
What happens when pirates play a game development simulator and then go bankrupt because of piracy?

Greenheartgames: When we released our very first game, Game Dev Tycoon (for Mac, Windows and Linux) yesterday, we did something unusual and as far as I know unique. We released a cracked version of the game ourselves, minutes after opening our Store.

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forcefullpower4029d ago (Edited 4029d ago )

This is what a lot of Genuine buyers are fed up with inserting DRM just for the game to hacked and easier to play for the pirates than the genuine consumers.

I still remember to this day buying games and still having to go to game copy world to get the no CD crack.

Kurylo3d4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

sadly, there are too many people who make the excuse" I wouldnt have bought it anyway".... well if u were never going to buy it, why do u feel u deserve to play it free?

You dont ride a rollercoaster and then say i dont feel like spending my money on a ticket for the ride now that its over.

This is pretty much why we need a platform like valve steam to connect to and verify the copy is legit before you start playing. Sad truth.

SgtFuzzy-T4028d ago

you must have read the article the that was posted on here this morning ;)

Hydralysk4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Piracy is going to happen no matter what. I've got nothing against Steam but having to connect and verify that you own a game still screws anyone without a constant internet connection.

Steam has an Offline mode, but really not many games of mine have worked when I've tried using it.

I'd much rather companies went with the GOG route, no DRM at all, you buy the game, and you can make as many backups as you want. You can't match pirates in terms of price, nothing's going to compete with free, so you might as well match them in terms of convenience.

kostchtchie_4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Why what does steam do? steam don't do shit, all steam games are cracked, only thing steam does is force legit gamers make an account to install there bought game

As for DRM it hurts none but LEGIT GAMERS, developers know this yet they still use it, why is that?

if that game can be cracked and pirated anyway why still use DRM?, because they want that shit in there games that is why

same reason they get away with selling chopped down games with DLC on day one, it used be you unlock stuff after completing your games, now we have to pay for it

developers have become greedier and gamers have become stingier, there is fine balance there i believe

nukeitall4028d ago


"As for DRM it hurts none but LEGIT GAMERS, developers know this yet they still use it, why is that?"

That isn't entirely true. The fact of the matter is that it prevents casual copying, between friends that has little technical skills or don't want the risk of getting viruses downloading things online.

It does minimize it at least "minimally", and is pretty much the only tool the game developer has to fight piracy.

I think the best way to get stamp out piracy is to give the consumer something so compelling they will be willing to be "always online" to get it i.e. online multiplayer games or something similar. For instance, super awesome stats or something.

Piracy will always exist, but I love how game devs will leak their own game and confuse the pirate. If you make it such a hassle to pirate and at the same time make it easy to purchase, you might have a winner!

nypifisel4028d ago

So just because gamers are more educated today and won't buy games without a certainty that they like it they don't deserve to play it? It's a farce for publishers/developers to profit from games that honestly don't really appeal to that many people but before they bought it anyway cause there were far less likely they'd know whether it would be a game for them or not.

A pirated copy is not a lost sale, it could be a future customer however if they liked what they downloaded. All the great games always turn huge profit, with the game being easy to pirate and all. Consumers are willing to pay for a good product - the service is a lot better for a bought game than a pirated one, with automated updates, no fiddling etc etc, consumers are willing to pay for this if the product is good enough.

SgtFuzzy-T4028d ago

as for steam I never think of steam as a DRM- I think of it more as a cataloguing system. i Just need to activate it, then I can play and bring my games anywhere I want. Offline mode works great for me when I'm using my laptop on travels. and when I'm visiting friends for the weekend I can load my games onto their computers and we can get some CS going on

Great system

aliengmr4028d ago

The "wouldn't have purchased the game anyway" argument comes from the idea of what amount of sales are actually lost because of piracy.

There are a certain group of people who only pirate games and never buy them, so whats been lost? Whether they played it or not is irrelevant.

I'm not making a case for piracy, but its a very convoluted issue when you get into it.

Piracy exists and will always exist. There is nothing that will stop it.


Games are getting more and more expensive to produce, thus require more and more sales. Its more about wasting money on development than greed.

