
High-End PC Gaming Already Next-Gen? Don't Make Me Laugh.

Paul Izod discussed the misconceptions around PC gaming and next gen for Zero1gaming.com

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Corpser4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

More like Mid range pc is already next gen. 1080p+, 60fps, dx11 effects

Will Watch Dogs PC look better than Far Cry 3 PC? How so? Don't use console gens to define PC gaming

Using this guys logic, all cross gen games can't be next gen , look at the footage of Watch Dogs and tell me it's not next gen

MrDead4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

So all next gen means to you is 1080p+, 60fps? Well you have fun with that.

jimbobwahey4002d ago

If next gen is just 1080p 60fps then we've been at next gen for about 5 years already given console games such as Gran Turismo 5 and Wipeout HD already running at those specs.

MysticStrummer4002d ago

Article in the latest issue of Game Informer :

Dispelling the Myth - Today's High-End PC is Not True Next-Gen Gaming

PC elitists are welcome to their own criteria concerning what it means to be next-gen, but they need to understand that not everyone shares their opinions.

It would certainly help if they made up their minds about whether PCs have generations or not.

adorie4002d ago

Surly. Next-gen on PC = 4k@60fps. LMAO. I wish I could be gaming like that. I wish hard. :T

nypifisel4002d ago

Computers doesn't follow generations -_-, they're always ahead - and why wouldn't they be? The hardware in consoles are used for nearly a decade. Reason to why we don't nearly ever see the power behind PCs are that games are build for consoles and then get some added flash for the PC versions. A game built for a PC ground up would be capable to blow any console game out of the water - How many could actually play this game is in a sense irrelevant.

Console games on a PC can get better textures etc, but the basic physics and polygon count is still the same, this in mind compare Skyrim with HD textures to the Xbox version of the same game. When I first saw it my eyes bled a little, it looks horrible on the 360 (and PS3 I assume, haven't seen that version).

Autodidactdystopia4002d ago

No man don't make me laugh.

Pc is what your next gen Is based on.

The only problem with pc is its sheer power. Console developers who have now become the main, for reasons involving money, do not put in the advanced effects until consoles can at least handle a lesser version of them.

The problem now is that even low end pc setups aren't being taxed but when the games from more console oriented developers start multiplating in pc you will once again see a difference in quality.

Its just how things are. the pc is an ever changing beast I would be worried if they weren't next gen ready after 6 years.

Autodidactdystopia4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

The tech in this game to be looks pretty next gen to me but its only meant to show off the physics engine so I guess it doesn't count but I got a good 3 hours out of this boring ass demo just playin with the realtime mud/water/everything physics.


its nice but it need work. The tech is there though. fully tessellated ground etc for physics interactions is really something nice. :)

ZombieNinjaPanda4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )


Considering that majority of the games on console are 720p 30fps, you're clearly talking out of your ass.

Lisica4002d ago

It does.

Games are going to be dumber and dumber.

It's all about the graphics. And PC got there long time before PS4.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4002d ago

capable of next gen but consoles hold it back. Kilzone is 30fps.

awi59514002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Lol console tech demos are 100 percent fake and always have been. My Pc with 4gigs graphics memory will still look better than any console game. Ive been told this crap from console fanboys for years. But all last gen i was told the same thing i had both systems xbox and ps3. And guess what they all looked like shit compared to my cheap 4870 i bought years ago. a 139 dollar graphics card looked 5 times better than any console game that came out dont make me laugh. The guy who wrote this article is a total joke.

papashango4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

4870 was a pretty solid card. Overshadowed by the 8800 series but still a solid card.

No doubt it put the 360 and ps3 to shame when it was flagship

theaceh4002d ago

I wonder what GT5, KZ3, AC4, Halo 4 and other games would look like running on a $600.00 dollar PC from november, 2006?

Anarki4001d ago

Next gen isn't defined by graphics. It's game play, how you play the game. Look at the Wii for instance, the Wii sold the most consoles current gen because of it's innovative way of playing, even though it had atrocious visuals.

I'm eager to see what the PS4 and next Xbox will show.

ProjectVulcan4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

Pfff. Fail article. PC pioneers most significant 'next gen' console technologies and advancements. I also don't believe of his definition of what next gen is, I'll explain and break this article apart by the end.

"You name me one mainstream game that is only playable on next-gen equivalent technology!"

Name one that was done on Xbox 360 but couldn't be scaled back to work on the previous generation? Virtually everything actually could be, unless you qualify Kinect titles and say that is really how they are next gen!

Games haven't actually changed all that much in how we play them. GTA5 will probably be very similar to GTA San Andreas in terms of gameplay, apart from it having better visuals, effect, sound, physics etc basic TECHNICAL stuff that makes GTA5 'next gen' in the eyes of a PS2 gamer for example.

