
Global Weekly Chart, Ending 11th May 2013

Worldwide Hardware:

1: 3DS - 138,079 (-18%)
2: PS3 - 127,649 (-9%)
3: X360 - 92,388 (-2%)
4: PSP - 50,273 (-10%)
5: PSV - 31,794 (-36%)
6: Wii - 30,249 (-4%)
7: WiiU - 26,864 (-17%)
8: DS - 16,641 (-0%)

Worldwide Software:

1: (3DS) Tomodachi Collection: Shin Seikatsu - 103,410
2: (3DS) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon - 95,590
3: (3DS) LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins - 61,775
4: (X360) Dead Island: Riptide - 50,505
5: (X360) Injustice: Gods Among Us - 37,791
6: (PS3) Call of Duty: Black Ops II - 36,128
7: (X360) Call of Duty: Black Ops II - 34,783
8: (3DS) New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 31,852
9: (PS3) Dragon's Dogma - 29,146
10: (PS3) Dead Island: Riptide - 28,181

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Chaostar4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I wonder if Vgchartz will ever acknowledge the fact that PS3 has outsold Xbox 360 worldwide?

They're using the whole sold vs shipped argument as a smokescreen for the truth, which is that you CANNOT, let me repeat that for clarity, CANNOT, track sales sold to customers. At best its an educated guess but the margin for error is so high that it makes the results of any guess completely unreliable and useless.

CommonSenseGamer4012d ago

Does it matter? Honestly, who cares how many have shipped sold as the real money is in the software at this stage.

Fakdafakinfakerz4012d ago

It did matter when the 360 was ahead...

aCasualGamer4012d ago

Indeed it does matter, the fact that PS3 won the console race between 360vsPS3 this gen says quite alot about them as a gaming company. They are the true industry leaders. Just look at all the new IP's this gen. Think of all the adversities they've overcome with nonstop negative bombardment since the launch of PS3 and the hard competition of Xbox live. It's quite a feat that they are starting nextgen with positive feedback and an edge over xbox 720 interms of buzz and hype.

As Vin Diesel so eloquently put it in The Fast and The Furious, "It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning."

Congrats Sony! Now give me the PS4!

Chaostar4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )


The truth matters whether it makes a difference or not. At the very least Sony deserve a little acknowledgement for their achievement, don't you think that's fair?

@SDF Repellent below:

Same applies to you and can we please stop comparing generations, it's a different time with different consoles in the market. Like I said, the truth matters whether I "get over it" or not and I don't care which truth as I don't have a "console of choice". Lets face facts though, you're just incredibly sore that the PS3 has done so well after such a rough start aren't you? Are you afraid you didn't back the 'winning' horse like you thought at the beginning of the gen? Well stop trying to change the definition of winning and "get over it" ;)

jeffgoldwin4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Even if you believe these mess of stats to have ps3 ahead in consoles sales (which make little to no $$ up front), wouldn't sony still be way behind in profits because MS makes far more in subscription fees and for the most part, multiplatform sales do much better on the 360?

I don't own stock, but idk just stating the obvious here.

Awesome_Gamer4012d ago

It meant everything when the 360 was ahead, fanboy.

Evil_Ryu4012d ago

why did you get disagrees... its a proven fact that software is where they make money and is WAY more important because they lose money on each console sold.

3-4-54012d ago

Why do people love to brag or have something be "the best"

Don't people realize only the ignorant think like that ?

CommonSenseGamer4011d ago

Wow, I'm an Xbox fanboy because of my comment yet I own 3 ps3s and only one 360. Honestly people, grow the f**k up already.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4011d ago
SDF Repellent4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

seriously dude, there is no real tracking site for worldwide sales so yes we know the VGchartz are based on guestimate, as there are really no other alternative, but at this point in the generation does it really matter? I only thing we are foundly aware of is that MS sold 70 plus units of X360 compared to the original xbox lifetime sales of around 25 millions (a +60 gain) while the Sony PS3 estimated 70 plus units sold is almost (-50) compared to the 140 million PS2 unit that were sold last gen. Get over it and enjoy your system of choice and its games as both system did fine this generation.

GrandTheftZamboni4012d ago

That's a nice way to make 360 look like a winner and PS3 look like a loser.

Iraqi Information Minister, is that really you?

