
Splinter Cell Blacklist Screenshot Comparison and Analysis (PS3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. Wii U)

Lens of Truth writes "Welcome back for another exciting Head2Head! Today we will be putting Ubisoft’s Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U under the “Scope” to see which version is this weeks Head2Head winner. While the game continues to get awesome reviews, the question still remains, which version is the superior one? Come join us as we uncover the differences, and trust us there’s some major ones.."

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RudeSole Devil3915d ago

Yea baby Wii U looks and performs great, hatters will still hate but the Wii U version all the way.

ABizzel13915d ago

All 3 versions have strength and weaknesses:

Graphics: Wii U > PS360
The PS3 has brightness turned up to the max, the 360 version has darkness turned up to the max, Wii U is the perfect balance. The 360 and Wii U version have 1080p no mandatory install (I recommend the install for 360, but the Wii U's HD texture pack in already built into the game), the PS3 is 720p mandatory install.

Screen Tearing: Wii U >>> 360 > PS3
Screen Tearing is annoying and the Wii U version has none compared to the PS360.

Framerates: PS3 > 360 > Wii U
A 1 fps difference isn't going to affect gameplay, but I guess it's worth mentioning the PS3 version is 30fps (almost locked).

Loading: 360 > PS3 >>> Wii U
Loading has been an issue with the Wii U from Day 1. It still takes a moment for OS features to function (not as bas as it was), and even games are suffering from this slow loading. Get it together Nintendo.

And this goes to show exactly what the problem with the Wii U is and what I've been saying for the longest. The Wii U's GPU is better than the PS360 which is why the game look a bit better than those versions (pretty much on par, but it has a better balance of the PS3 and 360 graphics), no screen tearing (V-sync), rival FPS, HD texture pack built into the game, and 1080p.

The problem with the Wii U is that archaic CPU and the slow RAM, which is why loading is as bad as it is. The Wii U needed an install specifically for load times, but with a 8GB or 32GB system installs are going to be harder and harder to do. They need to release a Wii U with a real HDD, and for their next console get a better CPU, and faster RAM.

kgamer203915d ago

It should be framerates: PS3 > WiiU > 360

Faztkiller3915d ago

You make it sound like the 360 is native 1080p.

voodoochildnyc3915d ago

the fact that the wii u version is being compared to current gen shows the fate that awaits it this november and on.

lilbroRx3914d ago

@voodoochildnyc. That makes no logical sense. THe Wii U is the strongest console out on the market right now.

There is nothing else for it to be compared but what is out. PS4 games will uncountably be compared to PS3 games. I guess that will show its fate.

chente00253914d ago


dude please,i wouldn't be bragging about "POWER" when ps4/Xone can't even run battlefield at 1080p/60fps.

SilentNegotiator3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


What will Battlefield run at on Wii U?

ZeroX98763914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

nah the original wii was in the same generation as PS3 and 360. Wii U rival consoles are X1 and PS4. Let's see how graphics looks by then shall we?

RicardJulianti3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

I'm thinking that the screwy load times are due more to the way the game is developed. The Wii U's architecture is much different so unless it was the lead SKU, it will have to deal with PS360 code.

The fact that it has to do that and the one drawback is loading times is impressive. Once games come out that prioritize GPU processing over CPU processing (see: other next-gen ports and ground-up games) we should see the load times improve.

The main RAM may be "slow", but the eDRAM on the die more than makes up for it, it's just a matter of utilizing it correctly.

Not a single first party game from Nintendo has had poor load times for instance.

chente00253914d ago

@silent negotiator

wi u fans aren't the ones bragging about power bro!
Butthurt Much?

ziggurcat3914d ago

"The PS3 has brightness turned up to the max, the 360 version has darkness turned up to the max, Wii U is the perfect balance."

actually, if you look at the majority of the rollover images, the Wii U images look muddled/grey/washed out.

with that being said, though, none of those images are really all that accurate. anytime there's been one of these comparisons, PS3 has always looked white-washed, but if you were looking at the game on a properly calibrated TV, it looks completely different.

