
Driveclub: perfecting car creation & why only Driveclub 2 will be prettier. Evolution explain OPM

OPM: Not all driving games are born equal. There are long-running arcade blasts, demanding sims championed by a few and played by almost none, and cartoon rides that shoot rainbows out of their exhausts. There are officially licensed chart favourites, promising much each year then delivering it the year after. And then… (puts on best Clarkson voice) there’s Driveclub.

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4091d ago Replies(4)
starfox794091d ago ShowReplies(2)
Wizziokid4091d ago

So glad we get this for free on PS+ I don't think I could afford it for a while at launch with Knack, KZ:SF, Watch Dogs, BF4 and the PS4 on my list.

latincooker2144091d ago (Edited 4091d ago )

yep you said it cyberninja but i say let them keep the hate going is just funny when team Xbot hate. PS4 FTW:)

Veneno4091d ago

I just can't wait to get my hands on this. Evolution makes the funnest driving games in the industry.

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60FPS on PS5: Unofficial PS5 'FPS Boost' mods are radically improving PS4 back compat

Digital Foundry : Whether it's via FPS Boost or bespoke software upgrades, backwards compatibility on the current-gen consoles delivered an unexpected delight - the ability to liberate older console games from their 30fps limits, running them at 60 frames per second or even higher. FPS Boost did the business for Xbox Series consoles on an impressive range of titles, but there was always the sense that PS5 could do more. It's a hunch that checks out as a range of frame-rate unlocks are available for PS5, covering many must-have games - the major caveat being that only exploitable consoles running on older firmwares are invited to the party.

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darthv72252d ago

you love to see new life being breathed into older titles but damn the process to get there. It should be automatic that these work for everyone... not just those who exploit their systems. Really wish Sony and MS would keep this program going officially.

Psychonaut85252d ago

Damn this sucks. I want this shit so bad, but I’m not jailbreaking my console. And frankly I shouldn’t have to. I’m not a tech person, but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate? Or would that have to be a large patch?

dveio252d ago (Edited 252d ago )

"but is it really that hard for developers to unlock the framerate?"

I guess it's not.

But it has become a profitable business if you do so.

So no one would pay for only the framerate patched to being unlocked. So studios need to offer more than that.

But this would take more time, polishing and would cost more money. So they shy away, but won't unlock the framerate, either.

That's just my personal assumption. But from what I can comprehend technically, it shouldn't be difficult to unlock framerates via a patch for older games.

... if it hadn't became a business.

RaidenBlack252d ago (Edited 252d ago )

frame-rate unlock should be free ...
We've seen many devs offer free patches and updates to pretty old PC titles, even bonuses ... so why can't devs offer the frame unlock patch for free (in consultation with the platform-producers) for a title from just a generation earlier?

Einhander1972252d ago


"frame-rate unlock should be free ..."

Obviously the result of that thinking is that developers aren't even going to do it.

If they had been allowed to charge $5-10 you would see incentivized developers doing it way more often.

People just always want everything for free, but it's not free to make the patch, people have to code it then other people have to test it, and there will always be other costs involved.

If people want dollar store gaming then expect to get what you pay for.

shinoff2183251d ago (Edited 251d ago )

Raiden I might be wrong but last I thought it cost money to put patches out on consoles.

As far as me paying for it, I'm not all that interested tbh. Not enough to pay for it with older games, and newer games have been pretty decent about it for the most part.

dumahim252d ago

Sounds like the modder has to go in to make changes to unlock it on a game by game basis. "Simple" enough to do it unofficially, but to have it done officially, they need someone to go in a make that change, put out a patch and put it through certification, which I believe is not necessarily a cheap thing to do. It's questionable if going through this would then give them enough sales to make it worthwhile.

Inverno252d ago

Many games still have physics tied to framerate, i think it's cause they wouldn't want to go in and do anything extra. Then there's the 10 dollar upgrades they rather charge. The problem is that there's no compromise, cause if I could mod my PS4 and all I'd lose is online play then id jailbreak it immediately. Mods have done so much for PC games and they could do the same for consoles, but manufacturers hafto be willing to compromise.

shinoff2183251d ago

It's not to hard to do and there's youtube videos that break it down really well. ANyway most of us here arent able to break are console anyway due to being up to date on firmware from playing

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 251d ago
Chocoburger252d ago

Yep, this sucks having to require a jailbreak for something that should be standard in our industry by now. I learned my lesson when PS4 was jailbroken and I didn't keep a console on low firmware for years, but now I'm holding onto two low firmware PS5s specifically because there are features I'll be able to do that you can't do on official firmware, so this will pay off for me soon enough.

Jin_Sakai252d ago

It should be a sin to let these games sit and be stuck at 30fps.

EazyC252d ago

RDR 2 not getting a 60FPS patch for PS5 was a crime.


Driveclub - Brutal Backlog

Driveclub was a headline game at the start of the PS4’s life. A fabulous game – eventually - but what now, with the servers turned off? Is it worth your time? JDR starts its engines in today’s Brutal Backlog.

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Abear21934d ago

Bikes expansion might be one of the most underrated games of last gen. Incredible driver and bike animations + DC weather is craze.


DriveClub director confirms he’ll reveal his next game this year

Paul Rustchynsky, who was additionally lead designer on several MotorStorm titles at Sony‘s Evolution Studios, is currently working on an unannounced project as part of Avalanche Studios’ new Liverpool development team, which was formed last summer.

deleted991d ago

Nice. I really like Avalanche's Apex system, it can make some pretty stunning environments. Hopefully it'll translate well into a racing game! (assuming that's what he's working on)

Magog991d ago

He specifically says it won't be a racing game of any kind.

deleted991d ago

Yea, I see he posted a different tweet clarifying that now, but that was not posted in this original tweet or any of the replies. I apologize for not scrolling through all of his Twitter account.Thanks.

Magog991d ago

@OtterX It's in the credit URL actual story. No need to get upset.

MIDGETonSTILTS17991d ago

Motorstorm 2 deserves a remaster.

The balanced monster trucks vs dirt bikes.

chicken_in_the_corn991d ago

Why a remaster? A new game would be so much better

MIDGETonSTILTS17991d ago

Because it’s been designed already…

Azfargh990d ago

I would be happy with just that at 60fps... but... if it were a new game with course maker, 50 cars racing at the same time, focusing on Pacific Rift and Monument Valley... I would feel way better

MIDGETonSTILTS17988d ago

That sounds like alotta extra work for content nobody is clamoring for.

Classic maps for me please. I actually want the game to release.

MaximusPrime_991d ago

"To set some expectations, I'm not working on a racing game.
So sorry, no DRIVECLUB sequel, MotorStorm successor or ONRUSH offshoot.
This is something very different to anything I've worked on before"
So it will not be a racing game. That's a shame. :(

moriarty1889991d ago

Agreed. Driveclub and Motorstorm were great games and deserve sequels. Onrush was fun for me as well. I wonder what type of game he will unveil when the time comes.

Mr_Luke991d ago

Damn, i hoped a DC or Motorstorm sequel... :( let's see what they can pull out from the hat.

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