
Angry readers want Gamespot reviewer fired after her GTA V review

Readers launch petition to fire Carolyn Petit after she mentioned misogyny on her review for GTA V.

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ZBlacktt3891d ago ShowReplies(10)
Marcello3891d ago

How pathetic can you get. Her review is just her opinion too which she has a right too.

LOGICWINS3891d ago

But in a professional review, an opinion has to be relevant to the game in question. Its like a reviewer docking a point from GTAV because he or she feels its too violent.

Or docking points from a racing game for not having a story.

It doesn't make sense.

NegativeCreep4273891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

You're right.

How would I look if I worked over at Gamespot or IGN and I gave all the Yakuza games a 1/10 because I didn't like Japanese people because they bombed us at Pearl Harbor.

"They bombed our harbor, so I don't like this game. One out of Ten. Don't buy it"

Ad Hominem should not be considered when reviewing a good or a product.

Edit: Regardless of anyone's personal opinions of the Yakuza games and their actual quality as games, my theoretical argument still stands.

PurpHerbison3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

To be fair... Yakuza is a repetitive boring game that deserves a 1/10.

jmc88883891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Except she didn't dock any points for it.

Critical thinking is a must. She made a comment that didn't alter the score, but everyone is assuming that must be the ONLY reason it isn't a 10.

Why does GTAV even need to be a 10? A 5 would still be worth playing, and we all knew it wasn't going to even get that.

If these console versions are a 10, what is the PS4/PC/Xbox One version supposed to get?

Kurylo3d3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

just cause she mentions the game is sexist... isnt a reason to be mad at her. Shes not lieing lol. But we dont care. We like half naked women and stupidity. Kinda part of the reason to buy the game... so why get so insulted cause she speaks the truth. Does it blow your mind that she might be right. And since she is right, the better question is does her opinion matter? lol And in fact the best question is who has so much time on their hands that they want to take away someone elses way of paying their bills because their feelings were hurt over a product tehy had nothing to do with in the making.

LOGICWINS3891d ago

^^I'm not mad at her, I just think shes stupid lol. Everyone whose played GTA3 has known that the GTA franchise has been misogynistic to women ever since we first killed a prostitute and got our money back. Thats what GTA is about....giving players a safe avenue to realize their most vile and deviant inner desires.

GTAV shouldn't be criticized for whats its SUPPOSED to be. Its brash, violent, and unforgiving.

Marcello3891d ago

I dont think she docked any points for in her opinion about the portrayal of women in the game, just she would have preferred to see it differently but still its her opinion she has a right to air it & we have the right to ignore it. To go make a petition to get her sacked over it is utter nonsense.

Anon19743891d ago

So, what? We're supposed to call for the heads of anyone who mentions "misogyny" in relation to GTA5? Because, I hate to break it to everyone..but that word is cropping up a fair bit in reviews I've read for GTA5. And as reviews are opinions, if the level of misogyny in the game was something that turned a reviewer off, I think it's their duty as a reviewer to explain this and review accordingly. That's what reviews are for.

Jim Sterling didn't give a perfect score for the game either because he found the main characters somewhat unlikable. That's his opinion. I don't agree with every review I read so what I do is find a reviewer who's opinions generally line up with my own and then those of the reviewers I tend to lend weight to when deciding which game to buy. It's not rocket science.

If someone reviews a racing game and bashes it for not having a story, guess what...chances are I'm not going to put much stock in their reviewers. It doesn't make their opinion somehow invalid. Opinions are opinions. You agree with them or you don't.

If she found the sexism a problem in the game, I'm glad she mentioned it because that's what game reviewers are about, the reviewers opinion. If the level of sexism bothered a reviewer of a movie I'd expect them to mention it too. She seemed more bothered by the character inconsistency, but all in all she seemed to really like the game. I don't understand what the big deal is here.

It's days like this where the level of stupidity on display by so called "gamers" just leaves me shaking my head, just like the Diablo 3 petitions, just like the Mass Effect 3 nonsense. Just play the goddamned game.

abzdine3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

stupid readers.. that's all i have to say!
GTA has and will always be overrated! just cause it's called GTA..

