
Digital Foundry vs. the Xbox One architects

Two months away from the release of the next generation consoles, many have already made up their minds about which machine offers more gaming power before a single game has been released. Compare basic graphics and memory bandwidth specs side-by-side and it looks like a wash - PlayStation 4 comprehensively bests Xbox One to such a degree that sensible discussion of the respective merits of both consoles seems impossible. They're using the same core AMD technologies, only Sony has faster memory and a much larger graphics chip. But is it really that simple?

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iamnsuperman3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

I feel Microsoft has brought on the confusion themselves getting PR men to talk about technological stuff when you should get the tech guys to talk about that. Look at Sony's method. Cerny talks technical and the PR men talk PR which is for a reason. He knows what the system can do as he was the lead on building it. Microsoft should have done the same. Getting Penello in the GAF forums was a bad idea. He knowledge was shown up.

pyramidshead3882d ago

lol ikr

Balanced weak specs are still weak specs.

NewMonday3882d ago

having weaker specs puts the XB1 at a disadvantage with 3rd party multiplatform games, MS can't leverage that like they did with the 360, but the XBone should be good enough to make interesting true exclusive 1st party games that will set the console apart, but MS will need to have a consistent investment to convince gamers not PR.

AsimLeonheart3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

lol. MS has been so desperate with PR ever since the console reveal. A company should never lie about the capabilities or features of a product. Lies always get exposed eventually and only result in shame and loss of credibility. MS is trying too hard to win the PR battle. They should accept their console's weaknesses and highlight its strengths instead of outright lying about them just to look better or equal to PS4. Even PR should be based on facts and truth.

EDIT: After reading the whole article, I think it was a detailed explanation. I feel like MS now admits that their console is weaker and that is why they continue to emphasize "balance" whenever figures come into discussion.

Ritsujun3882d ago Show
devwan3882d ago

@newmonday "the XBone should be good enough to make interesting true exclusive 1st party games that will set the console apart"

This is maybe more likely if they really get an idea of where the One's strengths lie and designing their games to those strengths, but it will likely take some time to get a truly worthwhile picture of that. So instead of saying "I have a great idea and plan for a game, let's make it" it's be more "I've noticed we get decent performance if we do x, y and z and avoid doing a, b and c, let's make a game that uses lots of xyz and not much abc".

Not ideal, as most people prefer the design of games to be a truly creative process free of tech barriers, but there are a rare few that excel in the confines of hardware limitations.

So I suppose microsoft need to find themselves some of these rare-breed creative programmers.

Of course, most great games don't rely on truly cutting edge graphics and tech tricks, so the whole question is moot :)

torchic3882d ago


exactly! like we get it we're all so so happy for you Microsoft, you have a really balanced console but it's still much weaker than PS4!

why can't they just accept that? why would they want to live their lives in such hardcore denial?

ProjectVulcan3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

It's an interesting read. What I got out of it is this: if the developer is incredibly talented and designs the game for this hardware and exploits every small trick and squeezes every design win, the gap will be smaller than you all think. But there will still be a gap.

By implication it confirms my suspicions that in reality Sony's hardware is infinitely more simple to use.

Despite them saying they are mystified why people have claimed their hardware is complex it seems ever more obvious after that article that relative to PS4s superior raw performance it is more complex to extract anything like the systems peak.

PS3 and 360 is case in point. For 95 percent of the time for 95 percent of of the developers and their budgets out there it was easier to extract as much or more performance out of 360. Only a few high budget top end devs could make PS3 sing.

Except this time round not only do you have essentially more complex hardware in Xbox one you have theoretically inferior potential performance on top, unlike PS3 V 360.

You have less, and what you do have is more complicated to exploit. Erk.

Computersaysno3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

The balance!!!

Honestly Messi hasn't got the best right foot in the world but he surely has the best left one and that still makes him one of the greats....

As long as you have it where it counts and Sony do. Where it really matters for developers like ease of use and fill rates PS4 has killer advantages

nukeitall3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Haven't we learned anything from the past. Remember how Sony focused on bandwidth on the PS3 and decided to have split memory with a VRAM pool with superior bandwidth and general purpose RAM?

