
Xbox One Vs PS4: Xbox Wins Eventually

Xbox One will win the console war because it's designed to be better tomorrow than it is today.

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wishingW3L3931d ago

I don't think anybody's gonna read all that.... lol

lastofgen3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

I'm reading it right now... The digital foundry benchmark test is an especially interesting section.

Honestly, if you're not interested, then why do you even bother commenting let alone clicking the link for this submission??

HammadTheBeast3931d ago

Digital Foundry isn't the most credible of sources now that they've falsely had "inside sources" feed them info like PS4 having 4.5 gb of ram or 7 minutes recording.

dedicatedtogamers3931d ago

Digital Foundry's credibility is junk-bond status right now after all the jumped guns and falsified "insider sources" they've been dredging up lately, specifically Richard Leadbetter.

Here's a list of some DF articles since February.

- 4 Gig PS4 is more powerful than 8 Gig Xbox One
- "Magic holes" found in the Xbox One esRAM that gives the system a mysterious upclock.
- Only 4.5 Gigs of RAM alloted for gaming on PS4, later disproven.
- "Only seven mintues" of recording time for PS4, confirmed to be 15 minutes.

3931d ago
pixelsword3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

That's kind of a bad title because it puts in a person's mind that if it's going to be better tomorrow, then you shouldn't buy it today.

badz1493931d ago

xbox wins? ok...let me see when was the last time it happened. oh yeah...they NEVER DID!

Freedomland3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

Quote from the article:

"Microsoft's victory will unfold over time because of careful planning and willingness to look to the future".

Really, with the 180 fiasco on the policies.
I think Microsoft Task Force to control the damage, has been activated. Microsoft is good at spending $$$ when it comes to brain wash the consumers and loyal fanboys with different tactics, rumors and repeating the same information like a broken record in advertisements and different articles. This circus will be over in couple of months anyways.

Kryptix3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )


Also once Gamescom comes in and the cloud doesn't equate to having "the equivalent of three Xbox Ones" according to Microsoft, that's when the truth unfolds that Microsoft's over exaggeration is just a way to hype up the existing blind fans to buy the console with no knowledge that the cloud isn't as powerful as they make it out to be. If the cloud can make an Xbox One three times more powerful, then what's the need for companies like AMD and Nvidia to keep working on new chips. If they can just use the cloud to amplify the existing chips to be 3 times more powerful. The cloud is actually a bunch of dedicated servers. Think about an MMO server, where new quests appear without you needing to patch your game up to get them. The same thing Infamous 2 had if you use it's online feature. Microsoft wanted all their games to be like that, that explains the always online from the past before the 180. The "persistent world" thing is being done without the word cloud. It's just a server to carry that data for you to use when you're online. There will be no graphical jump which Microsoft wanted the fans to believe in a long time ago. That "careful planning" is just a bunch of lies that slowly reveal themselves as time comes.


mikeslemonade3931d ago

Original Xbox 2nd place, Xbox 360 3rd place, X1 which has less of a positive outlook than the other xboxes will not win this generation.

3931d ago
n4rc3931d ago

Its still hilarious how its OK to just assume and pass it off as fact..

Or everyone that doesn't believe your assumptions is brainwashed.. And Microsoft always lies and nothing is real..

You people really are a trip.. Lol.. So delusional

DragonKnight3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

The author's opinions aren't fact. In fact we've seen them before with the original Xbox and the PS3.

"Xbox One vs PS4: Sony Wins Today, Microsoft Wins Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow ..."

This section is about broadband. According to the author, the Xbox One will win because of it's heavy reliance on a broadband connection. A broadband connection reliance is nothing new and started with the original Xbox. The PS4 relies on a broadband connection as well and there is currently no difference between the two consoles in this regard.

This section isn't a victory for Microsoft because it's irrelevant. The author makes the claim that it will be advantageous for Microsoft because the people who don't get the functionality of the Xbox One now, will in the future.

How is this not the case with the PS4? Is the author making the claim that tv integration will be well received by the U.S. and then years later be well received by, say, European countries who just caught up? Meanwhile the PS4 will have enjoyed years of satisfied gamers.

"Xbox One vs PS4: Cloud Computing Bets On Megabits"

This is about cloud computing. Honestly, we all know that this is the new "Power of the Cell" or "blast processing" or "4D gaming at 120FPS." Cloud computing will not be what this author thinks it will be.

Just because broadband is improving doesn't automatically make cloud computing viable. Latency is a real problem, and cost will be a huge problem as well.

