
Gaming Is Cool But Gamers Are (Still) Not

Quote: "A few years ago I read an opinion column in a local gaming magazine in which the writer drew a very unnerving picture about the gaming scene; where it has come from and where it is going in the future.

In a nutshell he asserted that as gaming slowly but surely reaches the mainstream, it becomes more popular and receives more widespread positive appeal but those of us who have always been around and can actually call ourselves gamers will not suddenly become the cool kids. The jocks will effectively still remain the jocks and, unfortunately, we will still remain the nerdy / geeky dweebs who creep everyone out and essentially, are social outcasts. "

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Canary4065d ago

Did everyone else go to a stereoptypical 1980s high school?

I almost feel bad that my school wasn't segregated into social classes like that. ~__~

Krypto4065d ago

Only ones that are not cool, are the ones that don't game!

Reverent4065d ago

I don't even understand that. As a kid, I went through FOUR separate schools (3 in small towns, and one in a huge city) and literally none of them were set up in that stereotypical fashion. It's like, everyone was too busy with their own lives to give a crap about who was the "cool" group, or the "jock" group etc. Did TV sitcoms just invent it to set up some stupid gag, or what?

wallis4064d ago

TV just relies on lazy stereotypes as do most narratives. You can't introduce every single aspect of a character from the word go so a lot of the time it's inferred and stereotypes are great at this. You see this all the time in video games as well. How many old wise guys, little bouncy sidekick girls, big hulking angsty heroes and violent orcs have we dealt with in games? How many villains have facial scarring, how many heroes have stubble as a shortcut for manliness? Just the way shit is.

HammadTheBeast4064d ago

Tv media, whatever.

In my time, Gameboys were what the "cool kids" had.

Reverent4064d ago

Lol exactly. When I was in school, whoever had the latest console, games, etc. were considered the person you wanted to hang out with.

GloriousBagel4065d ago

I'm cool :<.
Gaming was cool in my High School but it was just a bunch of lame CoD kids. I felt like the only RPG gamer there xD

mamotte4065d ago

I'm 27, work in a company with guys my age... and I still know that feeling. I mean, they're literally "But, but... you need to read in that game, right? Meh"

3-4-54065d ago

I'm same age and come from a time when games were anything.

There is a whole generation of gamers who think that if it's not COD then it sucks.

People who are just getting into gaming since 2007 end up being the most vocal about what games are good even though they have no clue how many gems of various genres they have missed out on over the years.

90% of games released today don't hold up to the SNES, N64 , PS1 classics.

GloriousBagel4064d ago

I know that feel. I am an early ninety's kid. 93' to be exact :).

RPG games were all the rage, kids didn't mind reading. (at least that was the case for my group of friends) We played all genres and loved all games.

That is not the case anymore, my siblings can't touch anything that isn't CoD. They can't stand RPG games because of the reading.

Instant gratification/ADD styled games have ruined this generation of gamers.

mamotte4062d ago (Edited 4062d ago )

@ those two guys above:

I dont know what's happening with the extreme laziness today. Specially when it comes to read. You should see my coworkers's face when they catch me playing 999 or Phoenix Wright during breaks (Or learning Japanese). They just cant imagine a game with so Much text can exist. They think it cant be funny, too. Sad times, really. Not to mention that the native language here is spanish, and I play games in english. So: Full text + english = ARE YOU F'ING INSANE???.

HK5A4065d ago

'Some of them' Are NOT, NOT all of them.

Kyosuke_Sanada4065d ago (Edited 4065d ago )

Dude you have an Oldboy avatar. You are way cool in my book :3

ApolloTheBoss4065d ago

If all gamers were cool we'd all be playing nothing but Madden and COD.

Reverent4065d ago

That's funny because most of the people I know who play both of those games, are chubby, greasy guys who just sit on the couch all day and either, play the aforementioned games, or watch sports.

Not saying this is a stereotype or anything; just my personal experience.

ApolloTheBoss4065d ago

Well, high school jocks would usually play those games when I was in grade school, but hey, to each his own experience.

Reverent4065d ago

Also, I realized my comment may have come off a bit defensive/rude sounding, but that wasn't my intention. I do actually agree with you lol.

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