
Kotaku: We Know All About The Next Xbox, From Someone Who Says They’ve Got One

The next-generation Xbox—the one that will follow the still-popular Xbox 360—will run multiple games at once, require game installations, and will only work when a much-improved version of the popular but divisive Kinect sensor array is plugged in, according to a source who says he has access to development hardware.

PtRoLLFacE4108d ago

mandatory installs i saw that coming! but kinect always watching me, um no ty!

blackmamba7074108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

I always wanted to be a star in big brother show, thanks MS t_t

aCasualGamer4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Player trying to play the new xbox 720:

Press on: "Please connect the Kinect camera. We need to verify you are the owner."

Player then tries to play game: "Please connect to internet so we know where you are... and verify you are the owner."

Player then tries to play online: "Please pay 50$ for a Live subscription."

Player then tries to play online: "Please pay 50$ for you have a second hand copy of this game."

So, how are Microsoft going to market this again?

delboy4108d ago

WTF, paranoid Americans

Ashlen4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

The good news, the next Xbox requires a dna scan to make sure your not playing used games. The bad news, it needs a sample of the tissue inside your anus.

patterson4108d ago

"1984" is already here, it's called Facebook... and how everything is integrated with it ;)

zeee4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

To be honest, these rumors are getting wayyyy out of control. I am getting sick and tired of these rumors about both PS4 or Orbis and Xbox 720, Next, 8, 3 or whatever the heck they'll call it.

I can't wait for Feb 20. I am dead sure that SONY won't disclose all the technical details regarding the ram, processor. Maybe some but not all but that'll at least put PS4 rumors to rest for a while.

And I wish that M$ would come out and announce something too.

Some of these rumors are just too crazy. I don't even want to think about any console manufacturer asking us to "stay online" to play games and to keep certain accessories plugged in for a game to work. These types of decisions are going to destroy PS4/720 and even the whole console gaming experience. And I think people at SONY and Microsoft are smart enough to know this and probably laugh their asses off when they read all these rumors circulating online.

SilentNegotiator4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )


On what grounds are you assuming that he is American? Their profile doesn't say it and Big Brother plays in more than one region.

Do you just assume that everyone with a different view than you is a 'dirty American'?

dcbronco4108d ago

Orwell thought the government would watch everything you do. Zuckerberg realized if you gave people a space on-line they would tell you everything on their own.

1 point Zuckerberg.

DragonKnight4108d ago

Kraptaku voted down. They know nothing about anything.

morganfell4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Seriously Kotaku? Your source is SuperDae?

And to note, SuperDae is from Korea.

As someone remarked below, "He had a Durango for sale on Ebay"

...and that is precisely the issue. It wasn't a Durango.

If you know anything about game development for any of the big three then you would understand the tightly controlled nature of a dev kit. You would understand the restrictive and illegal nature of allowing unauthorized access to a kit not to mention selling one. He still has his account on Ebay.

Do you actually believe MS would allow a real Durango dev kit to be sold to the public? His account would have been suspended and he would have been prosecuted 100 different ways to Tuesday. All Kotaku has accomplished is making themselves more of a butt in journalism than they were yesterday. The people at Gaf are having a field day.


konnerbllb4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

@morganfell Not that I believe it but it's possible he just rebuilt a dev kit. The dev kits are in fact pc components that anyone can purchase right now sans the kinect, which I don't believe was included.

The part where it gets tricky is how he said development software was included. He claimed his first auction never went through do to copyright claims by MS.

Anyway a developer or someone who knows a developer could be quite sneaky by listing a durango kit that was built off parts from newegg and then including a C++ app.

4108d ago
NewMonday4107d ago

"We Know All About The Next Xbox, From Someone Who Says They’ve Got One"

what a joke

reminds me of the"second hand news" sketch with Seth Meyers on SNL

subtenko4107d ago

Makes me happy to see people with common sense in the comments, everyone except @delboy. It's a known fact M$ makes you pay to play online, how is that paranoid? It's be speculated that M$ wont allow second hand copys of gaming on your console. It's not paranoid, its possibility. Look of the definition of the word possibility...

