the best GPU.

Sirlancealot4013d ago

Let me explain the use of consoles. People make these stupid arguements that PC is greater than consoles...PC's are not uniform, there are those that have low end and high end pc's. When you pay for a console you get uniformity and good graphics albeit not the best. typically with PC gaming you have to upgrade certain parts every now and then, but with a console you can be assured that you'll be able to game for a good 5-10 years on your machine. It's the stability, you never have PC gamer thoughts run through your head, like " can my system run this?". Both have their benefits. But logically it makes sense to get consoles which are devoted to gaming. PC's give you the best graphics, no uniformity, within 10 years in order to max out games available there has to be several upgrades made. Console good graphics, the best games and exclusives, uniformity at a reasonable price.

Cha0tik4013d ago

Word to Nvidia's boss. While graphics do have to look good in games... they don't have to be better than PC graphics to be a better game. Examples: The Last Of Us, Uncharted, SOME Final Fantasy games, Kingdom Hearts, Killzone. Basically exclusives are more than half of the time better than multi platform(not including COD and Battlefield because those games are damn well good on any platform).

gazgriff2k124013d ago

i wish nvidia would STFU and never speak again

bumnut4013d ago

Why? They made the GPU for PS3

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Honestly this is only true if devs actually use the pc hardware.

I hate when they say "we want every platform to look the same" becuz console players will complain.

But also this is looking to be true! Usually console are neck and neck with pc at first! Now ps4 can't even handle battlefield 4 like pc can.. And next gen is not even here yet!

Death4013d ago

A gaming PC has always had better graphics than consoles. Resolution alone on PC is much, much higher than what consoles can ever do due to HDTV limitations. Reading the article you can see it is 100% damage control by Nvidia since both consoles went with AMD chips. If anything, the next gen of consoles will look better than many PC's with the gap getting more narrow. How this guy thinks PC is jumping ahead now is beyond me.

ala_7674013d ago

In the Article it says "Sony and Microsoft and afford to spend that much on Graphics research " LOL These companies are trying to find afordable game console rather than super expensive PC

Tsar4ever014013d ago

At first when I saw the title of this post I thought this Nvidia boss was looking for an excuse to take some PR shots at AMD. But after reading this article I for one absolutlly agree with him. I'm glad consoles adopted pc hardware to save cost & make gaming development way less painful then ever. And more console AAA exclusives WILL be ported to pc this gen because of the pc hardware compatibility. As much as I want the next–gen consoles to excel, especially the PS4. I find some of the pathetic responses of some of these console fanboys in such complete DENILE of the gaming PC obvious superior brute power per wattage, really fucking REPULSIVE!!

SDS Gamerfiend4013d ago

Plz my Radeon HD 6970 2GB GDDR5 16gb Ripjaws gaming series ram and AMD phenom II X6 1100T Black Edition CPU kills the Xbox one and PS4! PC rules!!! Upgrading to 7990 soon!

Sarick4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

How big is your modern games library? I'm asking about about the modern games that utilize that systems full potential and where created in the past few years? Are you able to fully emulate the exclusive games from all major consoles?

Those are nice specs but sometimes we don't have the same access to all games on the PC. To my knowledge some popular exclusives can only be played on consoles.

On another note:

I think this boss is prepping the PC/console market for their super high end SteamBox contracts. I would assume they'd have some agreements with valve and other PC makers to make advanced SteamBox GPU hardware.

When given the recent SteamBox announcement What better way to hype the advantages of PC gaming then to promote the higher potential of PCs? Coincidence or well planned marketing strategy. Only time will tell.

AD7054013d ago

It amazes me that people still use the whole "2000 dollar pc that you have to upgrade every 6-12 months" to hate on the pc. I've been gaming on the pc since 1997 and during that time I've only had to upgrade and buy parts like 3 times and it never costed over 1,000 dollars.