The Xbox One was designed for people who don't have to worry about money, and in this economy that isn't a lot of people. Cloud computing will face a lot of problems even in the future. Plus, there's nothing to suggest Sony is neither capable nor interested in cloud computing of that nature, however problematic it is.

"Xbox One vs PS4: Better Exclusives, Better Press"

Completely subjective and no indication of the future. There is literally no reason to go any further into this.

"Xbox One vs PS4: Microsoft Will Outmuscle Sony's Manufacturing And Message"

This one uses rumours as proof and ignores the fact that, while Microsoft have HAD to change their message because they were FORCED to, Sony haven't.

You can't make the claim that a company is sending out a better message because they were forced to change their stance when the consumer base wasn't buying what the company was selling... literally.

Using the gameindustry.biz rumour about Microsoft's manufacturing completely ignores what everyone said about the allocated pre-order consoles Sony sent out to retailers, which was a lot more than Microsoft sent out if you want to believe rumours.

There's also the rumour of Microsoft being behind on the Xbox One that still hasn't yet been refuted. As we can see, rumours aren't an accurate gauge for future success nor is Microsoft's deep pockets. Having deep pockets didn't stop them from dropping support of the original Xbox after only 4 years on the market.

This article is filled with more rumours and speculation than concrete analysis so in the end all that you come away with is the author saying "I think the Xbox One will win in the future, but I can't say for sure."

MizTv3931d ago

Yeah because df has a great track record

Boody-Bandit3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )


Take a bow, drop the mic and walk off the stage. The only thing missing from your response was a "Thank You & Goodnight".

Ju3931d ago

I consider this whole article propaganda. It amazes me that he even points out all the PS4 advantages yet insists that MS wins - with things which nobody knows that even exist. Simply because sticking with facts will tell a different story. Interesting, interesting. Well, who knows, maybe MS will win. But so far they haven't won anything yet.

gaffyh3931d ago

Not going to bother reading it, but the way I see it, the only advantage that MS has is Kinect. In terms of power, PS4 is more future proof, in terms of games PS4 will be more future proof as Sony have proven for three generations that they support their consoles for a very long time, and they have the best first party of the big 3. In terms of price, PS4 is already cheaper which means they will be able to react to any price cuts for Xbone in future. So unless Kinect becomes a major factor in the future, don't see it happening, then they have a chance to win eventually. Although even then, PS4 camera can probably do a lot of what Kinect can do.

dedicatedtogamers3931d ago

@ DragonKnight

Y'know, your comment on the latency of cloud computing made me think...

Why do some of the Xbox loyalists here on N4G make the biggest fuss about the PS4 GDDR5 RAM's "horrible latency" (which has been disproven time and time again) and yet the latency of "teh InFiNiTe ClOuD!1!!" which is several magnitudes higher than any supposed RAM latency never seems to register with them?

DragonKnight3931d ago

@Brutallyhonest: Well, 'Thank you and Goodnight' lol.

@dedicatedtogamers: The answer is because one argument makes the Xbox One look good and the PS4 bad, while the other makes Microsoft look like liars for promising things that aren't feasible. The question becomes "if I were an Xbox One fanboy, which argument would I support?"

malokevi3930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

"Whether or not you believe it will work as advertised, Microsoft obviously does. It's a major infrastructure commitment."

That is the most important line, and has been my rational since day 1. Their word over yours, I'll take theirs, thanks.

"Inside the console, Microsoft gave two of the four 'Memory Move Engines' the capability to process zip and LZ, memory compression formats that are used in streaming data. "Microsoft has such interest in compressing data that it has dedicated silicon to the job instead of leaving it to the CPU," writes Digital Foundry."

I hadn't read that. that's pretty cool.

If you really think they re investing millions and billions of dollars into something intangible, just so that they can woo a bunch of gamers... you really are living in a fantasy world.

"Microsoft is worth approximately $243 billion and Sony about $11.5 billion. Microsoft has very, VERY deep pockets and can afford to outspend its rival if it has to. "

This is the other important factor. both consoles will be great, but I know who to place my bet on.

