
Console Wars: You’re going to buy an Xbox One

VG247- Thanks to some clever showmanship from Sony, E3 2013 was a PR disaster for Microsoft. What effect will this have on the next generation of console wars? Almost nothing, Brenna argues.

No matter how strongly we rail against the Xbox One, how much we all focus on the negatives instead of embracing the positives, the Xbox One will sell and it will be successful. After all, it’s got Halo. It’s got Titanfall. It’s got all your Xbox Live friends. And it’s got your Gamerscore. Eventually, it will have you.

3987d ago Replies(3)
NatureOfLogic3987d ago

This article is reeks of desperation and denial.

bicfitness3987d ago

That is what powers "the infinite power of cloud." Fanboy dreams.

MS are spouting as much hyperbole and bs as some of the major oil companies these days. Their die-hard fans are just as sad. We shouldn't be attached to companies, particularly not ones who mistreat their customer bases. If Sony fucked up everything this gen - DRM, check in restrictions, shitty hardware, $500 pricetag - I certainly wouldn't be cheer-leading them, no matter my history with the brand.

These companies are not our friends. They provide a service. If they don't do that adequately or competitively, move on. No sense getting so attached as some of these fans seem to be. It's not healthy.

Hydrolex3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

That is towards Microsoft employees and their kids.... they probably get a discount lol !

No one else is buying that FBI tool crap. I was wondering why it must come with the kinect, but so weird that you MUST BE online once a day !! VERY WEIRD

Saigon3987d ago

Ha...not even going to respond, however i did like what someone posted #classic:


mikeslemonade3987d ago

Casual gamers and the uninformed will buy one. Just like all the casual gamers still buying COD and Battlefield while clearly there's better shooters, espionange, and military shooters coming out.

blackbeld3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )


Das gif is epic!

Hahaha. Big finger.


NewMonday3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

"It’s got all your Xbox Live friends"

this is actually making friends jump ship as a whole group.

gamers are actually advertising PS4 to each other in XBL.

Dee_913987d ago

They just tried to pull a darth vader on me.
Im not gonna say im never gonna buy a Xbox One because im not sure if they will change their policies but until then.PS3/PS4/PC/360 for me

Diver3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

No it will not have me. I will not support a console that chose corporations over gamers by attempting and attempting to persuade others to reduce the rights and freedoms of gamers.

Digital tyranny may be alright by VG24/7 but they should be warned they are gonna come out on the pointy end of the stick on this.

thechosenone3987d ago

Dat reverse psychology. tee hee

And the main reason why I'll be getting a PS4 over Xbone is that it's 60% more powerful so you know both multiplats and exclusives will look and play much better on Sony's hardware.

SilentNegotiator3987d ago

"It’s got Titanfall"

Oh yeah, because an EA game is going to be an exclusive for long...they even said that they couldn't comment about whether it would stay exclusive (Instead of just saying "maybe"), implying a contractual obligation not to say that it's temporary.

Heartnet3987d ago

It doesnt lol...

I hate what Ms have done but at the same time i know Sony will get around to it sooner rather than later and tbh its not as big a deal as every1 makes it xD

Ill probz end up with one nigh on launch date cause of certain games hah

Mounce3986d ago

I came in here only to basically say:

"No I'm not and go fuck yourself vg247.com and Brenna Hillier"

Kevin ButIer3986d ago

Titanfall is coming to PS4 sooner than later...

That-Guy3986d ago

Your Jedi mind-tricks will not work on me, Microsoft.

Blacktric3986d ago (Edited 3986d ago )

"Story by Brenna Hillier"


Oh man... For a second thought it was written by some actual human being.

For the ones who don't recognize the name (which is a good thing); she's the one who wrote this "amazing" piece:


The_Con-Sept3986d ago

I have never bought an Xbox. Shows how much of a true gamer I am right? I still have an snes, Sega dreamcast, and a ps1. Never cared for Xbox.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3986d ago
Anon19743987d ago

I have zero plans to purchase this system. The original XBox was my favorite console of that gen (sorry PS2, I just liked it better) and I bought a 360 this gen pretty much day one.