Anarki4107d ago

A source who has one? cool, me too... I have one also, the specs are quite shit. Now, who wants an interview?!

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 4107d ago
user39158004108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Kinnect me please... He did have the dev kit on ebay, but that was the 1st version, as stated per EA they have the third veriosn of it and most likely receive another for final dev and tool adding for easier compatability.

Dissapointed over rumour, article did not describe any new tricks ie. your dog will be kinect connected to your nipples, just pull tail for continues bite.

The rumour failed.

sobekflakmonkey4107d ago

I didn't really understand most of your comment, but I did get "The rumour failed" I agree.

Saigon4108d ago

Took me a while to realize the impact of that. I initially thought it was cool, but then again, it could be a nuance after a while. Other than that, the material posted is almost what we have heard from other rumor reports. Now I want to see this device in action!!!

SilentNegotiator4108d ago

Oh look, another "insider sources" article.


miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4108d ago

Just saying silentnegotiator, but the real yawn is a person that comes into said article, just to write that they're bored of seeing/reading said article.

Next Gen is upon us, and people are excited for any kind of info about the new consoles. Even rumor news. It's just fun rumors. And I see that you've already used 2 of your bubbles in an article you don't care for.

Yawn. ;) :P

SilentNegotiator4107d ago

Nope, the real yawn is the hottest stories column filling up with made up crap.

deno4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Last thing I need is janet reno or janet napaletano or whatever watching me.

delboy4107d ago


Last time I checked MS was a American company.
My reply was about the company and I'm right when I say that America is paranoid, according to America everyone is a terrorist.
Now go and disagree with me, and maybe I'll go BOOM.

Psn8004107d ago (Edited 4107d ago )

This is so wrong watching you on camera are they involved in a goverment conspiracy .
Who knows nowadays , there coming to take you away lol ?

Gamer19824107d ago

Nothing positive really coming out with these xbox rumours unlike playstation rumours where it seems all positive minus the trade in rumour which people are only guessing because of the patent. No rumour leak has actually said they are going to block them.

If Xbox comes with mandatory Kinect I think it could spell the end for MS consoles.. Kinect sold well at launch as poeple thought it could be used for hardcore gaming. This I think in turn has give MS the wrong idea and gamers wont be fooled again.

nirwanda4107d ago

20 odd million bought a kinect including me, MS has shot themselves in the foot by downgrading it at the last minute when they took the processors out of it which i bet made a difference to the accuracy.
I don't like the sound of alot of MS's multi tasking either, if i want to play a game i want to focus on that and all this stuff sounds like they will end up with another windows vista

IAmLee4107d ago

Kotaku: We make up bullshit so our site gets hits.

j4re4107d ago

And isn't the PS4 supposed to ship with an updated PlayStation Eye? What exactly do you think that will be doing? Asshats...

4107d ago
+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4107d ago
bunt-custardly4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

"We know all about the next Xbox".

Umm no you don't you think you do, but you don't.

Ok let's test you, what's the final name of it then?

How will it output 1080p 3D content beyond 24hz via HDMI 1.4a?

Will Xbox Live become a free integrated service?

Munky4108d ago

Your last questions is probably the most important one. If would a huge benefit to MS if they were to make this happen.

HammadTheBeast4108d ago

I don't know, they make most of their profit from XBL Gold memberships.

Ju4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Rhetorical question or sarcasm, huh? This will never happen. It would even be more likely you'll get the console free on "contract".

NegativeCreepWA4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

Never going to happen as long as MS is handling all the match making servers(with the exception of EA games). They may not be dedicated, but it still cost a lot of money to handle hundreds of online games, without the Live fee MS would have to shut games down and indie devs wouldn't be able to afford online play in their titles. A lot of people don't seem to realize this, but on other consoles or steam, devs and publishers are renting servers out of their own pocket. It's the only reason I don't complain about paying. And they make too much profit from it of course.

kneon4108d ago

HDMI 1.4 supports 1080p at 60fps, which is enough for 1080p 3D at 30FPS.