Turns out, more RAM was preferential than bandwidth and subsequently the PS3 had pretty poor performing games.

You play the same game now?

Again with the memory bandwidth and of course now also CU, but it turns out latency and CPU matters!

This goes on and on, from the PS3's memory footprint of 48MB of RAM vs Xbox 360s 32MB of RAM, yet can the Xbox 360 can support cross game and party chat to the bandwidth discussed above.

Real developers excited about games KNOW performance is the sum of it's parts, not particular parts.

That said, don't be fooled by carefully crafted numbers and look at the results, but more importantly all the power in the world doesn't make a good game.

All the power of PS Move didn't produce a single title worthy compared to Wii Sports! I had so much fun with Wii Sports, yet Sports Champion bored me to death despite PS Move technological superiority!


"It's an interesting read. What I got out of it is this: if the developer is incredibly talented and designs the game for this hardware and exploits every small trick and squeezes every design win, the gap will be smaller than you all think."

I think that is only partially right, because MS went with a well known design pattern with a small fast cache, just like the Xbox 360 eDRAM.

This is the same team that designed the Xbox 360 that designed the Xbox One so I'm sure they designed it as an equally balanced system.

This in so many ways mirror the PS3 vs Xbox 360. More "cores" (or PPE) and more "memory bandwidth" in the PS3 didn't have the fallout we expected. PS3 certainly got similar PR back in the day.

JokesOnYou3882d ago

Good read. I won't pretend I understand it all but it sounds like microsoft knows exactly how they want X1 to perform in relation to games. I predict when we get the final bench tests the overall performance differences will be marginal at best.

devwan3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

@nukeitall "MS went with a well known design pattern with a small fast cache, just like the Xbox 360 eDRAM. "

Did you even read the DF piece? The MS guys confirmed it's not a cache at all - it's a scratchpad - user managed memory. Any benefits of this setup require careful planning and implementation and that's all down to the programmers, it's not a cache that's just there that makes things run faster using its own hardware magic.

Anything that requires such micro-management and excessive planning to obtain decent results is going to struggle to be universally effective. There are parallels here with the ps3's non-standard hardware requiring new or different programming techniques to obtain best use of resources... the only problem here is the xbox one requires this as it attempts to gain parity with ps4, unlike the ps3's hardest pushed efforts that out-shone the 360.

Basically put, xbox one's esram is not "raw power", it's an addition to offset the system's memory bottlenecks and to be effective will require planning, forethought, skill, time, manpower... jumping through hoops. It's not simply raw power that's there for the taking with ps4.

As for the whole "balance" thing, that's very cleverly worded PR spin that's only there to reassure troubled xbox fans to keep them loyal to the brand...

@Jokes " I won't pretend I understand it all but it sounds like microsoft knows exactly how they want X1 to perform in relation to games. I predict when we get the final bench tests the overall performance differences will be marginal at best."

See - it worked. It's there to hoodwink those who don't know better and reassure them that MKB - Microsoft Knows Best.

"In terms of getting the best possible combination of performance, memory size, power, the GDDR5 takes you into a little bit of an uncomfortable place." - complete damage control technosloblock, Panello couldn't have said it better himself. Really unworthy of a supposed "Technical Fellow".

nypifisel3882d ago

You got a point. "Balance", is just a buzzword. I can't believe DF would be so uncritical. Matte of the fact still stands, the Xbox One will never preform as good as the PS4 and it's actually all down to raw power, the GPU in the PS4 is just that much better in pretty much every aspect (so is the RAM, eSRAM is a cop out to make manufacturing cheaper, nothing else).

gaffyh3882d ago

Talk in confusing technical jargon so that nobody understands anything, so you can say "MS knows what they are talking about."

Massive damage control, no real new information, repeating the same thing trying to get people to believe it.

Death3882d ago

Are we actually talking a few frames a second as being the 50% increase in power the PS4 has?

