
Is it Okay to be Excited for the Xbox One?

CraveOnline writes: "Microsoft’s u-turn has left me excited for the Xbox One – but is that excitement justifiable?"

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NYC_Gamer3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

It's okay to be excited about any piece of hardware that offers content that you like...There's no need to want acceptance or permission to buy items that you may enjoy.

dedicatedtogamers3937d ago

Be excited for whatever you want. I'm excited that I own a Vita and I'm excited to eventually get the Wii-U (both of which are "LOL failures" if you believe the internet)

But on the other hand, people shouldn't get mad when someone wants to take a "wait and see" approach, especially since Microsoft has been very flip-floppy lately.

darthv723937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

taking a wait and see is perfectly logical. its the complete disrespect for those who say they are getting one or the other that is disappointing. there is no need for that kind of behavior but i understand why it happens.

im thankful i started gaming when there was no internet nerd rage. Ive grown to appreciate the industry as a whole and can respect the views of others when it is displayed in a civil manner.

When it is straight up obvious trolls who have nothing better to do, i wish i could toss them a goat so they can go back to the bridge while i pass safely from one side to the other.

4Sh0w3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

dedicatedtogamers, problem is there is nothing "wait and see" about your comment history.

btw stupid headline, if you need approval somethings wrong with you.

dark-hollow3937d ago

There is nothing wrong about waiting, but coming to every single xbone article and spewing the same "betrayal" and "trust" crap like a broken record is very annoying.

dedicatedtogamers3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@ dark-hollow

Yet coming to every Xbox article and spewing the same "everything is fine here, folks. Nothing to see" propaganda isn't annoying?

At worst, if someone takes my advice and holds off, they'll miss out on a few days or weeks of playing Xbox One. Boo hoo.

But if someone takes the rabid XBox Defense Force advice and just swallows everything Microsoft says, what happens if/when dev support dries up? What happens if/when that huge influx of indie games never shows up? What happens if/when all those promised Kinect 2.0 functions turn out to be a bit less than what we hoped? What happens if/when there are crippling hardware or operating-system problems when the system launches (or perhaps 6 months after)? What if people don't realize that there's a mandatory patch not only for the console but also for games? What if they're not aware that Kinect Sports Rivals was delayed, removing the one showcase for that $100 Kinect camera?

See, when I post, the WORST that happens is someone might think twice about trusting Microsoft and they take a bit of extra time to weigh their options. When Xbox Defense Force posts, they're running the risk of screwing over their fellow gamers if/when Microsoft does another flip-flop.

darthv723937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@dedicated you know, just in case you want to redeem your public status as being unbiased. how about doing the same view on the ps4.

really make it thought provoking for those who are wanting to know if taking a wait and see for the ps4 is the right thing to do.

We know your wait and see view on the xb1 so please, enlighten us, with the same wait and see view on the ps4. Can you do that?

dark-hollow3937d ago


Wow....do you even re-read what you've just wrote? All your "advice's" are based on mindless hate. You were among the first to bash the xbone when you heard about the OS ram footprint but now you'll taking a very different stance with the ps4. Just drop the this act of non "biased" gamer. It is beyond hypocritical.

So what if ms brought back DRM? What If a huge meteor smash the earth tomorrow? It's all baseless speculation.

How the hell you even have 9 bubbles is beyond me. Its fine if you prefer ps4, xbone or Tue Wii u, but am really tired from all your passive aggressive stealth trolling in every Xbox one article.

And Am not saying let's turn every xbone article to a positive circlejerk without real criticism, but criticism goes both ways and it been proven that you'll give Sony a pass for things that you would turn ms apart if they did it.

dedicatedtogamers3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@ darthv72

So far Sony hasn't really given me - personally - much of a reason to "wait and see" with the PS4. Add to the fact that my PS3 is still giving me new games to play and I'm a big fan of the Vita (that last part has more to do with the fact that I love handhelds. I have a 3DS as well). But if you want to see me rag on Sony and eat crow about Microsoft, read my latest blog entry: http://n4g.com/blogs/detail...

I was an Xbox gamer since the original Xbox all the way up to 2008 when my 360 RRoD'd. During and prior to that time, I was also a huge PC gamer who played a lot of Microsoft games like Mechwarrior, Age of Empires, Flight, and more. One of my very first gaming experiences was my dad teaching me to boot a .exe through Command Line in MS-DOS. So, it's not like I've never touched a Microsoft product. I have very real reasons to be suspicious of Microsoft and to hold them at arm's length, and if people don't like the Xbox brand getting dragged through the mud, I have one thing to say.