If I had to factor in all the consoles I have bought from the NES to the ps3 it's way over the 1,000-3,000 gaming pc that consoles fanboys always talk about.

If you factor in all the consoles people buy it's wayyyyy over a gaming pc.

As for games it's all suggestive. Personally I didn't even give a damn about the ps3 until uncharted 2 came out in 2009 of october. For almost 3 years it was a dust collector except for playing mgs4. Regardless of the "powa of teh cell and bluray" the ps3 got the short end of the stick when it came to multiplats, the online was shitty. Hell the only things the ps3 had going for it were a handful of exclusives and bluray which it didn't get until years later.

the 360 had halo and gears and that was it. Other than that it was paying for shit you had free somewhere else. A motion sensing camera that didn't do shit for gaming, and the constant hardware problems that plague it for years.

I think we know all about the wii and what a disaster that was save for a few 1st party exclusives. Atleast consoles back then had good shit to play and every library was unique. This gen consoles share 90% of the same games that all play better on the pc.

As for graphics. If console gamers and fanboys don't care for graphics then how can they explain all the talk about how "ps4 is 50% more powerful" and the constant talk about which console has the better graphics that has been happening on this website for the last 8 years? It's not just n4g either.

IGN, gamespot, gametrailers, G4, destructoid, polygon, eurogamer, and every other gaming site out there. Its full of console gamers arguing mostly over console graphics superiority. and pc gamers only care for graphics?

solar4013d ago

what really pisses me off about console gamers is they think because we buy $500 graphics cards is because we want to be better. IT IS NOT THAT AT ALL! it is about the technology. not bragging rights

NnT32914013d ago

The thing is PC will never be fully utilized. I agree that consoles are not as powerful, but it still takes developers a lot of effort, time and money to push them to the limit.

mark134uk4013d ago

its like having a ferrari and not being able to afford the petrol,you can spend $$$$$ on a pc to make it great but your games are still mostly console ports

4013d ago Replies(1)
AD7054013d ago

LOL what kind of a pc gamer updates his hardware every 2 years? We always hear from console fanboys that you have to upgrade every few years yet I don't know 1 pc gamer who does that at all. Same with having a 2,000 dollar gaming pc as well.

Why don't console fanboys learn a thing or two about pc gaming before they go around spreading falsehoods about it? Because it's clearly obvious that most haven't gamed on the pc at all.

solar4013d ago

since the beginning of time consoles mates cry from the rooftops graphics dont matter. yet this thread of 300 comments

d3nworth14013d ago

It not even that. Nvidia is just butt hurt that none of the consoles are using their gpus anymore. If you notice AMD hasnt made any negative statements about the consoles.

kewlkat0074013d ago

I'm sure a Mark Cerny says article will come out soon about PS4 doing 4k games and 1080p 60fps on all games...

British_Knight4013d ago

I don't understand how this is news. PS4 costs $399 and XBOX One cost $499. People are still criticizing Microsoft for that price. My cousin spent $800 on his PC rig; the bundle was worth near a $1000. His PC is middle of the road and it's extremely powerful. Imagine spending $1500 on a graphics card; that's insane.

I prefer consoles over PC, because consoles get more dev support. Lastly, gaming isn't all about graphics. Gameplay, story, voice work and artistic style are equally as important - I'm speaking in regards to PC exclusives in comparison to console exclusives.

Cross platform titles - CoD, Battlefield, etc, will always look better on a supercharged PC on max settings.

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
Sephiroushin4014d ago

It's possible, it will just take a lot amount of money to make a super strong GPU, CPU this and that for the console, at the end of the day the console will cost something like $2,000? and after 1 or 2 months there will be better parts on PC in the market ... It's possible not likely though, and just a stupid move if done, business wise not profitable because such console won't sell at all and will be destined to fail ...

