
10 of the best free to play PC games: League of Legends, Path of Exile and more!

Lately, everything is free to play; most people reading this have probably played plenty of free to play games, but the problem with the genre is that they're not only free to play, but they're often also pay to win and pay to enjoy. There are some free to play games that restrict features so much that the games are near unplayable without paying.

But fear not, penny-pinching gamers! Tech Digest is here to show you some of the best free to play games out there, those offering the best bang for relatively-little buck.

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Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3965d ago

LOL is a good game but BEWARE of the community as i think its the worst i have ever seen in all my days of gaming.Full of Kids ,immature and just downright obnoxius people and thats the downfall of the free to play model it brings in all the riff raff.

Capt-FuzzyPants3964d ago

It seems as I progress further and play with other players of higher ranks the community gets better. People at lower levels think they're amazing at the game and they rage if you make a mistake (even though they make big mistakes too). Once I got out of that skill level I started seeing nicer and more people that understand that people mess up. I still see some people rage every once in a while, but after playing the game for a year I don't see as many people rage like they used too.

decrypt3964d ago

Dota 2 is pretty dam amazing and the community is good too.

STK0263964d ago

The community itself isn't any worse or better than most competitive multiplayer games, may it be MOBAs like DotA/DotA2/HoN or shooters like Call of Duty. But since the game has such a large install base, there are tons of toxic players, but percentage-wise, I'd say it's probably similar with the other games I've mentioned.

HammadTheBeast3964d ago

Once you reach level 20+ it gets much better. All the kids and overall bad players are filtered out by then. Well most.

Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3964d ago

I disagree you will see them in all leagues/divisions as elo boosting is very popular.

zeal0us3965d ago

Warframe is a good PvE MMOTPS but be prepared to grind/farm heavily for gear or ready spend some money for gear.

Even after you collect all the items to craft your gear you will still have to wait a period of time before you can actually used the weapon. Though if you willing pay some $$$/platinum you can speed of the process.


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