
Microsoft has four unannounced IPs in the works

Microsoft is synonymous with franchises such as Halo, Gears of War, and Forza, but it sounds like the company is looking to expand its portfolio further.

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NYC_Gamer4113d ago

I hope these are legit quality games and not Kinect based

Munky4113d ago

Amen, but at least of them is bound to be Kinect related. I'm guessing Ryse is one of the titles he was referring to even though it was announced awhile back ago, nobody has heard squat about it for sometime now.

-Alpha4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Let's hope not.

This is Microsoft's chance to build up a gaming portfolio dedicated to core gamers for next gen.

I hope MS brings it, but I am more skeptical than anything else. MS clearly has unfinished business with Kinect, and while I enjoyed that full-room Kinect demo, I am concerned about what it means for more traditional matters.

Munky4113d ago

Kinect 2.0 is a 100% certainty, so games will be developed.

But I, like you and a lot of 360 owners out there hope MS focuses on hardcore games as well. As much as I love Halo, Gears and Forza MS CAN'T expect to neglect the consumers who just want to play games... no gimmicks, no flashing lights, no flailing of the limbs, just straight up "controller in my hand" games.

hazardman4113d ago

I think gamers are underestimating MS. But they have a good catalog of IPs that they can rehash for the next gen and also add new ips that will further help them. I just hope MS doesn't gimp on its efforts, I know that they're not blind, they notice all the buzz PS3 gets from their exclusives. Going into next gen they know they need to step it up in one way or another.

sdtarm4113d ago Show
Snookies124113d ago

I just hope they're worthwhile for core gamers. I feel like Microsoft hasn't been doing enough for them lately. They really need to focus on getting some quality new games out there for people. Kinect games are fine and all, but it won't strike a chord with the old-school gamers out there.

miyamoto4113d ago

I hope M$ repents puts its money on really making new games.

ArmrdChaos4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

I think MS is smart enough marketing wise they realize that first adopters are going to be composed almost entirely of your "core" players. They will continue to fish the casual audiences with big price drops for the 360. It will not be until they can get the price down on the new system before they can count on the casual audience to start generating larger sales with their new system.

nirwanda4112d ago

@armrdchaos I think MS will launch aiming for all markets, if you look at the way apple sell to the casual market, MS will make it look like box that will do everything like apple does with its ads.
If they make it look cool and if it comes with kinect 2 change tv channel with voice/gesture, record tv, surf the net, apps, music, video, bluray.

Then sell it at a lowwer price than the wiiU expecting to make money back from live and apps/downloads then it may be aiming for the mainsteam from the start.

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greenpowerz4113d ago ShowReplies(9)
tehpees34113d ago

lol I was going to say the same thing. Its a good sign but not if they are casual focused.

AngelicIceDiamond4113d ago

I hope its not Kinect either.

Its funny to think N4G thought MS wasn't gonna release new Ips next gen. And said MS will continue to pump out Halo and Gears. Smh they are fanboys after all little to no intelligence.

But 4 brand new Ip's is quite a bit. That's pretty damn good. I'm guessing they are AAA status. That ISN"T Kinect.

DigitalRaptor4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

It's also funny to think that N4G said Blu-ray is useless and is doomed, PS3 is doomed and has no games, PS Vita has no games (after Killzone: Mercenary, Tearaway, Soul Sacrifice, PSO2..) etc, etc, etc.

These new IPs are a really, really great thing for MS and something that everyone should be praising them for, if true and if they are worthwhile. And if Kinect-based, then maybe not...

Veneno4112d ago

If theyre shooters its nothing to get excited about either.

WetN00dle694113d ago

And hopefully they arent Poker based as well.

IAMERROR4113d ago

Well we know 2 of them aren't for sure.

Bigpappy4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

I have Kinect and sure hope M$ continues to support it. There are many developer out there making great core games, and I know M$ will have some in-house core games also. But, I bought Kinect with the confidence that M$ will give it great support. They have done a goo job so far, but I know they have a lot more innovation to pursue with connect. With a more powerful system, built with Kinect in mind, I am really hoping that M$ makes it a major focus from the start. Most of the core IP's for Sony and M$ are really not worth the wait. MY favorite games usually come from 3rd party.

JANF4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Im a huge fan of the Xbox, but IMHO Kinect is the one thing that could kill the brand. That and MS not releasing new exclusive IPs. MS needs to have a varied amount of new IPs for the core gamers or they will be last third next gen. scratch that, they'll be last fourth if we count Valve's new steam console.

Aceman184113d ago

for me Gears was the only franchise i liked out of the main four they have, and that is not enough reason to plunk down hundreds of $$$$$$ for their next system.

M$ better come correct next gen with variety, and not dumba$$ kinect crap if they want my hard earned $$$$$$.