Ezz20133930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

yeah xbox win in what ?!!

they lost to ps2
and they lost to ps3
and now they will lose to ps4 out of the gate in both hardware and price and every place ps4 is in the pre orders lead and winning every single poll too
and both offer almost the same features

-better specs than xbox (GPU 30-40% more stronger,Better/Faster/more Ram)
-Free games with PSN
-have all TV features
-psn+ is as good as live
-movies, one of the best movie services available
-Records 15 minutes of game play ..xbox only 7Minutes
-Controller have touch screen
-Controller that don't need Batteries like Xbox D-Pab
-Free Party Chat unlike xbox where you have to pay for it
-Gaikai cloud streaming service
-Vita remote control feature
-Ps Camera (Which is not forced like Kinect 2.0)
-The best 1st/2nd party Support since ps1
-Ps4 is very Dev Friendly so no more lame ports
and for most part since it's the stronger console it wil be the lead system
-Multi-screen functionality
-offer both Indie and AAA support
and still much more to come
-2000 friend limit for party chat while xbox only 1000
-Cheaper by 100$ more than xbox

can't get any more clear than that

black0o3930d ago

@ezz that's what i call OVERKILL

OT: sony on offensive here if MS loses US market it's a game over just like the 1st xboxone lol and i bet 4 or 3 years from now we may see a new xbox :P

abzdine3930d ago

X1 will perform well but MS killed it before it comes out. Now this is how the situation is!

3930d ago
+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
black0o3931d ago

last time i checked Ps4 is future proof as well with heavy investment on GPGPU unlike MS
in terms of cloud
Gigia is where all the roads leads when it comes to play on the go on any device

Bottom line ps4 will out shine x180 within year or two

The_Sneauxman3930d ago

honestly their heavy reliance on "The Cloud" reminds me of the HD/DVD vs. Blu-ray fiasco.. M$ always goes all in. Such a rookie mistake

GuyManDude3930d ago

Not to mention that the Xbox One is dead in the water in both Europe and Japan. Japan wants nothing to do with Microsoft, and the XB1's price and focus on cable TV (which most of Europe doesn't use) makes the PS4 the favorite in those two regions.

They would have to slaughter the PS4 in the US, and given current pre-order info and poll statistics I just don't see that happening. Unless something significant changes the PS4 is a pretty safe bet over the XB1 globally.

NewsForge3930d ago

For all the people that believes that MS as the power of 3 Xbox Ones in the cloud (about 3500GFLOPS) for every Xbox One is delusional. It's was clarified in this OXM article that only the CPU and HDD is tripled in the cloud and not the GPU.


H0RSE3930d ago


But unlike the HD-DVD/Blu-ray debacle, Azure has already proven itself. Developers seem to love working with it, and it has been very profitable, with revenue topping $1 billion.

T23930d ago

Good point and technology is shown to evolve over time ... Sony did the right thing cramming as much hardware in as possible for fair price ... Article is stupid

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
3931d ago Replies(2)
bigfish3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

I didn't bother clicking on the story,, based on the title, its written by a bunch of jealous Xbox fannies.

SgtClutch1173930d ago

Look on youtube. See how many people make videos using the Xbox and PC. Seananners, Roosterteeth, Captain Sparklez, SmoshGames, Node, etc.

Gamer19823931d ago

Its all banking on cloud computing being what MS say it is and I really think its just gonna be stuff like AI etc for forza rather than real world computing purely because the amount of bandwidth needed for the stuff people are talking about would be astronomical. Plus your still held back by your internet connection which is a lost slower at sending information than hardware inside the box.

That's what this is basically trying to say PS4 is already more powerful but Xbox will win thanks to the cloud.. Its another cloud article..... The thing is as this generation proved PS3 got the rough end of the stick with 3rd party titles getting the lower quality versions even though it had the more powerful hardware yet it still not only caught the 360 it overtook it. So you really think its gonna matter?

Heres how I see the next generation going its going to be once again Sony's mega exclusives VS MS pulling out every little bit of tech they can from the cloud e.g. Forzas updating AI. Halo evolving maps etc.. Stuff that probably won't make it to 3rd partys games thanks to keeping them as level as they can on both platforms.

So Sony's will be AAA and MS will be unique and something new. So it's all about what you as a gamer prefer but Sony will have the head start this time around which makes it very interesting especially as MS still cannot gain ground on Japan and are losing ground on Europe...

3931d ago
DragonKnight3931d ago

"This is not made up or fake all the concerns and bandwidth this and internet speeds and all that stuff is more BS than the capabilities of the cloud."

Sorry to say but your second hand information is inaccurate. Bandwidth and internet speeds are a definite hurdle to cloud computing. How anyone can say the speed, and amount, of the information being transferred is irrelevant B.S. is mind boggling.

rainslacker3930d ago

Cloud computing is great for things that are not latency sensitive. I have written some things using cloud tech, even for Azure, and the MS tools for using it are quite robust and nice to use.

I would never discredit the cloud for it's capabilities, because it's been around for quite a while, and has proven itself, both in cloud format, and in private network use before that. Client/Server computing is far from new, cloud is just a bigger, and more capable form of it.