Most of the advanced features done on current hardware are online related, that is really the legacy of Xbox 360 and PS3- this was the generation online console gaming took off and tens of millions signed up.

Dreamcast, Xbox laid the foundations, current gen built the online house.

But even that was something that was pioneered mainstream, on PC first!

It is also funny using a picture of Half Life 2 and quoting how its mechanical physics were really next gen.

Its ironic.

That's a PC game, came out long before the current gen of consoles.

A year later, the first console it came out on was....original Xbox! That's right, a non next gen machine. It was a ugly looking game on the original xbox, but the supposed physics that were next gen made their way onto an old machine before reaching PS3/360. It was possible.

This is why this argument fails, because the writer's own example highlights how non next gen Half Life 2 actually was when it was on done on the original xbox and done quite well.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4001d ago
GraveLord4002d ago

It's not next-gen. Try this: if its coming to Wii U, its not next-gen.

Seriously though, just because you have a higher resolution and frame-rate, it doesn't make your PC "next-gen". Most PC games still stuck using DX9 due to them being console ports. Your PC isn't next-gen, your PC isn't part of any gen.

Lior4002d ago

Obviosly someone has not been playing on a pc, you have not seen crysis 3 running on my moniter at 1440p with everything maxed out with anti alaising on MSAA 8*

InTheLab4002d ago


It's still the same mediocre game everyone one PS3/X360 play. The point of the article is that max setting and high frames per second does not make a game next gen.

narked4002d ago

It kind of does cause the 'Next Gen' is mostly defined by graphics. Yep PC isn't part of any gen cause it's ever evolving.

I'm very excited about the upcoming consoles but I really don't think that any console can match the pc in terms of raw performance. If you take price out of the equation you will always have a better looking game on the PC. Consoles will be 'better' for the first 3 years of a lifecycle due to optimisation, when PC's catch up it will be the same story over again. Just compare Metro Last Light on PC and Xbox, it's miles ahead on PC.

ZombieNinjaPanda4002d ago


So what makes something next-gen now? Suddenly, it's not graphics? But I thought when discussing the WiiU it's graphics? Then what is it???

starchild4002d ago

I am a big PC gamer, but I agree that gaming on the PC in general is not the same as next gen.

With that said, the quality of current gen games on PC puts them well ahead of what they are on consoles.

It's not really comparable to judging the leap that we see between console generations. The quality of frame rate, image cleanliness, texture detail, display resolution, etc, on PC won't be equaled even by next gen consoles.

That said, I believe that games like The Witcher 2 and Crysis 3 maxed out on a decent rig are pretty comparable, in terms of their overall graphical makeup, to games we will see on next generation consoles.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4002d ago
aquamala4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

agreed PC has no gens. I'm going to use the same PC to play Watch Dogs and Far Cry 3, so one of them is this gen and one is next gen??

Kennytaur4002d ago

Well, I can play Watch_Dogs and Far Cry 3 on the same PS3...

I get your point, and agree, but a bit of a fail there seeing how W_D is cross-gen.

Outside_ofthe_Box4002d ago

What are you talking about? Next gen consoles are high end pcs. Developers have already stated this. PC gamers need to stop being bitter.

SPAM-FRITTER-1234002d ago

LOL that was funny.

Next Gen is just going to be 1080p at 60fps for consoles.

i mean look at the games announced....WooooooooW new killzone, thats so freaking next gen maaaan.

Move on noob and stick to your make believe toy console world.

Outside_ofthe_Box4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

LOL why are you so bitter about next gen consoles?

Killzone isn't going to be the last game released. Games early on in a console's cycle doesn't demonstrate the true potential of the console. Games will only get better on next gen consoles from here on out. Shadow Fall is just the tip of the iceberg and isn't representative of next gen's full potential.

Go back to playing world of warcraft and working two jobs just so that you can barely manage to afford to upgrade your already out-of-date PC to match next gen console specs lol.

Halochampian4002d ago

@Outside "working two jobs just so that you can barely manage to afford to upgrade your already out-of-date PC to match next gen console specs lol."

You either don't know what a well paying job is or dont understand how computer hardware works. My bet it's both.

TooL 3164002d ago

Nex-Gen consoles are not High-end PC's; they are more akin to a mid-level PC. PS4 specs are based on old PC tech. PC's will always be ahead, the only problem is that PC"s are being stymied by consoles when it comes to MAINSTREAM TITLES. While the rest of us PC gamers had LCD Televisions, console games were still watching tube based TV’s. I can guarantee you that my Current PC will be able to play any Cross platform Games released for PS4, the Next-box and PC at the same or better resolution, Frame rate and whatever bells and whistle that are attached… Can you say the same? No you cannot, you will have to buy a new machine.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4002d ago
konnerbllb4002d ago

Author has no idea what he's talking about. Delusional.

linkenski4002d ago

Don't use Watch Dogs as your prime example. http://hl2.com.ua/wp-conten...