Here is my question to all those that believe the PS4 is more powerfull. What is the benefit going to be of all this power? Will the games look better, have more textures, faster frame rate, or a higher resolution? What do you think you will see to justify the arguement?

We had a "weak" Xbox 360 slug it out with the super-computer like PS3 and it's Cell processor along with it's massive Blu-ray drive. GTAV just released with the biggest budget in gaming to date. I'm pretty sure the PS3 version got a very slight edge up on the Xbox 360 version but if you don't run them side by side you might not know which is which. Is this difference we can expect next gen?

tokugawa3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

good read

once devs (if they dont aready) have the tools to use every piece of silicon correctly, then they should be able to make some stunning looking games.

@ fanboys. seeing as the ps4 is massively more powerful right? we should see the difference in november yes??

i cant wait to get both myself

edit gaf breaks down the spin rofl..

99% of gaf know f'kall just like here. and just like here there is a huge bias. the difference is only the quality of the mods. it is the fear of the banhammer that keeps gaf readable

b3d would be a better place for a breakdown.

LonChaneyTV3882d ago

I agree specs do matter, I upgraded from a ps4 to two Nvidia 770s, not bothering with such petty technology again. Agni's philosophy tech demo here i come!!

Haules3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

HAHA DF are using a HD7850 card as a reference to Xbone GPU.

Xbone uses a HD7790 which is way slower than the HD7850!

What a useless article.

DigitalRaptor3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

@ JokesOnYou

It's nice to stay positive about your purchases, but let's face it, decisions are made for a reason, and wishful thinking is not the answer. Facts are: http://www.computerandvideo...

@ Tokugawa

Since when have launch titles ever been the judge of anything? I would've thought by now that you Xbox fans would've learned to look ahead and judge the long-term, but nah. Nothing's changed.

tokugawa3882d ago


normally i would agree. but, seeing as everyone keeps talking about 50% more power, ease of use, better ram and ofcourse the massive power difference. i think that it is fair to assume that when all that is combined, the difference should been seen out of the gate no??

i think more like it is the droids like yourself that are already preparing the excuses.

dantesparda3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )


So why is he a droid and you not a bot then? Cuz it seems that all MS fanboys think that only Sony fanboys are "fanboys" and "they" (MS fanboys)are not. The fact is the PS4 is more powerful, period end of discussion. The problem is the MS fanboys cant accept that so they keep coming up with every excuse in the book to try and deny that it, just like how the WiiU fanboys kept trying to deny that the the WiiU is just a current gen system.

You're not going to see the big "50%" difference at launch, especially from 3rd parties, cuz of parity. Now all you MS fanboy need to stop calling the Sony fanboys, fanboys, cuz you's are fanboys too.

Personally I go with whoever has the best system, and so far thats looking like PS4 to me. I bought the 360 in 2005 and jumped ship in 2008 when they started abandoning the hardcore. But honestly, neither system is looking that great technically

Ju3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

See, it's very simple:

"You can use the Move Engines to move these things asynchronously in concert with the GPU so the GPU isn't spending any time on the move. You've got the DMA engine doing it. Now the GPU can go on and immediately work on the next render target rather than simply move bits around"


unless you have a unified memory pool allocating the full bandwidth where switching render targets is setting up a different memory address. No memory move needed at all.

Now, even in layman's terms it should be plain obvious that

a) not moving data is infinite faster than moving data and
b) it is simpler to handle and
c) does not require any power at all (re: power savings using fixed function HW).

This is one example. We would have built something like this 30 years ago (actually, if I think back, that's what the Amiga did when PCs had b/w "graphics").

But today, there is no benefit to such a thing.

pixelsword3882d ago

In time the games will tell the tale.

It seems like the architectural styles of Microsoft and Sony has switched in terms of ram, but if the cpus aren't designed the same, it may have no consequence.

I wonder why Ryse is not 1080p although that may be just a lack of experience on the console; if that's not the case, then Crytek is being honest and turn 10 is not. I'm thinking that's why Ryse isn't 1080p, and it casts doubt on Forza's specs not being upscaled. I don't think that's the case.

