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Going Off Half Cocked: The Sign Of A New Generation

N4G is a fun place at the moment. So many people willing to believe anything if it puts something in a negative or positive light depending on their console bend. This is that time of a console generation where PR runs rampant. Just before the start when rumours, leaks, and "insider sources" start spreading around like wildfire.

At the center of it all, the fanboys willing to immediately believe whatever supports their preference or "destroys" the opposition. Like today for example. How many Xbox One fanboys pounced on a rumour about exactly how much RAM is going to be available for use on the PS4 for games? I'll tell you. EVERY SINGLE ONE! Why? Because Microsoft have made such a terrible PR disaster of the Xbox One, that the fanboys will jump on anything even slightly good for the Xbox One or slightly bad for the PS4.

Digital Foundry is making claims they can't back up. As long as they hide behind anonymous sources that say different things, they may as well have not posted anything at all because the information is equivalent to no information at all. We all know WHY they did it though. For the hits. But barring all the common sense reasons they are more than likely wrong, their article served its purpose.

As soon as there was even a hint of the PS4 even having one byte less RAM available for games than the Xbox One, the Xbox One fanboys were ready to jump on that like a flea on a dog. They didn't care about no fancy ability like reading. All they needed to see was a number that was less than the Xbox One's number and the word RAM next to, or before, that number and they immediately felt a sense of vindication and proceeded to bust out the Haw Haw's.

This is all with good reason though. You can't actually completely blame the fanboys here. You see, Microsoft have been failing the fanboys left right and center. Microsoft have been disingenuous, absentminded, non-committed, and have turned the Xbox One into a PR pancake. They have been hurriedly trying to play catch up that they just look foolish. Every new policy they backtrack on is a good move on paper, but the reason they did it has nothing to do with any kind of respect for the gaming community.

So when the world was looking towards Sony and the PS4 and seeing nothing but good things and showering it with praise, the Xbox One was over in a dark corner with only the buzzwords of "vision" and "future" to keep it company; its fanboys defending the indefensible.

Here's the thing to remember though. Anonymous sources can literally be anyone. Anonymously given information can literally be anything. Just because you want to have a justification for your preference is no reason to throw out any common sense you may have left out the window. I can easily come up with an article that says that my brother-in-law's best friend's cousin works with a girl whose boyfriend has a job at Sony and he said that the PS4 is actually coming out with 16GB of GDDR6 RAM and call it "insider sources."

Before pouncing on something just because you want to feel a sense of vindication and justification, use that all too rare super power known as Common Sense. Also ask yourself the question of why you need to have that vindication and justification if everything was allegedly perfect beforehand.

**EDIT** In the interest of balance, I will stick to my word about the inclusion of anything that portrays the opposite end of the spectrum. For example, the Sony fanboys that are now making the claim "we didn't need that much RAM" after having given the Xbox One fanboys a hard time with their own "Ha Ha, we have 7GB of RAM and you only have 5." What is important to note is that the 7GB thing was also a rumour started by an alleged PS4 developer.

So there we have a developer, anonymous of course, stating that 1GB of RAM was locked off from them for the OS. However, what isn't made clear is if the developer in question was making that statement for when all developers thought the PS4 only had 4GB of RAM as Sony gave out dev kits that only had 4GB of RAM.

This means that, at the time, it could have been an easy possibility that developers thought there was only going to be 3GB of RAM available and later on Sony added 1.5GB more (if you believe the current rumour) of available RAM for games and another 3.5GB of RAM for the OS. This just shows that everyone has been the puppet of the gaming media again in this new generation as they bounce rumours off all of us to get our hits and stir the s***.

iamnsuperman3944d ago

"Anonymous sources can literally be anyone. Anonymously given information can literally be anything"

This is my gripe with gaming journalism. Too many times do we get anonymous sources that turn out to be bogus but then as soon as someone gets it right then all is forgotten and forgiven. Do publications bother with fact checking.