SilentNegotiator4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

I agreed with everything you said until you claimed that we "need" Steam DRM. While I agree that people don't deserve to pirate a game because they wouldn't have paid anyway, restricting the legitimate users isn't the way to fix the problem.

I mean, you're aware piracy happens on PC, too, regardless of Steam, right? In fact, publishers seems infinitely more afraid of piracy on PC than any other system.

ChronoJoe4028d ago

Steam isn't at all effective DRM Kuryo, there are cracked copies of every game on steam. As in, the Steam versions of them, you can even run them through steam itself, whilst online.

DRM or forcing closed platforms into open ones (ie steam on linux) aren't answers to the piracy problem. Developers should adopt new business models and develop games more suited to these less secure platforms. F2P and Online only models are good examples.

fatstarr4028d ago

I know plenty of people that pirate to try and pay if its not shit tier.

IMO if they werent gonna buy it its the same thing as pirating it because the company wouldnt have gotten the money in the first place. in piracy's case it can advertise and some people will donate directly to the company to cut out the middle man in their profits.

JackBNimble4028d ago

@ Hydralysk

You're full of it... I can always play any game in offline mode on steam if the game doesn't require an online connection.

yess4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )


"There are a certain group of people who only pirate games and never buy them, so whats been lost? Whether they played it or not is irrelevant."

Wrong, it is relevant, cause you play the game to entertain your self, even though you don't like it.

It's like, you go to a car dealer and steal a car, you then use it to get from A to B for several days even though you don't like the car, you then take the car apart and put it in the trash bin, cause in your opinion, it's just a copy and you wouldn't have bought it anyway, but you still used the car to get from A to B.

Point is, it's not the actual game you want, it's the entertainment in the game, with the car it's the mean of transportation, the game and the car itself are just the container of entertainment and transportation.

nix4028d ago

@up somewhere:

i bought couple of games from steam/apple store for macbook and my friend just copied those files to his macbook and was able to play.

i was like 'wtf'.

steve30x4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Sadly some developers see every single pirated copy of their game as a lost sale which isnt true and sadly some developers couldnt be bothered giving us a demo making the sad excuse that we wont download the demo. I bet if theres a demo for a game and the demo makes the game look good then the piracy of said game will be reduced a bit. Its not the complete cure for piracy but it will help.

Ive bought a few games based on the demos of the games but with the past few years we see 1 out of 50 games with a PC demo now a days.

FriedGoat4027d ago (Edited 4027d ago )

It would be good if the pirated version of the game actually showed reflected the torrent stats to sales. It would show that the game still makes a profit. People might say "oh yeah all pirates say they wouldn't buy it" its true... they wouldn't, even if a crack isn't available.

4027d ago
turgore4027d ago

I would buy some games if they are cheap enough. For example, I had little interest in some games, but gave them a try because they were cheap or free on PS+.
If they want sales, they should stop being greedy and stop charging full price for some games that don't deserve it.

Hayabusa 1174027d ago

The problem isn't piracy, the problem is money. All information should be free and shared freely.

Christopher4027d ago

***Piracy is going to happen no matter what. I've got nothing against Steam but having to connect and verify that you own a game still screws anyone without a constant internet connection. ***

You only need to connect to verify the purchase, you don't have to maintain an Internet connection. You would only have to do this once a week.

I really hate people who don't understand this concept with Steam. It never requires a constant Internet connection, only for verification of the game on a weekly basis.

+ Show (16) more repliesLast reply 4027d ago
IAmLee4027d ago

The answer is simple.. they'd have no money.

Baka-akaB4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Truth be told pirates will always steal even games without protections .

But does adding protection and drm stop them ? Nope , it doesnt even slow then down , it only annoy legitimate users , and worse give a sense of entitlement , vengeance and "justice" to many pirates .

They feel vindicated galvanised and legitimized in the process .

When your game got none of that crap , they are left with empty excuses or the simple truth that they are scums and thieves .

The less excuses given to customers to pirate the better . Wich means no region locking , no abuse of dlc , no drm , no constant online unless truly fitting a game .

