
Amazon Holds PS4 vs Xbox One Vote, PS4 Winning By Embarrassingly Insane Ratio

Amazon, the world’s largest online retailer, has a huge multiplatform fanbase with allegiances to both parties, so their audience’s reaction to the Xbox One must be sending chills down Microsoft’s spine. - PSLS

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360degrees3979d ago ShowReplies(28)
Cam9773979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )


Sony, welcome back to your true glory. We've not seen you this brilliant since the PS2 days.

warewolfSS3979d ago

This might be the most disturbing comment ever on this site.r

kneon3979d ago

All my friends that currently have 360's have already abandoned ship, and I didn't even need to push them overboard :)

WolfOfDarkness3979d ago

OMG ! As expected , and I never though it will be that bad for Microsoft ?

Muerte24943979d ago

friend went yesterday and traded in our Xbox360's to reserve PS4.

T23979d ago

you don't need to convince anyone.. My friend with only a 360 this gen, sent me the pre-order info on the ps4, before I even talked to him!

quenomamen3979d ago

Rise up Comrades ! rise up now ! For too long you have been told lie after lie, for far too long you have been told it is for your own good, that they know what is best for you. Now is the time to revolt !

Now is the time to show them you can make your own choices, yes my fellow gamers the Revolution will be fought, not out in a cold, blood soaked battlefield, but in out living rooms, and our hearts and minds ! Yay tho they have not listened to our voices ! The sound you make with your wallets shall be deafening !! Arise, arise !!!!

abzdine3979d ago

i really have to move my ass and pre-order one before i will regret it!!!
these numbers are scary, Sony have been in a dream world since february and now it's even bigger.
next Gamescom and then TGS! big things will be announced there and with all this situation around xbox japanese for sure aren't gonna support it!

Greatness awaits

Sevir3979d ago

With someone who preordered the Xbox one, The sales rep at gamestop let it slip that of the 100 Xbox one and PS4 spots up for preordered, PS4 has 88, spots filled verses the 22 spots filled for MS's all in one entertainment system, I became spot number 89. People aren't happy with MS's 180° turn with it's fanbase, which is why Sony's conference resonated. Everyone got hyped for the halo 5 teaser for the Xbox one, but when MS said Nov 2013 at $499 for the Xbox one availability with all that DRM bs the tune was no clapping.

saladthieves3979d ago

Ladies and gentlemen,

This is pretty much what happens when you tell your fanbase:


oof463979d ago

I play a lot of battlefield, and 4 of my friends on 360 have put in preorders for ps4. Microsoft...damage control...damage control...


I am all over it... I was an xbox fan but boy MS have gone out of their way to prove they don't care about me as a customer, they don't care about the 8 years I have been on xbox live.

it's all good. I know they don't owe me anything, but like wise we do not owe them anything. They are not providing the service I want anymore, it's as simple as that.

loulou3979d ago


microsoft you have less than 5 months to turn this around, or i have a feeling that it will be like the ps2 // xbox era all over again.

the stars are aligning, and microsofts horoscope doesn't read well.

i still have both pre-ordered and that is not going to change.

BattleAxe3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

I know a couple people at work who are going with the PS4 this time around.

Things just aren't looking good for Microsoft in general:

- Windows 8 is not capturing peoples attention
- Windows Phones are not very popular
- Xbox One looks to be a flop
- Google Chrome and Firefox seem to be the browsers of choice with most people I talk to
- Open Office software is growing in popularity as is Google Docs
- Games for Windows Live is a complete failure
- Valve is helping to bring Linux to the forefront
- Microsoft Surface hasn't caught on with consumers
- Gmail is far more popular than Outlook
- the Zune was a failure

Balmer is wrecking Microsoft, and theres nothing that anyone can do about it lol

Developers Developers Developers Devlopers

DOMination-3979d ago

I don't know if sony are back to their former glory as op suggests. I dont think their e3 was strong at all but ms is just gifting this to them with so many bad decisions and pr that sony doesn't need to be top of their game.

Gigaguy7773979d ago

Heh, I've persuaded most of my friends (about 6 or 7) to get an X1 as opposed to PS4. MS is in it's glory too, people are too busy focusing on the stuff that most likely doesn't affect them, than the console itself.

