
How gamers are killing the game industry

There has been a rash of ugliness in the gaming world lately -- and it’s potentially more damaging than court battles or political posturing about game violence could ever be.

A small minority of players are threatening to drive some of the most talented people making games out of the industry with their bullying, harassment, and threats. Polygon's Brian Crecente has worked up the definitive piece on this subject, and it's absolutely a must-read for anyone who cares about video games.

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Godlovesgamers3921d ago

"How gamers are killing the game industry"

What an idiotic article with a very minimum amount of time invested in writing what is essentially a review of the treyarch death threat and this latest bioware death threat.

Gamers aren't killing the game industry, idiots that happen to play games are the ones to blame.

mii-gamer3921d ago

this is expected from yahoo

DragonKnight3921d ago

@mii-gamer: Pretty much, but I was going to say that nothing that comes from Brian Crecente is definitive.

MikeyDucati13921d ago

Those "idiots that happen to play games" are gamers. What are you talking about?

We cannot excuse the behaviors of gamers. Gamers can criticize developers, make online threats in game or on forums, judge people by their opinions and game choices; yet when something is said negative about the gamer, the gamer gets defensive as if they were walking around with halos over their head.

Gamers really need to take a look at themselves and check how they are responding to the industry. The industry will react and it won't be to the benefit of the gamer.

Heisenburger3921d ago

" Gamers can criticize developers, make online threats in game or on forums, judge people by their opinions and game choices..."

No. IDIOTS that happen to play games do.

That is unless you are claiming that you yourself behave like that? Along with every single other gamer on the planet?

Yes? No?

Eldyraen3921d ago

Its a matter of generalizing an entire demographic based on a vocal minority.

The article however isn't near as bad as the click bait Header but it is mostly just a rehash and opinion piece of someone else's work. Its journalism at its finest in other words.

MikeyDucati13921d ago


Yet and still they are gamers!! What are you talking about? Some people are idiots. So does that mean they are not homo sapiens because they are idiots? Only aliens can be idiots? Don't be absurd.

It should go without saying that the author is talking about the majority not the entire community of gamers. When somebody says "people are assholes", do you really think they are talking about the entire human population? Use some common sense here people.

Heisenburger3921d ago

You really are off your rocker aren't you?


The truth is out there.


MikeyDucati13921d ago


You're an idiot. You didn't read. Hopefully when school starts back up you work harder at reading and reading comprehension. You need to.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
starchild3921d ago

I love gaming so much, but I almost can't stand to go on gaming sites or even sites like youtube anymore. Fanboyism is rampant and the amount of hate and needless negativity is completely out of control.

Boody-Bandit3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )


Codeez883921d ago

Is it not the same on any political or sports based website? I almost despise checking ESPN's comment board, and even looking at a political based article's comments on any site is enough to make a sane persons eyes melt. Nothing but name calling and what seems like pure hatred for the other. Essentially my point is that no matter where you go or what topic we are discussing, idiots are everywhere online showing a complete lack of respect for others by hating on everything or everyone they possibly can. Anonymity on the Internet has removed any sort of repercussions for people in my honest opinion.

Abdou0233921d ago

When i clicked on the link i expected to read something totally different, a more mature opinion like gamers do not encourage devs. to be more creative and revolutionise gameplay mechanics, stuff like that.

Instead i found a shitty article about couple of death threats and people getting inro hate arguments ?!!

Godz Kastro3921d ago


The idiots you are referring to are gamers right?

I agree, we are an immature crowd. Do you see any other entertainment medium act the way gamers do. Look at ps4 v x1 articles.... 99% immaturity. Maybe I'm basing this off of n4g. I really need to find a new site. N4g has gotten down right unreadable at times.

Rimeskeem3921d ago

They should say "how N4G is terrible at writing game articles"

Im sorry but i had to

DragonPs43921d ago

N4G does not write game articles, users submit news from various internet sources.

N4g_null3921d ago

Brian Crecente is one of the gamers killing the industry... he started with the ps3 and then he moved to the wii and then to ms. He doesn't really seem like a gamer at all. This is the main point though isn't. Its the none gamers with web sites that are killing gaming by using flame bait articles and tieing up pr that should be trying to get their product out.