Besides the new consoles will likely have the latest HDMI spec which is supposedly coming this year.

bunt-custardly4108d ago

erm yeh at 24hz. Have you tried playing a 3D game at 1080p 60fps @ 24hz. Unplayable. This is a limitation of HDMI 1.4

FriedGoat4108d ago

You can have 1080p @60hz per eye in checkerboard format over HDMI, I know because I use it.

kneon4108d ago


60fps @ 24hz makes no sense whatsoever. Besides that is not the limit of HDMI 1.4. HDMI 1.4 can support 4K at 24fps, but at 1080p it's up to 60fps.

If you need proof just go buy yourself a PS3 or 3D bluray player and some 3D movies.

zebramocha4108d ago

@prcko I'm confused by your comment,are you saying that kinect being mandatory is a good thing for Sony?

TheGamerDood4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

he's saying it's going to put off a lot of people and as a result they'll jump ship over to Sony's camp.

F'd up if true.

"Perhaps most importantly, this isn't an optional accessory. It's mandatory. Not only does a Kinect ship with every console, but it must be plugged in and calibrated for the console to even function."

MS where do you get the balls to do this kind of thing, just imagine if Sony made Move mandatory in order to be able to use the PS4. GTFO

ApolloTheBoss4108d ago

People who are disagreeing don't get the joke.

gunnerforlife4108d ago

i didnt understand the comment at first :')

Cocozero4108d ago

Wow Kinect 2 seems like a massive upgrade, from VGA to 1080p and it can track 6 people at once.

Multitasking games sounds awesome too, the 720 will be a beast.

Wikkid6664108d ago

Kinect 1 was never really the issue. The problem was the USB inputs on the original 360s. The ports couldn't support enough throughput.

Ripsta7th4108d ago

By looking at the dissagress Sony fanboys arent happy about this Version of kinect being beefd up, they dont even know how it will function!! Im pretty sure it will be beast tho, and we know sony will offer something similar

AngelicIceDiamond4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

I dunno I'm 50/50. Kinect is a must to play Durango games yeah that's not good. Mandatory installs I saw that coming I don't care as long as its super fast and it doens't make me wait this time around.

Being able to switch between multiple games at once while already in a current game session sounds cool.

Its Kotaku anyway I don't go by their sources usually. I don't know, feel like I need a coffee break these rumors. I'll stand by my word. I'll only go by what MS announces and nobody else at this time.

People need to understand its just too many rumors flying around allll over the web its hard to even speculate on one.

knifefight4108d ago

Kotaku, take a look at how real investigative journalism (or rumor mongering) is done!

Qrphe4108d ago

1080p camera sounds awesome (specially if the 720p EyeToy3 rumor is true). The Kinect 360 is really disappointing as a gaming device, but this new Kinect 2 sounds like a pretty good tool to finally be exploited the right way.

Ju4108d ago (Edited 4108d ago )

It sounds intriguing. Nice specs, I must admit. But I am with AngelicIceDiamond. It seems a little bit forced. I know why they do it: to gain major support. You can only do that if you can guarantee everyone has one.

I didn't like Kinect in the first place. As an add-on, yes, but mandatory? Full Kinect games are not my thing, and where it "adds" features, again, those seem to be forced, or gimmicky. This will now force every developer to come up with at least some feature to justify Kinect is "supported" by the game, no matter how stupid it will be.

The installing is transparent, so I wouldn't be worried about that...but if I'd want to "waste" HDD space, I rather buy the game online anyway. If I'm gonna go buy a disk I'd rather not fill up my HDD. I have a 500GB in my PS3, and guess what, it's full...did never imagine that would happen so fast. But like I said, the only reason I like that is because of the convenience that I don't have to get up and find the game disk...at the same time, one MassEffect DL is 12GB...takes a night.

I am curious how this thing runs. It looks like a nice box. But I fear MS is overloading this thing a little. Consoles were supposed to be lean and mean. Not bloated. I can build me a media center for that.

But specs wise it will be a tight race. We'll see. I'm more a PS guy, and if Sony will be up to the task I'd still go with that. Both will be freaking fast, so it'll be a tougher decision this time.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4108d ago
BanBrother4108d ago

Sounds like an awful slogan for a Kinect Gears of War lol. I'd copyright that ASAP btw, if Microsoft haven't already lol.

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