You also have to bear in mind that Watch Dogs is likely going to be a launch-title. I think graphics have improved drastically in current-gen console games from the first year of the gen until now.

PC gaming will surpass next-gen consoles relatively fast, but i seriously doubt they will be on par right from the get go.

windblowsagain4002d ago

I'm A PC GAMER, But also have a console.

Where is PC going to surpass the new machines. Yes gaming will be higher rez, more AA.

But what gets made for PC that really pushes it.

You can run the best looking games on PC, without breaking the bank on power.

Depends what people consider the best graphics.

CRYSIS3 - all realtime?
Metro last light?

We've already seen what BF4 is doing and that will be the same on nextgen consoles as it is on PC.

The differences between titles will be very small and will be so for some time.

Next gen looks of games maybe.



Halochampian4002d ago

@windblowsagain "Where is PC going to surpass the new machines."

Have you looked at Oculus Rift? If not, I hightly suggest that you do.

The best part about playing on the PC is the modding community to make games look/play better and provide a new experience.

cyguration4001d ago

Battlefield 4 was running on the Malta, a $1,000 video card at 2K resolutions at 60fps with global destruction.

You're telling me that on the PS4/Infinity/720 you'll be able to rock 2K resolutions at 60fps with real-time transitional lighting and global, physics-based destruction?


Salooh4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

Next generation means another level of gaming. Games look and play a lot better.

To be more clear, 1080p+, 60fps can be implemented on ps1 and ps2 games but doesn't mean they are next generation games ...

PC right now is like ps4.5 and will reach ps5 after few years. But doesn't mean developers are using that power on games. I only see one game that looks next generation right now which is crysis in graphics side only..

ijust2good4002d ago

Crysis 3 and just about every other games on PC were all possible on 8 year old machine proves that PC games getting current gen games with sexed up graphics. Nothing huge just sexed up. Take for example HD remake of last gen games.

PC with all its superior power, never gets used to its fullest. True Optimisation is something that almost doesn't exist on the PC. I'm sorry PC geeks but even games like Crysis 3 are made for current gen consoles in mind. At its core Crysis on current gen consoles and high end PC are the same, same in world map design, scale and enemy count. Just more crisper graphics, resolution and frames. Not good enough if u spent £800-2000+ on high end PC to get very little improvement in an overall console port.

Face it PC gamer's, Consoles will always keep PC behind. Consoles is where the money is at. Next year, the year after that, PC will still get console ports. Another words, True next gen starts when next gen console hits the market even if PC can do much better. Even more reason why people should stick with next gen consoles rather than upgrade to expensive PC. Play every multiplat games on PC and get the best exclusives that consoles provide. Why spend 1000+ on a high end graphics card when u know u will get screwed.

papashango4002d ago

It's actually pc gaming that innovates. leaving consoles in the dust.

The Indie scene is thriving on pc. You won't find games like DayZ or even Arma on next-gen consoles. You aren't getting the Occulus Rift.

I mean what's there to look forward to on next-gen consoles. More of the same Linear hallway shooters with triggered cutscenes everywhere and an influx of 3rd person puzzle adventure games a la Uncharted and TLOU style.

BOLO4002d ago


GT5 is rendered at 1280x1080 which is not equal to 1920x1080. WipeOut HD has a variable frame rate that drops below full HD 1080p t maintain 60fps refresh rate. *****The more you know.


UnHoly_One4002d ago

A lot of people are missing the whole point of the term "Next Gen".

"Next Gen" does not mean "better graphics". In fact, the two things have almost nothing to do with each other. Improved graphics may come along with Next Generation games, but they don't define it.

The "Gen" in "Next Gen" refers to the upcoming console "generation", yes? Notice I said "Console" generation. That is because PC's don't have generations. They are constantly improving incrementally, and don't follow a pattern like consoles, where they are exactly the same for 5 or more years, then make a drastic jump.

So the PC elitists that keep saying their PC has been "Next Gen" for years, and 100% ignorant of what they are actually saying. I'm not denying the fact that PC games look better than 360 or PS3 games, there is no doubt about that. I'm not even trying to say that PC games won't be able to beat PS4 or 720 games. My point is that, by definition, no PC game can ever be called "Next Gen".

I think that may be the thing that gets the PC guys all bent of shape. Since the consoles dominate the market, the PC players have to "play by their rules" so to speak. They don't get games that are 100% designed for their system of choice, because it isn't economically viable to develop games that way and leave the consoles out of the loop.

Sorry for the long rant, but this is just sort of a Pet Peeve to me. People latch onto a phrase that means one very specific thing, and they start using it to mean a whole range of things that just aren't accurate.