MrTrololo3914d ago

Screw you WiiU fan boy. Graphics better than Xbox 360/PS3 ? Look at yourself

kupomogli3914d ago


Before release, all the Nintendo fanboys were saying how every game was going to be 1080p/60fps. As soon as the console releases and everyone finds out that most games are 720p/30fps, Nintendo fans backpedal once more to "graphics don't matter anyways."

Graphics don't matter for the most part, but when it's the exact same game, graphics do matter. The Wii U might be able to pull out better looking graphics than an eight year old console, but when the PS4 and Xbox One are released, it's going to be yet again second rate next gen console.

SilentNegotiator3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Battlefield 4 might not be 1080p, but Shadowfall will be 1080p.
What Wii U games are 1080p that aren't 2D, 2.5D, or remasters?

"wi u fans aren't the ones bragging about power bro! "

Because all they can brag about is games looking or running triflingly better than on LAST gen systems.

Oh, and aren't they? Looking at the comments here, I'd say many Wii U fans ARE bragging about it "destroying" the last gen version with less frametearing and little else.

ShinMaster3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

All I noticed was that the Wii U screens looked faded and the 360 screens, once again, way too dark.

Graphics on this game are average on all systems.

clouds53914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

WiiU needs an install feature really bad. I download most games in the eShop so loading times are improved but installation would be preferable.
Another thing we shouldnt forget, lead platform for this game was xbox/ps3. WiiU version is a port and that will always affact performance. Nevertheless its the best version overall.

WarThunder3914d ago

Splinter Cell is one of the most boring and uninspired game i have ever played.... And graphics are dull...

chente00253914d ago

how many ps4/Xone games are confirmed to be 1080p/60fps? don't fool yourselfs.if you want to brag about power and specs than get a PC!

bring on the disagrees!
like if that's gonna change the truth! Lol

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
Angeljuice3915d ago

The WiiU version is much the same as the others but with much longer load times and no screen tearing. To me that hardly justifies a next-gen experience.

LOL_WUT3914d ago

He's right though you just don't want to hear the facts. ;)

SilentNegotiator3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

You've upset the Wii U fanboys with the facts presented in the article that they're praising the Wii U for that say that the Wii U is only slightly better looking than the 7th gen versions.


lol, literally the only major difference is in frame tearing.

falcon973915d ago

All the pics look like they have been played with even shuffled around maybe,all i know is wiiu is native 720p which already makes a big difference and ive seen video comparisons that show clearly even for a port wiiu version looks superior....so all these sad people making these articles trying to justify nonsense when games like pikimin3 look outstanding compared to the best ps3 game,and X,MK8,WWHD,Bayonetta2,Smashbro s4,ect all look to compete with the best ps4 has to offer all this small talk is exactly that..

JP13693914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Graphically, nothing on Wii U will ever compare to either PS4's or Xbone's best. Art style is another matter entirely, but from a technological standpoint, Sony and MS are in a different league.

kupomogli3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )


You must be delusional if you think Wind Waker HD, an upscaled retextured Gamecube game, is going to be able to compete graphically with anything on the PS4 or Xbox One aside from indie games.

starchild3915d ago

Yep, I noticed the Wii U version looked a little better in videos and didn't have the screen tearing that the 360 and PS3 versions have.

The Wii U version is definitely the best looking console version.

The PC version, though, is on a whole 'nother level. It features tessellation, much higher resolution shadows, higher resolution textures, parallax occlusion mapping, HBAO+ ambient occlusion, contact hardening shadows and higher precision post effects.

On PC this game is simply stunning. It's one of the best looking games in my PC library next to Crysis 3, The Witcher 2, Metro Last Light, Far Cry 3, Tomb Raider, etc. Actually, I think it looks better than some of those games.

thezeldadoth3915d ago

the PC version would be better than xbox one and ps4 as well. The wii u tablet make it worth the purchase for that though.

falcon973915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Yes the wiiu version could of been equal to pc though if they used the edram section and just more power over all,Shadow of eternals looks ridiculous the character models everything and they say wiiu will match pc and will look identical ??? so lets not forget if Ubisoft invested in nextgen gpgpu technology wiiu could of achieved something even better than the pc version end of...

