
Nintendo’s DRM Policy is Bad and Nintendo Should Feel Bad

GenGAME writes: "Nintendo’s biggest strength lines in forging strong relationships with its customers through its Nintendo-exclusive games. Building those strong relationships with customers builds trust between you and them and keeps them coming back for more. They trust you to make the games they want; you trust them to buy them when you make them.

"But Nintendo’s DRM policy isn’t built on trust – it’s built on paranoia and uncertainty, on an unwillingness to place faith in the customer to manage his or her own content. And, as you might expect, a lack of trust from above is bound to translate to a lack of trust from below.

"In hindsight, if there’s anything that’s characterized the loss of momentum following the Wii U launch, it’s a lack of trust."

PopRocks3594111d ago

I can concede to that. Tying accounts and games to an account in this day and age is just inconvenient and counterproductive. With luck they can fix this and update the network to have transferable IDs.

Gr814111d ago

Nintendo's DRM approach is very idiotic. I'm baffled as to the decision making process that went into this.

I'm not trying to just be sour, but instead being critical is the only way we as fans can facilitate change. How Nintendo addresses this inept policy moving forward will be paramount for them.

nukeitall4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

I'm baffled how Nintendo could conceive friend codes was a good idea, and their continued poor online network support let alone this.

I think Nintendo is a company that is going to go under eventually at this rate. Management is soo behind times!

I was really hoping that with the Wii U, things were turning around, but I was wrong. Nintendo traditionally has had excellent customer service, but this just baffles me repeatedly.

PopRocks3594110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )


1. Nintendo got rid of friend codes.

2. A company needs to stop making money and spend a lot of money. Nintendo products always make money.

3. The Wii U has issues, but they're not nearly as bad as, say, the Wii's problems. But yes, you're right. Nintendo customer service is usually a lot better than this.

EDIT: Also why did I get 7+ disagrees? Seriously, no one bothers to provide an argument. :/

herbs4110d ago

When companies make greedy decisions like this they are shooting themselves in the foot. When the customers come 2nd they are basically promoting piracy losing customer support and money in the long run. No one should feel a shred of guilt for going the emulation route when companies make you pay and then limit your access to said merchandise.

Erimgard4111d ago

This guy got seriously screwed. Customer service was one of the best things Nintendo had going for them...let's not screw that up.

0pie4111d ago

ppssstt... They dont care... Anyway no one should care about a company who just launch his 1st hd console in 2013. Just sayin.

4111d ago
deadfrag4111d ago

I would love a region free console,i really dont see a reason for the Wii u still been restrictive has it is in this gaming age we are!

lilbroRx4111d ago

I would say the same reason that the 360 is Region locked, and the same reason that the Durango will likely be region locked.

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Nintendo Switch Paid Online Service Details Coming Soon, Here's When

Nintendo is preparing to make some kind of announcement about the mysterious paid membership service.

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JaguarEvolved2205d ago

I can't wait to hear about the online service

DarkVoyager2205d ago (Edited 2205d ago )

I can’t wait to be disappointed. /s

Honestly I hope it’s great but I have my doubts.

Sm00thNinja2205d ago

I'll prepare to be dispapointed maybe they'll surprise me that way

PhantomS422205d ago

If you expect disappointment then you get disappointment. I'll be interested in more details for sure but I'm not expecting anything grand. We know it'll be $20 a year which is a pretty good deal, there is some sort of free game per month like PS+ and XBL Gold so that'll be good, and then I'm expecting it to launch day and date with Smash Switch and possibly cloud saves attached like PS+ (but I'm not expecting it).

WickedLester2205d ago

That's not true at all. Plenty of times I've been pleasantly surprised when I had low expectations. If you get disappointment, then it's because whatever it is you're getting IS disappointing.