ErcsYou4014d ago

Unless the consoles were 1200 watts with 3 titan gpus and cost $3000 dollars. All i want is a gtx 780 and it costs more than either next gen console. $400 for a next gen console that plays games that look better than last gen is a deal to me.

black0o4014d ago

comparing a 300-500 consoles to 1-3k pc is stupid, nividia is just but#%* from the fact that AMD tech will for the few next years thx to AMD support for the consoles

SonyPS3604013d ago

It's never a "1-3k PC", because you can always just upgrade one or two components in a PC for a couple of hundred, and it will run better than any console.

rmatthe54013d ago

You don't need a GTX 780 to play games on pc.

Snakefist304013d ago

Yeah U do need GTX780 for the long run!!

xKugo4013d ago

If you don't want to upgrade in the next few years, it's best you get either a 780 or a dual GPU setup(something like dual GTX 570s SLI).Next-gen consoles are going to drive the bar by a sizable margin, so it's best to make sure that the GPU you have will be able to keep for the duration of this gen if you don't want to upgrade more than once to keep gaming at max-settings.

DoctorJones4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I just bought a gtx 670 for under £180 and it pretty much maxes every game out, it will last me quite a while.

Why would I spend over £500 on a 780 when by the time it comes for me to want or need an upgrade I'll be able to buy a card which is probably more powerful than the 780 for around the same price as what my 670 cost me?

No one HAS to have a 780 at all, that's totally false, and costly. If anything I could game with it for a couple of years and then add another 670 which would probably cost me around £50 on Ebay.

It's a complete falsehood that you have to spend big money or buy the latest cards to enjoy pc gaming, you just have to be a bit sensible with your cash.

EDIT:I'll add as well that the card I had before was a 570 which I sold on Ebay for £85, so the total cost of my 670 was £95.

This is another aspect you need to think of when it comes to cost. Your old card doesn't just go in the bin, it goes towards the cost of your next one. Like trading in an old car.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4013d ago
Kenshin_BATT0USAI4013d ago

That all aside, I think the ideal experience is a good gaming rig + a console of your choice. Sony tends to deliver the JRPG goodness I want, so things have worked well for me.

4014d ago Replies(3)
Pandamobile4014d ago

I'm willing to bet that in 3 years, the average home computer (not even specifically a gaming computer) will out power both next-gen consoles by a significant margin.

In 2016, a mid-range laptop will be able to produce graphics at the same level as the PS4, if not more.

Caffo014013d ago

and yet you guys always forget about games optimization on consoles..

pixelsword4013d ago

Optimization is key; whereas most PC devs just up the specs, console devs typically optimize to the point that the console can remain competitive up to the end.

Pandamobile4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Yeah, but these are already well-established devices. Many of those optimizations they will make will help out PC as well. The PS3 and 360 were very different machines to PC. They had some power behind them that took 4+ years to surface.

Devs will be near-maxing out PS4 and One with the first couple years of their life cycle.

Caffo014013d ago

"Many of those optimizations they will make will help out PC as well"
Yes, but having a fixed hw will help optimizing more on consoles than pc.

LordSane4013d ago

Not optimization but mostly hard work of the game designers.

Caffo014013d ago

lol at disagrees..
having all ps4 the same hw, developers can optimize for THAT graphic card, processor etc..
I have a decent pc that can do graphics surely better than ps3, I'm not saying ps4 will outperform every pc, but having THAT hw across all ps4 (or x1) will help developers to not fall too much behind pc in the coming years, just like ps3 and x360. I think everyone can understand that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4013d ago
ramiuk14013d ago

yep and also hav a 200w psu and draiing national grid

prodg524013d ago

It will cost more too. The majority of console gamers don't care that PC's have better graphics or that they are more powerful. The whole point of a console is accessibility. Cheaper/ Ease of use (controller)/ Plug and play.

KID: "Mom I want a i7 PC with Corsair Vengeance 32GB DDR3, and radeon 7970 3GB video card."
MOM: "How about I get you an XBox?"

