
EA Refuses to Refund User for SimCity, Threatens Account Ban

GC: "SimCity is having issues right now and majority of people are unable to play the game."

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4086d ago Replies(9)
animegamingnerd4086d ago

M$, sony, and nintendo fanboys each of you may hate two of the big 3 console manufacturers but we can all agree EA is 10000000000000000 times worse

Root4086d ago

I think Activision is, in my opinion, still worse then EA....just Activision are so known for what they do now and keep a low profile that we don't bother with them anymore.

I could play an EA game but not an Activision one.

PopRocks3594086d ago

What's Activision guilty of exactly? Milking? Their customer service was generally helpful to me when I was still playing Guitar Hero games.

EA is a bigger scumbag company to me. They've had as many shady business practices as Activision, if not more. Their lousy treatment of Bioware doesn't help that.

shackdaddy4086d ago

I would agree to that a year ago, but Activision isnt really that bad anymore. I mean, they still milk their CoD games but that's really just about the only thing they do.

Ea on the other hand has gotten waaaaaay worse.

Root4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Yeah but guys they quality of most of their games....sorry, nearly all of their games are below average. Least with EA you can still get the odd good one, like for example, Mirrors Edge.

I'm not defending EA, they are trash but I'm just saying you could still get a better experience playing the odd game from them then from Activision which are either below average games or COD while it's the same game over and over.

Cupid_Viper_34086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

F*cking take them to court!!!!

I've just about had it with them.

I have a few new slogans for them matter of fact:

1.MicroTransactions..It's in the game(troll face)
2 EA Sports..BIG crooks.
3 EA: NO DICE...
4 Microtransactions...Pa dap pap pap pahh because you're lovin' it!
5. Microtransactions R'US
6. and My personal Favorite: Battefield: BAD COMPANY <<<<<< See what I did there?

SilentNegotiator4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

"Yeah but guys they quality of most of their games....sorry, nearly all of their games are below average"

OH MY GOODNESS That's a thousand times worse than EA's games not working!!!

You not liking their games isn't worse than the BS anti-consumer crap that EA has done.

Dee_914086d ago

Console games are just the tip of the ice bird. The sims 3 on pc is still a complete mess after this many years,The new EP doesnt even work for most people.So many modders in the community have to fix problems EA should be fixing.
Sad but I still buy their games.. One day I will be so fed up and abandon them like I did with their sports games

Gamer19824086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Activision are the devil they ban your WoW account for buying gold if somebody tells them you bought it just while they "investigate it" they unban it when they find you havn't been buying gold. No time refunded for the inconvenience or anything. They have the cheek to charge you a monthly fee then BAN you from your account while they investigate it.. No initial proof just while they check it out which can take upto a week. You get ZERO compensation other than a "your account is unbanned with found nothing wrong" email.

Activision stealing money for years..

Oh and lets not forget increasing the price of COD by an extra $10/£10 compared to other games right?? Because its SUCH a better game.. *insert sarcasm*

farhad2k84086d ago

I'm sorry Root, but CoD STILL doesn't ask for an online pass. As bad as the franchise may be, it doesn't ask you to buy a stupid ass online pass.
Activision may be horrible, but EA are 10x worse.

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FlameBaitGod4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Activision = milking and being super cheap. Copy pasting textures to newer cod games. Have the #1 FPS, selling over 9 mil copies YET!, they cant give us dedicated servers and a glitch free games.

Yukicore4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

I don't like Activision for that too, but it's the peoples fault, not theirs. As long as people keep buying, they keep making. And so they also can ask more money for their services, and people still buy.

I honestly don't know how this Call of Duty crap has lasted so long and still is going. And it probably won't end anytime soon. :P

2pacalypsenow4086d ago

There's no such thing as a glitch free multiplayer game.
And Valve ban people for disputing charges too

Rainstorm814086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )


Sony will ban your account if you dispute digital charges as well , they WILL refund you but your account will be banned....pretty much the same situation

But EA is the big bad wolf of the industry right now.....not that I condone what is happening with SimCity right now but this is exactly why I didn't get the game...this dumbass DRM was announced before release and with my unreliable Comcast Internet I can't rely on constant connection to play a single player game.

A SimCity was one of my anticipated games this year....oh well, looks like I made the right choice

rainslacker4086d ago

Same here rainStorm. I was eagerly awaiting this game when it was announced, as SimCity is by far one of my favorite game series. Each one I've spent countless hours on with the original game and the subsequent expansion packs. Then they say it will be always on-line and my interest went to zero in a second.

Having played this series since the first it was a real disappointment, particularly since the "reasons" they listed for it having to be always online are things I generally mostly hate anyways. I have no problem with authenticating DRM schemes so long as it's invisible, but requiring to connect to play just doesn't work for me.

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dennett3164086d ago

Exactly. Say what you will about Activision, but they screw the consumer WAY less than EA.

Less online passes.
Less micro transactions (so far anyway).
Fewer server shutdowns that disable online play.

They seem to take it in turns when it comes to most hated company though, so we'll see what shit Activision pulls next to give EA a break.

tommygunzII4086d ago

Activision only fell off of the map because they can't make games. They got lucky with CoD and WoW but I dont see them as a major threat in the future.

I am surprised EA hasn't fallen flat on its face yet though.