PS : lol at stealth disagree . If it wasnt true good devs like CD Red Projekt would sell more copies and meet an even bigger and more deserved success

Transporter474028d ago

You say taht but, trust me everybody has pirated something in their life, whether its music, a movie, a game. Piracy doesn't make a company go bankrupt if it did no music artist would profit. Regardless I'm guilty of pirating a few games before but that doesn't make me a scum, I have because i can't afford every single game that i want to get.

WeAreLegion4028d ago

I take it you aren't in the music industry?

Baka-akaB4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

I know everyone did , i have too , of course i'm no saint . But there is only so much excuses one can hide behind once those issues are removed .

Would i have any excuse left from say pirating a 3ds or wii u game if region locking is gone ? Not really ... means i could finally import an atlus game without waiting a whole year and overpricing .

in the mean time i'll admit i'd have no qualm hacking my region locked console or cracking a game always online for no reason .

Why even give such incentive and "justifications" to gamers ? Just leave them with their own guilt and conscience .

Ilovetheps54028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Here is why I think comparing this to the music industry is a bad analogy. The music industry has concerts and things like that to make money off of. I am one of the few people that buy my music still, but I like having a physical CD with the boxart and the coverslip with the lyrics in it. But, what I'm saying is that musicians make majority of their money from concerts, appearances at events, and many other ways. Game developers make their money almost strictly off of game sales, but I don't think DRM is the answer to this problem.

Regardless, I am against piracy of any kind. It doesn't help anyone in any ways. If you can't afford a game, wait until it drops in price some and then buy it. You don't always have to get a game on day one.

SilentNegotiator4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Where do high horse riders get off claiming that "everyone pirates"?

What gives you the right to assume that everyone is as criminal as yourself?

HappyGaming4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

That is ridiculously ignorant!
" Piracy doesn't make a company go bankrupt if it did no music artist would profit."

Piracy makes thousands of artists bankrupt. Of course the mainstream music starts who get paid millions for concerts wont go bankrupt even if we still 10 times what they get by pirating but small middle class artists and independent developers who probably could have made $100,000 a year can't make it in the music industry because we steal 90% of their income so they have to find alternative fields to work in.

You might be poor and think its ok to pirate because you are stealing from people who have millions but piracy completely destroys the little men like us who are trying to make a living through digital distribution of software and media.

There is no excuse. Most of us do it to an extent but lets at least understand what stealing is. Taking something from someone who has worked for it because you can!

MadLad4028d ago

"Regardless I'm guilty of pirating a few games before but that doesn't make me a scum, I have because i can't afford every single game that i want to get."

Not calling you scum but, taken in that context, you do seem to feel you are entitled to every game you want to play, despite not having the funds that others pay to enjoy the same privilege.

ZombieNinjaPanda4028d ago


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

FragMnTagM4028d ago

I think at least some of the pirating would subside if PC games started releasing more demos. The demos for PC are near non-existent.

XBL, as well as PSN have a ton of demos for games and I buy a lot more games because of being able to try before buying. If I like the demo on the console and it is on the PC, I will get the PC version though.

SilentNegotiator4028d ago


Fine by me. Me and SlapHappyJesus here aren't pirates. He might not cast stones being Jesus and all, but I will.

Pirates are criminals and the majority of people are not pirates. Telling yourself that everyone else is a pirate will not make it true.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4028d ago
aLucidMind4028d ago

They'll steal regardless of price as well. I remember a company did an experiment by pricing their game for one penny and it still got pirated. Companies need to ensure customer satisfaction and focus on giving us more bang for out buck, because the lack of one or the other will cause the risk of stolen copies to increase.

Legion214028d ago

How much bang is necessary to justify one penny? lol

aLucidMind4027d ago

The point there is that some people will steal, no matter what the cost of the item is. So the developers and producers need to focus on incentives for us not to steal rather than trying to outright punish those who do. The best way is to ensure that $60 we pay is very much worth it.

Kurylo3d4028d ago

I agreed with the first half of your statement, but saying have no DRM at all in anyway.. well thats just stupid. I remember when alls you had to do was use a cd burnder and u could copy the legit version of a game. Cant do that now thankfully, but u still can download games easier.