SolidStoner3979d ago

those people who pre-ordered fail box obviously dont read news, and dont have fiends to talk to, and dont use internet... so we dont loose nothing this time around...

funny thing is.. if people who pre order xbox and dont use online/internet connection to a console.. will be pissed.. very!!!

so I predict most of them will return!!!!!

Anarki3979d ago

Seriously, Microsoft must be trying to use this to get out of gaming because no one can be this retarded.

YNWA963979d ago

What a bunch of suckers..... Not seen this since atari v commodore.... And back then not one person bought a game.... These people are upset because they might have to pay full price for a new game....

nosferatuzodd3979d ago

People don't really get it this is a nazi move by Microsoft
Look I'm a Sony fan but I'm not that blind if Sony did this crap I would stay away from them has well.

Forget about ps4 buy a PC instead or wii u just don't sopport this crap from Microsoft
remember this is bigger than ps4 vs Xbox this is about freedom if Microsoft succeeds then
Kiss you're asss goodbye with owning you're own game

showtimefolks3979d ago


That's just wrong man, MS did say if you have no net connection buy a xbox360 so why are people buying ps4's when a perfectly great system in xbox360 could be playable offline. I swear you Sony fans are nuts

Goes on to amazon ordered a ps4

I am back, no MS I want to be able to play my system offline which is next gen and actually mores powerful than the one which is the weaker one

How many jokes could we come up about the one?

Now that was sarcasm

MS you deserve this and more, make sure you are wearing protection because you are in bd with a dirty white known as EA. one condom isn't enough also. Protect yourself before you catch something

EA/MS a match made in hell

EA we gonna get rid of online passes see we are nice guys
MS ok now to plan B lets charge people full price for used games instead of $9.99 for online passes

malol3979d ago

this feels like some sort of propaganda

FightFans3978d ago

totally agree with you, i can't wait to get my hand on ps4.

Cueil3978d ago

the PS2 days were horrible... innovation had stalled for the most part and Sony purposely sabatoged Dreamcast forums and fan sites... it was really bad back then. Microsoft threw a wrench in their plans and forced them to stop messing around and more forward... to create a real online system and to look at the cloud. This industry has never done well in a compitionless environment.

gta28003978d ago

My Friend was really interested in the Xbox and said he didn't know which one to get. I gave him the 411 on the DRM and online stuff and he went to go reserve a PS4 lol. It's much more serious that some people think.

pompombrum3978d ago

Just gets better and better for Sony. Remember checking this article out about 15 hours ago and the votes were one 18k PS4 1k Xbone. Since then the PS4 has gained over 9000 votes while the Xbone couldn't even get 500

cedaridge3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I already got my ps4 reserve. Really just what was Microsoft thinkin?

braydox213978d ago

Thats right join the innovators not the immitators

Simmons933978d ago

I am Xbox gamer never owned a ps3 but in all honestly everyone here are consumers, playstation actually listened to the consumers, we don't need convinced, anyone with half a brain can see that Sony learned we aren't pushovers. So based on Sonys approach in putting gamers first, I will happily make the move to ps4

3978d ago
user55757083978d ago

just discussed with 4 of my friends over wings last night. ps4 is the console of choice and they all played xbox last gen.

+ Show (29) more repliesLast reply 3978d ago
OlgerO3979d ago

I think that the PS4 might even outsell in the US market while microsoft is putting all it efforts there and neglecting the rest of the world.

HammadTheBeast3979d ago

In Canada here, I'm honestly getting surprised at how much hype the PS4 has, even people who aren't gamers say its better and a lot of people are switching.

D-riders3979d ago

yeah if MS loses the market in the United States they are officially the next sega, just with more cash to burn, hehe

punisher993979d ago

"I think that the PS4 might even outsell in the US market while microsoft is putting all it efforts there and neglecting the rest of the world. "

Its currently destroying the xbox1 here in the U.S. in pre orders.