I am not saying this rumour is false (waiting for a Sony response on that) but from past experiences reading (from both generations) so much rumour articles created with little substance. All seem to ruin their credibility when they do not fact check.

DragonKnight3944d ago

I think so far this new gen has started off way worse with the "anonymous sources" than the PS3/360 launch days. It causes all kinds of fanboys to go nuts, especially when they refuse to actually read and just go off based on a title or a paragraph description.

And then there's the greater inclusion of NeoGaf. How many rumours were started there alone?

PopRocks3593944d ago

I could have told you that. "Anonymous sources claim Wii U is weaker than Xbox 360."

Now, regardless of what anyone thinks of the Wii U hardware, the reaction to those rumors is validation enough of what you're saying. Now the process is being repeated with PS4.

Unproven rumors sparked by anonymous sources who cannot back up the claim. And the fanboys/haters love to gobble that crap up like popcorn.

thorstein3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )

Sony has issued a statement:

"We would like to clear up a misunderstanding regarding our "direct" and "flexible" memory systems. The article states that "flexible" memory is borrowed from the OS, and must be returned when requested - that's not actually the case.

The actual true distinction is that:

"Direct Memory" is memory allocated under the traditional video game model, so the game controls all aspects of its allocation
"Flexible Memory" is memory managed by the PS4 OS on the game's behalf, and allows games to use some very nice FreeBSD virtual memory functionality. However this memory is 100 per cent the game's memory, and is never used by the OS, and as it is the game's memory it should be easy for every developer to use it.

We have no comment to make on the amount of memory reserved by the system or what it is used for."

Based on this information, plus the new source coming forward to explain the properties of flexible memory, our take on this right now is that there is 4.5GB of conventional RAM available to developers, along with the OS-controlled flexible memory Sony describes, in addition to that.

We understand that this is a 1GB virtual address space, split into two areas - 512MB of on-chip RAM is used (the physical area) and another 512MB is "paged", perhaps like a Windows swap file. But to be clear, of the 8GB of GDDR5 on PS4, our contention is that 5GB of it is available to developers.

The good news is that the amount is static and not dictated by OS functions as we stated in our original post, making it a lot easier for developers to work with.

MattyG3943d ago Show
rainslacker3943d ago (Edited 3943d ago )

In journalism, anonymous sources still have to be verified, and the information they give still has to be verified in some way, either through secondary evidence, or digging for a comment from someone related to the story.

I'd imagine most game journalist don't go through these procedures, which is why when I see an anonymous source, I tend to think it's not true until an official statement is made, or other more verifiable evidence is given by someone reputable. I can however discuss the ramifications, or intrigues involved with the actual report, regardless of merit...although I tend to take a both sides of the issue approach.

However, it is very possible that this stories actual source was reputable enough to roll with the story. But proper journalism would have tried to get Sony's clarification comment before running with the story. That's the difference between sensationalism, and journalism. Unfortunately, this type of practice isn't just confined to the gaming media, and it tends to be standard practice, even for the big, "reputable" news outlets.

dedicatedtogamers3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

It's the console wars man. I get called "DedicatedToSony" on a daily basis simply because I play on Sony platforms, despite the fact I spend more time on my PC and Nintendo stuff than my Sony stuff. But it's easier to write someone off if it's "us vs them" and the Xbox fanbase has been getting hammered non-stop for the past several months.

The PS4 RAM "downgrade" is only the second piece of bad news since the PS4 was announced in February. It has been a literal drought for fanboys wanting ammunition to shoot at the PS4. But amidst the planetary bombardment on the Xbox brand someone finds an unspent .45 bullet with Sony's name on it and now they're running around with a pistol in their hand shouting that the war is over.

To be fair, it's exactly what happened to the PS3 fanboys, and it's pretty funny to see the Xbox loyalists using identical arguments to what people said back in 2006, right down to the persecution complex of "you said something bad about Sony? This website had a negative article about PS3? XBOX FANBOY!"