S2Killinit4012d ago

well, actually it does matter because PS3 has already outsold the 360 and it needs to get credit for that. I mean this is where this whole "console war" is coming to an end, this is the climax. Do you get up and leave at the end of a sports game because its almost over? Besides, don't make the mistake of assuming that the success of the PS2 was replicable. The fact that 360 (with a one year head start) kept up with PS3 is just normal. Anything else and it would be weird, especially with Microsoft's deep pockets. But PS3 had come out ahead and yes, people deserve to know if they want to.

rainslacker4012d ago

Your number is a bit skewed. For the same time period on the market the PS3 is down by about 10 million units compared to the PS2(according to reports a couple months ago). Not as drastic as 50 million, but the only way to make an accurate argument(which your not doing anyways since your rounding down by quite a bit) is to track sales within the same time frame. Both PS3 and 360 are on track to sell over 100 million consoles, and will likely end up outselling the Wii for lifetime sales.

joeorc4012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

Oh' because Microsoft only has one platform gotcha!

I hear or seen this point brought up all the time, but yet it does not even make a lick of sense. does ford only talk about only one of their cars in the production line when talking about market share vs chevy...that answer is no! because they make more than just one freaking car or truck in production. which is more than i can say for Microsoft in this part of the market. Microsoft only makes one game console!

While a good one, it is still only one platform, while both Nintendo and Sony have Multiple game consoles! its pretty easy to look at it in a very narrow line to say we only want to count your one platform vs our one platform to determine market share. but ignore your other 3 platforms?

Sony's market share is among 4 platforms Microsoft is one platform! to even think microsoft is any where near or imply they have just as large a market share in this market over a 4 to one advantage is just downright downplaying the number's game.

Microsoft's one platform though a great platform is not going to be anywhere near that market share. a xbox is an xbox just like a playstation is a playstation.

to be blunt and truthful

Playstation is more than just the PS3 by it self when counting market share.

MysticStrummer4011d ago

Your numbers are off. No surprise there.

Many of those 140 million PS2s were sold after PS3 released. PS3 is behind PS2's pace, but not nearly as much as you claim.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4011d ago
spurgeonryan4012d ago

Since I am a member there, I will tell you that they are actively trying to be as accurate as possible at all times. We just had an update that has the PS3 about 20,000 behind the 360. Wii close to 100 million and the PS2 is finally millions ahead of the DS.

plaZeHD4012d ago

It doesn't matter. You gain nothing. I am a huge PlayStation 3 fan.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4011d ago
yugovega4013d ago

people are still buying call of duty like that? really?

4013d ago Replies(1)
NumOnePS3FanBoy4012d ago

I know right. It's quite embarrassing to be honest.

GribbleGrunger4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

The above is incorrect. The 360 sold 92,000 according to VGChartz.

The Vita and the Wiiu are still getting buffeted by the indecision we see in the market as usual, the 3DS continues it's great sales and PS3 finally draws level with the very healthy sales of the 360.

Moonman4013d ago

Yes, 3DS continues to perform well and PS3 also. But I do believe that PS4 and Next Xbox won't fly off shelves in the summer of it's first year on market. If the prices are $400-$500 range, they may get outsold by their cheaper predecessors.

GribbleGrunger4013d ago

I wouldn't want to call it myself to be honest. I can think of many reasons why both scenarios are possible. The closest I've got to an answer is a coin.

mcstorm4012d ago

Moonman I've said this for along time to. I have said as long as the big name games carry on coming out for the 360 and ps3 people will not jump to the next Xbox, ps4 or Wiiu.

We are seeing that now with the Wiiu. The Wiiu has got some amazing games for it like NFSMW, Batman 2, ME, AC3 and moor but people can get these games on the ps3 and 360 which most people already have and don't see the point of spending £300 on a console to play the same game they can get on there new one.

I see the next gen sales starting to take off 18 months into there life as the support for the big name games drop on the ps3 and 360.

greenpowerz4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Does anybody really believe VGC reporting of the 360 sales? I'm not talking about the misleading numbers in this report either. I'm talking about their reporting over the past months in general.

360 destroys PS3 in the biggest market every month, there is no way PS3 is beating the 360 globally every month even with the rest of the world sales. VGC and PS3 fanboys suggest the NA market has slowed down but the rest of the world sales have picked up allowing PS3 to beat 360? LOL


Why would they? Sony doesn't even come out with honest numbers proving you claim/theory/wishful thinking. All we get from Sony are vague implications enabling spinners such as yourself to make up reality. Sony mixes PS2 and PS3 numbers and says things like "we think PS3 is even with 360, it probably passed 360" You either know or you don't with hard numbers to back up your claim.

