
Is Gearbox Really a Great Studio — and What Happened to Aliens? Let’s Look at the History.

Vagary.TV examines the history of Gearbox Software through its review scores and looks at the troubled development of Aliens: Colonial Marines.

Is Gearbox Software a great studio? With a remarkable 46 point spread between their highest and lowest scores, there's certainly a question. Out of 10 games and 9 pieces of DLC, Aliens ranks as the worst software they've ever released, followed by Duke Nukem. Their other games review middling to much better. So what went wrong and, in a time of rampant studio closures and thousands of lost jobs, can we really consider Gearbox a hit-maker?

Wagz224107d ago

Yea It displays an image instead.

Abash4107d ago

I think the lack of money from SEGA was also what made that Aliens game crappy. You need quite a lot of cash from publishers while you're developing a game and SEGA doesnt seem like they have a lot to give. So I wouldnt Gearbox is completely at fault

Sketchy_Galore4107d ago

Come on guys, can we please have a discussion without going off topic and attacking beloved Nintendo characters?

....sorry, couldn't resist.

juandren4107d ago

Lol when I read "Link is no good" I thought "wtf does this have to do woth Zelda?"

Blank4107d ago

You gave me my laugh of the day here +1 bubble!

gamebynight4107d ago

Whoops, sorry guys! Should be fixed now.

Megaton4107d ago

Borderlands is their only good series, IMO.

camel_toad4107d ago

Yeh I honestly think they got lucky with Borderlands - primarily because they hit that formula before anyone else really did.

It may have just been one person's great idea and the rest of the studio just rode the wave.

Megaton4107d ago

I only played one of them. Hell's Highway I think. Didn't care for it.

ElementX4107d ago

I read that Gearbox outsourced the single player campaign to another company.

RXL4107d ago

read that too..

they basically didn't have anything to do with it..

SuperShyGuy4107d ago

Apparently is got outsourced to TimeGate and they threw out everything Gearbox did, but then Gearbox came back after finishing Boarderlands and threw out what TimeGate did


antz11044107d ago

Thats not true, they stated they did around 80% of it, and outsourced the rest to TimeStamp who they directly oversaw. Crappy I know, but it could have been worse.

SilentNegotiator4106d ago

STOP spreading that rumor!!

Gearbox DID have the majority to do with it.

AngelicIceDiamond4107d ago (Edited 4107d ago )

Gear Box is good when they create new Ip's (Borderlands). Working on existing franchises is where they don't shine. They need to leave any existing franchise alone in the future.

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Kaii176d ago

Hopefully, they fired the entire writing team after B3 cause that dialogue was truly atrocious.

jeromeface175d ago

doubtful... this is gearbox we're talking about.. Randy thinks everything the studio does is gold because he has a bad concept of reality

DrDoomer175d ago

FFS make something else. If you can't make anything new, at least bring back Brothers In Arms or something.

-Foxtrot175d ago

I know it will never happen (for obvious story reasons that's happened) but I wish we could play the original Vault hunters again with new abilities you could choose to develop in a skill branch. Never really felt I could get behind most of them after the first game, especially move wise. Lilith's phase walk will always be the best to me.

Speaking of Lilith, I'm kind of wondering how they'll get around the whole Siren thing since they wrote themselves into a corner saying there's "only 6 Sirens in the entire universe" and now thanks to Borderlines 3 they apparently pass on their abilities meaning once we see each of 6 powers available that's it, no new brand new ones. I don't know why they don't just say there's more than 6 since all of them in the ENTIRE Universe just conveniently coming to Pandora is a bit strange.

BrainSyphoned175d ago

That's super easy to get around. Each person that has the skill could have their own personal spin on it. There could be a new power that morphs them into something else. One of the weapon manufacturers could experiment on 5 of the Sirens and the 6th would have to fight a horde of siren powered bad guys to rescue the others. Fiction has been there and done that with power more complex or simple thousands of times before.

As for revisting the first game? That would be totally unlike the gaming industry to reboot a series...

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