What's even odder is that the Xbox camp has spent the last two months defending the 3 Gig OS footprint for the Xbox One, saying how they're so dang excited for all these multimedia features. Now, there are some people (me included) who rallied against Microsoft for that and now I'm eating crow, but why are Xbox fans mocking the PS4? They're basically saying "nyah nyah! Now you have the ability to do what we've been praising for two months. Nyah nyah". It's an absurd case of pot calling kettle black. If that 3 Gig OS footprint was just SO fantastic, why are Xbox fans jabbing insults now that PS4 has it too?

DragonKnight3944d ago

It's a good thing that there are comment sections in blogs. The world reacted negatively to the Xbox One, not just one group of people. Slowly but surely MS is trying to rectify that. Conversely, the PS4 was received very positively by that majority. So, if anyone here can come up with some negative bit of news against the PS4 that Sony's flip flopped on causing Sony fanboys to go off half-cocked on, go ahead and post it in a comment and I'll edit it into the blog.

But it is a fact that Digital Foundry posted a rumour. It is also a fact that in any article with that rumour in it you'll have Xbox One fanboys talking like it's a stone cold fact confirmed by everyone. That isn't imaginary, that's visible. If there exists a similar story for the opposite end, post it up and let's talk about it.

Majin-vegeta3944d ago

I had a good laugh with this thanks Dragonknight xD.

maniacmayhem3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )


The two main culprits. Why am I not surprised that I see Dedicated AND Dragonnight having a party and calling out the Xbox fanboys. You two are hilarious and are prime examples of what is wrong with this community.

First of all I just saw Dedicated get busted wide open in his own blog. It wasn't even funny how bad that was and the fact is you cannot deny it. The proof is written down on the internet forever. I'll comment on that in your own blog later.

But Dragon, I am shocked. I knew you were a sony diehard but you had some sense of logic whenever you put something down on this site. What happened? This whole blog reeks of bitterness and anger. Where was the blog when all the Sony fanboys were laughing and pointing their fingers at X1 about how much less RAM it had? Where was the blog on the "flip flopping" (the new buzz word)Sony fanboys were doing when they now have to pay for PS+? Where is the blog that stated that the petition to get the DRM back on X1 might have been started by Sony fanboys?

Nope, but lord forbid the mud get slinged right back in your face when you fanboys took something Sony never said and tried to exploit it for your own personal gain. Nope, no blog for that.

It doesn't matter if the rumor is true or not we have already seen your two and others true colors. When PS4 had more RAM than X1, it was all "Sony loves gamers, X1 is only for TV" when these rumors started now it's: "It's okay we don't need all that RAM."
And who said this...ALL THE SONY FANBOYS.

You two really need to step outside your bias because it is making you two look rather foolish.

"Before pouncing on something just because you want to feel a sense of vindication and justification"

You should take your own advice Dragon.

dedicatedtogamers3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

What's sad is that you accuse us of bias and "getting owned" and "you deserve the mud getting flung at you" but it is you - not us - who is actively seeking out certain users and respond to them. Or "calling them out" if it makes you feel like an internet crusader. Or "busting us in our own blogs" to quote your own terminology.

If we "are prime examples of what is wrong with this community", why stick around? If we're such a blight on N4G, why do I have 9 bubbles? Why does DragonKnight have 8? Certainly our reign of terror across the landscape of N4G would've resulted in a loss of bubbles, would it not? Or, does it bother you that the community's opinions are a bit more in line with ours than you'd care to admit?

What's worse? Someone like me who makes a negative comment in a negative Microsoft article? Or someone like you who roams the halls of N4G High in a perpetual witch-hunt, not commenting on articles but rather making sure the people who comment articles are staying in line and following some moral code you've decided to impose on others. I dare you to find instances of me jumping into an article to say "hurr hurr XboxOneisAwesome you're such a fanboy! Get a life" and yet a portion (not all, of course) of the XBox fanbase does that to me on a daily basis.