In time the games will tell the tale.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3882d ago
kevnb3882d ago

Sonys method is, "dat ram!" Xbox one is a cluster you know what.

vigilante_man3882d ago

Have got to say that was an interesting read (a bit technical in parts). They should of had this conversation months ago. Not once did they try and say that the XB1 is as powerful as the PS4, just that they balanced their system to meet their multi-purpose needs.

In reality you would expect a pure gaming console that can do social media and TV stuff should be more powerful than a system built for gaming, social media and TV at its core.

Lets praise the honesty of the interview.

Just one thing confuses me: They went for 218 ESRam. Why not higher? I remember Mr Cerny discussed Sony having ESRam of 1,000 but decided to go for the more simple instant raw power. He added that it would take a good few years to unlock the true potential of the 1,000 ESRam but wanted developers to hit the ground running on PS4.

So if Mr Cerny is correct it will take a few years before XB1 starts to make full use of that ESRam and even then they lose out on GPU power. If you are going to go with ESRam go for big numbers in speed like 500 or 1,000 to make the trade-off worth it.

Nekroo913882d ago

@vigilante_man your messing everything up, your mixing esram speend with memory size. cerny said that the 8gb of gddram+ edram would achieve 1000gb/s but that would make the console complicated to work with and devs dont want to waste time with that

Elzer3882d ago

Look at apples iPhone 5s today. Its A7 chip architecture is heavily customized that it blows the rest of its competition away. On paper it lacks the raw power. Smartphones today tackle performance based on more ram and more cores. But why is it that the iPhone 5s dual-core and 1gb ram "specs on paper" outshines in most tested benchmarks compared to smartphones with 2gb ram and quad-core processors?
It seems to me that Sony has brainwash most uneducated gamers into thinking that utilization, optimization, and efficiency don't exist...

kevnb3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

truth is most people don't know much about specs and are really easily mislead. apple doesnt try to impress people with big numbers, its always been about selling the experience.

Ju3882d ago

Well, if it'll take XB devs years to unlock the ESRAM than it's a little too late. The XBone will need that ESRAM to deliver. It will need to max it if it wants to match the PS4 - from day one.

Parapraxis3882d ago

"truth is most people don't know much about specs"
Well, you sure as shit don't.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3882d ago
gaelic_laoch3882d ago

"Microsoft should have done the same. Getting Penello in the GAF forums was a bad idea."

May as well of sent a chimp in a lab coat out to explain the inner working of the XboNe!

nukeitall3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

The difference is MS has done a lot of tweaks to figure out how to balance their system. How do you explain that to the masses that has the slightest idea of technology beyond use?

It's like a race circuit, more horsepower doesn't mean faster lap times if the circuit has many turns and twists.

Unfortunately the masses has been educated by one side that pure numbers they CAN understand is how it should be measured instead of real engineers tasked with designing said system.

Remember how Intel focused on the Gigahertz and AMD beat them in performance?

At some point people thought more Hertz would yield more performance too!

n4rc3882d ago

Yup... Its marketing 101

Its the people that jump all over the $199 50mp cameras then later wondering why their friends $400 20mp camera destroys it in every aspect..

Using the racing analogy... Power is important.. But tires, weight distribution etc can be seen as bottlenecks that hurt the cars overall performance...

Its why a 200hp lotus elise will completely spank cars with twice the power on a track... Balance is key

My point isnt that x1 will be faster.. My point is people that look at a few specs and think bigger numbers means a better product are uninformed.

Angeljuice3882d ago

Sony just built a 300hp Lotus Elise, that's the problem with your metaphor.