However, gaming is latency sensitive. Games run on a constant loop, updating everything 30-120 times a second. Due to the nature of latency, the cloud can not be used to increase the power of the console 3 times. At most, and I would never deny this, it can be used to give small enhancements to certain parts within the game loops sub routine. This in effect can free up processes to allow other things to work locally.

But, all of this cloud talk is mostly just PR smoke and mirrors. It's a promise that many people are going to be disappointed in when, or if, MS takes it's time to deliver on a big enough scale to make it worth while. Just looking at the Vita, it didn't take more than a month for people to be upset it didn't offer remote play on all games, or that PS1 titles weren't available at launch. Gamers are impatient assholes. This won't change. Sony will get the same thing with Gaikai.

Long term it's only going to get worse, because it seems that so many are hyping up cloud to be the biggest thing ever, and like you, have no idea what exactly is possible, or even feasible within a 10 year time frame. They take the marketing, which you readily admit has to be done quickly, and build it up in their own minds. They don't research the actual merits of the claims, which have been disputed, not just by techie websites, but developers themselves.

I'm happy you had an interesting conversation. Now instead of taking what that person said as factual proof, go do some research on your own. Come back with some solid credible links if you want to keep spewing your nonsense. Your either a really good troll, or you truly believe what you say. But I don't ever recall you being able to back things up with any kind of factual link(ie. not from MS PR dept).

3930d ago
rainslacker3930d ago

Yeah, thanks for the lesson in game programming. First of all, you don't always know what's coming next. Look up subroutines and event based programming. That is what game programming is. AAA Games that would benefit from what MS is proposing are not a constant, or even a rarely changing set of variables. It is a live, highly changing environment that has to exist within a set of rules.

I will agree it's up to the developer to tap. What I've seen is that what the developers are "tapping" now is not anything that any dedicated server could do without any problem. AI is one of the places where I see it as beneficial, however what MS has shown in say Forza, is not real time AI. It's a set of variables to determine AI before runtime, or a points throughout. It is a learning AI, and it is not latency intensive. It's not much different than how say a fighting game will learn which moves you use the most.

I never once discounted that cloud could be used for certain things that you mention. You speak of building the world? You're talking about a lot of data to be sent back and forth between client and server. It is completely against your first argument. Lighting is a graphics issue. Implementations like Nvidia showed earlier this week are pretty far off for the consumer level, even by Nvidia's own admission...and their servers are designed specifically around graphics, and they are doing far more than MS in this field.

I never denied that the cloud wouldn't be beneficial. I simply said that this 3x power is a pipe dream at best, and an lie at worst. No matter how much it may be possible in theory, the bandwidth and latency will never give that much power back to the console.

As far as Gaikai. It has the same ability to do what MS is claiming. But Sony is at being upfront and saying it isn't really practical right now. Gaikai, for all intents and purposes, is built for this. It runs graphics type software. Graphics type software is very important to gaming nowadays as the CPU is not used nearly as much. Most processes in gaming just run faster on a GPU.

MS runs a generalized cloud computing platform that has the software tailored to it's users needs. The servers can do whatever a regular computer can do. So what's better for gaming? A cloud platform built around NVidia Blade graphics focused servers, or a general purpose cloud computing platform that runs hundreds of thousands of applications from thousands of clients? Azure and Gaikai are not completely different things. They are pretty much the same thing, with different implementations.

Also, both would be considered Platform as a Service. From a computing standpoint there isn't much difference, between all the "as a Service" models. It's just a different way to host and deliver the actual data/applications.

I guess basically what my argument is, is that cloud isn't really going to offer much more than what a dedicated server can provide now. It's a different way to deliver content. There is nothing wrong with that.

To end, on a personal aside between you and me, I don't have to listen to the naysayers. I can research and understand the principles behind what MS is talking about because it's what I do. Most of your comment is well spoken, but at the end you get back into this whole "poisoning" thing you did with Kinect. Sure, the fanboys aren't worth listening too most of the time, but don't take their actions as reasons to dismiss the qualified people who have dismissed the cloud. MS may have something to show that will prove us all wrong. Until then, I prefer to demand proof. When they show me something impressive, I will be impressed. Simple as that.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
3931d ago
SonyPS3603931d ago

So basically you're commenting for nothing and getting a load of agrees for it.

Typical N4G.

wsoutlaw873931d ago

I think the idea is slightly idiotic. Sony built the best hardware. Hes trying to say that the cloud computing will make it better in the future but theres nothing stopping sony from doing the same. Plus sony bought gaikai so the will in the future have the ability to streem games on the ps4 that the ps4 could never handle.

