
4 Reasons Why Crysis 3's Campaign Is Only 5 Hours Long

CD-Action Mag indicated that the Crysis 3 campaign is only 5 hours long – with side missions and here are 4 reasons why that might be the case.

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mochachino4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Am I the only person that thinks most new release games for my PS3/360 seem like last-gen games and aren't worth $60.

I can't bring myself to pay full price for 99% of new release games anymore, the systems are pushed to far and the graphics are either too blurry, choppy, screen tearing etc.

Although I think GTA6, Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite may be exceptions (largely due to wealth of content or innovative experiences). Most games however, just aren't impressive enough to warrant AAA prices. They're last gen games to me. It's like paying $60 for a PS2 remake.

AznGaara4108d ago

Which is why I'm glad Sly was brought down to $40. Maybe it's a new pricing structure Sony's doing with lesser 1st party games but I'd like to see this adapted with other publishers.

I'm definitely getting Crysis 3 though after it drops to $20. I don't feel like paying $60 for a game I'm only interested in playing single player for.

Gaming1014108d ago

Seriously, if this is a measly 5 hour game on normal difficulty I'm not buying it. Hunter mode is a cheap distraction. If they can't create a single player that last's more than 10 hours, considering it's more open world than Crysis 2, you would've thought they could include more.

This is starting to look like a stupid tech demo. Multiplayer was garbage. Hunter mode was a distraction; something that loses all its novelty after not very long. Plus with cloak suit it's practically a camper's dream. Now you have people sitting and waiting while being invisible so you have no chance of not getting killed by them. If you have a PC this game's only redeeming factor is that it's really good looking provided you were nerdy enough to spend 2 grand on your PC to make Crysis 3 run on ultra high settings.

jimbobwahey4108d ago


Bingo. There's a reason that PC elitists only ever talk about the graphics of Crysis and never the gameplay, it's because the games are rubbish.

The only reason they buy these games is because there's literally nothing else out there that makes use of their ridiculously overpriced graphics cards, and Crytek only pushes these games out to flog their Cryengine to an industry that has no interest since there are vastly superior engines already being used out there.

Cam9774108d ago

I'm exactly the same. I haven't bought a full price game in months, in fact, the last full priced game I bought was Ratchet and Clank's HD TRILOGY on PS3 last week for £24. Those are last gen games! Even they weren't £40.

TheXgamerLive4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

sadly. many fps games are MP based so now they put so little in the SP campaign and thats sad bc i love the sp more than most mp. CooP is hella fun though.

If your into the crisis style then id guess youll love this C3.
personally, Id love to see a 60 hr. campaign with no mp in a open game like this. That id pay 60 dollars for. Im tired of so many mp games.
Hell they've even did a horrible thing and stick it in Tomb Raider.

GROTSTOMPA4107d ago (Edited 4107d ago )

Many, many, many, many game developers have proven this theory otherwise a thousand times over... you can do both with decent strategy perfectly fine, SP/MP providing you know how to balance the multiplayer aspects of course which tends to take experience.
Not a company out there has the excuse of having "problems devoting resources" to one side or the other in a MP/SP game... They already know their budgets, therefore no excuse. They can clearly do BOTH equally as it's been shown before many times.. therefore I (sometimes) blame the garbage developers *BUT* more than likely it's the publisher pushing the developers too hard to CASH IN on the gaming community in the cheapest way possible by splitting a "too small of a budget", or a "CHEAP" publisher budget between SP/MP instead of doing the most logical thing and making the community happy as well as cashing in.
I wrote an article over a year ago saying this is Cryteks last chance to fix their Crysis series with their fans (after Crysis 2 travesty)... everyone kindly agreed, well... this is it. GG Crytek... this is a fail.

(Bottom line, literally. If you can't split a decent enough budget -knowingly ahead of time- in order to make both SP/MP then do one or the other.. so simple). Crytek is HUGE, no excuse.

Pandamobile4108d ago

Five hours for one reviewer isn't indicative that it will be 5 hours for everyone. It's probably 6-8 for a normal player, maybe 8+ if you're the kind of person who likes top stop and smell the flowers and just enjoy the scenery (which is something you should always do in a Crysis game)

BLow4108d ago

Yes and I'm one of those people. I like to take my time and not rush through the game. Especially, if there is stuff to collect then I try to search every nook and cranny. Even then, I still miss stuff and have to go through it again for the trophies of course...haha. I really don't see the point in rushing through games because you can miss stuff and are not getting the full experience the developer envisioned. I just like to take my time and just take everything in and feel like I got my money's worth.
Unfortunately, I'm on a budget and won't pick this up on launch so I'll definitely feel like I got my money's worth when it's cheaper. That's a win in my book.

joab7774108d ago

I dont rush either but this is absurd. Am i the only one that feels crysis 3 was kinda rushed to get out before gen cycle ended. It actually looks alot like what crysis 2 should have and at 5 hrs and limited improvemwnts other than polish and pc upgrade is more like an expansion.