The main point of a gamer is to play games... any one doing more of some thing else might not be a gamer. This is the media attacking the mess they made. Why not enjoy your games and leave all the negativity out of your articles.

also any developer dumb enough to listen to a troll needs to be shut down. If some thing sucks in gaming then it will eventually go away if ignored, there is no reason to give it article space and free pr. Yet if people like it and you dont then. Then why bash them and what you dont like? Well for money of course.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3921d ago
BLAKHOODe3921d ago

You are going to come across "jerks" and bullies in every line of work, every where you go, no matter what. That's life. I'm sorry if there are some people in the game making business who are so terribly sensitive to such things that they are quick to pack their backs, take the money and run, but GET OVER YOURSELVES. Grow a backbone, get out of your mommy's basement and catch some sun.

GAMERS are not killing the game industry. Without them, there would be no game industry.

Shadowstar3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Yeah... um, so you're okay working in an environment so toxic that you get death threats against you and your family?

It takes courage to stand up to that kind of thing, and you have to really believe that what you're doing is worth it. And making entertainment products seriously isn't one of those things I'd be willing to stand against death threats over. "Gamers" aren't killing the industry, that's true, but it's not the game creators that need to get over themselves, it's the assholes who think death threats aren't serious.

BLAKHOODe3921d ago

I'm going to kill you if you ever post here again.

I'm not, but if I had left it at that, would you still be okay posting here afterwards? By your standards, that comment would be enough for you to tuck tail and run away. I deal with jerks and bullies on a daily basis and the best thing to do is put them in their place early, because if they think they can run all over you, they will.

Developers put themselves in the position to be pushed around by the gaming community, just as movie stars and directors do. But I don't see any of them grabbing their film and running home.

Cliff Bleszinski gets more hate than anybody.. and he LOVES it! He plays into it. But then, Cliff Bleszinski is a bigger jerk than the jerks messing with him.

Shadowstar3920d ago

Well, it depends on whether or not I thought you were serious. Given the discussion, I wouldn't think so. In a different context, I would report you to the moderators and get you banned. If lots of people were harassing me, I'd probably just give up, because there's other things I can do with my time. If you said it and then posted my RL address, I'd stop posting and call the police because I would honestly believe you to be a psycho.

Some people, like CB, are obviously cool with it... but I don't think that invalidates the people who aren't, and I don't think it means they're not people we want contributing.

I don't think we should give the assholes a free pass, and I think that's what people are essentially doing when they say "just deal with it."

magnetite3917d ago

There have been people who have gotten arrested for making online threats. Most places just ban you, but this article is the first time someone got arrested for it.


^ See here.

magnetite3917d ago

Depends what kind of gamer you're talking about. Casual gamers, or hardcore gamers. Most casual gamers don't even visit sites like this and are too busy playing the game and having fun. They are also the ones who don't go online, sign petitions or make a fuss about [insert random topic here].

MikeyDucati13921d ago

Gamers are affecting the industry. They won't say it. They will have every hammer and gavel ready for everyone else besides themselves. They will cruficy MS and demand that they "prove" their worth. They will spit upon Randy Pitchford's picture for offering a season pass without all DLCs included even though it stated that the choosing of what's in the pass is at the discretion of the developer. Even this site display the hypocritical, bratty, self serving natures of gamers.

Rather you like it or not, gamers are affecting the industry to some degree. Gamers complain about franchises and games that carry the same framework as other games, yet if a developer tries something new, he is chastised for it.

Gamers really need a class in decorum and tact. To say otherwise means you're one of em.

admiralvic3921d ago

"They will cruficy MS and demand that they "prove" their worth."

If M$ wants my money. Why is it wrong to expect them to prove the item in question is WORTH my money?

"They will spit upon Randy Pitchford's picture for offering a season pass without all DLCs included even though it stated that the choosing of what's in the pass is at the discretion of the developer."

