
The Aussie Xbox Durango Leaker Is About To Spill All His Secrets

The leaker who allegedly got hold of an Xbox One dev kit and released a slew of information to the Internet has warned that if he is arrested today, he’ll spill everything he knows.

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Mr_Nuts4005d ago

Arrest him, I want to see what he's collected...you know if he's not bluffing. Maybe all the horrible stuff from their reveal could just be the tip of the iceberg #1

Arai4005d ago

We'll know in 9 1/2 hours, according to his tweet.

Mr_Nuts4005d ago


If this is some good juicy stuff like the article says then I hope to god it spills the beans on Microsoft's horrible plans for the Xbox One. Least then we'll get a heads up before E3.

ApolloTheBoss4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

This is just too delicious. It's like M$ is having a nightmare within a nightmare and they can't wake up. This is turning out much worse than they could have possibly imagined. I can't wait till he releases this stuff.

a_bro4005d ago

This guy wants to really have a bad dae.

PLASTICA-MAN4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

I think it is about sth related to Kinect always wacthing you that Microsoft doesn't want people to know about. Imagine the Kinect scanning your room and identifiyng each of your goods, someday when you can't pay for the Live, the FBI will just knock on your door and confiscate your valuable items. /s

From Neogaf: http://www.neogaf.com/forum...

"-Basically anything bad about the Xbone was refuted and attributed to the PS4

So basically, his Twitter record is terrible, but the info he gave Kotaku ended up being pretty legit. So I don't know what to think."

stuna14005d ago

That's if no one gets to him first.


He got bailed, nothing to see here folks, move along...

But on the bright side, I don't feel bad for all the waiting and no reward, at least this neogaf session gave me laughter of the year (really, had not felt my ribs aching so much in a long time):

GUY 1: I don't know what he have, but quite frankly, how worse can it get for MS?


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SexyGamerDude4005d ago

It might not even happen. He is being investigated by the FBI. All they have to do is get his Twitter account suspended.

Skate-AK4005d ago

If you read his tweets he has a back up plan for if that happens.

syphon324004d ago

The twitter account is a misdirection, by saying its twitter, they'll be looking there instead of where the real leak is coming from. At least thats how i would do it.

Bathyj4005d ago

For some reason Im thinking of Sean Connery in The Rock.

rainslacker4005d ago

I say arrest him because there was merit to have him arrested. You can't allow people to hold the justice system for ransom. The courts themselves won't care. The deed is done, and I think this goes beyond a civil trial, so even MS couldn't say "don't arrest him".

I'm interested in the files myself, but I don't respect him for what he's doing, and don't believe anyone should make him into a hero for this.

fermcr4005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

There are people that think this guy's a hero, but he should be in prison. He's blackmailing a company and the justice system, and guess what!!! that's illegal (don't matter what company it is). Everybody knows who he is and sooner or later he's going to prison.

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B-radical4005d ago

hope doesnt get busted as a fellow aussie i think its attrocious how ms are treating this

ziggurcat4005d ago

as an individual, you can't legally have a devkit whether it be MS, sony or nintendo. even if you do somehow get your hands on one, it's still the legal property of the company, so you cannot just go sell it on ebay and expect them to just shrug their shoulders.

him simply having a devkit was illegal, and him trying to sell it on ebay just made things worse.

NewEra74005d ago (Edited 4005d ago )

WOW. This could get really interesting if this happens. This is more pure entertainment than that "watercooler" could ever bring me.

NavydAd4005d ago

How can somebody so smart be so stupid

SexyGamerDude4005d ago

My question also. First, why are you announcing this? It would have been easier If he just let the information leak. The FBI can easily get his twitter account suspended or take the server. Second, why was he trying to sell this stuff on EBay where it's visual to everybody and anybody?

Cryptcuzz4005d ago

Yeah that is true. Only reason I can think of so far is trying to bluff MS from dropping the charges or cut him a deal that's less harsh if he agrees to not leak those "juicy details"

NateCole4005d ago

Its a threat to MS and the police. Arrest me and the information is out. It's not a threat if those you want to threat don't know about it.

I am sure he has made other arrangements to get the info out. I know i would. Always have a backup plan.

izumo_lee4005d ago

Maybe finally someone will be able to answer the questions that Microsoft has failed to resolve. If this guy can uncover Microsoft's plan about 'used games', always online, Kinect spying, & other issues that Microsoft has dodged than all the power to him.

People shouldn't have to wait til E3 to get answers on these subjects.

rainslacker4005d ago

Those seem like policy issues that he wouldn't have access to with just a dev kit. OTOH, there were leaks about all this stuff before the reveal from apparently dev sources, so maybe the information is readily available.

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Relientk774h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE1h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7301h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄


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PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

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Dandizzle6h ago

Just bring back global voice chat in lobby/plane/match Not old bugs.

ActualWhiteMan5h ago

Get rid of the bots, and make it fun again.