JP13693914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Falcon, you're delusional if you think any amount of optimization will ever bring the Wii U on equal terms with PS4 or One, let alone PC. A quick look at your comment history shows that you are, in fact, both delusional and ignorant.

Shnazzyone3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Finally, a comparison showing third parties are getting the hang of the advanced video processing of the wii U. Clearly better textures all around. Shame that results in a slight dip in framerate and longer loading. I imagine as 3rd parties wrangle that new cpu/gpu combination we should see that becoming less of an issue.

DEEBO3915d ago

yeah the wiiu splintercell looks and plays great.but i can't find one game in co-op or vs mode.i look at the leader boards and see all these different names but when i try to find a match online nobody is playing.

LonDonE3914d ago

This is a weird problem on the wii u, am not sure if its ubisofts nat code or Nintendo's. but when i bought assassins creed 3 at launch on wii u to this day after trying near enough every day multiple times i have never been able to play a single match online, every time it searches for lobbies, it says their are none, WTF? and its the same situation with splinter cell blacklist, and its beginning to tick me off!!

For starters the fact wii u dont even have a Ethernet port and instead we are forced to rely on crappy wi-fi, which lets face it will never be stable and good enough like hard wired via Ethernet port!
And this can be a problem on the wii u, we are forced to buy a wii Ethernet usb adapter for the wii u to get a stable connection!
But why on earth nintendo decided we don't need one in 2013 is beyond me!
how much more would it have cost per console to include it?
And theirs the lack of proper built in storage, most games and online games in particular need constant patches to update and fix stuff, but with limited storage most devs wont bother, i know we can add a external hard drive, but by not having storage included as a standard the potential market of wii u owners the have,and have not will segregate the wii u owners!
And so devs wont bother until the install base is allot bigger!

And then theirs the fact we cant even format a hard drive partition, instead wii u forces you to use your whole external hard drive on the wii u, which is stupid, i don't want to waste my whole 1tb drive on the wii u, i use it for EVERYTHING!!!

Back on point,ubisoft games have problems online for allot of gamers on wii u, go check the forums at uplay you will find lots of complaints, one supposed fix is to put the wii u in DMZ,(DE-MATERIALIZED ZONE) of your router, which i don't want to do, since i already use my primary PS3 in the dmz of my router, and you can only have one device or internal i.p assigned to it, which for me is my slim PS3, while my fatty PS3, my 360, and wii u and pc all are just normal with the required ports manually opened by me, but all this is stupid, it should be plug and play!!!
Good luck anyway if you figure it out message me if you don't mind wouldn't mind playing online!

Its one of the reasons why buying games you want to play online is not a good idea if its bought on the wii u!
the communities will be far better on PS3,360 or pc! but its difficult when splinter cell black list is clearly the definitive version for consoles on the wii u!

ado9083914d ago

"Hatters will still hate" lmao why yes hatters will hate. But seriously you're the first to comment on this sites comparison link, how do you determine that people are hating on this?

noctis_lumia3914d ago

enjoy your dead console
btw say that again once ps4 os out hahaha

Shnazzyone3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Alright, i'll enjoy my vita if you tell me too.

Psn8003914d ago

Gamers think it is going to be a huge giant leap the next gen it is not the graphics are not going to be a lot better , so the Wii u will hold it's own .

Infamous2983914d ago

of course it will look better, you are comparing a 7 years old hardware to a one years old hardware, lol wtf?

SpecialSauce3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

what's this? nintendo fanboys?? a rare and dying breed... didn't know they still existed. I have no respect for you guys, stay on your sinking ship

Sony and MS fanboys lets let them have whatever they think they've accomplished with this article and go back to the big boy forums lolol

mrmarx3914d ago

it's still a fake metal gear

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
LOL_WUT3915d ago

The Wii U version looks really good but I agree the loading screen takes quite a while for a "next-gen" console ;)

RudeSole Devil3915d ago

Come November They are no longer next gen consoles not even the Wii U.