There is so much more to this problem that it isn't even funny. First and foremost, most people thought they were buying GEARBOX produced add ons. While GB did make Tiny Tina (arguably the best DLC), the other 3 were not made by them. Several people felt taken advantage of and were less than thrilled with the way the DLC was handled. Krieg made matters a little worse, since he was added so late, had a hefty price tag (No fighting game character has EVER cost $10 dollars on their own...), added little value and released roughly the same time as the level cap increase. The LCI was also a hot button issue, since GB did a LOT of flip flopping on the issue (it was impossible, it would break the game, we balanced the game to be perfect at 50 and never thought ahead) and there was a quoted 1,000 hours or something absurd of work that went into the increase. Now that the level cap is increasing again... well wouldn't you be put off by all the double talk? Plus this all happened the same time Aliens CM released and god knows they took a beating on that one too.

"Gamers complain about franchises and games that carry the same framework as other games, yet if a developer tries something new, he is chastised for it. "

First off... why does it seem like no one understands that the complaints typically come from different people. It's silly to expect everyone to agree on something, since different opinions exist and this will always end with conflicting messages. Furthermore, I would say that innovation done right can pay off big time, where as changes done poorly (Dead Space 3... adding online to everything, etc) will result in complaints. Not every complaint is unrealistic and sometimes the problems stem from people NOT listening to fans. DmC is a prime example of this and really all you need to look at it.

"Gamers really need a class in decorum and tact."

A lot of people do or at least start to, but most companies don't care till they have to. You read enough posts on N4G or any gaming forum and you would see that a lot of companies are simply ignoring their fan base and THIS is what is killing the game industry to a degree. Instead of taking a second to see the demand for say Kingdom Hearts III, we have companies blaming used game sales (to further their control with DD and max profits), terrible reviews (Look into the Duke Nukem Forever review drama), and several other things that boil down to them screwing up.

starchild3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

You can try to justify it all you want but the bias, hypocrisy, irrationality and just plain mindless hate is out of control.

I'm not even going to buy an XB1, but the truth is, the Microsoft bashing is FAR out of proportion.

Likewise, Call of Duty has never been something I was into and I'm not buying Ghosts, but, again, the COD bashing is undeserved. It may not appeal to me, or to you, but it obviously appeals to a great many people and the amount of changes that the developers make between games in the series is comparable to virtually any other series in gaming.

Dead Space 3 might have more action elements than the previous 2 games, but it is telling a new story with a new context and the more action-oriented sections of the game make sense in that context. And it still has plenty of the kind of horror gameplay I loved from the first game. Most importantly, it is simply a damn good game.

It seems like a certain segment of gamers are just looking for things to complain about and/or reasons to hate something. I'm tired of these whiny, entitled gamers.

admiralvic3921d ago

"I'm not even going to buy an XB1, but the truth is, the Microsoft bashing is FAR out of proportion. "

Sites do it for views.
People do it to troll.

Out of hand or not, this is why it happens. Not like the hate for any of the consoles is really rational or logical. Just something that always gets views / a reaction. If these articles / people were ignored, then it would probably stop.

"Likewise, Call of Duty has never been something I was into and I'm not buying Ghosts, but, again, the COD bashing is undeserved."

Same as above, though CoD doesn't receive a lot of changes between games. Probably because they're worried about killing the goose who lays the golden eggs.

"Dead Space 3 might have more action elements than the previous 2 games, but it is telling a new story with a new context and the more action-oriented sections of the game make sense in that context."

Isaac way back when was just a repair man who was thrown in the middle of a conflict. Since then, he has become something of a gun expert, which really doesn't follow the story thus far, nor does it really follow his character. It wasn't as bad as some people made it out to be, but when you consider he went from using repair tools to fight off enemies to throwing markers at a moon monster in between 3 games... well, it certainly jumped the shark to say the least.

MikeyDucati13921d ago

All that breaking down of my post just reads that you are merely excusing actions of gamers. Either you're young or young minded. The attitude of gamers are outta control.

N4g_null3921d ago

Seriously that is what the law is for. Hey gaming use to be about hey Ilike this game oh you do too yay! Now It's all about some made up problem with some thing you dont like.

Its best to not feed the trolls and cry babies... the developers are not at risk, they just have to be better business men and stop fanboying...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3921d ago
AceBlazer133921d ago

if you studied some economics u would have an idea that consumer and producer could care less about each other both parties will always appear greedy.

josephayal3921d ago

The modern-day military shooter is killing the gaming industry

sdozzo3921d ago

That's why it sells the most units.

godofboobees3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

Call of dookie is killing the game industry

annus3921d ago

It's not CoDs fault that it sells a bunch and other companies want to make similar games in hopes to sell more.