Omni-Tool4086d ago

They do have Bungie's Destiny going live or should be going live around the time PS4 launches. I'm sure something is bound to happen when something major likes this goes live.

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Root4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

Why did they even make SimCity online only anyway. I would of bought it if it wasn't always online

Hell they should bring it to consoles, I'm sure they could find a way to do it.


Wow, reading through that forum there is a lot of EA White Knights....

Came across this though about stuff which has been cut from past Sim City games

"laying pipes
power lines
terraforming your plot
the lack of options. 8 regions? Only a few of them are 16 slots? Laaaaame
no agriculture
the multiplayer meta game is a joke"

Really...they cut all that stuff out.....why

Why do something which takes a step back for the franchise.

Smurf14086d ago

It's amazing how many people would defend EA. If you paid £40 for a game, it has to work day 1.

PooEgg4086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

It is true for every gamer that is fed up with EA they have another who will defend them.

If you say EA is greedy, they will make you feel cheap.

If you say EA's games are broken, and most of them are, they will point you towards mods, or claim that it isn't really a big deal, so you should STFU and stop acting entitled.

It is brainwashing at its finest.

HammadTheBeast4086d ago

And cities are small as hell to "promote specialization". Sim City wasn't meant to be like this.

f7897904086d ago

I bet that stuff will be DLC. You know, because the devs didn't have time. *sarcasm*

Stupid casual gamers will pay up for this shit. It's not going to end.

Dee_914086d ago

haha exactly what I was gonna say, They cut so much stuff out of The Sims 3 that was in Sims 2 to only add it later in EP's or SP's,..

capnjoe2174086d ago

Screw that. Simcity 2000, 6 bucks at gog.com

Hassassin4085d ago

Sounds really tempting to buy it again... I can't seem to find my old CD's

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4085d ago
WeAreLegion4086d ago

Well, I'm going to get some hate for this...

...but I own and play Surviving High School on my phone. (Android) It's an EA game. I purchased the "remove ads" feature. The ads are still there. I also purchased season three...and it refuses to download. I should have waited. Other people started reporting the same issue. EA hasn't responded to anyone for over a year about the game, yet the team continues to make content. EFF. THEM.

porkChop4086d ago

Get in touch with the Google Play customer service. EA has sold you 2 products that do not work as advertised, the Google Play staff will likely be able to help you.

WeAreLegion4086d ago

Awesome. :) Thank you!

(This is why I love Google.)

Robotronfiend4086d ago

Yeah def contact Google Play. Also, the same goes for buying content off amazon.com's app store. If the developer won't respond, they will. I had an issue with a virtual currency purchase and amazon stepped in and fixed it (almost like an arbitrator). The app market owners know if you aren't happy with a sale, you won't buy as much in the future.

mynameisEvil4086d ago

By the way, don't love Google either. Google is a company that is trying to monopolize everything at a cheap cost, thereby giving you a crap service. And, of course, nobody would have the money to go up against Google, anyway.

Google screwed over YouTube. And they hand over your search information, sent-received email to the US government. They are a huge corporation. And there's not a single good corporation out there. It's about the money. Don't you forget that. It'll make it easier to accept it when you get screwed later. :)

vega2754086d ago (Edited 4086d ago )

A part of me wants to feel sorry for all these people going thru the problems with this game. but another part feels like these people should have known better then to get in bed with EA expecting not to get burned.

after reading many of the post from the forum. many of the people should have done research on the game before they purchased it. they would have known stuff was cut from the game and would be re-sold as DLC later. if people didn't learn this from ME3.

this was one of the main reasons why i wouldn't buy this game. EA has proven time and time again that they are the worst. i hope this is a lesson learned

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shauzy1838d ago

i dont even know what to gain from this

meep3161837d ago

publishers gain control by forcing you online.

shauzy1836d ago

i meant what to gain from this knowledge, this list, whats the point of it why make it why should i know these games, sure yeah i do recall some games needing me to be online even to play single player but, why should i know this "seven times" thing

Xavi4K1838d ago

I don’t care I cannot recall the last time I didn’t have internet connection

PiNkFaIrYbOi1837d ago

You are either sort of young or very old and have memory issues.

Besides the internet can go down for various reasons.

Lord_Sloth1837d ago

Lookit me, I can't even type 7 paragraphs on a single page! Give me clicks!!!

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lptmg2456d ago

Need for Speed as well. Here's to hope that the new one will be a return to form for the franchise.

Gaming1012455d ago

Dead Space was the worst ruining... micro transactions in a full price game, with co op that was mandatory to get all the story and access to certain areas. Sure Rock Band was oversaturated, and Burnout was basically killed off even though it sold a ton on PS3 back in the day.

indysurfn2455d ago

Wow kudos EA! no one can kill a franchisee like you can kill a franchises.

lptmg2455d ago

Sadly, Rock Band died because of Activision shoving one Guitar Hero every 3 months

OldSchoolGamer692456d ago

Madden Football 2006-2018 2018-?

showtimefolks2456d ago

I want mercenaries 1 remaster

chrono12052455d ago

Or a reboot, with all the fun of the first one.

showtimefolks2455d ago

i agree i had a great time with the 1st game and a good time with the sequel

PhoenixUp2455d ago

Dead Space, NBA Live, & Rock Band

indysurfn2455d ago (Edited 2455d ago )

I really liked Burnout and Need for speed and thought no one will able to destroy this game.....I was WRONG!

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