Tyre3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

Wow indeed! Just Wow. It speaks for itself. MS gets shown what people think of their restrictions.

xxLuckyStrike3979d ago

You'd think these dummies would change it up b4 its to late. Baffled by the ill logic.

hot4play3978d ago

ALL GAMERS around the world united under one banner - the PlayStation Nation!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3978d ago
sobekflakmonkey3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

That's fair I guess, the xbox 360 did have an amazing start, it later tapered off and PS3 has been the go to console for the past 3-4 years, only people who never owned a 360 would say it has always sucked but the truth is, it didn't, when it was first launched it was actually pretty awesome, PGR, Dead Rising, Halo, the first Gears, it was actually pretty great, but then it just started to tank and I returned to the Playstation world and got a ps3, and I'm glad I did...

Why o why3979d ago

@ monkey, agreed. They started the gen in a very different mode from how they're ending it. Front loaded. Sony far more consistent.

GnarlyCharlieOx3979d ago

360 started right? 54.2% fail rate because they rushed it out to get ahead of sony. Microsoft has always been about $$$ and not the consumer.

Part of those sales in the beginning are probably due to people having to buy multiple 360s. I'm on my 3rd right now actually, and its an elite with a custom fan. Had to make sure it wouldn't overheat...

They fucked up last gen too, just not enough to lose their dedicated fan boys like they did this year. Plus they had a year lead on sony which made a HUGE difference in the beginning even though it was a rushed out unfinished product.

madara0sama3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

Playstation > XBOX > XBOX 360 > XBONE

a_squirrel3978d ago

Ah, I remember the original Xbox. Lots of fun playing Halo and Halo 2 split-screen

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3978d ago
VaporCell3979d ago

Lol I almost feel bad for MS. Anyways here's the link to the votes ! http://bit.ly/18t0tSa

D-riders3979d ago

whos its getting out of control

Cryptcuzz3979d ago

Thanks for the link, I had to log onto facebook again after not being logged in for 2 years now just to vote for the PS4 !!!

TheTwelve3979d ago

This really isn't surprising, based on what both sides have to offer.

What *is* surprising is that Microsoft is going to lose their dominance over North America (and England). Having the American market is always what kept them going last gen...that will be no more...

...and be $100 more expensive...

...and have restricting DRM that makes you feel as if you don't own your own games...

...and be 50%-66% less powerful than the PS4.



monkey nuts3979d ago

Just a heads up: England is a part of the UK, not all of it. xD

YNWA963979d ago

I do not think Sony will dominate, even overtake xbox in US.... Xbox is like NFL, MLB in US.....

ajax173979d ago

Just added my PS4 vote. Almost 20x the Xbox One votes. It's almost sad... Almost.

stage883979d ago

It's now:

20,000 to PS4
1,000 to Xbone

This is just embarrassing.

solidmic3979d ago

Actually, the embarrassing part is that there are still so many people, that don't seem to mind having their rights stripped away from them! Absolutely pathetic to have such low esteem for yourself!!!

ziggurcat3979d ago

those 1,000 votes? all greenpowerz...

Tyre3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

@Solidmic above me. Yes, unbelievable isn't it? They like to take it up the PEEEP!

Death3979d ago

What rights are being stripped? I'm amazed that so many don't actually know their rights in regards to software.

YNWA963979d ago

These people are convinced Sony is not on the path to DRM.... They will not tell you, they are your friends. They are Gamers.... At least MS told you to your face.... Jeez.... This actually worked...

Saksoy3978d ago

When XBONE launches is there going to be anyone online to play with?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3978d ago
Dee_913979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

Remember Amazon gets affected by this used games thing too. Dont know what this has to do with anything but I thought I should mention it...

NateCole3979d ago

It's not just Amazon.

It everywhere on the net. Facebook, Twitter, G+, the comments section on Yahoo, CNN etc etc.

It's a bloodbath.

What also hasn't help the x1 is the recent NSA spy scandal. Mainstream that didn't believe in spy theorist are now openly afraid of always online devices which the X1 is.

Enemy3979d ago

The numbers are even more embarrassing now lmao.

solar3979d ago

this might end up being the greatest collapse in gaming history


Man! that's really a big difference!

amiga-man3978d ago

LOL at the disagrees.

are you people really saying a 20 to 1 difference isn't big?

Thats huge!!!!!