That's how companies work, and has been around forever. It's no coincidence that most products are similar to others on the market.

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Former Dragon Age lead writer David Gaider pours scorn on EA's AI dreams.

"They want you to believe the devs under them are super stoked to work generative AI into their processes," continued Gaider, "but I assure you what they took as excitement was really a veiled wail of despair not unlike the time that team was informed of their new 'really cool' live service mandate.".

LordoftheCritics2d ago

Publishers see gaming as another stock market.

isarai2d ago

I think anyone with some common sense knew this, im glad i don't support their games anymore, what a sh!t company.

Psychonaut851d 20h ago

Friends don’t let friends buy EA or Ubisoft.

Chocoburger1d 19h ago

I said this yesterday. AI isn't what we want when it comes to crafting artistry. Alas, these soulless corporate morons don't care about their work, only about cutting corners as much as possible.


Phil Spencer and the Battle for Xbox’s Soul

Has the rapid growth of Xbox made the ship too heavy? Following the closures of Tango Gameworks, Arkane Austin, and Roundhouse, we explore what the future of Xbox could look like.

LG_Fox_Brazil2d ago

This ship was never meant to sail, this ship was made from the get go to sink as fast as possible. It almost feels that they want to lower the standards of quality in the industry so that they can fit in

rlow11d 23h ago

I disagree, Xbox from the get go innovated and changed the industry. They did a lot of firsts and standardized a lot of others. It wasn’t till the beginning of the Xbox1 era that things started to go south.

Stevonidas1d 19h ago

Yep, although I’d argue it started going to shit when they tried to hock Kinect on their audience instead of continuing to invest in their studios and IPs. 2001-2010 Xbox was peak gaming, though.

rlow11d 17h ago

I agree they never should have focused on it after the 360 era. But you do have to remember they were faked out by the huge volumes of Kinects sold. To quote info on Wikipedia, “Project Natal, It was first released on November 4, 2010, and would go on to sell eight million units in its first 60 days of availability.” So if your Xbox and see these huge sales on a peripheral where are you going to put some money? Criticism in hindsight is worthless…..if only we could all see our future. In other wards they had no way of knowing. Plus they had engagement numbers and a lot of signs pointed to people wanting it.

Their biggest mistake wasn’t the Kinect, but unlike Sony after the PS3 debacle. They didn’t double on down on exclusive good games. The other huge mistake was letting Call of Duty go to Sony.

Hedstrom2d ago

Phil wants Xbox to be as soulless as him!

Tacoboto2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Xbox has no soul and Phil has no confidence, and it's impossible to say either do when they killed Tango and Arkane Austin.

Everything they've said since has only made them look worse to a point that they're actually less competent than Embracer.

Markdn2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Whe you release something like the series S and expect it not to hurt your business model, and developers have to have parity with games. Then you know Microsoft don't care. Series s is the final nail that broke developers,

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A Matter Of Trust: What The Game Industry Should Do To Win Gamers Back

Skewed and Reviewed have written an Opinion Piece covering issues in the gaming industry, how current issues were issues years ago, and what can be done to help restore consumer trust.

anast2d ago

Nothing. It's up to the gamers to stop consuming content from companies that they don't agree with.

Garethvk1d 22h ago

How do you know if you agree with it or not unless you play it? Which without conventions forces gamers to rely on trailers. Perhaps Demos should be made more frequently. But companies need to do better as well.

anast1d 21h ago

Wait until release. Watch Gameplay. Exercise patience.

Garethvk1d 21h ago

But is that not what they have now? Tons of gameplay or are you talking about watching actual gamers play it versus the trailers and streams? The big issue is that some companies pay streamers and influencers and they create content but for me; that is hardly a fair, unbiased, and factual look at a game.

1nsomniac2d ago

Get rid of the suits in the industry and job done!!

Garethvk1d 22h ago

They usually are attached to the money sadly. It would be nice to have gamers in charge but you have so much money invested that business people are needed. Hence the issue; you need people who know business but are also gamers who know have an eye to the community. It sounds simple in theory that if you give gamers quality games that they want to play; money will be made. But that is not always so.