Oh, and cute, it's exactly what brought you to this article as well.

maniacmayhem3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Your are in almost every article and you write tons of blogs daily. It's not hard to find you two at all. You two seem to be at the top of every sensational headline on N4G. And yet you think I'm actively seeking you out, hilarious to say the least. Stop giving yourselves more credit than you deserve.

You keep explaining about how the Xbox camp is eating up all the negativity but not once do you and Dragon even address the way the Sony camp is already in full defense mode and saying how less RAM is okay.

Why do you have 9 bubbles? I think you can answer that yourself. You and Dragon's constant slinging of mud towards MS has made you two popular among the extreme heavy Sony fanbase here on this site. Name one Xbox fan who has 8 or 9 bubbles? That is the better question.

"...does it bother you that the community's opinions are a bit more in line with ours than you'd care to admit?"

Well, you just answered your own question. Doesn't matter what the community thinks especially when they are all rooting for Sony. Kind of defeats the purpose of wondering why you have so many bubbles now does it?

"Or someone like you who roams the halls of N4G High..."

Do I really need to go back and show you all the comments I left in articles that weren't responses? Remember last time you accused me of a similar act and I had to prove you extremely wrong with links of my own? Funny I didn't hear a response back with your many bubbles when that happened.

And you seem to miss the point completely, it has nothing to do with you jumping in an every article with a "hurr hurr" whatever. It has everything to do with you adding NOTHING to every MS article you see on this site.

MS changes their indie policy


Every X1 is a devkit


Why you should get an X1


Every article you bring nothing, no discussion just the same "you don't trust them" comment. That is not commenting, that is trolling. You appear to be getting those two confused. You also love to fly off the rails whenever MS screws up. But now that there might be a Sony misshap, its calm and cool and a nice fitting little blog explaining why it's not so bad to have less RAM.

You still seem to not understand this fact but instead focus on people calling you DedicatedtoSony. This seems to bother you more than the actual subject you are being accused of.

uuuh yea, sure. What's so ironic about it? Do you even know what ironic means?

DragonKnight3944d ago

@maniacmayhem: "You and Dragon's constant slinging of mud towards MS has made you two popular among the extreme heavy Sony fanbase here on this site."

I have something to show you.

Check out the agree to disagree ratio. Yeah, this site is FLOODED with Sony fanboys.

majiebeast3944d ago Show
DragonKnight3944d ago

First of all, hello maniacmayhem. I'm sure MikeMyers is proud you're taking up his mantle. Now let's move on.

"This whole blog reeks of bitterness and anger."

Not really. You're saying that because you want to believe that. But here's two questions for you. If there were bitterness and anger in the blog and factoring what you believe I am, wouldn't this blog be about something positive for the Xbox One that I don't believe? Like, for example, the recent alleged "unlimited cloud space" that Microsoft is talking about? Second question. Is anything stated in the blog a lie? Point it out.

"Where was the blog when all the Sony fanboys were laughing and pointing their fingers at X1 about how much less RAM it had?"

This blog is about going off half-cocked based on anonymous sources, rumours, and anything that can't be confirmed. Until today, no one including yourself had any reason to believe that the PS4 didn't have more available RAM than the Xbox One. How legitimate would a blog be if I made it about Sony fanboys going off half-cocked about that issue when, at the time, it wasn't an issue because there was nothing calling it into doubt? But given that I can't disagree with the immaturity of those moments, I will edit that into the blog.

"Where was the blog on the "flip flopping" (the new buzz word)Sony fanboys were doing when they now have to pay for PS+?"

Sony didn't flip flop. They said you will never have to pay to play online for the PS3, and that's what's going to happen. They never said that they weren't ever going to charge for online play for the duration of the Playstation brand's life. If you can show me they did that, then I'll edit that into the blog.

"Where is the blog that stated that the petition to get the DRM back on X1 might have been started by Sony fanboys?"