Drm in some form is a necessity at this point. I truely beleive the best way to make your money back is 1.)multiplayer so they are forced to connect to yourservers. 2.) lots of DLC... so they need a legit version of your game to get it. 3.) maybe mmo type of constnat pay to play.. 4.) in game advertising so even if they are playing on a stolen copy of the game you can somehow still make money off the advertisements in game... sort of the point of a lot of free to play games.

Ubisoft went overboard with DRM to the point where i didnt even want to play their games. Connecting to several things at once and having 8 accounts to play 1 game is just stupid. And totally makes the game easier to steal then to play legit.

Baka-akaB4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Those drm are always bypassed , so they are quasi not existent forthose pirating a game . So no it makes no difference if they are included or not .

A pc game selling badly wont start selling well with a drm . That's just show and mirrors , smokes for investors and shareholders .

Nothing compete with free , that's motivation enough for enough people to deal with any hassle . The psp was one of the most annoying system to pirate and deal with , between constant firmwares , updates prompts from games , and constantly revised motherboards and hardware .

Yet it stopped nothing . But as a consumers given grievance by useless features , now i'd be stopped and tempted to either pirate or give up on such machine . You just can't keep aggravating your paid customers , without reaching someday a breaking point

Kurylo3d4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

by your logic you should put your wallet on the dashboard of your car with a 100 dollar bill sticking out, and not bother locking the car door. Yes if you lock the door the thieves that dont care will probably break the glass and take your wallet, but then again it still prevents the people who wouldnt break a window that would still take the 100 dollars. Dont make it so easy to be a victim. Not all pirates go out of their way to steal a game..

Back in the day before cd keys came around anyone and their mommas would copy cds with cd burning software... at least now its more of an effort to go online... download the bootleg versions or find a cdkey. Not everyone goes through the hassle. Which means only the people who have a wealth of knowledge on pirating .. pirate the games. NOrmal every day people will leave that alone.

Me personaly, and i dont know if this would be legal. But if i put a game out there.. i would release like 8 torrents for versions of the game that include viruses so i could kill the computers of anyone who tries to play my game illegally.. In the panic people wont know which torrents they should risk downloading. To hell with the DRM, game devs should go on the offensive and force people to format their hard drives if they try to steal a game.

aliengmr4028d ago


Flawed analogy. There is far less risk in pirating a game.

What happens when disk copy protection stops paying customers? DRM has only ever done one thing; hassle paying customers.

The games industry is starting to learn that DRM is an absolute waste of money and effort. But it's taken a while. Human beings love a challenge, a problem to solve. Turns out piracy is pretty much unsolvable without harming legit customers.

What makes it worse is the fact that you can't really get any hard data on piracy. What if someone purchased a game after pirating it? It happens. The only consistent thing about piracy is that DRM has failed every time.

And the last thing you want to do is start messing with the pirates.

SilentNegotiator4028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Are you serious?

Why do so many people these days think that restricting law-abiding persons, with restrictions proven not to work, still insist that we're better off with those restrictions?

If it's going to be the same story (or very close) whether or not we have such restrictions, then why have them at all?

DRM, laws, etc...so many people these days think they're safer with the restrictions, no matter the facts.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4028d ago
InTheLab4028d ago

Don't forget about not having a demo...

Doesn't matter if a dev goes through the checklist of ridiculous reasons for piracy as pirates will always create a new reason to simply take what they want.

And since someone brought it up, I have never illegally downloaded a game, movie, or music. Doing the right thing isn't as uncommon as everyone seems to believe.

If I had, I'd at least own up to at and acknowledge the scum that I am. Yeah...pirates are scum.

Linsolv4027d ago

Yeah, but lack of a demo is actually a pretty fair COMPLAINT, if not a good REASON.

Flavor4027d ago

Yeah, 'those' pirates', y'know, 'those' guys and 'they'.

Not yourself, oh heavens no.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4027d ago
Kran4028d ago

Bought this game the other day.

Got real hooked on it, even if there are some flaws in the gameplay :P

Transporter474028d ago (Edited 4028d ago )

Dumb is what it is.

Kran4028d ago

Actually, genius. It stops pirates because they know the game would end up unplayable and if they REALLY want the game, they'd buy it.

