
Xbox One: "Everything Will Be Connected To The Internet Eventually" Says Diablo Dev

Our team at E3 have been talking to Jason Bender, Senior Designer on Blizzard's console port of Diablo 3, and we managed to get his opinions on the Xbox One and PS4.

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BadboyCivic3984d ago

I agree but don't force the issue.

NatureOfLogic3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

I agree. I think It's too early to force every to be connected. We're just not there yet, as far as Internet availability/bandwidth goes.

darthv723984d ago

is going off the statistic that there are more people now connected than ever before. to a degree....they are right.

10 years ago when live launched it was met with some criticism and it has endured over the years but with each year more and more people got internet access and as such, more people joined online services like netflix and hulu and what have you.

So there are more people that are connected now than there was even 1 year ago. It is a growing trend to want to be able to access information anytime anywhere. MS is just going about their method of forcing it on people a bit to strong.

People dont need to be forced, they need to be persuaded. sony will likely do their best to persuade people to connect their system and people will do it because it isnt being forced on them.

NameRemoved00173984d ago

Wait about 10 years then come back microsoft when most of the US is on fiber optics

badkolo3984d ago

no one is forcing anyting, just dont buy it, your not forced to get with the times

FarEastOrient3984d ago

Eventually yes, but you can't ignore the size of the markets that has already been considered in play. Like India, China, South America, and Eastern Europe. These economies are rising and eventually get to parity with the European market in general. It'll be a awhile before anyone can surpass the United States in market share.

JokesOnYou3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

hdshatter "Wait about 10 years then come back microsoft when most of the US is on fiber optics"

-huh, what do we need fiber optics for? sure that will be great in 10yrs but broadband has been doing just fine working with lots of our everyday devices, glad you having nothing to do with future tech, we'd still be using beepers, lol

UK -83.6%
Germany -83%
Japan -79.5%
US -78.1%

"The figures don’t lie and what’s probably reason enough to drop non connected households is the fact that in the biggest gaming countries, there are more people with Internet connections than those without."

-Whats even more telling is that the numbers are likely much, much higher among those who already own a 360 or ps3.

Dee_913984d ago

Nobody is denying that everything will be connected.But a connection to function is completely stupid and its more dumb than relying on oil the way we have.Do we not learn?

Crazy Larry3984d ago

Well said badkolo.
I'm confused why everybody keeps using the word "forced." Those that buy the X1 obviously have the internet and won't mind hooking it up online. MS isn't forcing anybody. There is no gun to your head demanding you get internet and buy their console. This is a great way to get people with the digital age; those that want to, will, those that don't can skip it. Simple.
FYI, I have both consoles preordered, and will enjoy them boy since I'm not fanboy retard.

JokesOnYou3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Crazy Larry

"Forced", hell if anything they basicly came right out and said if you don't have internet X1 is not for you, get a 360.

-harsh but true, except obviously the next gen alternative would be a ps4 or perhaps wii-u.

-they are truly setting their brand apart as the "connected console" for better or worse, funny most here that complain about it, over and over again ironicly won't be affected.

BitbyDeath3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

@Jokes, 31 million 360 users are not internet connected.


It is almost half their userbase so I wouldn't consider it small.

Bimkoblerutso3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Almost everything already is connected. That's not the issue. The issue is the requirement.

rainslacker3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

"-they are truly setting their brand apart as the "connected console" for better or worse, funny most here that complain about it, over and over again ironicly won't be affected."

Yeah funny that. Shouldn't that point out that just because it's available, that that doesn't automatically mean that we want it to function in that manner, or that it should be required?

The real problem here is that these forced connections for owning the console are not to improve game play(well it can do that I guess), they're to control the consumer. No matter how much you shiny up the product, the truth remains, people will be opposed to being controlled, even if on a subconscious level. This won't change when everyone has internet...no matter how reliable or ubiquitous it is. Only the people willing to accept an eventuality are OK with being controlled. They are slaves to the future, not freemen of the present.

If there was a real benefit to being connected, the transition would happen naturally, and there would be no need to implement it in such a manner, because most people would do so anyways. You know how I know this? Because so many people have their systems always online now.