Muerte24944013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

a known fact that ps3 outsales Xbox360 throughout most of the year worldwide. Microsoft doesn't really get it's boost until Holiday quarter with Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas. You know the lead is actually 3.2 million now in ps3's favor? Xbox360 is @ 77.2 and ps3 is @ 80.4.


That explains it all. It does all the thinking for you. All you have to do now is accept the facts. Xbox360 is reaching saturation in America. We know this because more than 50% of 360's sales are from that one region. There also irrefutable evidence that ps2 sales aren't included. Give a read. If you can prove me wrong with evidence to support your claim, I'm all ears.

Sony stop shipping ps2 back in 2012 and confirmed it on Jan 6th
Even if people wanted to say ps2 numbers were added in. Sony uses shipped to retailer not sold to consumer. Sony can't ship what they don't have.

the lead is getting so big to where even VGchartz can no longer deny it. Even when ps3 take the lead on there, they'll still claim it was a tie. Bullcrap. Sold to retailer is what matters to corporations because once you ship it, you've sold it.

jeffgoldwin4012d ago

"a know fact"

Lol only on the N4G circle of forum "facts".

Nitrowolf24013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Yes, because VGchartz was always pro Sony and still is /S

You really think that just because it's doing better in X country it's doing the same in the others?
PS3 sells far better in Europe than the 360 does, and lets not forget about Japan with this week being 12K for the PS3 and only a being 1/4 of that for the XBox. Meaning the Xbox is pretty much dead in Japan in comparison to the United States.

I guess American Football is the most popular sport worldwide seeing that it's very popular in America

I don't like VG Chartz at all, given their past.

But likeMuerte said, for Sony, and Microsoft, Sales from retail to customer is not what they track, they track sales from business to retails, which is where they make their money.

neoMAXMLC4012d ago

Uh oh... it's happening... the 360 fanboys around the world are going to have a mental breakdown because they have finally been thrown in last place.

punisher994012d ago

"360 destroys PS3 in the biggest market every month, there is no way PS3 is beating the 360 globally every month even with the rest of the world sales.:

Thats where you are wrong at because the biggest market, is the world. The PS3 has been outselling the 360 worldwide every since 2008. Thats no secret.

Clarence4012d ago

Stop it. Your making yourself look like a fool.

Knushwood Butt4012d ago

Wow, you've really got the blinkers on.

S2Killinit4012d ago

PS3 is outselling the 360 because it has simply offered better gaming for the past, I don't even know how many years, since the 360 dropped the ball. The rest of the world is a much larger market than the U.S. and the PS3 has been outselling there year over year. Its not a new trend. I'm sorry if you can't deal with reality.

MysticStrummer4011d ago

The US is MS's market. The world is Sony's market. I wonder which is a bigger market? *consults maps*

Are we all supposed to forget that you wholeheartedly support these numbers when they're in MS's favor? Some PS3 fans do the same thing, support or reject the numbers depending on how their favorite console does, and they're just as wrong as you are.

Face it, 360 started out in 1st and will end up in 3rd, despite all the marketing money that could have been spent on new exclusive IPs. That shouldn't matter to you if you enjoyed the console anyway. I never knew or cared how PS2 was doing while I played all those great games.

Sony doesn't even make PS2s anymore, so you can drop the combined numbers ploy any time now.

brave27heart4011d ago

Is it possible to have less than one bubble?

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Moonman4013d ago

3DS is the number one hardware yet again with the top 3 software.....BUT Nintendo is doomed??? Ha!

dp2774074013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Hopefully the Wii U can bring it back around

Moonman4013d ago

But SAME company!!!!! Do you realize it was the GBA that kept Nintendo making billions during the Gamecube era? The articles aren't about just the WiiU, they talk as if Nintendo in general is doomed. And I have news for ya, they are NOT.

Moonman4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

@dp277407..You changed your comment from "wrong console" making my response off. But I was stating that as long as Nintendo is dominating the handheld market, they will be fine financially.

dp2774074012d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

That's nice, True I changed my comment but only cause I couldnt delete it but I did it as soon as I posted it. Do you realize its not that big of a deal too most people. Just like I honestly wished I hadnt even replied because people cant take anything or even be sane over a comment saying hope wii u does well. F micro though those mothers can burn. lol

S2Killinit4012d ago

don't think Nintendo is doomed, but it's console segment is a bit shaky right now /: I dont know, I hope they find a way to keep competing.

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