KingTrash3930d ago

Well, there's nothing stopping Sony from creating a network as good as Xbox Live but they haven't done that so...

Raiden3930d ago

Ok, u made a good point about PS4 gaika streaming, whatever system we bye in the end it will come down to the $ervices avaiilable. Hardcore gamers are a minority in this world, I can say that I was a hardcore gamer, but I like other things too, with this generation of gaming I found that I played less games but watch more entertainments of my choosing. I have family that live abroad and I use the Kinect to chat with them, which was better than Skype because I used one system. Do people not notice that all systems are always on, your xbox360 and PS3, what did u think that little red light on PS3 is when u turn it off or charging the xbox controller when the system is off, all systems are on even your TV. Gaming is part of entertainment it will come down too AAA exclusives first party exclusives and the best server connections the best service.

H0RSE3930d ago

Sony's main reason for acquiring Gaikai, was for streaming, whereas MS's intentions with Azure are much more in-depth and I guess "meaningful?" for lack of better word. MS has invested a lot more time and money into their cloud system than Sony has. MS also developed their own cloud system, whereas Sony merely purchased it. MS developing their own technology that can work with other technology that is also theirs, sounds better than simply a company buying software, and changing it where necessary. MS as a whole, also has a lot more money to play with than Sony does.

wsoutlaw873930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

horse, i dont see how anything you said matters. MS buys everything. They bought a bunch of servers, thats just buying things. Cloud computing has the ability to improve the xbox theoretically. Streaming allows you to play games your console would never even dream of playing. How would you defend cloud computing as more meaningful?? You let MS's talk make you think they have some sort of magic going on but they just bought lots of servers. They also went ahead and bought some third party games so they would have some exclusives.

H0RSE3930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )


"You let MS's talk make you think they have some sort of magic going on but they just bought lots of servers. They also went ahead and bought some third party games so they would have some exclusives."

- I don't let MS talk convince me that "magic" is going happen - I let real-world convince me of the possibilities, and the results are that Azure is already an established software, and developers have already been working with it to do more than just stream games, hell to do more than just work with games at all. Gaikai lets you stream video? OnLive does/did this. Twitch.tv does this - not impressed.

My argument stems from the fact that Sony acquired cloud software, with a main focus on streaming games/video, whereas MS's Azure software, is being targeted as more of a virtual software studio for devs. Yes, it likely will be used for streaming, and Gaikai will likely be used for other operations, but I see Azure as the software where streaming is just one thing it does, not it's main focus.

"Cloud computing has the ability to improve the xbox theoretically. Streaming allows you to play games your console would never even dream of playing. How would you defend cloud computing as more meaningful??"

-What I meant by more "meaningful" (and I stressed that this was due to lack for a better word) is that I see a cloud service that works with a game, whether it be generating content on the fly, or helping with AI, etc. as more "meaningful" than simply streaming, and I see Azure as the stronger of the 2 in this regard.

As far as the cloud goes, I see MS as the ones that will be more innovate in their application of their software, vs Sony and Gaikai, because if there's one thing I have learned it's that MS is more likely to take risks and try new things(probably because they can afford to) and Sony likes to play it safe.

This is simply an educated opinion based off information I have seen for both services, so please, don't read it as a irrefutable factual statement claiming one is better than the other. I'm not trying to get into a dick waiving contest.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
DonFreezer3930d ago Show
BABY-JEDI3930d ago

I read it. So many hopes placed on one title 'Titanfall'. That's it... Give me GG, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Sucker punch any day.. Games, games, quality of service will win this gen.... Not one exclusive.

Retroman3930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

@ baby-jedi
quality of service will win this gen............. NOT ONE EXCLUSIVE

tell that to HALO fanboys they think halo 5 will save X1

H0RSE3930d ago

I haven't heard a single thing about "fanboys" claiming Halo 5 will "save" X1 (didn't know it was in need of saving...)

I have however, heard anticipation of the next Halo game, and talks about the amount of potential MS's flagship title can have utilizing the tech of the new system...but I guess that's the same thing...

opinska3930d ago

you mad because Xbox is winning... lol
Anyway Ps4 will have strong sales for sure too!

DarkHeroZX3930d ago

How is Xbox winning? PS4 is stomping the X1 in pre-orders.

Mounce3930d ago

Ain't nobody got the time for irrational and dumbfounded opinion pieces like this.