LOGICWINS3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

It depends on what "next-gen" means to you. If better graphics/production values is how you define which console is next-gen or not, then thats a very one dimensional definition. Next-gen, in a broad sense, means having new hardware that changes the way we play to make our games more fun and immersive.

The Wii U Gamepad, particularly with Blacklist, makes the game more immersive and arguably more fun depending on who you talk to.

Even when the PS4/XB1 come out with their fancy graphics, the Gamepad is what will keep the Wii U relevant for the next 4-5 years (depending on how well devs take advantage of it).

Whymii3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

I think he's referring to the fact that 'next-gen' will become 'current-gen' and 'current-gen' becomes 'last-gen'.

I will then count the years, no months, I mean weeks, bugger it days, before a 'next-next-gen' article appears on N4G. You know the one 'Sony already planning PS4 replacement'.... Followed with the '7 reasons why Microsoft are making a new Xbox'. Hakuna Matata, it's the circle of strife.

Ju3915d ago

Well gamepad is nice. But it's not a huge factor to sway one over to the WiiU. Performance is the biggest factor - per$. And the WiiU unfortunately has the wrong value proposition. It has to go down to $199, otherwise it will have to compete with the next gen consoles. WiiU is a current gen console 4 years late with an additional second screen. It's not enough at this time. Next gen consoles will offer second screens, too. PS4 with Vita and Phone/Tablet companion apps and XBone with smart glass.

If you have one already, sure, makes sense to get those games for the WiiU. But if you don't? PS3 version plays quite the same, looks the same. Not enough incentive for me to shell out another $300-400 to play the same game with a tablet controller - so close with the next generations around. And if you "just" want to get into gaming, there you get PS360 for $199...

3914d ago
lilbroRx3914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

The Wii U has GPGPU and DX11 equivalent capabilities.

Nothing more needs to be said.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
awesomeabe19983915d ago

Come September or October, That will all be fixed when the new System Update is released.

thezeldadoth3915d ago

loading times aren't going to change much on consoles unless you install to hard drive, even then it'll be roughly the same. Not until consoles start using high end SSD

herbs3914d ago

Septembers system update should hopefully help remedy the longish loading times

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3914d ago
Picture_Dancer3915d ago

@DirtyPimp - wii u destroyed all versions

"the load times were much longer on the Wii U and the PlayStation 3 textures were slightly more detailed throughout"

"texture resolution almost on par with the PlayStation 3"

PlayStation 3 Frame Rate ~30fps
WiiU Frame Rate ~ 28fps

PlayStation 3 Load Times ~53sec
Wiiu Load Times ~96sec

If you call this "destroys" tnen you have really, really low expectations and standards.

Poor N fanboys

Realplaya3915d ago

@ Picture_Dancer

PlayStaion 3

Global percent of torn frames: 21.93

Wii U

Global percent of torn frames: 0.0

Yeah it did just great.

girevik3915d ago

"Graphically, the Wii U and PlayStation 3 versions are very close to one another in terms of texture resolution. In some screen shots, the PlayStation looked slightly better and in others the Wii U version looked better."

unknownbystander3914d ago

So you are saying that Xbox360/PS3 that had 7 years of optimization vs the Wii U which had only 9 months of optimization. Although you sound like a troll, try to reasonable. Even the PS4 and Xbox One will have those problems sometimes. I can't believe how much we have been spoiled because of Wii/PS3/Xbox360 era.

ZeroX98763914d ago (Edited 3914d ago )

Well, PS3 and 360 did extremely great seeing that the Wii U just came out last year. my 7 year old hardware is playing games nearly as good as a 1 year old hardware?

sorry guys, but I've got nothing to complain about. Wii U can take the Win on this one. 3 months left for me to start enjoying next-gen on PS4. I'll probably get a Wii U as soon as the smash bros Wii U comes out though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3914d ago
donman13915d ago

Wii U visually dominated. Not sure why the load times were so poor. Could it be poor optimization for the Wii U version? Highly possible since the Wii U games from 3rd party developers never seem to get sufficient development resources and time.

Ju3915d ago

Hi-res textures on both but no HDD in WiiU (no install).