Sm00thNinja2204d ago

If I expect disappointment I'll get disappointment. Not how that works actually I've been pleasantly surprised on many occasions expecting the worst. I expect some form of VC announcement possibly a subscription associated ala Netflix with virtual console. That would be grand.
I HOPE there's a voice chat solution other than what's been detailed.
I HOPE there's a detailed progression system wide system in place.
I'll GET none of that.
But we'll see if any of that comes to fruition I'll be pleasantly surprised after expecting disappointnent.

See how that works

WickedLester2204d ago (Edited 2204d ago )


Hell the Switch itself is a prime example. I had very low expectations for it when it was first announced. So far I have been very pleasantly surprised with it.

Elimin82204d ago

Lol. What if you really turn out to be disappointed?

FallenAngel19842205d ago

I’m not holding my breath. Sony made various improvements to PSN before PS+ became an optional thing, and even moreso before it became a mandatory thing.

Nintendo on the other hand haven’t done much to improve NS’s online before the subscription service takes effect. The NS’s convoluted way of utilizing voice chat is even more proof.

Moonman2205d ago

It'd going to be a step up for sure. Hopefully they listen to fans feedback on what we like or don't like. They claim that the $20 will include a lot of value. We shall see.

81BX2205d ago

Yeah I'm not paying to play Nintendo online

DefaultComment2204d ago

How can you be certain it will be rubbish? Maybe they can suprise people.

lellkay2204d ago

Consider for a second they couldn't even have basic voice chat on a system that launched in 2017... (something Xbox OG did in 2001) this is going to suck.

DefaultComment2204d ago

Dude, it's not that cannot provide voice chat, they got the money and resources to implement these features and beyond. They just choose not to.
My only theory about why it's because the after all this is a Japanese company. Most of these features are appealing to western audience. You think the vast majority of Japanese like to do that? the games itself do not appeal their market so I can see why.
But now that they are trying to do this , you down them and not giving credit for? Cmon! at least let them announced before passing you judgement so fast.

lellkay2204d ago (Edited 2204d ago )

Why would I give them credit when other systems have done it without an app (and better) over 15 years ago?

I expected this at launch. Waiting this long is embarrassing. The chat app is embarrassing.

There are more that just Japanese fans playing Nintendo games, the gaming world has a huge online focus now. This in unacceptable.

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Nintendo's New Online Service is an Insult

As the Switch’s launch day creeps closer, the excitement will mount to crazy levels, blowing away the intense cynicism we see now about: a barebones lineup, motion/audio gaming, and online that’s either confusing or just downright insulting.


It's definitely no Xbox Live or PlayStation Network that's for sure and it doesn't look like it's up to par to make people actually pay to use it

Moonman2666d ago

Oh you have already experienced it? Listen, it SOUNDS like a sub-par service but until we actually use it we won't know.

ARESWARLORD2666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )

No moon man I haven't used it yet obviously but they have stated that they're going to not let you keep the rental game that you get per month so that's already a huge disadvantage for their service as Xbox Live and PSN give you at least two free games per system a month that are yours to keep as long as your a member so to me and to the rest of the world it's a subpar service but I would love to hear you explain to me how that's not

PlayableGamez-2666d ago

The fact that you need to use your phone to utilize common features that should be on the Switch Native, is a slap in the face.

GtR35olution2666d ago

Nintendos new game system is an insult

Aenea2666d ago

Shhht, don't be reasonable, that's not allowed on n4g!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2666d ago
Erik73572666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )

Do this guy or the guy who wrote the article even know it's free for the first 3 months?

porkChop2666d ago

It's actually free for the first 7 months. They're going to launch the paid version of the service in the fall.

_-EDMIX-_2666d ago

I was about to say, I think it's even longer than that , I think it's something like the start of 2018 or something like that that they start charging.

XanderZane2666d ago

Well that's good. I just hope you don't need to provide your CC to sign up for those Free 3 (or 7 months).

81BX2666d ago

I just hope i need my phone to chat
That would be dope!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2666d ago
porkChop2666d ago

While the online does seem really odd, and the idea of using a phone app for everything boggles my mind, Reggie did say that they were aiming to make their service very affordable for gamers. So I think assuming it's going to cost the same as PSN/XBL wouldn't be right. I'm thinking $25 per year sounds more believable. I do hope that the phone app can also eventually be used on the Switch itself though.