JsonHenry4001d ago

I am just excited about this new gen of consoles because it will mean PC will be lead platform for almost all titles and OPTIMIZED for the x86 architecture. It is good news all around for consoles AND PC gamers. Everyone should be happy.

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Irishguy954002d ago

Laughing at this article...

No really, I get the author..but PC tech is already there.

coolmast3r4002d ago

I'm taking my hat off to you, sir. Well said!

4002d ago Replies(1)
MilkMan4002d ago

What the hell is author talking about?! PC's have ALWAYS been at the bleeding edge. He clearly needs another line of work. Even my Alienware MX18 as outdated as it is, can play all games at 1900 x 1600 with blazing detail.

grailly4002d ago

do people here even read more than the title? what the author is trying to say is that PCs are next-fen ready, but just don't have next-gen games yet because they are still designed with current-gen consoles in mind.

MysticStrummer4002d ago

Not only current-gen consoles, but also low end PCs. Somehow the low end PC factor gets left out when PC elitists blame consoles for holding back PC gaming. There are far more low end PCs out in the wild than PC gamers like to admit.

CheexInk4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

He's wrong though. Just because he isn't familiar with PC exclusives that take advantage of the hardware doesn't mean they don't exist. When was the last time you played a console shooter on the scale of Planetside 2? Where you can have hundreds of people in the same area, on screen, flying around in fighters, driving tanks, slogging it on foot etc? Where are your strategy games with battles consisting of thousands of on-screen units a la Total War? You don't have them.

This is just another example of ignorance of what PC gaming is already capable of and the exclusives that take advantage of it.

Salooh4002d ago (Edited 4002d ago )

This is what i wanted to say :)

No one can deny the pc power but the games it provide are not next generation yet. Consoles controle the time to move on not the pc which is bad thing but it is the truth..

grailly4002d ago


I'll give you PlanetSide 2, but really how many PC exclusives are there that take fully advantage of the hardware?

I can only think of star citizen and that's not out yet. Maybe the total war series fits the description but generally speaking PCs are used to play what can run on console. Also, PlanetSide 2 runs on my laptop, I guess a current-gen console could still run it poorly if SOE decided to port it.

cyguration4001d ago (Edited 4001d ago )

Hard Reset
Mount & Blade (what it lacks in graphics it makes up for with hundreds/thousands of troops on-screen)
Planet Explorers
Rigs of Rods
GTA IV iCEnhancer + Realism Mods (Too bad console games have zero clue how awesome this is)
APB Reloaded (name me a console game with 100+ players in an open-world environment with character/vehicle customization and GTA style gameplay?)

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot...console gaming probably still won't get anything remotely close to Garry's Mod. My version is decked out with all the latest graphics mods, gore mods and realistic weapons and vehicles. It's sad but how it's setup offers me gameplay and experiences not found in any other game on console. I really wish consoles would get stuff like this but sadly they won't.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4001d ago
UnHoly_One4001d ago

You are missing the whole point.

jmc88884002d ago

Exactly the guy is confusing what software makers are focusing on and somehow saying that since developers have been hanging onto last generation consoles, he makes a curious attempt to denigrate PC's.

Since the focus isn't on PC's....but consoles.
That the while the graphics are better....they can still be played on lesser systems.
So on and so forth.

This author is very weird. It's like he's some sort of gaming fascist hardline authoritarian. None of PC's advantages matter, and its all about perception and strangling the competition.

This guy must see 'exclusives' as a mark of pride for a console. Probably likes timed DLC and all sorts of other crap too.

He somehow thinks there needs to be some huge leap. He obviously hasn't been viewing the problems with R&D the last decade. You won't get a leap like he suggests is needed (and somehow even though PC's are the only thing constantly progressing and will be 8-9x more powerful than a PS4 he bags on PC's and assumes it wrongly won't affect consoles) when tech has slowed pretty significantly over the past decade.

Ten years ago (hell longer really) you could buy a 3.6 Ghz processor. They thought the Pentium IV would take them to 10 GHZ. Here we are now in 2013 and well computers are still at or just over 3.6 Ghz. They can be overclocked a bit, but it just shows you the improvements are much harder to achieve when you have to find improvements elsewhere. While multiple cores was a great way to improve some aspects of a PC, it isn't raw power.

GPU's have found more ways around these problems, but it has constrained them as well.

Overall though this article is funny because he doesn't understand that now developers will start using the PC's power, and have much more at their disposal. You don't blame PC gaming for corporate decisions to move slowly and relying on the console teet too much. Because some aren't.

Unreal 4 engine is coming out, and the PS4 version is nice but not nearly the same as the PC version.

zebramocha4002d ago

Neither is the pc version as they removed svogi because it was to demanding.

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