Syntax-Error3979d ago

I am now officially a PS4 owner. I just paid it off. Just wanna see what other launch titles are going to be available besides what we've seen. Every launch title is going to be for current gen so far. Gonna switch my Battlefield 4 preorder over to PS4

CRAIG6673978d ago

Its FAKE, yesterday the numbers for both consoles were significantly higher...

McGamer3978d ago

I hate to admit it, but I am a 8yr XBox fan who will be preordering the PS4 and buying an XBO this year.

CRAIG6673978d ago


McGamer3974d ago

Craig667, you're an illiterate idiot. I said I was a 8yr Xbox fan, not a 8yr old fan. Learn to read before posting next time.

DJMarty3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

27218 vs 1544 in PS4 favour, that crazy. If that repeated worldwide, that would be a huge margin


@LOGICWINS - It not just the Xbox Ones price that stinks, it's Microsofts policies. Thats whats turning Xbox fans to Playstation fans. No price drop will remedy this.....lol

DJMarty3978d ago

I bet PS4 hits 30K before Xbox One hits 2.5K

Gameatholon3978d ago

360Degrees you totally remind me of this clip.

RedHawkX3978d ago

only nerds and squares will have an xbox one. everyone else will have the ps4 make the right purchase guys. ps4 is where the online gaming will be

Shnooze3978d ago (Edited 3978d ago )

I think you're wrong with that generalization.

Nerds are too smart to buy an Xbox One.

Psychonaut3976d ago

No better way to say it, "Just wow" is perfect. Also, the fact Blu-Ray is a Sony proprietary so for each XboxOne title sold Sony makes a profit as well.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3974d ago
shikamaroooo3979d ago

The second coming of the PS2 dominance?

threefootwang3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

Have you noticed that the PS4 even resembles the PS2 in design?

Like I obviously know it's different, but everytime I see the PS4 I can't help but think how close it looks to the PS2.

Can't wait to pick one up!!

hooba933979d ago

YES, thats what I thought when i first saw the system standing up (maybe its the blue?). it could be a sign of sony dominance to come this gen

flyingmunky3979d ago

ps2 X 2 = ps4
ps2 ^ 2 = ps4

Coincidence? I think it is the second coming of the gaming savior.

SIRHC133979d ago

This is essentially the second coming of christ.

Excalibur3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

Placed my vote in the PS4 column.
Sorry M$, I cannot support your anti-consumer surveillance system.

LOGICWINS3979d ago

The fact that the Xbox One is number 2 at its current state is still scary though. Ud think it wouldn't even be in the top ten with all the negativity surrounding it.

claudionmc3979d ago

It was N1 before E3 presentation... I'm sure that Ps4 and PS4 not-guaranteed delivery version will overtake xbox one in less than a month

LOGICWINS3979d ago

Number #1, Number #2

It really doesn't matter. It seems both consoles will sell out at launch. And if MS feels like they need a little more "umph", they can drop the price of the Xbox One to $399 with the snap of a finger. Its not like they don't have the money to take that hit.

Who knows. Maybe that was their plan all along.

Anything can happen in 6 months, I'm not making any predictions on who will overtake who yet. Too early to tell.

NatureOfLogic3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

@ LOGICWINS, So MS would drop their price and take a significant loss only so they can go head to head against the PS4 which clearly has the upper hand right now? If anything that would only just expedite MS's decision to departure from the consoles business. I believe right now that PS4 could have a higher price and still greatly outsale Xbox one. It's not all about price like some you believe. Does price matter? of course it does, but a matching price point with the PS4(currently in favor) won't win MS much compared to the losses they would be taking.

LOGICWINS3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )

This is MS, not Sony. They can actually AFFORD to take a significant loss if that means preventing the loss of market share going into this generation. Sometimes you have to go through hell to get to heaven. MS can't let Sony pound them into a hole so deep that they can never come back from.

dedicatedtogamers3979d ago


I don't see why it should matter that Xbox One is at #2. It's a new piece of technology. Wii-U was at #1 sales for a while.

I mean, Amazon doesn't sell hundreds of thousands of items at a time. Xbox One could be at #2 with a mere 1 million preorders. The bigger issues is the rumored supply constraints and manufacturing problems that the X1 is (supposedly) dealing with right now.