That said though, suppose pirates could hack the game and take this out. :(

ZodTheRipper4028d ago

Of course they can and they surely will, but I think that this move was a success nonetheless :)

Gh05t4028d ago

Or they just get back online and get an honestly pirated game not this fake pirated game that was given by the devs.

mydyingparadiselost4028d ago

I would like to say there are lots of reasons to pirate a game, just not all games and especially not brand new games.

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The Gamesmen, Episode 247 – Zombies

Join Amras89 and Hardlydan for game talk and fun! This time, The Gamesmen talk about a terrible game, The Division 2, Devil May Cry 5 lens flare, and an Octopath Traveler prequel. Games discussed are Far Cry: New Dawn, Rocket League, Game Dev Tycoon, 7 Days to Die, and Far Cry 5.

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paylituzu1887d ago

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Game Dev Tycoon adds ultra hard mode where you combat piracy with DRM

Video games development simulator Game Dev Tycoon now has an ultra difficult "Pirate Mode" where your software gets pirated.
Emulating the real world problem of piracy, this advanced option will see reduced sales on all of your games. "Bankruptcy is likely", you are told.

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2253d ago
Princess_Pilfer2253d ago

Where you put DRM into your games, don't stop piracy at all, piss off the paying customers, and then get hit with credit card charbacks from keys bought with stolen credit cards and sold on the grey market and what's what actualy damages your income?

Because that' what happens irl. The pirate who doens't buy the game was never going to buy the game, and the pirate who does isn't a lost sale.

2pacalypsenow2253d ago

It might not be a lost sale, but it's theft.

I don't know about you but if I spent hours making something and someone just stole it. I would be upset.

kevnb2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

while that's true, piracy doesn't have the effect that people keep preaching and is a nice excuse for low sales. Pirates will download any hyped game just to see whats it like, or even sometimes just in case they want to later. Even bad games will get pirated a ton just so pirates can laugh at them.

2pacalypsenow2253d ago

Stealing is still stealing.

rainslacker2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )


So you're saying out of the hundreds of thousands of people that pirate, compared to the millions that would buy games, that none of those pirates would end up buying a game if they couldn't pirate it? If piracy were in some way actually eradicated, you believe that sales of games wouldn't actually go up? Would all those pirates just stop gaming if they couldn't get it for free? That seems unlikely.

Piracy probably doesn't hit the bottom line as much as publishers claim, but it certainly does take away from the bottom line, because it's rediculous to assume that everyone that pirates is just a thief, and not a potential customer.

One can try to rationalize it any way they want, but piracy is theft, and it should be fought. Never should anyone just say, "well, no harm no foul, they wouldn't have brought it anyways". That's just giving power to the pirate, and doing nothing to stand up for the publisher or developer.

Princess_Pilfer2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

But it has no impact on sales. So it literally is not doing harm. The people who want to pay for it, will. The people who don't, won't. You don't suddenly convert pirates if piracy is impossible, they just don't play your stuff. Which can actually be a net negative, in the case that they'd decided they liked the pirated game and end up buying the rest of the games in the series instead of ignoring them.

Saying "it's theft" isn't an argument.

The same people who decry piracy will often go do stuff like buy keys on G2A, which are quite often bought with stolen credit cards, and because the developers get hit with charge backs on those sales that does *actual* damage. Not pretend, maybe maybe not damage, real damage.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2252d ago
kevnb2253d ago

except in the real world piracy doesn't have the effect that everyone keep preaching.

Eulderink2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

xD lmao that they thing think that piracy = lost sales too retarded, if i don't have the money or don't find it worth it i won't buy it. piracy makes it just possible to have it without paying.

kevnb2253d ago

not to mention pirates tend to download everything they have any slight interest in which makes the numbers look inflated, the truth is most people couldn't be bothered to pirate games.

rainslacker2253d ago (Edited 2253d ago )

Yeah, but not all pirates are like you. It's reasonable to assume that pirates would indeed buy games if they couldn't pirate them. Maybe not all, or maybe not the ones that they pirate, but they would buy software or quit gaming, or stick to F2P. Those are their only choices if they couldn't pirate a game.

Pirates are diverse in their reasons for pirating. But I see why too much pride from some pirates who boast about it as if they are somehow justified for theft.