Angeljuice3915d ago

Would love to see your dictionary so I can ROFL at it's definition of the word "dominated".

quantae063915d ago

@Ju They should have allowed for HDD install support on the Wii U. The Wii U has external HDD support.

donman13915d ago


Guys you can always download the game. Thats how I did it and its running from the external HD. I am not using a physical copy of the game.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3915d ago
Computersaysno3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Well I was playing the PC version last night which has DX11 tesselation as well as TXAA with HBAO+ none of which is available on console. HBAO+ in particular hugely improves the quality of the ambient occlusion shadows, rather important for a game like this. It is running 1920x1080 with a minimum vsynced framerate of about 65FPS and an average of about 80FPS.

This is more than twice the resolution of any of the consoles AND nearly 3 times their average framerate simultaneously.

If Wii U destroyed the others PC is off the planet.

This begs the question why you are arguing over 1 frame or slightly better texturing in a fight to claim "which is the lowest end of low end versions'

As for the game itself it seems pretty good but its turned into a virtual shooter. I am not convinced its better for the series. You can play it in total stealth but it just seems too easy to go around shooting everyone.

Horses for courses I guess

starchild3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

As far as the graphics, I completely agree. The PC version is on another level entirely.

I have to say that the lighting and shadows in this game are THE best I have seen in any game.
Ubisoft and Nvidia worked hard to take those elements to a new level, because Splinter Cell is based so much around stealth using light and darkness, and it shows.

The shadows are super high resolution and don't have almost any of the dithering or jaggedness that shadows in most games do. They are simply the cleanest, most defined and detailed shadows to be found in any game. Even very small pinholes in cloth let light pass through which allows the fabric to create very complex and finely detailed shadows the likes of which I have never seen before in a game.

And yes, the HBAO+ ambient occlusion is freaking incredible. It's unarguably the best ambient occlusion technique by far. The shading it does to the environments is very accurate and imparts a lot of depth and a sense of realism. It's also so clean. Finally an ambient occlusion method that doesn't have all that flickering you get with SSAO and even normal HBAO.

What's really cool about HBAO+ is that it runs through DirectX 11 unlike HBAO and it is so much faster to render. So it doesn't impact the game's performance as much.

Splinter Cell Blacklist on PC is the very first game to utilize HBAO+, but it's going to be used in upcoming games like The Witcher 3 (on PC).

All in all Splinter Cell Blacklist is one incredible looking game. The good thing is that it has the gameplay qualities to match.

Benchm4rk3914d ago

Do you use a controller to play it on PC or the keyboard and mouse. Interested in how it would play with a keyboard as I have only ever played the Splinter Cell games on Xbox/ps2/360

Yep3915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Improvements in this game compared to the current generation console versions look more noticeable than in previous ports of other games. Looks like PS3 and 360 are finally starting to show their age.

Not to mention GamePad support.

RudeSole Devil3915d ago

Yea agreed I'm ready for the next generation

Angeljuice3915d ago


Unfortunately the only improvement in the WiiU version was lack of screen tearing, so despite its 'next-gen' tech, WiiU is looking almost as dated as its competition.

Yep3915d ago

They did in fact take advantage of the better lighting on Wii U, that combined with the higher image quality, remind of NFS:MWU. Even with mandatory HDD install to keep the fps/textures up, the ps3 is really showing it's GPU age. If more time/effort were put into the U version, the improvements would be even larger. They done good for a port over.

quantae063915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

@Angeljuice Why do you have to repeat what you already put earlier? Now you just hating. We got your point already on the last screen tearing comment. The Wii U version looks the best too btw. I don't wanna hear it man lol.

AWBrawler3915d ago

its always funny when people use a port of current gen games to determine Wii U power. Try using a game built for the Wii U. and the fact still reminds that the Wii U version is the recommended version

microgenius3915d ago

you must be on something green
i did not see any difference other than colors
just see the pc version to realize what the improvement is
stop pretending like WII U is a step above the ps360
they are all the same

falcon973915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

WiiU is a major step above ps3 and 360 ect even Nintendo land displays that,Splintercell is just a port using same engine ect,wait for COD ghosts and compare wiiu to pc because its confirmed to use same graphics as ps4,or compare games that are using nextgen tech....