Xbox One will win inevitably....because the Original Xbox and 360 didn't get 3rd place at all. They totally are just going to MAGICALLY be the best shit ever since sliced bread because this guy says so

3930d ago
wsoutlaw873930d ago (Edited 3930d ago )

in the article the author actually says that "Microsoft seems to have a more dynamic 10-year plan than Sony. In addition to investment in cloud computing, Microsoft recently filed a patent for AR glasses. Obviously these are still way early in development, but it's a forward-thinking kind of accessory that isn't even on the radar for Sony." Isn't on the radar for sony??? Haha Sony has already done live demos of their ar glasses... like 2 years ago, what a journalist. "Isnt even on the radar" lol come on now, try harder next time.

Killzoner993930d ago

I'll save you the time of reading it. It's a fantasy piece on the Xbone overtaking the PS4.Basically a troll article so don't waste your time. Nothing here.

showtimefolks3930d ago

just like the xbox360 won this gen and ps3 came dead last with a full year ahead start in USA and almost a year and half in Europe

oh wait

so now ps4 is priced better
better launch support
sony will deliver exclusives
psn-plus is a established service that now millions more will enjoy

so yeh xbox one will come 2nd since wiiu has decide that it will not sell

PS4 sale numbers will blow people's mind from day one, i don't think MS could have done any worst at screwing them self around E3


so yeh families/casuals will go for ps4 so right out of the gate xbox one has a huge $100 disadvantage and till today MS hasn't show that xbox one is worth the extra $100 bucks

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
Nitrowolf23931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

he says the xbox One is design to work in the future, does he really think Sony isn't doing the same? I mean look at the PS3, still living and still pumping dem GAMES!!

Sure I guess if you call TV the future of tomorrow...50 years ago.

I'm not trying to downplay the Xbox One, the reasoning in this article i am. Both Xbox One and PS4 will be design to work 10 years from now. Sure msot of america will have speeds of 100MB hopefully by 2020, but we are here and now and that won't be true for another 7 years when the next gen of consoles will most likely be coming.

I'm sure both consoles will do great, and honestly at this point I could careless now about who has more sales between Xbox One and PS4. Just as long as there's healthy competition we can expect better content from the two. It's not about who's going to fail, it's about who's going to supply us with the best experience, and as of now I guess it's completely debatable, but year's down the road will tell us.

Saigon3931d ago

I think his statement is truly in regards to the Cloud claim. Stating that Sony may have now but their system isn't future proof as the Xbone. I understand where these claims are coming from but people are completely writing off what Sony is and may provide. Overall I think until we know what both companies are planning, I don't think articles like this should be posted. Everything is speculation until proven otherwise.

TronEOL3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

And to be honest, if MS is using the cloud to somehow magically give their console more power (lol), then can't Sony do the same thing?

Since they'll be running games of the damn thing, you think they'd be able to do whatever Microsoft decides to do since it mostly relies on internet connection and nothing else.

As for cable and all that, I can see cable companies offering apps on Smartphones and Tablets that let you watch TV on the go in the next 5 or so years (maybe sooner), so why wouldn't Sony just slap a good old "Cable TV App" onto their dashboard and call it a day? Problem solved.

Saigon3931d ago


You know, I actually would like to see this claim that MS states. As I said previously, I know it can be done, I just want to see it done to the claims that MS is making. The amount of increase that their stating is beyond normal. I think I will feel better about the claim if the statement was far less than than the, in recent 600%. If the claims were 20%-35%, I wouldn't complain.

Gamer19823931d ago

how can the ps4 not be as futureproof? The PS4 has more modern hardware and they both have internet and disc drives. What makes the Xbone more future proof the cloud? Erm Sony has cloud technology too.. They could easily add cloud computing to the ps4 if they so wanted but does that make it more futureproof? I don't think so as its a fad as it cannot add physical horsepower to your game it can only take off stress of minor things making little to no differnce in real world gaming. The cloud will impact however in stuff like we have already seen like the evolving AI in Forza. Thats where the future of the cloud really is and you can bet your backside Sony are also doing this they just not talking about it yet as right now thats a future selling point. They are already outselling Xbone in pre-orders so save a couple of extra big announcements for when sales start to decline to boost them again. Whats the point of letting all your eggs out of your basket at once when your winning?

Silver3603931d ago

From article:

"Inside the console, Microsoft gave two of the four 'Memory Move Engines' the capability to process zip and LZ, memory compression formats that are used in streaming data. "Microsoft has such interest in compressing data that it has dedicated silicon to the job instead of leaving it to the CPU," writes Digital Foundry."

And as for internet speeds FIOS now offer 500Mbs/150Mbs. And that will only increase in time.