Dee_913891d ago

i.... i actually agree with logic... i'm going to go lay down now..
But trying to get him fired is a bit too much..

Gster3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

Is it just me, or does anyone else find it a bit of a coincidence that they gave probably the two best games of this generation a below par 8/10 (TLOU included). Just makes me wonder, because I think they are both the lowest scores we are gonna see on any website for these two gems!

SilentNegotiator3891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

"But it didn't affect the score!"

How do you know? Any feeling that the reviewer has could end up affecting the score. Especially when it irritates them enough to mention it.

Something tells me the issue of misogyny is a rather new issue in this...lady's life, and that's why they are obsessing over it a bit much.
....basically, "go figure"

Chris_GTR13891d ago (Edited 3891d ago )

dude is it just me or is the gamespot reviewer actually a man dressed as a woman? a trensgender i guess? that voice sounded like a mans voice and holy shit by looking at that picture thats defenetly a guy dressed as a woman.

seriously? what woman has a face like that

Gster3891d ago

Sorry GS, my mistake. I thought it was because of a lower than expected score. Just realised its a 9! ooops That's what I get for jumping into the comment section without reading the article first. But I can't see what the fuss is about. So what if she expressed her own opinion and it didn't stand well with some of the gaming community. Have her fired... pppff! give us a break

GrizzliS19873891d ago

When did a review become an opinion is all i'm saying :/

There should be a strategic scale based on Do's and Dont's for each genre, with each topic scaled from 1 to 10, from graphics, to performance, to quality and quantity, not directly compared to ANY previous games, but just to its own identity.

I am surprised there is not a single reviewer out there who follows the same system for ANY game, based on the same criteria that makes up his complete strategy for reviewing.

There should be someone like this, more simply, a go to reviewer that throws all opinion out the window and bases the game on what it is.

This can be a potential cash cow :/

Gigaguy7773891d ago

If it's okay for them to do it, she can do it.

mrbojingles3891d ago

Of course it makes sense to dock points for sexism and bad treatment of a race/ethnicity in a game. Because gamers detest feminists so much the community acts like they're in the right here. But if the game treated another social group poorly it would be a different story. If you can take off points for films/books/music for hurting a social group then games are no exception

starchild3891d ago

I hate when reviewers try to use their review as a platform for their political views.

These kinds of things are extremely personal. We generally avoid talking about religion and politics with people we don't know well and when you put those views into a game review it feels kind of like you are trying to shove your views down the readers' throats.

Blacklash933891d ago

It doesn't make sense. But it's nothing we haven't seen before (W101 got a few mentioning this) and nobody gave a peep.

It's not a big deal. People have the right to be idiots. Reviews are no stranger to this kind of thing and there's no reason to get self-righteous over it.

brave27heart3891d ago

"GTAV shouldn't be criticized for whats its SUPPOSED to be. Its brash, violent, and unforgiving."

How about we criticize it because its supposed to be these things? Isnt it about time we stopped accepting sexism in games for the sake of being brash? There are plenty of games out there that dont need to be excessive, overly violent and insensitive to be amazing games. Why do we accept it in some titles simply because its always been that way?

LOGICWINS3891d ago

^^Simple. We accept it because we like it, hence why the GTA franchise breaks records everytime it comes out. If you dont like it, then dont buy it.

SonyWarrior3891d ago

after seeing this i will not be visiting gamespot till she is fired. Her avatar is a picture of her self and it explains alot... LOL ugly nasty looking "girl".

Spoons3891d ago

Sorry, but how can you possibly review a complete game without any opinion at all?

snipes1013890d ago

The treatment of characters IS part of the game. Anyone suggesting otherwise is lying to themselves. For this game to pretty much treat women as objects, that WILL turn people off. To the people that would turn off, this review would speak to them. The game is said to be 35 hours long just in story, if someone would be bothered by sexism, then they would want to know that it's in there.

If reviewers listened to half of you, there would be literally no reason for more than 1 game site to review a game, because they would all say almost the exact same thing. Reviews shouldn't, and never will be, objective. To review it subjectively would make reviews nearly pointless.