I wrote a blog about that petition. Read the comments section. Also, again, there's no proving that that was the case with that petition. You want me to write a blog that would be going off half-cocked about the petition? The title of the blog I wrote about that petition is "Not sure if TROLLING" Right there in the title I show that the possibility of the petitions are trolling petitions.

"Nope, but lord forbid the mud get slinged right back in your face when you fanboys took something Sony never said and tried to exploit it for your own personal gain. Nope, no blog for that."

I'm going to do you a favour and provide you with someone that EVERYONE went off half-cocked about. This includes MS fanboys. A rumour and the reason why everyone thought that the PS4 OS only used 1GB of RAM.

"It doesn't matter if the rumor is true or not we have already seen your two and others true colors. When PS4 had more RAM than X1, it was all "Sony loves gamers, X1 is only for TV" when these rumors started now it's: "It's okay we don't need all that RAM."

You're only saying that it doesn't matter because you wouldn't want to admit that if it was false then people were right when they said that Sony cares more about games and gamers than MS does. Also, I'd love for you to point out anywhere that I said "It's okay, we don't need all that RAM" because I never said that even once.

"You two really need to step outside your bias because it is making you two look rather foolish."

The irony of this comment.

maniacmayhem3944d ago

"I'm sure MikeMyers is proud you're taking up his mantle."

I'm sure you will deflect, throw insults and narc on me to the mods when confronted and proven wrong as Myers did time and time again.

"..wouldn't this blog be about something positive for the Xbox One that I don't believe?"

A question not related to the topic. Your blog is all about these supposed "Xbots" or "Xbox fanboys" having a party because of the rumored PS4 RAM allocation. That is all you are talking about, the whole subject is Xbox fanboys flying off the chain because there has been so much Xbox bad news and they need to perpetuate any PS4 bad news. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this point but where are the blogs about the sony fanboys?

Are they all exempt from your constant MS blog bashing?

"Also, again, there's no proving that that was the case with that petition."

There is also no proving that it was Xbox fanboys who were behind that petition. And yet that didn't stop you from accusing them. Ome title justifies your whole blog rant? Yes, your title stated "it might be trolling" but your actual article didn't.

That's like a title of a blog stating: "Im no Xbox fanboy but Sony sucks!". Then proceeds to bash the PS4 and praise Xbox. Hey I'm no Xbox fanboy because my title said so, everything is okay right?

Quotes from your blog:

"Well just go to these two links and proceed to weep for humanity."

"Because they bought Microsoft's line about the Xbox One being "The Future.""

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Xbox One fanboys."

Those are just some of your quotes. Never and not once did you actually think or mention that it might be Sony fanboys who are behind the petition.

"Sony didn't flip flop. They said you will never have to pay to play online for the PS3..."

I said Sony FANBOYS, you all spent the better lifetime praising free play and that Sony would never charge. And now that they are it's ok because it is such a great deal.
No blog from you about this.

"You're only saying that it doesn't matter because..."

Not true at all, and I find it hilarious you would think that. But I can guarantee that if this news is false you and Dedicated already have a blog lined up and ready to submit about how EVERYONE (xbox fanboys) flew off the handle.

"Until today, no one including yourself had any reason to believe that the PS4 didn't have more available RAM than the Xbox One."

But that sure didn't stop the Sony fanboys from throwing the supposed more RAM in the xbox fanboys face now did it? And as articles stated Sony officially failed to mention exactly how much RAM would actually be dedicated to games. And yet there was no blog from you about how the Sony fanboys shouldn't fly off the handle and start slinging mud. And you fail to mention how now most if not all the sony fanboys are in full retraction and how less RAM is not a big deal.

One sided blogs Dragon that is what I'm accusing you of and also another misuse of the term "irony". Please Dragon, if you are going to respond please answer what is so ironic about this?

One quote and one example of agrees and disagrees. I'm sure even you stated somewhere that those means nothing for this site. As I have asked Dedicated, please show me an Xbox fanboy with 8 or 9 bubbles?