JP13693914d ago

You don't even know what you're talking about, do you? The Wii U will under no uncertain terms be absolutely decimated by both Sony and MS in the graphics department. You will still get good games, don't worry. They just won't be as shiny as games on PS4 and One.

quantae063915d ago (Edited 3915d ago )

Come on man PC is PC. PC will always be graphic king anyways lol. Yes, the Wii U version is better the PS360 not only graphically but it has more gameplay features, and enhancements with the Gamepad. The Gamepad might not be your cup of tea but it still adds to gameplay, and it's enjoyable to others.

annus3914d ago

Why compare all the graphics if you aren't going to bring in the best to compare it to?

MS and Sony fanboys love mouthing the crap out of each other for specs and graphics, yet you bring in PC and suddenly it's just "nobody cares about graphics, go away nerd".

Though I don't expect much from a community that appears to be 15 year old boys at times.

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - A Decade in the Shadows

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell has been out of action for a decade, so it's time to look back at 2013's Splinter Cell: Blacklist.

CoNn3rB266d ago

Sam Fisher is evidently the most skilled stealth operative because no-one has seen him in his own game for years

kevco33266d ago

10 years, in fact. He must be, like, 60 by now?

phoenixwing266d ago (Edited 266d ago )

why make an inspired game that takes effort when you can half ass it with multiplayer gaas games and filler filled assassins creed games?

That question up there is the reason you don't see splinter cell games

zarbor265d ago

Yup, another example that Ubisoft has no idea what they are doing.

MIDGETonSTILTS17265d ago

The entire mark and execute system belonged in another game.

It’s cool, but the polar opposite to how Sam Fisher initially handled.

The original trilogy made shooting very, very difficult, yet a viable option, which ultimately motivates stealth.

The mark/execute system makes shooting stupid easy, to the point of why would you even bother trying stealth as an alternative?

FYouDad265d ago

Because Ghost is the method fans of the series actually prefer? IMark and execute is never forced upon the player you liiterally never have to bother using it even once throughout Blacklist.

RNTody265d ago

The sad part is that I actually really enjoyed the last game, Blacklist. It may have lacked the iconic voice but the gameplay was excellent, and blended stealth, action and a mix really great compared to most games, where none of the three options felt like the wrong way to play. I really hope they either produce a remake of the original game or a proper sequel.

Rikimaru-00265d ago

Isn't UBI Soft remaking splinter cell.

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Ranking the Splinter Cell Games From Worst To Best

The stealth icon has gone too stealthy of late, but the best Splinter Cell games still rank among the best games ever made.

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Sam Fisher Deserves Better

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Ubisoft, we need to chat. Please, have a seat. Thanks. Ok, so I think you know why you’re here. No it has nothing to do with all those game delays, we’ll talk about that later. What? No it’s not about the Skulls & Bones and Beyond Good & Evil 2 falling off the face of the Earth, just listen. We need to talk about Splinter Cell. Don’t give me that look, you know this conversation needs to happen. The way you’ve treated the series, its fans and poor Sam Fisher himself is sad, infuriating and just plain disappointing and it needs to stop."

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Fist4achin1505d ago

The Fish!!!

I'd love to see a remastered edition of those games as well as something new. It's about time.

UltraNova1505d ago

MGS is done, at least as we know it so it's now or never Ubi, give Fisher the reboot it deserves. And for Gods sake, don't you dare turn Splinter Cell into another Division/Ghost reckon online abomination instead of a SP focused steath action game!

Psychonaut851505d ago

You know they will though. This is Ubisoft we’re talking about

zachyBROosevelt1505d ago (Edited 1505d ago )

I would love a new splinter cell, maybe even a reboot at this point. Sam Fisher deserves it

Profchaos1505d ago

I think reboot the entire franchise the games were great but every time they try to make him human like a father or something it comes of as unbelievable

hiawa231505d ago

They added damn near every SC game to Xbox1X back compat enahnced list. That is a lot of Sam enhanced and I am loving it, but Sam deserves a new next gen game.

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