NatureOfLogic3979d ago

@ LOGICWINS, You do realise that MS is a corporation, and Xbox is only a games division within that corporation. Let's also not forget that most in that corporation(MS) are against the games division to begin with. So your're telling me that MS's games division will go to the rest of the corporation and say, "Hey, look guys, we want to take a major loss on Xbox one simply because we can AFFORD to, and fall back on all this corporation profit we've just made, only so we don't lose a few gamers". It makes no sense whatsoever.

Toon_Link3979d ago

Yeah I'm amazed after all the backlash people are still buying it. But at the same time it could be a lot of people trying to make a buck flipping the console if it does actually sell out during the holidays.

punisher993979d ago

" they can drop the price of the Xbox One to $399 with the snap of a finger. Its not like they don't have the money to take that hit. "

Microsoft is not interested in taking no significant hit. MS sole interest is to get as much money out of people as they can.

NateCole3979d ago

Yes because MS still has a huge userbase.

So initially we will see sales to be close because there will still be millions of xbox fans willing to take the plunge but after them it will be bleak for MS while Sony will keep getting new and converted fanbase.

dcbronco3979d ago (Edited 3979d ago )


You're making the assumption that $399 would be sold at a loss for MS. Considering they use a cheaper GPU and much cheaper RAM(probably by close to $100 on the RAM alone) dropping to $399 would most likely be breaking even. Sony should be making a slight profit. But $399 would, at worse be a slight loss for MS. And considering all of the possibilities with their design for other revenue that PS4 can't do, that would be small change. $499 is about MS making a profit day one. And MS have more room to drop price over the long haul.

@Toon Link

Not everyone buys into all of the silly excuses. Some do their own thinking.

Sevir3979d ago

but forgets that SONY on a WHOLE as an entertainment conclomerate business is not hurting or going out of Business! a company that has 13.7 billion dollars in cash and credit reserves isn't a cheap company in any comparison.

Yes Logic. MS can take a hit and drop the price of the XBOX one, but Sony can as well, given that SCE is apart of SONY Corp, They can tap into that nearly 14 billion dollars if things get dire for the whole company! Given how the PS brand was the only thing for 5 years making Sony profitable even after the PS3 depleted most of the profit made from the PS2 era, Sony still managed to launch a machine that does much of the same the Xbox One and comes in cheaper and more powerful.

If price wars is what you think MS can do, dont forget that Sony can do it too. They are valued quite high as a business and got plenty to fall back on in reserves to keep the company bringing in a profit. And Sony has more coming in with this Production cycle given the PS3 is making a profit and the PS4 isn't costing them much to produce.

YNWA963979d ago

Sony is on its last knees! Samsung destroyed the TV market..... They are nothing in cell phone market, apple owns mp3 players, its only the PS for them now! This is it for them..... PS4 will save them no doubt.. But do not tell me Sony are as big as MS.... Not even close.... I have had all 3 playstations, do not get me wrong, not a fanboy, but people should be careful what they wish for. Having MS in the console business stimulated the industry, forced it forwards, made Sony step up, and they did, but if there was no competition, it would be bad. If Sony had no competition, you would not be getting your dream machine, dream E3 as they would not care, they would own you, tell you what is best for you. Be careful. Glad I have options... Pre ordered xbox1 already, was sold out day before my eb games officially supposed to take order... No luck on PS4 though.... Kinda glad.... Wife already mad over buying one as it is..... Life....

LeCreuset3979d ago


If MS as competition is so great, why is it the biggest news coming out of E3 is that we will continue to be able to do what we could on previous systems with the PS4?

dcbronco3979d ago

Sevir you know Sony money comes with a huge helping of debt. And at extremely high interest rates because of their junk bond stock rating. Sony hasn't been selling assets because they could afford to throw away money. They sold their HQ because they badly needed money and couldn't get it from a bank.

You're the one throwing around numbers. Sony's financial problems are widely known and a few links can prove that. MS is far from having any money problem. Unless what to do with all the --cking cash is really a problem.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3979d ago
Moonman3979d ago

That is a landslide victory.

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MeteorPanda1h ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.