Pandamobile4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

And this may be where the SteamBox comes in. Curb the whole "PC IS TOO EXPENSIVE :(" mentality.

Also, expensive is relative. Every person needs a computer. It's a necessary part of modern life to either work or communicate on a personal computer. $1000 for a new laptop every 3 or 4 years isn't really that bad. $400 for a new console whose sole purpose is video games - that's bit expensive.

SilentNegotiator4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Let's not kid ourselves; most laptops aren't built to live past 2 years and $1000 laptops aren't the best sellers for a reason (if that's affordable for you, good for you - but it isn't for most).

$400 for a console every 7 years is not bad.

Pandamobile4013d ago

Yeah, it's not. I'm just saying that a laptop or desktop can be an investment, whereas a gaming console is an entertainment expense.

starchild4013d ago

A good Blu-ray player also costs more than a crappy DVD player, but I didn't know the point was always to go for the cheapest thing possible. If that were the case then we should all buy the Ouya or something like that and call it a day.

Sometimes you pay more to get a higher quality experience.

In any case, the PC is only more costly out of the gate. Over the years of ownership the costs swings back in favor of the PC. On console you will end up spending more due to online gaming fees and more expensive games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4013d ago
SilentNegotiator4013d ago

And in 2016, PS4 will cost $200-300 and the computers that outdo it will cost $600+

So what? Same old story as always.

duplissi4013d ago

A 600 dollar pc outdoes it now, if only slightly.

MidnytRain4013d ago

A rig that outdoes it NOW will cost $600... The same parts will probably cost $400 to $500 by that time.

RyuCloudStrife4013d ago

someone is speaking out of their rear again LOL

2pacalypsenow4013d ago

yeah a 2016 computer will have 2013 ps4 graphics, while ps4 games will look even better than now compare 2006 game to a 2012 and tell me it looks the same

Pandamobile4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Nah. I'm afraid we aren't going to see that monumental graphical leap any time soon. I don't foresee games in 2018 looking THAT much better than they do today.

For one, it's getting harder and harder to make things look better.

You console guys aren't moving into the HD era all over again. You're going from the HD era to the slightly Higher-Def HD era.

MadLad4013d ago

The $1,500 PC I built seven months ago will be running BF4 at a constant 60 (if the specs are to be any indicator) at 2560x1440 . . .
Why would I need a 2016 PC to outperform the new consoles?

webeblazing4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

are you saying pc in 2016 will be weaker than today's pc??? LMAO
layoff the paint chips

see this is what pc gamers be talking about. to think I use defend ps fanboys

bjmartynhak4013d ago

I agree, but should we wait?

Or for how long a $400 PC today is going to be still relevant?

Consoldtobots4013d ago

I just had to roll back my manufacturers GPU driver and replace it with the Nvidia version JUST to get FIFA 14 to run AT ALL.

I don't see casual consumers putting up with that kind of crap.

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NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry

The NVIDIA RTX Remix tool is redefining the gaming industry and the modding community in the best way possible.

Einhander197290d ago

"NVIDIA's Generative AI-Powered Modding Tool Is A Gamechanger For The Industry"

True, the especially for all the industry that gets put out of work by it.

generic-user-name90d ago

Have you ever used a self service checkout in a store? Should we ditch alarm clocks so that we can hire people to shoot peas at our bedroom windows to wake us up like they did in the 1800s?

Einhander197290d ago

Working at a grocery store as a checkout clerk used to be a respectable job that could support a family.

90d ago
just_looken89d ago

Gues you never saw the fast food joints that had ai everything even cooking was done by robots.


GeForce Experience update provides support to 122 new games, Nvidia App takeover isn't here yet

A new GeForce Experience update is finally here, bringing 'optimal settings support' to 122 new games, even as Nvidia App sees development.


Interesting. Diablo IV, Helldivers 2, and Forza Motorsports have been included in the app for a long time.