XanderZane2666d ago (Edited 2665d ago )

I'm hoping for $10 or less a year for that service. I'll bet it's at least $30 or more a year, knowing Nintendo.

DARKKENT2666d ago

Like they made the weak specced switch affordable?

The accessories affordable?

People need to finally wake up when it comes to Nintendo

XanderZane2665d ago

That's why I said, "I was hoping." We know it won't be that cheap. This is Nintendo. They rarely lower their game prices after 3 years on the market.

Kaze882666d ago

They already confirmed that its 60$ a year.

porkChop2665d ago

I have yet to see any confirmation at all. So yeah, if you have a source/link I would like to see it. All I have seen are websites seeing it *could* be $50 or $60.

PhoenixUp2666d ago

It's even more of an insult that some people will even damage control this subpar service

sk8ofmnd2666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )

Its not really an insult till we get more information.

1. Cost
2. Games offered
3. Strength of the service vs psn and xbl
4. Will it burn up my data faster than using miiotomo or pokemon go.

But looking at nintendos report card so far its looking like another way for nintendo to screw over its consumers. They look at how ms and sony are annually raking in $$$ from consumers and want in.

I expect the service to be inferior, games to be offered older than most millennials (rumored) all while being charged 50$ annually like others. Then and only then ill be insulted with laughter!

FallenAngel19842666d ago

So having to use a smartphone to use basic features that should be in the console itself isn't an insult?

Charging for online when the company hasn't aggressively tried to improve the network prior to the conference isn't an insult?

The monthly free game situation is the great st insult of all.
-They're reportedly not giving away free NS, Wii U & 3DS titles.
- The titles won't even be classic N64, GCN, or Wii titles.
- They're only giving away one game per month and not multiple.
- The NES or SNES game will only be available for one month and then be gone from your account.
- Nintendo had a cheat sheet on how to operate from such service from IGC and GWG for years and they still chose to ignore it

The fact the console is close to a month away and we still don't have all the details yet is even more insulting. There's no way around it.

sk8ofmnd2666d ago

Evidentally i wasnt done writting yet... Read my closing argument lmao... Then give me back my agree!

Tussin1872666d ago (Edited 2666d ago )

That and we don't know what are all the launch games are going to be, details about the specs (give us something), and like you said really vague on the online part. I just don't understand but the diehards defend it to death. It really doesn't feel like it's launching in a month. Oh but it has Zelda at launch and that erases everything even though it skipped an entire generation.

Summons752666d ago

The online service you have zero information on? Good to know.../s

badz1492665d ago

Zero? Where have you been? Under a rock until now?

deafdani2665d ago (Edited 2665d ago )

All we know is that it will give us a free trial of a NES or SNES game for a month with some sort of online functionality. And that we will be able to join lobbies and whatnot through a smartphone app.

This isn't "zero", you're right, but it's not enough info to say that the service as a whole sucks and is an insult. Although those tidbits do sound pretty damn bad already.

I will be holding final judgment until Nintendo clarifies it all properly.

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Nintendo Switch: Why Its Specs & Price May Repeat The Wii U's Failures

Nintendo Switch discussion is revving up as we prepare for the console's reveal, but can this 2017 handheld rise above the Wii U's mistakes? Here are five reasons, based on specs and price, why a second failure is possible.

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corroios2694d ago

I think Switch will be cool for a portable console, where Nintendo rules. But in term of home console thats another story and will have the worst version of 3rd party studios when the get the games. The lack of power is a reality.

Then again, it will sell millions and take the place of 3ds.