DragonKnight3944d ago

"I'm sure you will deflect, throw insults and narc on me to the mods when confronted and proven wrong as Myers did time and time again."

Mike never did any of that. What he did was follow me around and admitted to why he did it. I never "narc'd" on Mike either, he brought everything on himself.

"A question not related to the topic. Your blog is all about these supposed "Xbots" or "Xbox fanboys" having a party because of the rumored PS4 RAM allocation. That is all you are talking about, the whole subject is Xbox fanboys flying off the chain because there has been so much Xbox bad news and they need to perpetuate any PS4 bad news. I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this point but where are the blogs about the sony fanboys?"

You really don't have the authority to tell me what my own blog is about, and the question applies to the context of your statement. Next.

"There is also no proving that it was Xbox fanboys who were behind that petition. And yet that didn't stop you from accusing them. Ome title justifies your whole blog rant? Yes, your title stated "it might be trolling" but your actual article didn't."

So you brought up a petition that had absolutely no bearing on this blog, decided to ignore the fact that the blog is titled that it may be a troll, and basically invalidate everything you said in the process. Next.

"I said Sony FANBOYS, you all spent the better lifetime praising free play and that Sony would never charge. And now that they are it's ok because it is such a great deal.
No blog from you about this."

Now you're trying to shift the focus because you were proven wrong. Next.

"Not true at all, and I find it hilarious you would think that. But I can guarantee that if this news is false you and Dedicated already have a blog lined up and ready to submit about how EVERYONE (xbox fanboys) flew off the handle."

Presumption gets you nowhere. I didn't even write a blog detailing the rumour to begin with and you're already suggesting I have one lined up for when it's debunked. I don't care about the RAM.

"But that sure didn't stop the Sony fanboys from..."

I love how much time you spend on telling other people what to post about despite the fact that you clearly have the option to post whatever you want yourself. It's clear your purpose is to simply go around criticizing people in the same manner is MikeMyers. That's fine. Eventually your tendency to follow people around will bite you in behind too. But addressing your non-existent point, you clearly only choose to understand what this blog is about whenever you want to. No one had any reason to believe the PS4 had less than 7GB, everyone knew the Xbox One had 5GB. Not saying that the slings were justified, but that fact at the time was the merit that was used. Get over it.

"One sided blogs Dragon that is what I'm accusing you of and also another misuse of the term "irony". Please Dragon, if you are going to respond please answer what is so ironic about this?"

I don't really care what you are accusing me of. I don't lose any sleep over what your opinion is. The irony is in your complete disposition. It's in who you target and when.

"One quote and one example of agrees and disagrees. I'm sure even you stated somewhere that those means nothing for this site. As I have asked Dedicated, please show me an Xbox fanboy with 8 or 9 bubbles?"

Dead you read the further comments? Of course not because that is against your point.

maniacmayhem3944d ago

"You really don't have the authority to tell me what my own blog is about, and the question applies to the context of your statement. Next."

Deflect and dodge. Nice moves, do you play Street Fighter? Good job dropping the issue though.

"So you brought up a petition that had absolutely no bearing on this blog, decided to ignore the fact that the blog is titled that it may be a troll, and basically invalidate everything you said in the process. Next."

Deflect and dodge. You have a talent of avoiding, I commend you. Your blog blamed a fanbase that even you had no proof of and when I brought other evidence that it may be Sony fanboys you dismiss it because THAT had no proof. Yet you went on to call Xbox fanboys idiots or have low IQ even when there was no proof of them actually being Xbox fanboys. Seriously do you not get that point?

"Now you're trying to shift the focus because you were proven wrong. Next."

Deflect and dodge. No Dragon YOU MISREAD what I wrote:
**Where was the blog on the "flip flopping" (the new buzz word)Sony fanboys were doing when they now have to pay for PS+?**

I said SONY FANBOYS never did I say SONY. There's a difference. But I commend you on trying.