Nvidia DLSS 3.7 drives a further nail in the coffin of native performance

Nvidia DLSS 3.7 is the latest update to the long-running AI upscaling technology, and it further shows native performance doesn't matter.

DustMan161d ago

I think hardware development is at a point where they need to figure out how to draw less power, These beefy high end cards eat wattage, and I'm curious if using DLSS & AI in general will lower the power draw. It would seem like the days of just adding more VRAM & horsepower is over. Law of diminishing returns. Pretty soon DLSS/FSR will be incorporated into everything, and eventually the tech will be good enough to hardly notice a difference if at all. AI is the future and it would be foolish to turn around and not incorporate it at all. Reliance on AI is only going to pick up more & more.

Tapani160d ago (Edited 160d ago )

DLSS certainly lowers power consumption. Also, the numbers such as the 4090 at 450W does not tell you everything, most of the time the GPU stays between 200-350W in gameplay, which is not too different from the highest end GPU of 10 years ago. Plus, today you can undervolt + OC GPUs by a good margin to keep stock performance while utilizing 80% of the power limit.

You can make the 4090 extremely power efficient and keep 90% of its performance at 320W.

However, in today's world the chip manufacturing is limited by physics and we will have power increases in the next 5-10 years at the very least to keep the technology moving forward at a pace that satisfies both businesses and consumers.

Maybe in 10 years we have new tech coming to the markets which we are yet to invent or perhaps we can solve existing technologies problems with manufacturing or cost of production.

On the other hand, if we were to solve the energy problem on earth by utilizing fusion and solar etc. it would not matter how much these chips require. That being said, in the next 30-40 years that is a pipedream.

MrBaskerville160d ago

I don't think fusion is the way forward. It will mosy likely be too late when it's finally ready, meaning it will probably never be ready. Something else might arrive before though and then it becomes viable.

Firebird360160d ago

We need to stop the smear campaign on nuclear energy.
We could power everything forever if we wanted too.

Tacoboto161d ago

PS4 Pro had dedicated hardware in it for supporting checkerboard rendering that was used significantly in PS4 first party titles, so you don't need to look to PC or even modern PC gaming. The first RTX cards released nearly 6 years ago, so how many nails does this coffin need?

InUrFoxHole161d ago

Well... its a coffin man. So atleast 4?

Tacoboto161d ago

PSSR in the fall can assume that role.

anast160d ago

and those nails need to be replaced annually

Einhander1972161d ago

I'm not sure what the point you're trying to make is, but PS4 Pro was before DLSS and FSR, and it still provides one of the highest performance uplifts while maintaining good image quality.

DLSS is it's own thing but checkerboarding om PS5 still is a rival to the likes of FSR2.

Tacoboto161d ago

Um. That is my point. That there have been so many nails in this "native performance" coffin and they've been getting hammered in for years, even on PS4 Pro before DLSS was even a thing.

RaidenBlack160d ago

Don't know what's OP's point is either but ... checkerboard rendering was good enough for its time but in terms of image quality its wayy behind what's DLSS 3 or FSR 3 is currently offering.
The main point of the article and what OP missed here is that DLSS 3.7 is soo good that its nearly undisguisable from native rendering and basically throws the "its still blurry and inferior to native rendering" debacle, (that's been going around in PC community since 2019), right out of the window.

Einhander1972160d ago


DLSS is as i said a different thing from FSR and checkerboard.

But you're talking about FSR 3 which probably is better than checkerboard, but FSR 3 has only started to get games this year, so checkerboard which was the first hardware upscaling solution was and is still one of the best upscaling solutions.

Give credit where credit is due, PlayStation was first and they got it right from the get go, and PSSR will almost certainly be better than it will be given credit for, heck digital foundry is already spreading misinformation about the Pro.

