
Retailers helped kill the Wii U - It could happen with the PS4 and Xbox One Too

From GamesReviews:

"ASDA have announced that they will no longer be stocking Wii U units in stores, nor will they stock games or accessories. To those of you who didn't buy a Wii U at launch, this might be news. To the rest of us, it's been a long, slow, predictable road with only one conclusion.

"And the worst thing? The complete lack of display, the mixed interest, even the amount of potential shelf space when compared with their more successful predecessors... it's already beginning to happen again with the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4."

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Abash3935d ago

Last I checked the Wii U is still alive

matgrowcott3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

Yup. ASDA aren't going to stock it. Tesco hasn't really bothered stocking it since launch...

When you can only definitely buy a console, made by a major player in the gaming industry, from game-specific stores (of which there aren't many in the UK) or online, that's a sign that things are going well.

FateoftheGame3935d ago

It looks bad now, but I'm going to wait until the Mario stuff comes out before making a final judgment.

Cmk01213935d ago

If its not selling well why not make room for products that are selling well. Ps4/X1 are killing it in preorders and will be hard to keep in stock they won't turn away sales that's just plain stupid business

MWong3935d ago

Retail doesn't doom a console, the console does that themselves. If you lack the 3rd party development for 2 console cycles you have to take a step back and re-evaluate the situation. If you don't and rest upon previous success you're dooming yourself.

jmc88883935d ago


Actually what you said doesn't make any sense. Business principles is different from business practice.

Why would anyone need to 'clear space' for a product that isn't coming out for 4-5 months? 4-5 days...ok. Making last order a few weeks before...ok. But stopping 4-5 months before makes no sense.

Also you sort of betray your whole point when you talk about PS4/Xbox One being hard to keep in stock. Think about it. If it's hard to keep in stock, and you get small allotments per shipments, you don't need much space. With what the stores will get on average an end of an aisle is all they need.

Another thing to consider is that we're talking about a whole store. A store that sells many items and many of them don't turnover very often, and much more slowly then even the Wii U. So what is wrong with booting other items from the store.... after all just about every week or so companies are adding and dropping items from what they sell. So between now and 4-5 months there will probably be dozens, if not hundreds of products they'll stop stocking. Why not use THAT space for PS4/Xbox One.

Finally, usually when new iterations of consoles come out, they start shrinking the footprint of the previous gen. So why not use some of the PS3 space for PS4 stuff and some of the 360 space for Xbox One?

Plus generally stores have backroom space or a central warehouse for a metropolitan area as well.

ASDA is doing what they think is best obviously, but your idea that they need to cut Wii U space now for a product that doesn't come out for 4-5 months is absolutely laughable. This isn't the time in regards to this, and when we do get closer to launch there are other options they can try.

MacDonagh3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

I have an ASDA in my local area and they never stocked Wii U units at all.

My ASDA has also greatly reduced their software shelves. It's almost as if they are reducing their focus on their entertainment section because of poor sales figures or something.

Maybe they are making space for the new consoles that are going to arrive or they see the writing on the wall in terms of how physical media and consoles aren't selling as strongly as they did years ago? They aren't even doing pre-orders for the upcoming consoles.

I really don't know. I did ask a clerk how many Vitas they had in stock and she said that they have a lot that they can't shift. In fact; she said that no-one is buying much at all. DVDs, CDs, Blu-Ray, TVs, Tablets or any of the games/consoles they have in stock aren't selling in high numbers.

Perhaps my ASDA is a bit of an isolated case, but it'd be a bit more disturbing if they were doing it in all of their stores.

Hicken3935d ago

Retailers didn't help kill the Wii U at all. Poor interest, though, could.

Asda and whatever other companies stock or don't stock items based on consumer interest. If there isn't enough interest, why continue to have the product on the shelf?

Even then, the system isn't dead. When it's no longer in production, when there are no longer any games being made for it, then it'll be dead.

These two things are still going on, so guess what?

N4g_null3935d ago

Its sounds like asda entertainment section is dieing...

Prime_283934d ago

You clearly don't know anything about ASDA. People don't go to ASDA to buy consoles, they rarely stock them. People go there to buy food, clothes and utilities. Not games. ASDA not stocking Wii U is not a big deal.

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Muerte24943935d ago

just because one retailer isn't selling it doesn't make it dead. Unless it's gamestop or amazon not selling it, then it won't die off anytime soon.

deafdani3935d ago

Amazon doesn't sell it, at least not directly. It's all third party sellers, at least in the US site.

3935d ago
avengers19783934d ago

Last numbers I saw had WII U sales up, and they have games coming out every month from now till at least to the end of the year.
They do have a hard way to go with the launch of XB1 and PS4 coming soon, and they still need to market the wii u better.

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Shok3935d ago

Didn't know it was dead.........the way I see it it hasn't really even started living yet.

Campy da Camper3935d ago

Agreed. Anyone writing off WiiU is crazy. Mario Kart alone (antigravity!) Is going to be a huge system seller. Nintendo are masters at family oriented bundles and I suspect there are going to be some good ones come Xmas.

HurtfulTimez3935d ago

nintendo are killing there own system by marketing it as a kids console with all there cutesy mario zelda and donkey kong games that are heavily rehashed. where are the exclusive games that make a 28 yr old like me want to rush out and buy a wii u?

mario and zelda are good games but i want something more adult based. the 3ds should cater for the younger generation and prioritise the wii u as a more adult console like xb1 and ps4.

Lucreto3935d ago

I never bought a Wii but I am still planning on getting a Wii U. I am hoping for a Wind Waker HD pack. I plan to get a bunch of Wii games like Mario Galaxy and the few other AAA games that appeared on the Wii. They are cheap now and for me worth getting.