WeaseL3882d ago

Why people try to compare it to cars is beyond me the price between cars is thousands of dollars not $100

XabiDaChosenOne3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

@n4rc " .. Power is important.. But tires, weight distribution etc can be seen as bottlenecks that hurt the cars overall performance... " This statement only proves how much more efficient the PS4 is. Not only does the PS4 has better drivers and a unified archtect but it is also bottleneck free. The same cannot be said about the Xbox one hardware. Prime example: the ESRAM

Your problem is is that you are clinging on to some fantasy that within the Xbox ones complex architecture that there is some treasure chest of power that will exceed the processing power in the PS4. News flash, there isn't. The Xbox one is making the same mistake as the PS3, except unlike the PS3 which was superior to the Xbox360 when programmed for to it's strengths (Uncharted 2,3, The Last of Us etc.) When a developer eventually "masters" the Xbox ones architecture it will only minimize the gap between the consoles a little bit, not close it. And than you have to think about devs on the PS4 side is only going to get better with the hardware as well so essential a handful of devs mastering the Xbox one architecture will only keep the gap from being bigger than it already is.
This is only one of the reasons why the PS4 will obliterate the Xbox one.

sAVAge_bEaST3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Nukeitall -"The difference is MS has done a lot of tweaks to figure out how to balance their system."

See the problem with that statement, is that Microsoft currently has Crap drivers, (windows OS has always had crap drivers,. That is why Mac's are so popular, for certain tasks, such as Midi control , and Graphics,.. (all graphic artist's use Adobe on Mac's) Sony is way ahead , in fact they built their system to be more efficient, and use better drivers.

RevXM3882d ago

True that you cannot rely on Hz alone, but these two machines are pretty similar.
Not that we know the Hz of the Ps4 for sure, but they both use most of the same core AMD technologies only Ps4 have better numbers and the better RAM setup on paper and probably different secondary chips too handle background tasks but the secondary chips doesnt really play that big of a role when it comes to games I suppose.

Suppose angeljuice is on to something X1 is a lotus elise and PS4 is a somewhat modified lotus elise with a forced induction system would seem like a fair comparison to me.

MysticStrummer3882d ago

"It's like a race circuit, more horsepower doesn't mean faster lap times if the circuit has many turns and twists."

That's bad for MS then, because they not only have weaker hardware in the One, but they also made programming for it more convoluted. PS4 has stronger hardware and is easier to program (fewer twists and turns).

Parapraxis3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Well then nukeitall, since you seem to be so "knowledgeable" on the topic, maybe you can explain how the xbox one will outdo the ps4, given the specs available, and the overwhelming agreement in the dev community that the ps4 will outdo the xbox one in every regard.
Of course you will not have a specific reply, if any, to my post, because you wouldn't even know where to start.
Tales from your ass are running thin.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3882d ago
otherZinc3882d ago

It sure is funny how you guys never read important articles.

I've said before, "you can't use "Basic Math" when analyzing power of the XBOX ONE".

Forza 5 is running at 1080p "native" @ 60fps! There are ZERO PS4 games accomplishing this.

People interview Mark Cerny all the time. When is someone going to ask him: why are there no 1080p "native" 60fps games at launch!

It should be easy to accomplish, as Killzone:SF doesn't have 2-4four player Campaign Co-op! And, Drive Club always show ghost cars as the AI. Those things are Memory eaters, so, at least they can make those 2 SONY exclusives run 1080p "native" @ 60fps...

iamnsuperman3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

This is the problem with your statement. You completely ignore what developers think is more important. It is all about the developers and what they think is the most important. It isn't so much about the systems themselves. A lot of the launch game have much more going on behind the scenes.

A lot of developers (this and next generation) see 720p as fine and 30fps a minimal because they can then pump resoruces into other areas to improve the overal experience. Using your Forza example they have had to compensate for that. There isn't even night or all weather driving in the game. Forza uses "baked lighting" while its competitor doesn't. But that is because that developer thought 1080p 60fps was more important while another developer (its competitor) thought lighting was more important (other things as well)

You can't completely ignore what the developer thinks is important. There is so much more going on than just frame rates and resolution. This generation coming is going to be about who can push the lighting and physics (all that kind of gameplay improvements) more than who can get 1080p at 60fps because of the notion that 720p at 30fps is fine in a lot of developers eyes

MysticStrummer3882d ago

Once again, Forza gets a pass for doing the same thing CoD gets slammed for, omitting things in the name of resolution and frames per second. Humans are funny.

static52453882d ago

Your statement is just wrong all over. Killzone:SF has confirmed 1080p 60fps on multiplayer. Planetside 2 will be running like its on max settings on PC. FF XIV confirmed 1080p 60 fps. I'm not a fanboy. I don't even own a PS3. But a simple search on google you can find these facts.