JD_Shadow3890d ago

Does she deserve death threats? Nope!

Do people have the right to question the opinion, though? Yep!

Just because someone doesn't have the opinion you want someone you have, you shouldn't ask for someone to die or anything like that. But being sympathetic about someone getting such threats doesn't necessarily make the opinion that got such comments agreeable!

Christopher3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

She brought up lots of issues with the game and one item of opinion on how women are portrayed. Absolutely nowhere did they say that her opinion of the women is what caused the loss of a point, especially considering the many issues she brought up.

So, you can't honestly say she docked points because of this. There is no proof of it, only speculation.

wishingW3L3890d ago

Example of a completely objective review: http://www.destructoid.com/...

Yes, they are pointless.

UnwanteDreamz3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

I think her opinion is stupid and about as useful as an elevator in an outhouse.

I also believe she has a right to express her opinion.

Bimkoblerutso3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

There is a backlash over this for the simple fact that people have, over time, been conditioned to look at reviews as a form of "cheerleading," when in reality, they exist solely to present perspective.

A woman playing a game that contains violence towards women may very well be more sensitive to that sort of thing than a man. While we, as men, don't necessarily have to agree with or relate to that sentiment, it still presents us with a perspective that we would otherwise never have considered.

If you want completely objective articles and media, you need to look to previews, screenshots and videos wherein there is no subjective input, but in a perfect world, people should be able to read and consider dissenting opinion without going into fits of nerd rage in the first place.

Gaming1013890d ago

The problem is, she's inserting her feminazi view of a game targeted towards a largely male audience. It's like someone giving Battlefield 4 or Call of Duty Ghosts a bad review complaining that it's racist towards middle eastern people, because you happen to be fighting people in the middle east. It's politically correct bullshit, and these people need to stop waving their PC wands around, forcing their opinions on everyone else. It doesn't belong in an objective review where discussions about gameplay, graphics, mechanics etc should take first priority over whether a particular reviewer's personal taste matches up with the taste of the creators.

This is art, and art is not meant to be inoffensive. Art is not supposed to be safe, and PC, protecting any and all sensitivities of any personal group who might get offended. Sometimes art is meant to be offensive, and make you think about things. Sometimes the characters in art are meant to be racists, or misogynists, they are imperfect as we are all imperfect. This is what makes GTA so compelling, the characters are all imperfect going through their own struggles like we all are, they're not perfect superheroes with a moral compass that's higher than the rest of us.

This is art, don't shit on it because you don't like some of the characters or their decisions.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3890d ago

dont understand why gamers gave these (so called) professional reviewers the scapegoat opinion card.

When you put PROFESSIONAL in front of something we expect just that.

Everyone's "opinion" is bias in some form, professionals don't have that luxury.

Do your job or find a new one.

brave27heart3890d ago

You cant keep opinion out of a review. Its impossible.

"The characters are interesting..." - Opinion

"The variety lf things to do in Los Santos is staggering" - Opinion

"The gameplay mechanics are much improved" - Opinion

The whole point of a review is its someone perspective on a game and you read it to get an idea of what the game may be like. From what I can see she had her complaints but overall rated it 9/10, which you can hardly say is docking points for her femminist viewpoint is it? Are all the other sites giving it 9/10 docking points too?

People knocking her opinion forget that she has a right to that opinion and a right to express it. You have a right not to agree with it. You do not have a right to call for her to be sacked because you dont agree with it.

Im ashamed to be a gamer today.

Ritsujun3890d ago

Aww, poor PurpHerbison.

kariyanine3890d ago

@GrizzliS1987 you do realize that even if someone were to follow your rigid set of guidelines for a review, it would still be based on opinion right?

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 3890d ago
BLow3891d ago Show
IVanSpinal3891d ago

this game is overrated
im playin like 10 hours and im tired

dee233891d ago

10 hours? The game must be pretty good if it was able to hold your attention for that long. If you said you only played for 2 or 3 hours you might have had a good argument for the game being overrated instead you're reinforcing how hard the game is to put down.