The PS3 went through the same mud and look how it made Sony improve. Don't cry simply because it's Microsoft's turn to be humbled.

@ dark-hollow

Stealth trolling? I'm tired of the same "LEAVE MICROSOFT ALONE" persecution complex that I get from a lot of posters here, the exact same whiny attitude that Xbox fans mocked PS3 fans for back in 2006-2008.

And even though I can't "prove" it to you with post history, I was just as critical of Sony's idiotic blunders back in 2006 (didn't even buy a PS3 until late 2008) and I was just as critical of the nonsensical Sony Defense Force back then.

If it pains you that your favorite brand is getting my boot in their teeth, then report my posts for trolling/off topic/whatever, leave it up to the mods, and move on.

YNWA963937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@dedicatedtosonygamers, you are trying to sound mature, but come off as a 6 year old trying to impress his peers when they are having a mature conversation. I am not going to be mad at you, just treat you like the 6 year old who has only figured out momma, dadda....

4show.... I do believe you just schooled dedicated. Cannot wait to see his response (copy & paste) and back in the old day stories....

4Sh0w3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

dedicatedtogamers + 65d ago

Terrific, so nearly half of a gaming system's RAM is being used for non-gaming features.

Anyone want to try to convince me that Xbox One is focused on gaming? As a comparison, PS4 uses one - ONE - Gig out of 8 for its OS.

>>>>>Fast Forward to today

dedicatedtogamers + 40m ago

Though I agree with you that we should wait and see if the rumors pan out, so far the information I have is as follows:

5.5 GB of RAM devoted to gaming, locked in stone, no changing it, which is 2.5 GB more than what devs were previously getting with the 4 GB PS4. Keep in mind, also, that this is GDDR5 RAM. This is going to boil down to a lot more than just raw Gigs of RAM. People who think "lol now PS4 and Xbox One have the same amount of RAM" might as well say "LOL PS4 sucks. My Pentium 4 is clocked up to 2.8 GHz speed but PS4 CPU is slower than 2 GHz! Epic failz!"

-Lets say the rumor is 100% BS, your comments already prove you are full of it, wheres the outrage for sony?, the lack of focus on games? Instead you're already in full defense, basicly your position is like well if it is true, let me tell you how its not so bad. I see this happen all the time to fanboys, now you seem to be spazing out and doing your best at damage control for your previous comments, but your bias continues to shine through more than anything, its like even when you try to fake being neutral you can't help but still end up showing your true nature.

Notice how despite the rumor article saying it 4.5GB garuanteed and 1GB flexible only if background OS can spare it, yet you act as if is all there up front because naturally you want to make the OS footprint look better. Again I think both have plenty of RAM for devs but you just can't spin your way out of how biased you sound, in fact if anything no one should listen to your advice, especially if they read your comment history.

darthv723937d ago

"The PS3 went through the same mud and look how it made Sony improve. Don't cry simply because it's Microsoft's turn to be humbled."

Ironically....it was after the fact (release) that the Ps3 went through the mud. These recent 'so called' pieces regarding Ms are ragging on the "could have been".

All the negative vibe would be perfectly justified had they gone through with releasing their product the way they said. BUT, they didnt and while that is no reason to trust them it is still good to at least be optimistic.

Oh and as for your blog...you touched on the aspects of the RAM rumor. Hardly the same vein of criticism that you display towards the xb1. But respect to you for at least being open about it.

CrossingEden3937d ago

@darth, glad to see i'm not the only one who sees through DTG's hypocrisy and nonsense, because he seems to constantly criticize microsoft yet praise sony and defend them whenever mistakes are made

XboxFun3937d ago


That is hilarious, the only flip flopping and back peddling is from the sony fanboys. It is so amazing on this site. Everything must be down played when it comes to Sony but for MS everything must be sensationalized and over blown.

MS is switching their policies for the better and yet Dedicated is warning us because of this "flip flopping"? Why would we worry about these new reversals when its exactly what we wanted from them?

Remember Nintendo's extreme third party policies? Remember when they required indies to have an actual office to submit a game? They changed those policies and you are excited to get a WiiU, there's no caution or "wait and see" for them.