While not everyone who pirates would buy the game if they didn't pirate, it's absolutely stupid to assume that everyone who pirates would not buy games if they couldn't pirate. That means that it does affect the bottom line. It may not be as much as the publishers say, but it is something.

Why are so many people willing to justify theft? If you don't have the money, don't play. If you don't find it worth it, don't pay. Don't just download it because you still want to consume the media....which you apparently don't find worthwhile enough to pay for, but find enough there to waste your time on it.

Princess_Pilfer2252d ago

There are a number of flaws in your reasoning.

You assume that because someone pirates *some* games they pirate *all* games rather than pay for them. This is demonstrably false. Pirates (especially in wealthier nations) buy several times more games than the average consumer. This also unravels your second argument. Because Pirates tend to buy more games than anyone else, it's safe to assume if they couldn't pirate things they'd just ignore them, they *already* spend a lot of money on games and have no actual need to pirate.

See above. There have been studies. I'm not aware of any credible ones that suggest an actual profit loss of greater than 0.3% (without accounting for the pirates who become fans of the series and/or tell their friends about it and convince other people to buy the game btw.)

Something that isn't worth your money =/= something that isn't worth your time. I woulnd't pay for hollow knight because I'm pretty sure I won't like it, but I'd definitely try it for free if given the chance to see if I wanted to buy it.

rainslacker2252d ago (Edited 2252d ago )

There are flaws to all arguments on both sides of this issue because so many people tend to act like one anecdotal instance, tends to be indicative of the entire make up of people who pirate.

But when it comes to people who pirate, any of the reasons given exist within the spectrum. Common sense would suggest that a person who has played a game, particularly in full, is unlikely to buy it later. I know I fell into this category when I was a pirate. I used to be pretty active in the piracy scene, running forums where many gamers traded games constantly. I've seen all the excuses, and I knew enough of them well enough to know they were either full of sh*t, or they were more willing to buy games. I still brought a lot of games, but when I really got into it, I brought much less than I did before.

Yes, there are people who use piracy for demo purposes, or to get around annoying DRM, but from what I've seen, most just do it because they don't want to pay for games. That's why I think that the studies are not accurate. I don't think profit loss is anywhere close to what some of the devs or publishers claim, but I do think that they'd make more if people didn't have a choice except to buy, or not play. Again, that is just common sense.

In your hollow knight example, would you play the whole game and buy it if you liked it? If you would, I feel you fall into a minority of pirates

Anyhow, long comment made short, people have to stop looking at singular instances to make their arguments. Piracy has to be looked at from a whole and a wide spectrum. I don't condone piracy, but I'm find with people who buy a game, and then use the pirated version to get around DRM that causes it not to work. Or those who legitimately want to demo a game with intent to buy should they like it.

Princess_Pilfer2252d ago

I cited studies, I'm not relying on anecdotes. So no, there isn't a flaw in my argument.


Common sense is a logical fallicy. It means "I think it's obviously true and there for it must be true and I don't have to prove it." and isn't a valid argument. You can't discredit the findings of studies with "common sense," properly measured stastics don't care about your feelings or vague ideas on what pirates do or don't do. They don't care about mine either. If you want to disagree with them, read them and point out where the flaws are in how the study was designed.

Because here's the thing, studies *by govenrmnet bodies with a vested interest in keeping the megacorperations who compalin about piracy so much* still can't find a credible link between piracy and lost sales. It's just not a thing. The people who pirate any given product tend to fall into 2 camps. Those who were never going to buy it anyways, and those who will buy it if they decide they like it. Yeah, there is a small subset that will simply never pay for anything that they can get for free, but that's not most of them.

Also, there is no actual difference between a pirated copy of a game and one sold second hand, as far as the publishers/developers ability to make money. Limited supply (at least in wealthy countries) for the second hand copies of the physical product is simply a non-issue so that rebuttal doesn't work, and that's really the *only* rebuttal. Sure you can create a hypothetical scenario in which someone is trying to sell a 30 million dollar album and there are only 3 in exsistance but a copy gets leaked online so nobody wants to buy the album anymore, but that doesn't not reflect reality with either physical or digital goods, these companies create millions of disks and they're regularly traded in, so much so that gamestop throws away big piles of them on a regular basis rather than waste storage space on them.

rainslacker2251d ago

Studies based on respondants who already pirate, and will say that they would be willing to buy a game even though they pirate it.