Personally I don't know how anyone can call the game overrated considering it's the most expensive and ambitious game to date. Credit where credit is due, Rockstar have pulled off a game that will not only set standards for this gen but also set standards for the next.

Gamespot can be petty with their reviews, just look at their review for TLOU. I don't think the reviewer should have taken a point of GTA5 for the reasons given since GTA4 could be guilty of the same criticisms made by the reviewer and that game had a 10/10 score the last I checked and was game of the year in 2008.

admiralvic3890d ago

@ Dee23

"10 hours? The game must be pretty good if it was able to hold your attention for that long. If you said you only played for 2 or 3 hours you might have had a good argument for the game being overrated instead you're reinforcing how hard the game is to put down. "

Not exactly. IVanSpinal never said 10 hours in 1 sitting and might just be someone who has a review copy that has to play more than 20 minutes to do said review accurately.

"Personally I don't know how anyone can call the game overrated considering it's the most expensive and ambitious game to date. Credit where credit is due, Rockstar have pulled off a game that will not only set standards for this gen but also set standards for the next. "

GTA IV has a 98/100 on Metacritic, yet it isn't uncommon to see people saying it wasn't that good on N4G / forums. Believe it or not, there is a point where ANYTHING no matter how good, can become overrated by people constantly enforcing the idea that it's the best thing in the known universe to you.

See 50 outlets give it a perfect score and your expectations are high. Have everyone you know tell you it's the best game ever and your expectations are even higher. To put it another way, go read all the praise for Breaking Bad and then rewatch the first episode blocking out all the information you know (if any) of the series after that point. Most likely you won't think it's the greatest thing in the history of man kind and even after a few episodes you might not be hooked because the bar is set so high.

The opposite is also true, but I won't get into that.

"Gamespot can be petty with their reviews, just look at their review for TLOU. I don't think the reviewer should have taken a point of GTA5 for the reasons given since GTA4 could be guilty of the same criticisms made by the reviewer and that game had a 10/10 score the last I checked and was game of the year in 2008."

Others have pointed out that a point was NOT deducted for this reason, so that doesn't seem to be the case.

brave27heart3891d ago

Some gamers are pathetic. Unfortunately its the vocal ones.

Bobby Kotex3891d ago

I have mixed feelings. That reviewer should not have brought her political beliefs into a review, but the people trying to get her fired are beyond pathetic.

snipes1013890d ago

How is she in the wrong? The game came in conflicts with her beliefs, and journalistic integrity dictates that you need to mention that when you review something. A review is all opinion, and something like this falls under that umbrella. By their very nature, reviews are meant to be disagreed with. If you don't like her style, go the fuck to another one of the million gaming websites out there.

ziggurcat3890d ago

@ snipes101:

actually, journalistic integrity (in part) dictates that you remain objective, regardless of your political leanings.

this is also GTA, which isn't exactly known for being particularly PC, so slamming the game for not aligning with her political viewpoint brings it into the realm of an unnecessary political rant, and not an objective review because then it's no longer about the gameplay or the story (which is what the review *should* be about, not whether she disliked seeing scantily clad women, sexual content, etc...).

GuyThatMakesSense3890d ago (Edited 3890d ago )

@unwanted & @ziggurcat

I don't think those apply in a REVIEW. Journalism, being a medium for all sorts of news, should be objective, I agree. But this is not conveying news, this is conveying a REVIEW.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3890d ago
Dante813891d ago

She keeps pulling this schtick over any game that has sexual content

NBT913891d ago

What's funny is when it got a 3/5 from some site earlier, people were like "troll site, fishing for hits, ignore it."

This review scores it a nine and the reviewer gets tons of hate for being transgender and apparently deserves to lose her job because she said something a few people don't agree with.