Of course Dedicated can't see this for himself, (even tho I think he does). Instead he spins it as going into every article and saying the same thing is a warning to us gamers and not actual trolling.

kewlkat0073937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

@dedicatedtogames "So far Sony hasn't really given me - personally - much of a reason to "wait and see" with the PS4."

Really..I can help out, I'll quote.

-All first party PS3 titles had Online pass DRM
-Failed promise of PS3 to PSP remote play.
-Failed promise of PS3 to Vita remote play.
-Still missing the promised digital PSP games on Vita store.
-Still missing the promised PS1 games on Vita store.
-Released an expensive all digital game machine (the PSP Go) and proceed to have large swaths of the games not released digitally.

-Overpriced digital games that are years old that never see price reductions even when their retail counterparts do.

-PSN & Sony has had several serious security leaks, the biggest of which occurred between 17/04/11-19/04-11.

Sony shut down PSN on 20/04/11 under the guise of ‘Maintenance’ however it wasn't until 04/05/11(Over a week after the attack) that they released that 77 million registered PlayStation Network accounts, incl credit cards, passwords and other “identifiable personal information” had been compromised.

-For the above mentioned attack, Sony waited two days before even letting the FBI know that PSN Members data was stolen.

-The service outage caused by this attack totaled 24 days, they originally announced service would be restored “within a week”.

-This attack is considered one of the largest security breaches ever, surpassing their previous 2007 PSN leak, which affected 45 million customers. There had and has been further attacks to Sony’s product websites which have affected all registered sony users and customers, incl PSN members.

-Forcefully removed Linux support from PS3, a feature announced before launch sell/promote the original console.

-Consistently implied that they were adding cross game chat to the PS3 even though they knew the hardware was incapable.

-Leaving it to the very last minute to announce that the PSP Vita would require (extremely expensive) proprietary memory cards


trafalger3937d ago

"At worst, if someone takes my advice and holds off, they'll miss out on a few days or weeks of playing Xbox One. Boo hoo."

why would anyone take your advice or my advice on a product we all know about? what can you say or myself say that will change peoples minds when all the information needed is the same for everyone? do you have inside information? or do you have a bone to pick with m$?

"But if someone takes the rabid XBox Defense Force advice and just swallows everything Microsoft says, what happens if/when dev support dries up? What happens if/when that huge influx of indie games never shows up? What happens if/when all those promised Kinect 2.0 functions turn out to be a bit less than what we hoped? What happens if/when there are crippling hardware or operating-system problems when the system launches (or perhaps 6 months after)? What if people don't realize that there's a mandatory patch not only for the console but also for games? What if they're not aware that Kinect Sports Rivals was delayed, removing the one showcase for that $100 Kinect camera?"

then that is there decision. why do you care what other people spend there money on?

"See, when I post, the WORST that happens is someone might think twice about trusting Microsoft and they take a bit of extra time to weigh their options. When Xbox Defense Force posts, they're running the risk of screwing over their fellow gamers if/when Microsoft does another flip-flop."

whats all this defense force stuff? why are you in every xbox one article when it seems to me your not that interested?

way way too much stealth trolling on this site.

JokesOnYou3937d ago

Damm dedicatedtogamers you're not looking to good in the eyes of the gamers you are so called "dedicated" to. How about you go with dedicatedtosony, that fits.

YNWA963937d ago

Yeah, really funny, trying to shit on something he 'does not care about' but got too close and splashed all over himself. Its crazy, I like my Xbox, like my PS 3, but why the need to whine about something you will never own.... Dedicated must pacing up and down trying to come back with something good....

Automatic793936d ago (Edited 3936d ago )


You lost credibility. Biggest hypocrite on this website.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 3936d ago
Maddens Raiders3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

"I am aware that Microsoft hasn't changed the Xbox One's policies out of the kindness of its own heart. I am aware that, if the public outcry wasn't as huge as it was, they'd still be enforcing the same strict regulations regarding used games, and making us sign into Xbox Live even to play games that didn't have any online features"

"Sony aren't against DRM, and it's safe to assume that its exclusion from the PlayStation 4 wasn't due to some sense of morality, but rather due to them wanting to beat the Xbox One."

"I can understand the reasoning of those who do not purchase an Xbox One because of its previous policies, and I envy its righteousness."

I hear ya, but it seems like the author wants it both ways. To be assumptive and critical of a console without facts, only to justify the excited feeling about what they wanted in the first place [The X1] is wholly hypocritical. I say to the author, "Look if you wanted it don't wrap it up in an article veiled in fanboy mumbo jumbo... just come out and say you're excited MS reversed itself and you want to feel good about that now and want your readers to know it as well."

