
Pachter: PS4 & Xbox 720 At E3 Will Reveal Price, Release Date & More

NowGamer: "E3 2013 is less than a month away, and there's no denying that it's shaping up to be the most exciting one yet.

Sony and Microsoft will be there demoing the PS4 and Xbox 720 (or whatever it's called) there, while a bevy of next-gen game announcements are expected to be made.

It's a big deal.

Michael Pachter claims that it'll be the most important time for both Sony and Microsoft too, adding that it doesn't matter when these reveal events are - E3 is the big deal."

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TrevorPhillips4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

15th PD will announce a new GT game, 21st Microsoft will finally reveal their next gen console and at E3 a lot of things will be revealed and shown :O

TimmyShire4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Let's not forget that Panopticon thing that Sony is going to reveal on the 16th May. No idea what it is but I'm excited for some reason.

TrevorPhillips4013d ago

WOW! I did not know about that, thanks for letting me know :D Bubble for you, sir.

MikeMyers4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

From the article'
"The truth is, buzz is one thing, purchase intent is another," said Pachter "I don't think anyone is buying any of these boxes until they see them and they see the price."

Not according to many here on N4G. They likely already picked a winner for E3 as well.

HammadTheBeast4013d ago

Sad thing is, the opposite will now happen. It's what I call "the Patcher effect".

Cryptcuzz4013d ago

I did not know about this reveal as well, thanks for sharing man!

The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow a watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of an institution without them being able to tell whether or not they are being watched.

Wonder what kind of game this would be! Maybe it could be a peripheral possibly linked to the controller or the new PS4 Eye?

Who knows but I am intrigued to say the least.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4013d ago
Walker4013d ago

Everything is gonna be fantastic for gamers !

famoussasjohn4013d ago

MikeMyers- "They likely already picked a winner for E3 as well."

Well that's unfortunate to be so one dimensional, get both for the best of both worlds.

JoGam4013d ago

Who the hell is They?

famoussasjohn4013d ago

JoGam - IDK, I'm still waiting for both consoles to be shown and what they have to offer and for Sony to go in more depth with their offering. I'm leaning towards the Xbox only due to having more friends on there than on PSN, but I play most of the exclusives they offer on the PS3 so I don't miss out on some good games.

AngelicIceDiamond4013d ago (Edited 4012d ago )

"Well that's unfortunate to be so one dimensional, get both for the best of both worlds."

Now direct that comment towards the people who have this popular opinion on this site (there's allot people btw). Yay, PlayStation, boo Xbox.

@Jo and "They" are the many, many Sony loyalist on here.

edit: @Max whoa, how am I being the fanboy? Why is that every where I look on here its day 1 PlayStation and bashing the MS unannounced console UNANNOUNCED console which is low.

And making crazy assumptions about it these past 3 months?

@Shin I understand that but this site only a handful of people actually care about MS or show some sort of interest. I'm no loyalist to no one company like people are here. But just like everyone else I do have my preference.

Sorry for bringing sensible logic to these post and flexibility in which most people are nearly handicapped of doing because of their extreme obsession over a single company. I just call it like I see it, and people on really, really hate that, oh well.

ShinMaster4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

Dude, not everyone cares about Gears, Halo and having to pay to play online, in which case it wouldn't make much sense to be a Microsoft "loyalist" either.
Some people don't have a reason to buy an Xbox over a PS4. Even if the Nextbox may be superior in some ways or not.
It's that simple.

MaxXAttaxX4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

One system may be technically better than the other but it may not offer anything that may appeal to some.
A lot of people may have been playing with a certain series of platforms for years and it just makes sense for them.

You're being very one-dimensional and a fanboy.

slapedurmomsace4013d ago (Edited 4013d ago )

I'm excited to see what the big 3 have to show. We all know why about MS and Sony, and if Nintendo doesn't come up with some compelling software to show, that's releasing this year, Wii U is done. The Vita is actually outselling it.

@angel...you are 100% correct. There are a good amount of people on here that will blindly follow Sony everywhere, and crap on anything MS does. It does go both ways, but on here..currently, it's not even close with the bias towards PS3. And I see you already have your first customer calling you a fanboy.

NumOnePS3FanBoy4012d ago

To be honest, it is not being one dimensional when one box you are certain that their first party studios will be launching existing and new ip's for the years to come plus it being supported by third party devs. While the other seems more like a third party machine and to me there is literally no point in purchasing that. The only reason for me having an xbox is for gears and that game hasn't had the same level of impact that the first one had on me. So a machine that offers a variety of quality exclusives plus third party support is far better than one that has very few exclusives and third party support. It is as simple as that. You get more from one than the other.

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showtimefolks4013d ago

Oh patcher you get paid to tell us what we know already

Off course they gonna show the systems, announce price and release date

But you are the kind of obvious

xtremeimport4013d ago

I actually hate Pachter.

"On December 25th it'll be christmas!"

these are the predictions he makes or they are so far fetched that he's just pulling shit out of his ass.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4012d ago
stglt4013d ago ShowReplies(4)
GribbleGrunger4013d ago

'PS4 & Xbox 720 At E3 Will Reveal Price, Release Date & More'

BOLD statements indeed! I don't think anyone was expecting that.

-Falaut-4013d ago

Defiantly another case of Captain Obvious Crunch cereal this morning.

claudionmc4013d ago

Pachter has the perfect job... gets paid for saying things absolutely obvious and things with no arguments. I'm done with this "analyst"

ZodTheRipper4013d ago

The thing is that he's doing it professionally so the business-guys in the games industry listen to him to some degree. But fact is, most of the people that are on N4G daily could do his job easily.

Linsolv4013d ago

Well what do you expect? When Pachter says anything worth saying he's wrong!

famoussasjohn4013d ago

Well, look at who the analyst was. He's just stating the obvious to finally be right about something on next generation consoles.

kayoss4013d ago

I swear to god Patcher is like the Dr Phil of video games. Always stating the obvious. Annoying as...an elementary school teacher using her finger nails scratching on the chalk board to get her student's attention.

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DEEBO4013d ago

patch is a lucky dude.just about any person on n4g can do his job but he is suppose to be like some kind of expert.lol ok.if you're in college or going to college.my advice to you are to major in patch's career.you can get paid to say things(the real gamers already know) or just make-up shit and hope it comes true.

RuleofOne343 4013d ago

You do realize that his job is more than talking about these Fk console, know this one degree will not get you that job he has try maybe a total of 3 degrees then maybe you can get a job like that. Also you may want to inquire about what a person job is before you start running your mouth thinking you know what it is or what it requires.

AcceptedWalnut4013d ago

I was interested until it said Michael Pachter claims.

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