Orbis/PS4 is a given day for me, and i'm already set on getting a Wii U later this year, and if they dont step up their game portfolio to more than the same four franchises they keep churning out i'll have no problems not getting their next system.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4113d ago

Why would anyone think that MS wasn't going to have new games.

Ridiculous. They have the best 3d party games on any console this gen, and have some great exclusives as well. As far as I know, more 3rd party games come out.. way more, than exclusives.

RARE making a new water game. Get ready.

Ritsujun4113d ago

Yeah play your fav water games, brat.

xursz4113d ago

I haven't been into shooters for a while but I expect MS to show off something that might interest me.

imdaboss14113d ago

have the best 3rd party games? you mean games that also on the ps3 too? lol Sony murder the 36o with all their exclusive games and i expect them to do it again with the PS4

Enemy4113d ago

How the hell did you get disagrees? There are people out there that would prefer Kinect titles? LMAO, wow.

gamingmaster20134112d ago

let me guess... halo, fable, forza and gears.

Gamer19824112d ago

The sad fact is one of them at least will be Kinect based I reckon the others will be Halo, Forza and eith another Kinect title (making it 2) or a new IP perhaps.

DeadlyFire4112d ago

I expect 2 of them to be Kinect and one to be Kid like game with only 1 quality IP in the bunch, but I could be wrong.

ThatGuy24112d ago


4112d ago
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Munky4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

Interesting, can't wait to see the lineup both MS and Sony launch with the new consoles. Things are definitely heating up on the next gen front!

Cocozero4113d ago

No surprise MS now has more first party studios than Sony. They have multiple new studios for the next gen.


Urusernamesucks4113d ago ShowReplies(3)
KiRBY30004113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

your comment made me curious, so i checked your links. this is what came up.

these are what I'd count as legit "core games making" Microsoft Studios
1. 343 Industries (Halo series)
2. Turn 10 Studios (Forza Motorsport series)
3. Lionhead Studios (Fable series)

the rest is a bunch of "Untitled Project" which could be absolutely nothing. its been 4 years since Rare released a game that wasnt Kinect-based so i didnt count them.

who are these other phantom studios and what have they made so far? Gears is from Epic, Alan Wake is from Remedy. am i missing any big exclusive?

now for Sony
1. SCE Japan Studio (The Last Guardian, Puppeteer)
2. Polyphony Digital (Gran Turismo series)
3. Naughty Dog (Uncharted series, The Last of Us)
4. SCE Santa Monica Studio (God of War series)
5. Sucker Punch Productions (Infamous series)
6. Evolution Studios (MotorStorm series)
7. Guerrilla Games (Killzone series)
8. Media Molecule (LittleBigPlanet series)

I didnt count the Singstar crap, move-based and PSP/Vita stuff as well. didnt count Quantic Dream as they arent 1st party.

as of right now, there might might be more 1st party studios on MS wiki page, but we know next to nothing about them, what they've done, what they're up to. MS has spend almost the whole gen throwing cash on timed exclusive games and timed exclusive DLC, which worked very well for them. but at the end of the day (or gen) the one and only studio they created is 343 Industries, specificly for the halo franchise, cause the original developper is now a multiplatform one (Bungie).

Sony is still king of 1st party. and by the time MS gets things done with these "new" studios, sony could be buying new ones or expanding too.

PS: I always bought consoles for their exclusives. bought a Dreamcast for Shenmue which is a game so wonderful it was enough for me to justify the purchase of the console. bought a PS2 for the sequels of all the beloved exclusive franchises I started on PS1 (Silent Hill, MGS, FF, Team ICO games).

I got a 360 for 3 games, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 1 and Limbo. Alan Wake was a disappointment (dumbed down or not), Mass Effect ended up on PS3, same scenario for Limbo. now i dont need a game to be exclusive to enjoy it, cant wait for Bioshock Infinite and GTA 5, but when i buy a console because im told that the game im interested in is exclusive and then its not, i've been lied to. so as a consumer, i applaud MS for taking my money. they got me with their marketing strategies. but as a gamer, i despise these tactics and say to MS "Go F*ck Yourselves".

sorry, didnt expect to rant that much. heres a smiley for you. :P

kickerz4113d ago

I bought a dreamcast too. Worked my ass off, $5 an hour stacking fruit onto shelves. (Was only 16 at the time). Finally got the machine (after like 100 freakin hours work) and it rocked best console, best games ever. Only to have Sony come along and release the PS2 and destroy Sega, my favorite company. So yeah after that I will never buy Sony. Call me crazy but it is what it is lol.