There's nothing wrong with liking whatever you want, but the premise from which the author writes is a bit disingenuous to say the least.

YNWA963937d ago

Sony are not against DRM. They are just not using it. As Dedicated said, wait and see approach.

knifefight3937d ago

Are you new to the internet?
It's only okay to like what the other guys likes.
And it's never okay to dislike what the other guy likes.

Come on man, get with the times. People can't like different things anymore.

golding893937d ago

if its "okay"? lol cmon man. Why wouldn't it be ok if someone likes it? :-/

AngelicIceDiamond3937d ago

Maybe at the X1 reveal and at E3 myabe it hard to get excited.

MS is making things better before the console launches. Opting in what indie devs and consumers want.

People don't like the idea of Kinect being in the box that's ok that's their opinion. In My opinion its a great idea.

All you you have to do is look at what happened with the 360 when Kinect got introduced later. Kinect this and Kinect that, Hardcore games were present but no new Ip's were around because MS heavily invested into Kinect and the casual market.

It may seem like a bad Idea now. But in the future it'll be standard purchase with the console.

Other than that, yeah, its cool to get excited about it. Why wouldn't it be?

Maddens Raiders3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

Read the article closely again. Not saying that it's not okay, just read the article again closely. The author is not an honest broker.

ftwrthtx3937d ago

I've said it before and I'll say it again, the gamers always win in a console war.

Of course you should be excited. New consoles bring new games, even if they haven't been announced yet.

slimeybrainboy3937d ago

Of course is it! It's a machine.

The real question is 'Should you forgive MS?'. If you like their exclusives and some of the Kinect features, then of course it's fine to be excited for XB1.

MS' decisions are open for scrutiny, but the responsibility lies on the few execs and higher ups that allow it. Their job is to know that the reaction would be as bad as it is. I chose not to forgive. Their execs don't seem in touch to me. People like Yusuf, 'Major Nelson', and old Don have always annoyed me.

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Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar4h ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.


Easy Achievements / Trophy Games: Week of April 29th - May 5th

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Let's Be Real, There Is Nothing "Micro" About Microtransactions Anymore

Microtransactions have gotten ridiculously overpriced in recent years, with titles now offering cosmetic skins worth more than some games.

Terry_B1d 1h ago

Yup..this is 100% the sad truth

z2g5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

The elephant in the room tho is personal accountability. It’s easy (albeit basic) to blame the big, bad corpo, but microtransactions wouldn’t be where they are if gamers didn’t spend money on them. As it stands the MTs usually make more than the game. Publishers know raising game prices will cause backlash, so they do MTs to compensate. But the adult conversation is consumers determine the success of products with their wallets. So if MTs are a huge thing, it’s because we as consumers told them we like them by giving them a lot of money for them. So if you don’t want them to be a thing, convince your fellow gamers to stop buying them and expect that games will be decently more expensive. You all can disagree all you want, but reality is a bitch, and eventually you have to live in it.

anast3h ago

Trying to convince people is the least realistic thing. If we are trying to be adults, actual action is what changes things not "convincing campaigns" on platforms owned by the people 'you' are going against. It's madness and idealistic.

isarai17h ago

I mean except for the amount of content you're paying for.

Hugodastrevas7h ago

There never was, the only time I paid for a microtransaction was on Blacklight Retribution (PS4) and it was because I enjoyed the game a lot so I felt the devs should get something for all that entertainment (€5 "membership")

-Foxtrot6h ago

The devs wouldn’t get that though, that shit goes straight to the higher ups who do f*** all let’s be honest.

Hugodastrevas5h ago

Probably, but I wasn't as cynical back then and €5 wasn't a big ask to get the guns with grinding instead of renting them, and the game was good (still is on the PS5/4)

CrimsonWing694h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I couldn’t believe what Blizzard charged for horse armor and cosmetics in Diablo 4…

I remember back in the day when a season pass was $15 and you got everything included in it. Now, I see them at $60 and you still don’t get everything.

Shane Kim4h ago

As soon as gaming wasn't deemed nerdy anymore, and reached the casuals this happened. We're smart, but casuals play mobile games and other stuff, and don't really have anything to compare. They think gaming is supposed to be like this and pay for in game purchases.

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