PSN-JeRzYzFyNeSt3935d ago

how about ppl like me that were never interested in a Wii U? maybe it has to do with nintendos poor online and lack of features

clouds53935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

What is so bad about nintendo online? I love it. It's free and works very good with wii u. What's the problem in your opinion? The miiverse integration with resident evil revelations was simply amazing. Soo much fun :-)
Also wiiu is extremely feature packed compared to ps4/xb1. In terms of gaming! It has amazing controller options, backwards compatibility, off TV gameplay. Yeah on xb1 you can watch some TV stuff and voice chat with your guys. But that does not improve my games...
In terms of gaming those consoles are exactly the same thing as ps3/360, with slightly updated graphics. 0 innovation.

Also I'm not a fan boy or anything I'm mainly a pcgamer iI'm just stating my experiences with wiiu.

thezeldadoth3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

people say they want their console to be about games not tv, then when they get one, they complain that it doesnt have enough extra tv features. even though it has an unobtrusive netflix, amazon instant video, hulu plus. Even the Tvii feature is pretty awesome.

i'm primarily a PC player and I love the wii u.

BlueTemplar3935d ago


The problem is, it really doesnt have much in the way of games either - for a really long time, the best game I could find for mine was zombiu and... it really isnt that good.

They should have had at least one or two killer first party titles (zelda, mario, metroid) ready for launch but all the quality stuff has been developed for 3ds instead.

LonDonE3935d ago (Edited 3935d ago )

what is poor with nintendo online? where do i begin? for starters the damn wii u don't even come with a Ethernet port!!?? WTF were they thinking? any serious online gamer knows you have to be wired in via Ethernet to get the most stable connection, yet wii u has no other option apart from wi fi! or you have to buy a usb Ethernet adapter! how much more would have cost nintendo to have one included?

And then there's the digital content being tied to the system instead of your nintendo network i.d, that is such a backwards way of doing things, its one of the main reasons why i refuse to buy full retail releases digitally via the eshop! why cant they make the nintendo network i.d unified across 3ds and wii u? and why cant the digital purchases be tied to the same account? or how about using the club nintendo account? anything is better then being tied to the hardware!!

And what about the fact they couldn't be bothered to put a decent hard drive in their console, its 2013 for petes sake! any PS3 or 360 or PC gamer knows today's games require constant patches, then theirs dlc,etc all of this takes up lots of storage space, i just don't understand why nintendo even bothers to allow full retail games digitally,when anyone who wants to buy said games online will have to go out and buy a external hard drive,and what makes that option a nightmare,is that for instance in my case, i have a external 1tb hard drive, i use it on my pc,my 2 PS3 systems, my wii back ups,my music collection, my movies collection, back ups of my 2 PS3 systems,back ups of my pc, you get the picture, i use it FOR EVERYTHING!!! but if i chose to use it on the wii u, i have no option but to format it,and LOSE EVERYTHING!

Why on earth would i need to use a 1tb hard drive solely on my wii u? why like normal companies allow, cant i make a partition on my hard drive, say for 150gb,and then let the wii u format this partition, and that way i can carry on using my hard drive for all of my devices?
But no nintendo has to be backwards,and give us no options, and so i am forced to have to buy another external hard drive just for the wiiu, all of this could have been avoided if nintendo were not so cheap, and just included a Ethernet port,and a hard drive in every console!

And then theirs the biggest problem of them all, the total lack of proper online features in nintendo first party games! super mario 3d world, no online co-op, only local, nintendo land, no online only local, zombie u, no online only local,pikmin no online only local,new super mario bros u, no online only local, u starting to see a trend yet???

Why on gods earth does nintendo not give us the options to play our nintendo games online? ok zombie u wasn't Nintendo's game, but obviously if nintendo is not bothering with online then most of the other developers wont either!
Just look at sniper elite v2, no co op, no online even though the PS3 and 360 versions had online, call of duty blops 2, no dlc add ons,injustice gods among us, which also had missing dlc until people moaned, and then they gave it.

What am getting at, is that nintendo forgets their are allot of core gamers like me who have been gaming over 30yrs,and so grew up on nintendo consoles and games, i have my own home,a wife and 2 kids, i don't have time to invite friends or family over, i want to be able to play with friends and family online!
in 2013 its ridiculous that nintendo is too lazy to implement proper online!!

Anyway sorry i went off on one, i love nintendo, and i am one of those lucky gamers who has always bought every platforms every generation, but i swear it, i am just fed up of nintendo and the deluded nintendo fans, not all, but most are, nintendo needs to be called out with all the B.S, or they will never change!

clouds53934d ago

@LonDonE: Well I see^^ So I guess we are looking for different things when it comes to online play. Its sad that they are not planning to implement online in all their games. But the important ones, Smash Bros and Mario Kart are going to have it for sure. There are singleplayer only (or local coop) games and i'm fine with that. Especially when they use the Gamepad and 2nd screen. So much fun!
And about the ethernet port, I think it was absolutely the right decision not to include it! It would have made the console bigger and more expensive and only a small percentage needs ethernet connection. In most cases wifi is just fine. And if you really need one 25$ is not the end of the world^^

I dont mind the external HD btw. I got the white wiiU, the cheaper one, and bought a cheap 500gb external. Works perfect.

All i expect from online on a console is that when a game supports it, i want to go into multiplayer and play. And that for free (because i already paid for the game). And WiiU does that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3934d ago
guitarded773935d ago

This is the dumbest speculation article based on one person's over dramatic recollection.

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