"..suggesting I have one lined up for when it's debunked. I don't care about the RAM."

Finally an actual answer.

So we won't get a blog concerning this? Or perhaps this statement was best suited for Dedicated and not you. Okay, I'll give you this one.

"I love how much time you spend on telling other people what to post about despite the fact that.."

Hilarious that this doesn't stop you from posting the exact same thing you are accusing me of. How many times do you try and rip into people for posting an opinion. How many times do you blame the "Xbox fanboys". But when someone calls you out consistently because you ARE in every article all of a sudden you have a stalker. You try so hard to belittle others to try and take away from your own nonsense and faults. This is why you constantly bring up MikeMyers in some lame attempt to compare what he did to what I am doing.

"Not saying that the slings were justified, but that fact at the time was the merit that was used. Get over it."

Ok, so if the fact of that time it was merited then the fact of this time NOW it should also be merit, right? So now the unjustified slings should be thrown in the opposite direction. I'm glad we cleared that up.

"I don't lose any sleep over what your opinion is."

Good, then you shouldn't be all fired up when I make an opinion about your many statement and blogs.

"The irony is in your complete disposition. It's in who you target and when."

Aaargh, where is the IRONY!? Who else do I target and why would it be ironic that I'm targeting you or "them"?

"Dead you read the further comments? Of course not because that is against your point."

You asked me to look at the agree and disagree ratio. I did that, what does it prove? Because you found one article that had more agrees favoring MS? This changes what?

Did you find an xbox fan or any commenter that favors the Xbox more with 8 or 9 bubbles?

No? Of course you didn't because that would prove my point now would it.

DragonKnight3943d ago

"Deflect and dodge..."

Not deflection or dodging, you're trying to tell me what my blog is about. I wrote it, you didn't, end. Next.

"Deflect and dodge..."

You really don't know what deflection or dodging is do you? You contradicted your point, so there's no reason for anyone to address it. You tried to bring up that Sony fanboys were trolling with no proof, so I brought up that there was no way to prove either side. Basically you brought up something completely irrelevant because you want me to blog about what you want.

"No Dragon YOU MISREAD what I wrote..."

I said SONY FANBOYS never did I say SONY. There's a difference. But I commend you on trying."

Didn't misread anything. You tried to flip the script and change the focus. In fact all you're doing is going off topic, attacking me and dedicated because you don't like the blog or us.

"Hilarious that..."

Do I tell people what to write? Do I berate them for not writing something that I want them to write? No, that's your job. And it takes a few clicks to see that MikeMyers was following me around. But given what you're saying, MikeMyers was probably your alternate account or you two have close contact with each other. Don't care though. I never tell people they can't have an opinion and I never tell people they can't write that opinion or should write some different opinion. You should get a job censoring something since you care so much about what people should and should not be writing about.

"Ok, so if the fact of that time it was merited then the fact of this time NOW it should also be merit, right? So now the unjustified slings should be thrown in the opposite direction. I'm glad we cleared that up."

You need to work on your writing skills. That paragraph was appallingly terrible. Anyway, you seem incapable to make the distinction between having no reason to disbelieve something and having no reason to believe a rumour so, next.

"Good, then you shouldn't be all fired up when I make an opinion about your many statement and blogs."

Given the sloppy state of your responses and the attempts you make at goading me, of the two of us it's more likely that you're fired up. I'm currently emotionless on the subject.

"Aaargh, where is the IRONY!? Who else do I target and why would it be ironic that I'm targeting you or "them"?"

I love that you don't deny that you're targeting people, just asking who else. The irony is that you're attacking people like dedicated and myself for our opinions and yet make the claim that we attack people for theirs. The irony is that you are telling us what to write while having the ability to write what you want yourself. The irony is that you're going around attacking who you perceive to be Sony fanboys and immediately making yourself look like an Xbox One fanboy yet you'll claim you're not one and your reasons for attacking people are... ?