Ju3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

Resogun runs 1080@60fps and only uses 2 cores (or so). Most of the game runs on compute (gpu) - incl. it's mighty impressive physics system.

And, well, and so does Ridge Racer (I mean...a racing game running 1080@60fps on PS3)

On the other hand, which other XBone game actually runs 1080p (I mean native) besides Forza?

dantesparda3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

KZ MP mode = 1080/60
KZ SP mode =1080/30 (maybe higher framerate)
DC 1080/30 (aiming for 60)
Resogun 1080/60
AC4 MP mode = 1080/60
and im sure Im missing a few

Whereas X1
Forza 5 1080/60
Killer Instinct 720/60
Ryse 900/30
Dead Rising 3 Dynamic Res@30fps

Parapraxis3882d ago

"Forza 5 is running at 1080p "native" @ 60fps"
...yeah, lets see if that actually pans out by launch.

protip, the TGS showing of F5 left a lot to be desired.

abusador3881d ago

lol hahahahaha u need to recheck ur info about no games on ps4 being 1080p native and 60fps lol and a racer doing it on next gen is not a big feat as it has already been done last gen with racers that do more than Forza 5 :) By the way did you hear that Forza at TGS didnt look as good as before? lol oh myyyyy

Ryse dropping to 900p with framerate issues
Dead Rising being like 720p and just reaching 30fps
Titan fall is like 720 p at maybe 60fps but it should have been 1080p rez/60fps being its only a mp game and Kz Sf mp is confirmed 60fps/1080p
doesnt seem like apowerful console to me

Meanwhile in sony world you have Driveclub at 1080p maybe/maybe not 30/60 fps with dynamic goodness, night/day, weather effects coming, etccccc

Kz Sf is 1080p/60fps mp
Infamous looks like the best next gen looking game!
Resogun is 1080p/60fps

Well you get my point :)

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3881d ago
THEDON82z13882d ago

After reading this article it just seems to me that M$ did all the costume designing in there tech on Xbone,just to end up making there games perform somewhat closer to PS4 games..Truth be told unless its 1st party game..Developers do not what to go through all these move engines and sh@t just to get marginally better performance which in the end still wont surpass PS4 performance(especially after they really come to grips with its architecture and Sony costume designs).This is crazy if M$ was going to take this route they should have gave developers a real reason to invest resources in figuring out the tech in Xbone, not just to get closer to PS4 performance. 2 OR 3 years down the road we going to see that fake ass "BALANCE" philosophy start showing real cracks in Xbone!!!!

otherZinc3882d ago


Forza 5 doesn't use Baked lighting!

Forza 5 use "Dynamic Range Lighting"!

Night racing isn't difficult at all as everything is hidden in darkness.

To have AI Cars with Damage on the track, is FAR More taxing on RAM than night racing:so where are the AI Cars in Drive Club? They only show ghost cars...

Turn 10 has added more in Forza 5 than any racer to date.

corvusmd3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

I agree...if you mean by "brought it on themselves", they told the facts to little kids that have no clue what they are talking about, but see one number is bigger than another and assume that means it's better. The problem here isn't really MS telling you how the XB1 works, it's been pretty consistent since the beginning in that regard. There have been tweeks here and there to architecture, but that happens in production phase, and in this case have only been for the better. Games running on both systems look amazing, and anyone saying that games on PS4 look ANY % better clearly haven't been paying attention. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. If PS4's major advantage is having a more powerful and easy GPU to work with, then why aren't we seeing that HUGE advantage on day one? The whole theory behind PS4's system is putting all that workload on a powerful GPU will make it streamlined and easy to work for (I know cerny said we will see the benefits 3-4 years later, but that's both systems). If PS4's GPU is that much more powerful and easy to work with, the biggest gap should be today...this GPU isn't new to the industry, developers are very familiar with it, that's how we knew it's specs so fast. Not being able to tell graphical differences on day one does not bode well for PS4 being a monster compared to XB1.