In the meantime, and even whenever this eventuality comes, it's best not to remove a portion of your user base, because if you do, you end up making them unhappy, and someone else will happily pick up their loyalty. You know how I know this? because it's what's happening right now with Sony getting all the love.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
ArchangelMike3984d ago

The issue is not about being connected, or not, to the internet.

The issue is the fact that if your are not connected to the internet, your can't play your games on the Xbone.

That's the issue that gamers have a problem with. It's a problem on PC (Diablo III, Simcity etc etc), and it'll be a problem on consoles.

badkolo3984d ago

but you can all day for 24 hours then it needs to check in, i dont see this as a issue, im online all day, my fios is as well, if my net goes down so does my tv but it never has happened in 5 years, my phone is connected all day, times are changing and everyone is just being a big baby about it all. what happens when it all goes digital including sony, then what , will you all cry.

Rhaigun3984d ago


That's all fine and well for you, but here in Oklahoma, extreme weather knocks out infrastructure all the time. Its not uncommon to lose internet connection from downed lines and such. Most of the time, all is well. But, I lose power, internet or satellite probably a total of 10 days every year.

Should I have to pay the price because I live in a certain part of the country?

Crazy Larry3984d ago

Then don't buy the X1...simple.
For those of us that don't live in Oklahoma, we should be fine. You're not "paying the price" for anything unless YOU choose to.
(I actually love Oklahoma; I'm there on business all the time)

denawayne3984d ago

I wish Microsoft would come out and simply say "We NEED everybody to be online so that all the devs, 1st and 3rd party, will develop games KNOWING everybody is online. I can already see that most if not all games will make use of the cloud because of this. I'm excited to see what gaming becomes because of this.

Now, with this kind of setup, explain to me how this would work without some sort of DRM?

rainslacker3984d ago

Devs could do that now denawayne. There is nothing preventing them from making an online game. That dev has to decide if it's worth giving up the sales from the install base that don't have the ability, or choose not to be online though.

Basically, there are people who this won't affect much at all, but there are a lot of people that it will effect in some way or another.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
ceedubya93984d ago


That's it right there. Ease us into it, instead of forcing it from the jump.

SeriousSam3984d ago

Lets just pour a little KY Jelly on the future to make easing it in a little bit easier. HOW can this be any easier? Buy it, or don't.

ceedubya93984d ago

Haha. Easy there guy. I'll admit, it is extremely annoying, but not a complete deal breaker for me. I'll be getting both consoles, but I'd be lyiing if I didn't say that the One's policies weren't a bit dissapointing in some aspects.

solar3984d ago

i agree as well, but the issue has to be forced at some time. the gaming industry is the biggest whiners when it comes to 2nd hand sales of any other entertainment industry. it's going to come, not by consumers wishes but by the industry wishes.

one of the reasons the PC makes a bunch of money for the big guns nowadays is because of the lack of used games sales on the platform. that is what Sony and MS are striving for. but, for this console gen they are taking the approach of "we aren't evil, we will let the publisher decide on 2nd hand sales".

which, imo shouldnt be left up to the publishers. pick one stance, and stand for it.

rainslacker3984d ago

It doesn't have to be forced. If it's truly beneficial, and people accept those benefits, the transition will come naturally. There would be no need to implement such measures, because people would just do it. Not all people of course, but it's up to the developers to decide if they want to lose those customers by not implementing an offline mode.

webeblazing3984d ago

buy everything goes offline. FACT!!!

ShabbaRanks3984d ago

Yup my Internet glitched 2 days ago for some retarded reason and I couldnt finish watching a movie on Netflix -_-

I live in Montreal Canada btw and it doesnt happen alot, but when it does I want to kill a newborn child !!!!!!!


I agree, but only when the internet is as readily available as our basic electricity supply...

until then what is the point trying to force it and pissing off people who don't have it available on a consistent bases?

Patrick3984d ago

This is not about being always connected. Its about MS selling you physical media and then telling you what you can and cannot do with it. Its about them trying to control the market, and thats what they are doing.
Yes, we are heading to a purely digital future, but we aren't there yet and it will happen without MS controlling it. The free market works that way. If Ms wants to get there so quickly, why does the xbone take disk...hell just leave it out MS....what are you, chicken? .... Yeah, see, they know people aren't ready for a console with no drive...so this is the only way to keep it and still control it. They want it both ways...and for me, they can't have it both ways....I will never support this. PS4 on preorder, bring on launch day.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3984d ago
Conzul3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Remember the 90's?