I have no interest in this system. I may miss out on a few games I would like to play, but at the end of the day I know I'll have no shortage of games vying for my limited gaming time. I saw what the Xbox One was offering. I'm not interested.

indysurfn3986d ago

Yeah because it has halo? right when wii came out it had Metroid! my fav, Nintendo didn't even try to take my rights away and I found a new favorite on xbox360. Guess what I will do with halo, the only game I have bought and loved everyone of (that was the same kind of game, sorry halo wars) which is actually a war simulation game not a first person shutter. I will fall in love with last of us or something!
Micro's is so soft they cant stick it in my wallet and take away my rights.

pompombrum3987d ago

Ssshh don't say you're not buying it.. they believe that if they can keep saying "You’re going to buy an Xbox One" then people might actually start believing it.

titletownrelo3987d ago

"you are going to buy an Xbox One, you are going to buy an Xbox One, you ar-..."

MysticStrummer3987d ago

lol Hypnosis is exactly what I thought of when I saw the title.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have to buy a One, since I was offered an XBox and 360 more than once for birthdays and Christmas. My answer has always been no and it will remain no.

AngelicIceDiamond3987d ago

Again the games and exclusives and the features is what's making want an X1.

The only policy I don't like is the 24 hour check in that's crap.

Now I'm always online half the time. But internet is not perfect and it randomly goes down. So if I don't fix my internet within 24 hours its over. Stupid... stupid, stupid, stupid.

The used games policy: doesn't bother me there's a gamestop down the street.

Lending games policy: 10 people I can lend games to. Wow, only one of my friends borrow my games, ONE. Not a problem I'm only speaking behalf of myself on this.

Edward753987d ago

For all the bad things I found this to be awesome..


Very great feature many are overlooking.

RiPPn3987d ago

That game sharing thing isn't to bad, however it can and will change at Microsoft's discretion. This is just Microsoft giving you a taste so they can get you hooked.

Dee_913987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

I never thought I would live to see the day that sharing a game would be a feature.I actually thought that more than 1 person can play that shared copy at once and I thought that was the feature,but apparently you cant.. so im back at square one, what will justify their policies..At first it was used games are making developers and publishers lose profit,but developers and publishers came out and said that this isnt the case.So once again what justify these policies?
What positive for the consumers come out of 24hr check-ins and mandatory installs?

3987d ago
Enemy3987d ago

I'd buy one just to upload a video of me smashing it to pieces with a sledgehammer. Xbox One is an accurate portrayal of everything that the future of gaming shouldn't be.

Army_of_Darkness3987d ago

It's They're money, they're choice so Good luck and I hope they are always online, especially when playing a video game;-)

nosferatuzodd3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

psss boss, i have some games to sell!... what do you have? 3 xbox1 games.. nah I'm good you have to have something moor real republic of Microsoft is no good out here this place is run by the hutts Xbox1 will do fine .. no it wont... yes Xbox one will do fine..no no it wont ..
you're waving you're hand like you're some kind of Jedi
mind tricks doesn't work on me only Sony

greenlantern28143986d ago

I'm not. And idk why people think xbox is winning this gen. since even if they are beating sony and from what i have seen in total world wide sales they are about even, wii still out sold them. But back to the next gen I have around a dozen xbox fans that i talk to at work and none of them are going to get an xb1 strictly because of the fact they have to have kinect and check in every 24 hrs. but only 3 of them told me they would buy a ps4 most seem to say they just will stay on 360.

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Moonman3987d ago (Edited 3987d ago )

pa...........pahahahahaha...mu ....MUHAHAHA!

Silly gameAr3987d ago

Lot of articles like this one coming in lately. hmmmm.

cell9893987d ago

I know right, like trying to convince us that the xbone actually is worth forking out 5 bills

Kyosuke_Sanada3987d ago

An influx since midnight last night with tons of apologists following suit.....

pompombrum3987d ago

And what looks suspiciously like sales rep coming on here posting comments and sending out pms (I've had two so far)

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