Both systems look great, stick to what games you like and what sort of online experience you want. PS fans (myself included) made this same exact mistake last gen of saying that PS was much more powerful, and games still look better on XB360 most of the time.

beerzombie3881d ago

Best answer today; For me its Forza and Halo. I like them both along with the controller. My friends that I really know all play on live also. That's what this is all about the games and the friends not some high end specs. even though higher specs would be awesome nothing changes for me. Sony fans just get ready for the big lie coming.

triforce793881d ago (Edited 3881d ago )

Benchmarks and exclusives are what prove a consoles capability's not spec numbers,i think wiiu with its edram design basically a memory heavy design will outperform xbox1 and come really close to ps4 in raw graphics just like Shinen said about how they don't see ps4 pumping out much better graphics than wiiu.....

Xbox1 has AMD gpu

PS4 has a 1.8 terraflop gpu

WiiU has a custom E6760 gpgpu with edram on board,remember microsoft saying if they used edram they would have much more power ie bandwidth RAM but it's harder to use...

sonarus3882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )

PS4 is the more powerful console. All this just reads like a whole bunch of damage control.

Honestly there is nothing wrong with that if microsoft is willing to dig deep and develop some compelling games that will be fully exclusive. Titanfall is a start but we will see how exclusive that is. Halo 5 or Halo 6 is just more of the same ol same ol.

Gekko363882d ago (Edited 3882d ago )


OK, I've just read the whole article and what I've gleaned from this is 3 primary factors.

1. ESRAM is an evolution of eDRAM which means any developer that worked on the 360 will find working on this simple too.

So no difficulty getting to grips with the new architecture.


2. The design of the system and integration of ESRAM will allow developers to use this very high speed process, quicker than GDDR5. Again, Cool!

3. Looks like the enormous void between both systems touted around on N4G isn't as big as they thought and again seems to be an apples and oranges situation again.

So shall I buy an XBOX One?... You bet you hairy arse I will!

Ipunchbabiesforfun3882d ago

You apparently can't read than...

mkis0073881d ago

Actually no... With the GDDR5 memory they just put it on there, they have to program for the 32mb esram when doing the same thing on xbox1

SegaSaturn6693882d ago

Andrew Goosen is saying: multiplats will look as good as ps4!

So, he's playing catch-up rather than making it better. Ominous sign.

UncleGermrod3882d ago

I don't agree with that. They never really said the xbox one has more power than ps4, and the only direct comparison they made is when he says that sony also touted the importance of balance. This whole article did nothing more than give better insight to the xbox one hardware and back up previous statements about the gap not being as large. So i think the whole point was to shed some light as to why MS think the xbox one can hold its own..they never said it would exceed. But in the end it will not be like ps2 vs xbox1 ...id say typically at best the ps4 version could have some crisper looking bushes and trees in the background and maybe play 10-12 frames/sec above xbox one. So all the fanboys can sit in front of their computers with their pants down and watch side by side comparisons which mean nothing to either side...have fun with that

imt5583882d ago

Another PR bullshit in this article????

3882d ago
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yewles13882d ago

*grabs popcorn* Consider me an... Observation Fellow.


Ohlmay3882d ago

First the "Cloud" and now it's "Balance". I'll hold judgement until I see Halo 5, that'll be the game that will push the Xbox One to it's limits.

CRAIG6673882d ago

I think 343 are a very capable dev team but we are not going to see anything push next gen consoles within 12 months of release. I look forward to seeing how halo looks but it will not be any kind of benchmark for the x1, even infamous ss will look dated at some point down the line...

Gekko363882d ago


Bit presumptuous don't you think? You have seen any games let alone played them on a production machine.

LordDhampire3882d ago

no halo has ever pushed limits, so I'd wait for a different game

Walker3882d ago

GDDR5, so good it's uncomfortable.

cyhm31123882d ago

NES is even more balanced, I love that console.

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