Raiden3930d ago

Hey, this is not a direct reply to your comment, I really want to knw where are the full specs for x1, MS has never fully spoken of the specs, did they have more that one spec, because I find it strange the only think people talk about is the ram, esram

Cloud computing let me put it this was, bandwidth is key importance in data tranfer, remember people that software is king, software controls hardware the less hardware works the better the bandwidth.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
CrimsonStar3931d ago

Both consoles will be great , hell I can even see the Wii U being really awesome as well later down the road .

Gamer19823931d ago

Aw see you started off well then mentioned the WiiU a console that cant sell more consoles in 3 months than a Xbox 360 or Ps3 can sell in a week right now even with there so called mega hit Pikmin 3 released.

brave27heart3930d ago

I want a PS4, so I will buy a PS4. Therefore I win.

If you want an XB1, buy an XB1. You win.

If you want all the consoles, buy all the consoles. You win.

The only "win" thats up for grabs is the consumers wants. You have a multitude of gaming options available to you. From PCs to handhelds. Buy what suits your needs and desires. Thats the only win available.

Chevalier3930d ago

So the tail end of xbone will have some benefit , except which company is following through with support? Just look at the amazing exclusives on ps3 into the fall and where are the games on 360 this year? Somehow MS is going to follow through at some undisclosed time in the future? It is clear as day which company has the conviction to support their fans and vision of the future; SONY. MS will drop support before their idea can get any really benefit and it will be minimal at best.

AirJohnston3930d ago

This guy lost all credibility when he said "They also have another advantage: they're freaking Microsoft."

Because apparently losing the only console gens they've competed in means they're a shoo in to win the next gen

rainslacker3930d ago

Most people won't have 100MB speeds by 2020. Not even half the US has broadband now. Although I would assume us hardcore gamers are probably disproportionate to that statistic. Phone/cable companies just recently started getting most of the country up to current broadband speeds. I doubt they're going to want to make another investment so soon to provide gamers with higher speeds, when they can milk current lines for all they're worth until competition pushes them further. Unfortunately, in the US, there are very few companies which have the ability to lay those kinds of lines, and expect that speed to be extremely expensive for the duration of next gen. Even regular broadband is pretty pricey in 2013.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
dedicatedtogamers3931d ago

360 didn't "win" even with a year head-start, a $200 price advantage, an advantage in online, and an advantage in exclusives and superior multiplats for the first few years.

And PS3 still caught up and surpassed 360.

How is a more expensive Xbox One launching at the same time as the less-expensive PS4 magically going to beat Sony's machine?

ape0073931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

MS did the impossible with the xbox 360, it ended sony's total market domination

also more games 1st and 3rd party are sold on xbox 360 which means that the extra ps3 gap (and more) is for people who bought the ps3 it as a blu ray player

in numbers ps3 might bit a little small bit ahead of xbox 360 but the real winner is the xbox 360

i agree that a 399$ ps4 is hard to compete with but u have to understand the momentum that ms has built with the xbox 360 and the possible potential of the "all in one" approach to capture the general public

in conclusion, i say that both will sell extremely well, with ps4 having a bit of edge.

dedicatedtogamers3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

I have to...understand the momentum? No. I'm sorry. Microsoft has LOST momentum, not gained it, unless you consider nabbing the ever-fickle casual audience with Kinect to be "momentum".

Now, am I saying the Xbox brand is a dud? Absolutely not. But to think that Microsoft has some sort of all-powerful brand-loyalty and brand-recognition, especially after the last months (years, actually) is beyond optimistic.

It's blind.

And in my belief, the next gen is going to be the first console generation where there are actually LESS total sales (i.e the sum total of Wii-U, PS4, and X1 is going to be significantly less than Wii + 360 + PS3) than the previous generation. All markets are on a decline. Videogames aren't immune, and I think the industry is in for a rude awakening if they think the numbers are going to keep going up, up, up.

Additionally, I think the number of multi-console owners is going to drastically decrease.

devwan3931d ago (Edited 3931d ago )

@dedicatedtogamers "Additionally, I think the number of multi-console owners is going to drastically decrease."

Agreed. With both major formats have subscription services to get the most from the gameplay, more people will be inclined to pick one or the other, rather than have a main machine and a secondary one for its exclusives. Then it's all down to upfront price and value. That is, unless prices really crash through the floor for both hardware and subscription.

As for Nintendo, many of us have had their machines around as a secondary unit for a while, but there's just not that much in terms of software that's compelling enough for many to justify just yet and until the Wii U's future looks more solid, most won't rush to own one.

TronEOL3931d ago

Any momentum Microsoft gained in the first 4/5th's of the X360's lifespan is now lost. That console has been having a bad time with exclusives, or any reason to have that console exclusively in the last few years.

Then with the X1 disaster, that sealed it for most people.