She got a lot of hateful comments in the LA Noire review for the same thing, being transgender.
I think RockStar games just attract the immature gamer stereotypes to come out of their Call of Duty pajamas and this is what happens when those minority get together... Stupid things.

ziggurcat3890d ago

what's funny is that the reviewer let her political beliefs cloud her judgment in her review of the game, and it's apparently not the first time.

a review should be about the merits of the gameplay, and the story. a review should not be about whether she disliked the sexual content. if she can't handle that, then she either shouldn't review games like GTA (or any R* game, for that matter) or she should learn to be objective in her assessment of the game.

xXxSeTTriPxXx3890d ago

Because its not about the score, but the contents of the written review.

kparks3891d ago

This is ridiculous she still gave it a solid 9 out of 10 if u get that butthurt over 1 point and someone's opinion u have serious problems. I feel sorry that she has to deal with the minority of gamers that are complete scumbags..

vishmarx3890d ago

they let a female review gta v?wtf?
she then cuts marks for misogyny....
wht idiot would believe its fair jdgement

dragon823890d ago

How did she cut marks for misogyny if it got a 9/10 score?? So this game is only allowed to get 10/10 scores??

You people need to get a life!!

brew3890d ago

Women and White Knights will be playing GTA V too.

LordDhampire3890d ago

No, she is being the ultimate sexist women who think things are sexist just because they are women...

raWfodog3890d ago

And the irony is that 'she' is genetically a he. Go figure :)

LordDhampire3887d ago

o man, I didn't even see the picture of HeShe


dark-hollow3890d ago

And people wonder why there aren't a lot of core female gamers.

The gaming community is very toxic.

UnwanteDreamz3890d ago

Thats true but should GTA change or should people who don't like the themes play something else?

MadMax3890d ago ShowReplies(2)
Evil_Ryu3890d ago

She should not be reviewing a game like GTA if she can't stomach what goes on in real world. She must live a sheltered life.

Mutant-Spud3890d ago

Misogyny is the wrong word in this context, technically so is sexism, I've never seen or played a game that incited hatred of women or even denigrated them.
GTA games are a satire of contemporary American pop culture, apparently GTAV nails it perfectly, it's pop culture in general which portrays women in this light.
Heck I don't even like GTA games but I'm moved to defend them on this point because let's face it, slutty women, gold diggers, prostitutes, porno actresses and strippers exist in the real world, there's no reason why they should be spared when it comes to satire.
To the people who pointed out that Carolyn Pettit is a transgender person this is well known, she used appear as Chris Pettit then decided she was more comfortable as Carolyn, this barely cause a ripple in the gaming community. Secondly you don't have to be a woman to be Feminist, plenty of men are Feminazis too. There's a lot wrong with Feminism and this critique painting GTAV as "misogynistic" is not valid, Feminism itself is not a valid complaint when you really analyse it.

Chucky20033890d ago

A review for a game doesn't need to have a personal opinion,she's just a frustrated woman who looks like a man,look at the IGN review,its also done by a woman and actually she sees what GTA is

Gekko363890d ago


Wow internet gremlins really need better porn. They have no right to insist on anything. They are after all creatures of the lowest order aren't they, a bit like those funky crow charaters in Dark Crystal.

ovnipc3890d ago

She should not get fired. The person who assing her to review gta 5 should, when has a gta game had any respect for woman? Dont make a woman review this type of games!

TBONEJF3890d ago

Another reason why i don't go to blog reviewers. they are all BIAS journalist that doesn't even know the game. How can you pay someone to talk bad a game that one of us like so much. what ever she say bout GTA V should of kept it herself. That's why i dont believe this 10/10 rating think it's dumb just buy the game you love and enjoy it.

Blaze9293890d ago ShowReplies(1)
+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3887d ago
pr0t0typeknuckles3891d ago ShowReplies(1)
Beastforlifenoob3891d ago

So she complains because some how this game is "sexist" i put an emphasis on the word GAME because it means that it is not real and doesn't represent the views of the developers or publishers. But she totally forgets this game has violence, drugs, coarse language etc.



Mithan3891d ago Show
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More interested in money than giving fans what they want. Such a shame

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With the amount of money they generated, I just don’t understand the scrubbing of this. It would’ve been fantastic for fans.

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I really want to know who drove the decision to focus on multiplayer was it Rockstar or take two.

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Ikr mfs that greedy it's ridiculous

andy8519d ago

This makes me sad. Trevor was one of my favourite characters in gaming

Demetrius18d ago

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