
Angry Birds Star Wars Console Box Art Revealed, Includes 'Exclusive New Levels'

Hardcore Gamer: Activision has revealed the box art for the upcoming Angry Birds Star Wars console release. As expected, it features Angry Birds in Star Wars costumes and not too much else. The good news is that the box art reveals that the console versions will contain “exclusive new levels.”

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CalvinKlein3947d ago

ahhahahaha 40$, thats 39$ too much.

ShugaCane3947d ago

That's 39.99$ too much. Game's free on Android.

zeal0us3947d ago

Someone will still waste their money on it regardless what the price is.

Soldierone3947d ago

Poor Grandma, Activision is always ripping you off.

iamnsuperman3947d ago

Wait wait hold the phone. They are releasing this as a physical copy. What. It is a downloadable game (not a big one at that)

OldGirl3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

What kills me about this is we are constantly getting some really awesome digital titles lately.. That I wish were physical. Especially on PSN.. and this bull crap manages to be able to be on a physical disc..?

Goodness.. Talk about screwed up priorities. I feel bad for all the grandparents and parents who will end up buying this crap for $40 dollars cause they don't know any better.

I swear I truly cannot stand this kind of stuff. If I had the time and money, I would have a lawyer making a case of this. Cause this is pure robbery.

That have some huge balls that is for sure.

Pascalini3947d ago

Haha please no-one buy this

g-nome3947d ago

Nooooooooo , save us from these freakin angry birds. Send the bastards to anger management already.

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Physical Games Will Never Die

Despite what the analysts like to repeat like broken record players, physical games really aren't going anywhere.

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RazzerRedux1437d ago

"Even in the case that physical games do die out, there will always be somebody out there who will look to release it physically to what is still a baying crowd."

Assuming that was meant to say "buying crowd". That's it in a nutshell. Supply and demand. I would love to believe that physical will always be an option. My gut tells me that won't always be the case. There is a reason why GameStop is nearly a dead business and it is because of the rise of digitally downloaded games. It sucks, but it is what it is.

Right now the problem with digitally downloaded games is the congestion the internet due to people staying at home. I tried to run a speed test yesterday as my internet was slow and the speed test said there were too many people using speed test and try again later. That's insane. Imagine trying to download a 50 GB game. Makes physical games look really good right now.

melons1437d ago

I feel Gamestop et al struggling has as much to do with digital as it does them just being awful at pricing, not scaling with the times, and being aggressive with extra sales.

I always go to ma and pa stores over a chain if I can, not only because I won't be sold nine million things at checkout, but also because they are generally cheaper.

If I buy online, I always use ShopTo or The Game Collection over the "traditional" vendors as they are actually cheaper than digital. GameStop, Game, or whatever your regional retail version is, are struggling as they are just BAD places to shop, as well as digital having its impact.

RazzerRedux1437d ago

Pricing is a big problem for physical overall though. Margins are already extremely slim for retailers. There used to be discounts on game preorders but that is gone for the most part for physical games. This isn't a GameStop or Game problem. It is a retailer problem. Game prices have not adjusted with inflation since 2005 and that has impacted the money these stores make on each game sold. And physical artificially inflates the prices of digital for console games as publishers do not want to lower prices on digital until physical inventories are decreased. Physical means actual money tied up in inventory, unlike digital. This puts the squeeze on retailers and it is reflected in their pricing, lack of promotions, and the sales pitches at the counter.

Now take the PC side of things where digital is non-existent, for the most part. You have plenty of preorder discounts from sites like greenmangaming or fanatical. You have a seemingly unending number of sales and promotions. The fact that games on PC are not competing with the inventories of their physical counterparts frees up publishers and resellers to do these things.

This may sound like I'm promoting digital over physical, but I'm not really. I just don't think we should ignore the positives that digital brings to the table. I love a healthy physical market for console where buying, trading, and reselling continues to live on. Those are advantages digital simply does not have and probably never will.

1437d ago
KilluaX31437d ago

DVDs and Blu-Rays haven't died, despite things like streaming services functioning even better sometimes, so of course physical games aren't going to die either.

Latex741437d ago

Not until the price drops digital is a big rip off it may be convenient but not worth it . I only buy sale games digital at most 25 pounds

toxic-inferno1437d ago

The other advantage is being able to share it. My wife and I have two PS4s (one each from before we got married), so we can buy the game once as a download and play it online together. Would cost twice as much to do the same with physical copies.

With that said, we are big believers in physical copies, and even buy two physical copies of some games.

ifrit_caress1437d ago

The author makes some really interesting points. You simply cannot trust that publishers/corporations will keep their game license active and you never have to worry about that if you have the physical disc.

Just look at what Konami did to P.T.

NotoriousWhiz1437d ago

They broke into your home, turned on your console and deleted P.T?

ifrit_caress1437d ago

No, but if I wanted to reinstall it, that would be impossible. Even if I didn't have the game, if I wanted to download it, that is impossible.

Publishers can and have pulled their games off the net or online stores on a whim.

1437d ago
NotoriousWhiz1437d ago

Okay. Companies also eventually stop producing physical content. They aren't required to make it available to you forever. If you want to keep your digital software, create a backup. Now it's definitely preferable if games had both a physical and digital copy, as it's a lot simpler to purchase a 2nd hand physical copy than it is to acquire a digital only copy that's no longer hosted on stores.

1437d ago
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Vita's Lost Games - A Look at the Digital Future

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Ever since the advent of full-game downloads on consoles, it seems the market has slowly been shifting towards a digital future where games are delivered through internet connections rather than physical disks. While the convenience this brings is undeniable, and plenty of gamers have embraced having a stuffed memory card in their Vita, there are major pitfalls that are slowly beginning to show, one of which is that games can be delisted without any prior warning, leaving them lost to time unless you bought them before they disappeared."

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Fist4achin1850d ago

I'm still rocking both my vita and 3ds. Tons of gems on there.


10 Star Wars Games That LucasArts Wants You to Forget

There have been some incredible Star Wars games, but there's also some that LucasArts would rather players forget. Here are the 10 worst Star Wars games.

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TheOttomatic912559d ago

I remember thinking The Masters of Teras Kasai was awesome as a kid..................man I was dumb.