Xbox1 will still do well, I can say that without a doubt in my mind. But I'm more than sure that if there are any true gamers on Xbox, they've rethought their position by now and either moved to PC, Nintendo, or Sony.

Not saying any gamers on Xbox still, or planning to buy XOne aren't true gamers. Just those are the gamers content with their gaming experience, and don't want anything more, new or different.

AnteCash3931d ago

Only place where they will go head to head in sales is USA. Forget about rest of the world , in europe where i live x1 is a joke with all the 180s, ppl dont know what will happen later in x1 life.

slimeybrainboy3931d ago

No console ever dominates for more than two generations.

AirJohnston3930d ago

MS has lost pretty much all momentum since the 360. Playstation has definitely won the last 2 gens

bobtheimpaler3930d ago

Ms have lost a lot of momentum. They hardly put out any compelling exclusives for the core these days and XBone reveal really hurt them.

My friend has multiple 360's as he enjoys having friends over and playing on his network. When I was over at his place last week, he was considering getting a PS4.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
lastofgen3931d ago

microsoft ended playstation's dominance in console gaming. Sure, the ps3 ended up out-shipping or out-selling (or whatever) the xbox 360 by a small amount (oh yeah, and this generation isn't over yet), but they made 'xbox' a house-hold name and that's something that takes some work to do.

HammadTheBeast3931d ago

Actually Wii did that, MS just picked up the scraps in the US.

iceman063931d ago

According to most gamers, Sony ended it's console dominance by releasing a console that was "too expensive" too late. MS was there to fill the gap and provided a great machine. They spent billions upon billions in ads, Kinect, etc. Probably a fraction of what Sony and Nintendo spent together. Yet, they are rapidly falling out of grace. It was the core gamers that brought MS to the forefront by word of mouth and peer pressure. It might be these same core gamers that turn and run to someone else...much like many did with the PS3. It's really an exercise in futile speculation at this point. Generations are not static. They are fluid and ever-changing. If MS can adapt to that idea, along with whatever plan they have, they should be fine.

Hicken3931d ago

If there was a company that ended PlayStation's dominance that wasn't named Sony, it'd be the current leader in units sold, Nintendo.

Kudos to MS for getting Xbox into the mind of the average person, but they're just the latest to do so. Nobody's forgotten about PlayStation, or Nintendo, and both of these names are better known for games around the world than Microsoft or Xbox.

And you're right: this gen isn't over yet. By the time it's all said and done, Sony could well sit at the top again. And while it may not be the absolute destruction of previous years, it's perfectly possible that Sony could be the first console maker to ever win three consecutive generations.

Which hints at a kind of dominance all its own, does it not?

Wh15ky3931d ago


Bubble to you sir, without a doubt the most sensible comment here.

LordHiggens3930d ago

Please Microsoft has all but abandoned the Xbox 360. Sony is still spewing out exclusives. It's over we all know Sony won this generation.

...unless you count Nintendo.

Which I don't.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3930d ago
CrimsonStar3931d ago

I'll be supporting Microsoft first because of their amazing launch titles , and I imagine a lot of people will do the same .

Cryptcuzz3931d ago

1) "Amazing launch titles": Subjective

2) You do not know the full launch titles for the Xbox One - let alone the PS4.

3) Done.

Scatpants3931d ago

Amazing launch title. Dead Rising is the only thing that looks any good. Everything else is average looking at best.

n4rc3931d ago


Your opinion that Xbox is inferior is subjective too.. Doesn't stop you does it?

People are free to pick Xbox if they choose.. This view that people must be brainwashed morons to do so just shows your arrogance..

Aceman183931d ago

with what they tried to pull i will not. my next purchases will be PS4 and Wii U.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3931d ago
xReDeMpTiOnx3931d ago

Both sides just need to hush.

Both consoles aren't even out so we don't even know how its going to play out. Everyone should just sit back and chill and enjoy playing current gen games before we are graced by the next gen gods.

aceitman3931d ago

its called preordered and ps4 is outpacing x1 by a large margin. even in the usa. worldwide belongs to sony . if u look at the traking numbers . 360 won usa but ps3 took over the world .

jimbobbeers3931d ago

Worth noting the UK was also an exception along with the US. 360 obliterated the PS3 in the UK, and it is the second biggest gaming market in the world.

This is why the Xbox One will not fall flat on its face, US & UK will keep sales going strong alone. Admittedly the PS4 will probably sell double.

Smoovekid3931d ago

A game console designed to be better tomorrow has to have "GAMES".

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I thought I escaped this nightmare when I was a kid.

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Same. Looks like it's still haunting us.