Ahhh, those were the days. If you wanted to network, you had to actually talk to people in person. Or over a phone.

Now it's a bunch of thumbnail heads and "lolz" and stultifying banality.

Complete connection is only good if it **does good**
Right now, it's only being pushed as a means to restrict, control, and surveil people.

Upbeat3984d ago

I hope not, not everyone is lucky enough to have an internet connection like the US, Japan and Holland.

Gigaguy7773984d ago

You hope that technological advancement doesn't occur?

wenaldy3984d ago

hence the word "eventually".

Upbeat3984d ago

Didnt say that, I stated that I hope it never happens, alot of countries havnt got a good internet service and it would put them at a disadvantage.

Foxgod3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Someone has to bite of the tip, and go for progression.
And its MS this time.

Patrick3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Boy, some of yall are reaching. If MS is so about progression, Why does their console have a disk drive? You can stream movies, games and music. So why? Ill tell you why. Its cause they know people arent ready for it. Give up your "MS is leading the way" crap and see what they are really about. MONEY and CONTROL... Mostly controlling your money... but hey. If you want to be so blind, have fun. I prefer the consumer friendly, its your choice console that is the PS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3984d ago
YNWA963984d ago

What MS is doing will speed up broadband coverage. When Iphone came out..... 4g and LTE quickly got adopted.... Progress....

Foxgod3984d ago

Indeed, its all about demand.
Having the XB1 will increase demand, and enforce better coverage.
If more systems will follow, the chance for bigger coverage becomes even bigger.

Because inet company´s are a lot more interested in investing, if they can earn their money back trough an increase in subscriptions.

YNWA963984d ago

Thanks, a change from the usual crap....making go sarcastically crazy at times :)

MRMagoo1233984d ago

a console not selling much wont speed up broadband wtf are you guys smoking, in case you didnt know most countries just dont have the money to add the infrastructure for the internet, they arent gonna just go oh look the xbone has sold to 200 ppl we better speed up our internet speeds.

Phones are a completely different thing and if you cant understand that i dont know what to tell you.

MrWonderful3984d ago

There are places in the us that barely have a connection if any, and truthfully our Internet connections are far behind a lot of countries in terms of speed.

badkolo3984d ago

ikt only need 2mb down, its not that big of a deal

JokesOnYou3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

"There are places in the us that barely have a connection if any"

-uhm so, but its not as if this is 1992, lol places that do not have internet are a small minority, progress doesn't stop because a few cant use it, long ago people brought cars before every city had paved roads, street lights, stop signs, what if car makers had your mentality?

YNWA963983d ago

If you live in a cave, should consoles be made with in mind?

Moonman3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Eventually (after that One loses)....

Software_Lover3984d ago

Hell my television is connected to my wifi network.

The difference is my television still works when it is not connected.

Foxgod3984d ago

Yes, but eventually even tv will be streamed over the web to your tv.
By then you wont have tv either if your internet is down.

Copper networks are analog and are on their way out.

Software_Lover3984d ago

I want internet television. I cut my cable and just use Netflix and amazon prime. I'm waiting for the day that television is over the internet. I watch all of my sports games on streaming sites anyway.

badkolo3984d ago

thats how it is now, if my rfouter goes down , no internet connection i dont have tv on fios, but it never happens.

JokesOnYou3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Well I have Verizon Fios, its awesome but yeah it rarely goes down for at most a few minutes, lol and imagine that I'm so spoiled it still pisses me off...that said even if it would have to basicly stop working for over a entire day to affect this 24hr checkin.....so besides a random storm or something I don't know anybody with service that bad.

ceedubya93984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

I think that if Microsoft would just make it so that if you don't check in online, then you will have to have your disc in the box in order to play the single player content of the game, then I think that would be a bit easier to swallow. There is no reason to keep someone from using something that has no need for online play.

Since a lot of their current policies are done on a software level, it should be fairly easy to change some things if they so choose. But that is an IF.

JokesOnYou3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Well I think the root of the problem with doing that is they've structured the console so that once you buy the game you can download and play it anytime anywhere without the disc(that's the good news), so if you don't have to authenticate= 24hr checkin(bad news for some), without that then I assume unlimited amount of people can download and play the same game without ever paying for it....just my assumption.

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