Honestly i wish games like crysis, cod,battlefield would just do multiplayer. Sell it for $60 with 2x as many maps...put the effort there. Or go free to play for multiplayer with big updates. If u wanna tell another story, sell it for $25 and whoever wants it can buy it.

The model is changing completely. The market is saturated and gamers just wont shell out $60 anymore for 5 hr campaigns. I cant wait to see the numbers on DS3, Aliens, Crysis 3 and metal gear rising. Personalky, i think MGR will do the best because it is different but i dont think these games will sell like they once did.

Mrmagnumman3574106d ago

Crysis' main component has always been the SP. The campaign isn't 5 hours, multiple people on Crydev confirmed the length to be 7-8 hours. On a higher difficulty, without rushing, 10 hours sounds reasonable.

Bathyj4108d ago

Yeah, I call BS on this.

5 hours on a speed run, maybe. But is that the way you should play a game? Especially a game like Crysis which has such a heavy stealth element. And like you said, eye candy.

I'll bet this game takes over ten hours for me.

Somebody4108d ago

It took me 2 years to finish Darksiders. Played it non stop until I felt I'm around 3/4 of the campaign and then I stopped. Then just a couple month before Darksiders 2 came out I replayed the first one and actually finished it.

The pattern is repeating itself with Darksiders 2 now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4106d ago
Gr814108d ago

Multiplayer is a top priority for many of these types of games, but that shouldn't mean the single player aspect takes a back seat...Especially if the single player campaigns are 5 hrs long?

And they want $60? shiiiiiit.

Skate-AK4108d ago

I don't think it will be 5 hours. I just don't see them cutting down 17-18 hours down to 5. Including side missions.

Reborn4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Yeah, me and my friends want to grab this. However, we can't justify the price. Games are too expensive to just simply go out and buy for the sake of it.

MP is a huge aspect, but quality should be applied across all sectors. On the other hand, everyone plays games differently. So I would use that as an average, rather than an accurate means of measurement.

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EA’s best multiplayer games have now shut down for good

Battlefield Bad Company 2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 3, and a handful other EA games have finally had their online services shut down.

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OtterX155d ago

I had no idea that Bad Company 2 was still running, and only now that I know, I want to jump on! 😥

SonyStyled155d ago

I was able to find games in the Vietnam dlc on ps3 the last week. There were articles on here about the server closure when it was announced in April

DaReapa155d ago

BF1943 is the only online MP game that I was genuinely interested in. Been playing since launch 14 years ago. Hate that I couldn't put in as much time to play as I'd hoped for during the final week.

Inverno154d ago

I got really into 43 when I bought Bf3, and preferred it. Everything that I disliked or found annoying about Bf3, wasn't an issue in 43. Too bad they never bothered releasing it on PS4 or PC.

1nsomniac154d ago (Edited 154d ago )

Dead Space 2...... I wasn't even aware that had multiplayer. Nevermind that it was apparently one of their best multiplayers!

anast154d ago

Once people stop buying micros, these companies close the doors.

Xenial154d ago

Dead Space 2 multiplayer had been hanging on for years - I'd boot my PS3 up to see some familiar names in lobbies. This will definitely be missed!


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DefenderOfDoom2162d ago

Actually would love a new Crysis campaign.

P_Bomb162d ago

Ditto. Ran through them again last year. I’ll grab the new one.

Crazyglues161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

Yeah they really messed up by not adding the Multi-player to the Crysis Triogly because while the campaign was fun I really loved the Multi-player and couldn't wait to see what it was going to be like on current gen.

They could have dropped new maps and DLC and fans would have bought it up... -But they dropped the ball and did just the Campaign's with no new content or story, which was just crazy.

Anyway still hoping Crysis 4 is the whole Chicken Sandwhich with all the toppings.... Can't wait.

PrinceOfAnger161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

Yeah It will probably be 5 years development

SimpleSlave161d ago (Edited 161d ago )

That's awesome. So how long till the studio closes and everyone gets fired?

purple101161d ago

Series S owners: "but can it run crysis doh?"

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