Sorry, my own experience with most pirates is that they don't buy games they pirate. I've run BBS's and ran hubs where hundreds, if not thousands of pirates made their way through them each month. Most of them went there because they wanted free stuff. I knew some of them to be gamers, and they would buy games, but it was rare to find one that would buy a game after they play it.

That is enough of an anecdote to support my argument, because I know hands down that there are those that substitute buying games in favor of pirating. I always get a kick out of people that pirate and act like pirates are all of the highest moral caliber, or that people who are gamers wouldn't buy games if they couldn't pirate.

That is just illogical by any stretch of the imagination, regardless of what the studies show.

I don't dispute that publishers over-exaggerate the loss in sales, but I also dispute the pirates who act like there is a negligible loss to software sales because of piracy.

Princess_Pilfer2250d ago

Anecdotes are irrelivant.

Even EU the EU government has done studies that can't find the link, and considering the EU government has laws against piracy and stand to risk losing lobying money from the corperations if hey change those laws they have an incentive to cheat and say it *does* hurt sales, and even they can't find a credible link.

I never said *all* pirates will end up buying the game. I'm saying the overwhelming majority (as in 95% or higher) who do pirate the game, either end up buying it or would never have bought it in the first place.

That piracy has a negligable impact on sales isn't an excuse, it's just a fact. Your anecdotes don't matter, and neither do mine. Your experience is irrelivant. The facts don't care about it. Your anecdote is not a substitute for a stastical analasis where all the data points are kept track of and so protected from your biases.

rainslacker2250d ago

It's fine. I accept that many of them wouldn't buy the game regardless, because that lines up with my experience. I absolutely do not agree that many pirates end up buying the game. My experience in the pirating community just doesn't sync up with that. The vast majority just want free stuff that they aren't entitled to, and act like they only do it for demo.purposes. I have more respect for the pirate who is at least honest about being too cheap to pay for a game, because at least they're not muddying the waters

Princess_Pilfer2248d ago

The overwhelmimg majority of pirates who just want free stuff *woulnd't have bought the game anyways.* They didn't care enough to pay for it, so they don't pay for it. Still no impact on sales.

There has been 0 link shown between decreased piracy and increased sales. None. Not in music, not in movies, not in TV, not in games.

rainslacker2248d ago

Yes, but at some point, if the free software isn't available, that would mean that those pirates would have to buy games if they wanted to play. I may not make a difference for an individual title, but overall it certainly would. On top of that, the temptation is just too much for people who game, so they're going to buy something.

That's why the argument that pirates wouldn't buy anything isn't all black and white. I can't see millions of pirates suddenly just stop playing games. They would likely start buying them, and play less than they can through piracy.

Princess_Pilfer2247d ago

They'd simply not buy it. Again, there have been studies. There is 0 link between decreased piracy and sales. They'll buy and play the games they were already going to buy and play. (Pirates by 7x as many games as non-pirates on average.)

You're operating on the assumption that if someone pirates the simply don't buy games. this is provably false. Most pirates by way more games than anyone else and have no actual need to pirate to play games. They pirate things they wanted to try out, or were never going to spend money on.

rainslacker2247d ago

How can the studies show a correlation when there isn't any decreased piracy? The only way to study it is by using respondent data, and that requires people to be honest, which those same anecdotal people obviously not.

No.amount of reasoning can say that people simply would stop playing games if there was no piracy. It defies all logic.

As far as the rest, I'm operating on the assumption that the vast majority of pirates don't buy their games. I'm extending that to say that some, if not many, would end up buying some games if they couldn't get them for free. They wouldn't buy every game they'd pirate, but they would likely buy some, and with millions of pirates that adds up to an increase in sales overall, but maybe not any significantly measurable increase for an individual title

Consider that if even 5% would end up buying the game, for a game that has 100k copies pirates, that's 5k copies sold. Assuming the $60 price tag, that would end up being $30k. I dunno about you, but that's significant.

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