Eyeco4113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

I like the old misconception that Sony destroyed Sega, they didn't, Sega destroyed themselves, there are countless reasons for Sega's demise some of them can even be attributed to the genesis add ons, but to name a few, piracy, tarnished image , lack of DVD, low attach rate, future consoles anticipation, online launched too late, the console itself was released far too early, poor business strategies in general the list goes on, I won't call you crazy just ignorant.

kickerz4113d ago

@ eyeco
I do agree, there are other factors which I am slightly ignoring. Sega did make some poor decisions.
You have to admit though at the time kids would see a dreamcast on the shelf next to a ps2, and you can guess which one they bought. heck the Sony kids at school gave me sh*t for having a dreamcast. so later on I just became a pc gamer for a bit. C&C, Starcraft, league of legends. All were amazing, then got a 60inch tv and a 360.had many hours of fun. anyways now I'm boring everyone wit my life story lol. Have a good day.

dubt724113d ago (Edited 4113d ago )

And yet of all the sony exclusives, there are maybe 2 that interest me. Uncharted and maybe Infamous, but I kind of lost the love for that one too, just like I did with God of War when 3 came out. It was the same ish. Could care less about gt, lbp, allstars, killzone (clunky and soulless), resistance (generic), ni no kuni (don't like jrpg's), ratchet (too kiddish). heavy Rain was alright for the 5 hour playble movie it was. So for someone like me, and I know many, the Sony exclusives don't really draw us to buy Sony products. Their off-putting arrogance at the beginning of this gen will always resonate with their name. Let the disagrees commence.

Eyeco4113d ago

Thank you for your civil response, but another thing you need to take into consideration is that most of the people that bought a PS2 were PS1 owners, those kids that chose a PS2 over a dreamcast were more than likely PS1 owners, a console that was nearing the 100 million mark.
Its easy to point fingers at the PS2 but when you look into it clearly wasnt the case

sonic9894113d ago

@ kickerz
i am a sega fan too i owned every sega system and now i support sony simply because i refuse to join nintendo.
and microsoft are just not my taste especially that they have zero platformers Sony are really that much better i hope you can see that sega died because of nintendo first.
sony was just doing us a favour taking the legacy from sega and moved on

ALLWRONG4113d ago

@KiRBY3000 that's called "cherry picking" and "damage control" and your 4 hour post did nothing to help your cause.

DeadlyFire4112d ago (Edited 4112d ago )

Microsoft did open 1 legitimate new studio in the past year or so that wasn't Kinect related. Yet to see anything from it though. I don't expect more than 1 new IP from Microsoft that would even spark a little interest from me.

Gamer19824112d ago

Im sorry but that's just silly SEGA was to blame for dreamcast demise not Sony a great console will do well despite competition and its faults the 360 this generation proved it. I mean look at it, it survived RROD, Old technology in sticking in DVD, terrible sales in Japan and it had Sony at its heels. Just as SEGA did and it survived nicely because it was well supported and MS believed in it.

DonFreezer4110d ago

I'm sorry my friend but if we count all the ps3 exclusives that has been lost at the start of this generation your comment would seem like nothing.Assassins Creed, Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy XIII made a lot of my friends get a ps3 just because they were supposed to be exclusives.

DonFreezer4110d ago

Sony destroyed the Dreamcast because the bleemcast emulator had better graphics on ps1 games than ps2 and Sony couldn't stand that.They were so afraid that with bleemcast noone would ever wanted the far inferior ps1.

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Silly gameAr4113d ago

Then if that's the case, where are the games? Sony's studios are releasing games. What are MS first party studios doing exactly?

DOMination-4113d ago

That's the point. Most of them are new and have been working on next gen for a while.

thebudgetgamer4113d ago

Then what are they doing, siesta?

kenshiro1004113d ago

So where are the games from these studios?

-cricket chirp-

Gamer19824112d ago

Although MS only just beats Sony on first party some of them make only Arcade games and are engineering teams who work on apps and XBL (5 teams to be exact work only on XBL stuff like Skype and XBL). On top of that Sony has a ton of second party studios.

Then we go onto quality not quantity of first party. Although MS has a few top quality 1st party studios in turn 10, lionhead and 343 they lack the amount of quality studios Sony does. Sony hardly has a weak studio that nobody has heard of I mean on that link there is at least 7 studios that have never even released a game! e.g. Microsoft Studios – Los Angeles, Platform Next Studios, Playful Learning, Skybox Sports to name a few. They have only just opened these studios.

I hope for gamers sakes they are working on Hardcore titles and not Kinect titles as then it definitely gives gamers more choice when choosing there next console. As right now Sony seems to be sending out all the right vibes for nex-gen..

southernbanana4112d ago

First people complain Microsoft doesn't have enough first party studios and brag about how many Sony has. Then when information is given showing Microsoft now has more studios than Sony they claim they are not quality studios. Seriously? I would also like to ask how you can judge new studios when all of their projects are for the next generation?

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