MVGeneral2693d ago

All nintendo handhelds sold well, back in the day. But now it most definitely won't.
Since the advent of smartphones, and the availability of it (even 10 year olds are carrying powerful smartphones.) the mass production of free to play apps.
Now there is no need to get handhelds anymore. Especially if it doesn't fit easily in your pockets.

wonderfulmonkeyman2693d ago

How do you know the Switch versions of everything will be the worst versions?
You're under the erroneous assumption that every single AAA game third parties make from here on out are going to be designed so that they only look or play well on the highest specs; that's simply not the case, especially with many JRPG's, which the Switch is going to get a good amount of thanks to the huge list of Japanese devs working on it.
I can guarantee you that, if rumors of ease-of-dev and the different engines it supports are true, it'll get games that look just as good as their counterparts, so long as devs aren't lazy about optimization.

Also, no, it's not taking the 3DS's place.
The 3DS isn't being phased out, but the Wii U is, and its specs being best while docked, it not getting direct ports of 3DS games, it focusing on core home console games, and it not having two-screens-at-once play, all show that it's not gunning to cannibalize 3DS sales, especially when the 3DS is still selling well and will probably get its own successor in the next couple of years.
Most will use it in the dock, where the power is best and the options are widest.
People might not want to accept it as a home console due to its specs because they think it will severely limit the system [despite reports claiming it's the easiest one to dev for and that no one's having issues with it like they did with the Wii U], but then again, people also forget that the weaker consoles of each gen have generally also been the ones to get the most support, with the PS4 being the exception to the rule.

corroios2693d ago

How do you know the Switch versions of everything will be the worst versions? You must be joking. If the spec that were leaked are true, a console with 1 teraflop in 2017 what do you expect?

Weapon_of_choice2690d ago

Monkey, you're such a fan boy in denial. Again you're here with lots of bla bla bla. Trying to convince yourself the Switch will have a better faith then the horrible failed Wii-u. Looking at all the LONG comments you posted you must be p!ss!ing your pants your so worried this gimmick of a toaster will fail.

wonderfulmonkeyman2693d ago

The power has traditionally not really limited the weaker consoles from getting great games and/or sales each gen, with the Wii U being the exception, and many of the recent reports are stating that the Switch has architecture that makes it the easiest of the three to make ports for in terms of multiplats.

Those reports could be wrong, but the majority of them are positive, unlike before the Wii U launched, so it's unlikely that you're correct. The Switch is most likely not a second Wii U, and you should at least give it the chance to shine before writing it off.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2694d ago

Does the Wii U have Unreal Engine 4?
Does the Wii U runs the latest version of Unity, Vulkan, Open GL 4.5 and others gaming tools, engine and API.

Answer: NO.

The Nintendo Switch is more modern than the Wii U. In fact it;s the most modern system right now in terms of what it supports.
The Switch had way way way more Japanese support. It actually has the 3DS Japanese Publishers/Developers on board. And a few new ones such a From Software and same Wii U western support but with couple not there and few added such Bethseda.

LOL_WUT2694d ago

Sorry but Japanese games alone isn't enough to win everyone. You'd be lying to yourself if you said the system doesn't need Red Dead, Final Fantasy, Battlefield etc.

P.S not everyone has a PC nor owns multiple systems. ;)

Gemmol2693d ago

That's a bad comment I agree with the other guy did you see how many new ip square enix made for the 3ds, some with final fantasy name and others with a unique name......and just like dragon quest they sold.....so those games will continue with better graphics on the new handheld.........even grand theft auto was made for Nintendo handheld, so Nintendo handheld never had the issues its main console have....since all of japan will be on it since they love handhelds, Nintendo in a good spot to get games and like the other person said they will be good on Asian games but we have to see what western teams do

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2693d ago

I am not everyone.
Since Battlefield 2 Modern Combat on PS2 I have always played Battlefield on PS.
I have no interest in Red Dead.

FF is Japanese franchise.

Unlike you I support multiple system.

wonderfulmonkeyman2693d ago (Edited 2693d ago )

You're lying to yourself if you think Japanese games aren't popular enough over here to be a huge benefit to the Switch.
People love games like Katamari Damaci, Final Fantasy [that's Japanese, so I dunno why you even bothered including it in your list.], Tales Of, and plenty of others.