Rhythmattic160d ago

Yes... Its amazing how many talekd about KZ2 deferred rendering, pointing out the explosions were lower res than the frame itself..
And of course, Then the idea of checkerboard rendering, not being native....
For sure, maybe this tech makes it minimal while pixel counting, but alas, seems performance and close enough , and not native now matters.....
I want to see it run native without DLSS.. why not?

RonsonPL161d ago

Almost deaf person:
- lightweight portable 5$, speakers of 0,5cm diameter are the final nail in coffin of Hi-Fi audio!

Some people in 2010:
- smartphones are the final nain in the console gaming's coffin!

This is just the same.
AI upscalling is complete dogshit in terms of motion quality. The fact that someone is not aware of it (look at the deaf guy example) doesn't mean the flaws are not there. They are. And all it takes to see them, is to use a display that handles motion well, so either gets true 500fps at 500Hz LCD TN or OLED (or faster tech) or uses low persistence mode (check blurbusters.com if you don't know what it means) also known as Black Frame Insertion or backlight strobing.

Also, image ruined by any type of TAA is just as "native image" as chineese 0,5$ screwdriver is "high quality, heavy duty, for professional use". It's nowhere near it. But if you're an ignorant "journalist", you will publish crap like this article, just to flow with the current.

There's no coffin to native res quality and there never will be. Eventually, we'll have enough performance in rasterization to drive 500fps, which will be a game changer for motion quality while also adding other benefit - lower latency.
And at 500fps, the amount of time required for upscalling makes it completely useless.
This crap is only usable for cinematic stuff, like cutscenes and such. Not for gaming. Beware of ignorants on the internet. The TAA is not "native" and the shitty look of the modern games when you disable any TAA, is not "native" either as it's ruined by the developer's design choice - you can cheat by rendering every 4th pixel when you plan to put a smeary TAA pass on it later on. When you disable it, you will see a ruined image, horrible pixellation and other visual "glitches" but it is NOT what native would've looked like if you'd like to honestly compare the two.

Stay informed.

RaidenBlack160d ago

Main point of the article is how far DLSS has come with v3.7 since 2018. If this is what we're getting already, then imagine what we'll get within next ~3 years. Yes parity will obviously be there compared to the then native rendering tech but it'll slowly narrow down to the point it'll be indistinguishable.
Something similar is like the genAI Sora ... AI generative videos were turd back when they were introduced (the infamous Will Smith eating video) ... but now look at Sora, generating videos that just looks like real life.

RonsonPL141d ago

You can improve quality but you will never be able to reach native quality in motion. The biggest part of why these upscallers are so praised is because they use previous frame data. You cannot do that without degrading latency and/or hurting the motion quality. If you put another flaw on top of it, coming from sample and hold method of displaying image, or coming from low framerate, sure, the difference between "screwed up image" vs. "image screwed up even more" may seem small or non-existent. But if you talk about gaming, not interactive movies, the upscallers are overhyped and harfmul tech for the gamers and the whole gaming industry. For example, a game designed around screwed up motion, like the TAA enabled games, will never be played with improved quality even 100 years later when hardware allows for native 16K res. The motion quality will be broken and even if you disable the AA pass, you will still get the broken image, cause the devs were designing their effects with smeary filter in mind - this is why you can disable TAA in some games today, manually, with some tinkering, but you get 1 to 16 understampled crap.
It's annoying that nobody seems to understand the serious drawbacks of AI assisted upscallers. Everyone just praises it and calling it a great revolution. Don't get me wrong. AI has its place in rendering. But NOT in gaming.

160d ago
Yui_Suzumiya160d ago

How much VRAM is standard today? My laptop has a 1080p QLED display but only an Intel Iris Xe with 128MB of VRAM. I currently do all my gaming on it but certain titles do suffer because of it. I plan on getting a Steam Deck OLED soon to play the newer and more demanding titles.

purple101160d ago

Maybe better to get a budget gaming laptop and link a dualsense to it

= Portable console with far better graphics than a steam deck! + bigger screen and able to use it for work / etc