"You asked me to look at the agree and disagree ratio..."

If this site is overrun with Sony fanboys, all of my comments wouldn't have received the overwhelming disagrees they currently have. Just look at the ones I've made over the past 24 hours. People like you love to throw out the Sony fanboy card when you can't accept the basic truth.

"Did you find an xbox fan or any commenter that favors the Xbox more with 8 or 9 bubbles? No? Of course you didn't because that would prove my point now would it."

I didn't bother to look. You were really asking dedicated to do that anyway.

maniacmayhem3943d ago

Deflecting, dodging and parrying, even you have no clue on what points you are trying to make. And everything I say you perceive as some sort of attack against you. that's your every excuse.

"so I brought up that there was no way to prove either side."

Where did you bring this up? In the actual blog where you were ranting about what the Xbox fanboys are doing? Where it should have been?
No you did not! You are either being completely shameless or you just fail completely at proving any kind of point.

Another quote from that said blog:

" most intellectually deficient fanboys I've ever come across in my life"

So where was the point you were trying to make or prove from either side? Yet your title "not sure if trolling" absolves all of your name calling and rants. Too funny.

"The irony is in your complete disposition. It's in who you target and when."

The irony is the complete lack of understanding what the definition of irony is. That is the only irony here.

"I love that you don't deny that you're targeting people, just asking who else."

Another great form of dodging. You get called out and then automatically accuse that person of following or targeting (attacking)you. Have you not commented on some of my other posts? Does this mean you are following me? I have already and repeatedly stated that you two are at the top of almost every sensational headline and that you two write multiple sensational blogs.
It is kind of hard to not see you.

"You should get a job censoring something since you care so much about what people should and should not be writing about."

Reaching a lot are we? I have no problem with what people write but you seem to have a problem with people who comment and challenge what you wrote. Don't get upset when a person debates their different views on the very subject YOU WROTE ABOUT.

"Presumption gets you nowhere."

Sure easy to deny now, but I guess only time can tell.

"..all of my comments wouldn't have received the overwhelming disagrees they currently have."

What does the agree/disagree ratio have ANYTHING to do with how many bubbles you have? I am straight laughing at this MOOT point you are so desperately trying to make. Maybe you were JUST WRONG and even the sony fanboys dis-agreed. What matters are who has an upstanding rep on this site when they bubble and de-bubble a person.
And it's obvious that the Sony fanbase has more sway and higher rep than any other side.

Which is why I asked BOTH DEDICATED and YOU to find an Xbox fan who has 8 or 9 bubbles. Of course both of you couldn't. Don't you think if this site was balanced or also heavy with Xbox fanboys there would be at least ONE member you could put down off the top of your head?

But no, it's all of a sudden "I don't have time".

"Given the sloppy state of your responses and the attempts you make at goading me, of the two of us it's more likely that you're fired up. I'm currently emotionless on the subject."

Dodge and deflect. Of course you are silly of me to even point out how you wrote yourself into a corner and in true fashion instead of commenting you proceed to .. attack. Yea, I'm fired up, I'm a stalker, MikeMyers is my alternate account, I'm goading you and I'm attacking just you. Any other insults or accusations you want to throw my way?

And yet the irony is that you keep accusing me of attacking you? how strange....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3943d ago
adorie3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

You're not innocent either. To a far lesser extent, neither I am. N4G is the proverbial glass house.

This blog,while interesting is just going to incite more flames.

People are too stubborn to change their stance.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3943d ago
Sarobi3944d ago

My anonymous insider source who works for a company WHOM I CAN NOT SAY.. has told me that the Wii U is going to get an upgrade to 32 gigs of GDDR8 ram. By all means you should believe me.. AND MY SOURCE

In all seriousness.. I'm getting tired of rumors. I've learned to not even bother reading the stuff these sites are finding out from their "VERY RELIABLE SOURCE". You either tell me who found it out or don't bother writing anything.

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