P.S. The majority of people saying they "can't afford a second system" are just too lazy to save up a second time like they did the first.
If you can afford a $400+ PS4 Pro on top of an equally-priced PSVR, then I'm sorry, but you are not so poor that you cannot afford to save up for a $249 Switch.
Owning multiple systems is the best way to game. Anyone denying this without a logical reason, such as having lost their job recently or having acquired a ton more living expenses recently that take away from hobby money [such as a new child in the family], is little more than a loyalist, who IS missing out on a lot of games that they'd otherwise enjoy if they weren't so idiotically biased.
It's why I switched out from being purely Nintendo around the time the PS2 came out, and eventually got into gaming on PC's as well.
Gamers who are really serious about their hobby don't intentionally limit themselves to one console with bullshit excuses.

2692d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2692d ago
kayoss2693d ago

"Does the Wii U have Unreal Engine 4?
Does the Wii U runs the latest version of Unity, Vulkan, Open GL 4.5 and others gaming tools, engine and API.

Answer: NO."

You're right about that. But remember, the switch is now going up against the PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio. The Wii U went up against the PS3 and Xbox 360. See how that turned out? What makes a console successful? Its the gamers. If gamers cant get 3rd party games from the Switch, they will switch console (no pun intended) that will allow them to play 3rd party games. If the Switch is that under powered as a home console, it will repeat the same failure that the Wii U went through.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory2693d ago

Wii U never went up against PS3 or X360. They media did. Same with how the media pitch 3DS first year against the PSP until the Vita came and saw the Vita being a failure and decided not to put 3DS vs Vita as a thing.

rjason122693d ago (Edited 2693d ago )

Switch is going up against basic PS4 and xbone, developers aren't going to focus on mid gen upgrades, just like they never do when handhelds do the same thing, they'll be used to make certain games run better/smoother. You're kidding yourself If you think developers are going to make the pro, and Scorpio they're main systems to develop on.

2692d ago
kayoss2691d ago

Funny you said the Switch is going up against the basic PS4 and Xbone because if the specs for the Switch are true, they its still weaker then both those systems.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2691d ago
MVGeneral2693d ago

Lol, there's a difference between people announcing support and actually supporting it.
That's what happened to the wiiu. All these publishers came out and said they will support it. Only to flop later on.

wonderfulmonkeyman2693d ago

There were also a lot of developers out there, before the Wii U released, claiming the system's specs were horrible. Some from EA especially.
The Switch isn't seeing or hearing those complaints, and is in fact not only seeing the opposite of complaints, but is actually getting lots of compliments on top of MANY more devs than the Wii U had.

The Wii U is in the past. Assuming the Switch will be the same when the signs point to it being in a better position, is more than a little naive.

MasterCornholio2694d ago

Nintendo will have to be careful with the price since most people will see it as just another Nintendo handheld

sk8ofmnd2694d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

Most advanced piece of tech????.... As far as a handheld... Sure... As far as a home console... Not by a long shot. The ps4 had like what 1.8 tf with 8gb of ram... In 2013... The switch is rumored to have 4 gb of ram and near 1 tf of power in 2017... My reason for stating all this is that the switch cant compete with the ps4 or xb1 because its the size of a tablet! Had they made a traditional console maybe we could talk shop. But they went for their cashcow the handheld because their home console market went sour. How anyone could think the switch would be able to pull off all these amazing feats the 8th gen consoles are, are only making themselves look foolish.


I think youre forgetting sony is leading the pack on small factor consoles. They are the masterminds at making a console thats unbelievablely small for the tech inside the box. Forget about the 2013 ps4. Lets look at the 2016 xb1s and ps4s (you know, those consoles that released a few months ago?). Both of these companies have done everything in their power to one up the competition. Do you think if sony or ms could make a system the size of a tablet and still be powerful they would? Im not saying the switch wont be powerful for what it is. Its probably the most advanced handheld to date. But you and i both know nintendo is not going for bleeding edge tech. They want it to be affordable 1st, meaning they wont lose $ day one, 2nd they want a wow factor to reel in casuals and mellinials, and third they consider power. As neither of us has a crystal ball i can only make an assumption from past nintendo choices spanning 30 years but recently in the past 10 years and how small that device is how well it will garner third party support. As that seems to be the BIGGEST concern about nintendo moving forward. But the biggest problem isnt will it be powerful enough, its will nintendo fans rush out to buy the dark souls and call of dutys... If the answer is no 1-2 years from now, you have a bigger problem within nintendo than worrying about power. I hope for nintendos sake they are successful with the switch. Because if its another wiiu scenario i fret for the future of your fav piece of plastic.

blady_man2693d ago

If its comparable to current consoles i will buy it but if its a wii u case again, count me out, i bought the wii u launch day and was collecting dust fo 8 months till i decided to sell it!!!

Kokyu2693d ago

In Japan consumers want more portable gaming devices. Younger gamers tend to want this as they dont have a lot of time at home they seem to always be on the go and when on the go they are riding in the back seat doing nothing, but older gamers e.a. Adults which makes up the majority of gamers, arent. When we are not at home we are at work we dont have a lot of time on the go to play games and we traditional powerful home consoles, not gimped mobile devices. Nintendo was never about the most powerful hardware they have always been about middle of the road, just good enough hardware to make fun games. The Snes wasnt the most powerful, but with its custome chips and techniques they were able to make it seem more powerful at the time. They're idea of fun games hasnt changed and thats the real problem.

Nintendo has been around a long time they are over 100yrs old as a company so they do make right moves, they do make good games but I grew tired of Mario and other signature franchises long ago. Mario sunshine was the last Mario game I played and it was fun but got boring fast.

Nintendo needs to change to some degree or they wont be around another 100yrs.

wonderfulmonkeyman2693d ago (Edited 2693d ago )

You seem to forget the fact that not only is the Switch seeing far more praise from devs than the Wii U, but that it's also supporting modern engines, including the full console/PC version of Unreal 4, not the mobile version.
That and the fact that many of the negative rumors of its specs are based off of the July dev kits, which were older and less powerful than the ones sent out in October.

Also, the strongest system of each gen has not generally won, PS4 being the exception to the rule.

If you honestly think that the Switch won't be a capable machine that will host and handle great home console games in a satisfactory manner, you yourself are the foolish one. Moreso because you underestimate how advanced smaller tech like the Switch will use has become, than for any other reason.

sk8ofmnd2692d ago (Edited 2692d ago )

I think youre forgetting sony is leading the pack on small factor consoles. They are the masterminds at making a console thats unbelievablely small for the tech inside the box. Forget about the 2013 ps4. Lets look at the 2016 xb1s and ps4s (you know, those consoles that released a few months ago?). Both of these companies have done everything in their power to one up the competition. Do you think if sony or ms could make a system the size of a tablet and still be powerful they would? Youre acting like as ONLY nintendo has the ability to make great tech with nano technology. Im not saying the switch wont be powerful for what it is. Its probably the most advanced handheld to date. But you and i both know nintendo is not going for bleeding edge tech. They want it to be affordable 1st, meaning they wont lose $ day one, 2nd they want a wow factor to reel in casuals and mellinials, and third they consider power. As neither of us has a crystal ball i can only make an assumption from past nintendo choices spanning 30 years but recently in the past 10 years and how small that device is how well it will garner third party support. As that seems to be the BIGGEST concern about nintendo moving forward. But the biggest problem isnt will it be powerful enough, its will nintendo fans rush out to buy the dark souls and call of dutys... If the answer is no 1-2 years from now, you have a bigger problem within nintendo than worrying about power. I hope for nintendos sake they are successful with the switch. Because if its another wiiu scenario i fret for the future of your fav piece of plastic.

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