
Why I Stopped Playing Far Cry 3

Gamasutra writes: I just couldn't take it anymore.

I was about 15 hours into Far Cry 3, and the next mission involved sitting down to play a game of poker with the game's main villian, Hoyt.

It was sure to lead to an intense prison breakout of his heavily armed fortress, which would have been a lot of fun, but it didn't matter.

I just couldn't handle another 7 minute monologue about the nature of good and evil, or the true nature of fear or whatever I would surely be forced to watch.

Far Cry 3 is a good game. It's one of my recent favorite games, but enough was enough.

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BillySpandex4141d ago

Why I stopped reading this article... it's lame.

Hellsvacancy4141d ago

Yeah, I kinda read the description and soon decided I didnt care enough to read anymore

knowyourstuff4140d ago

Some people are just too stupid to understand greatness. They're also unimaginative that they can't tackle objectives like taking over bases in any creative way they wish. Vote this crap down!

ShinMaster4140d ago

Why would we care in the first place. Who are you?


snipes1014140d ago

I can already see what's gonna happen. People will come here by the thousands to call the article dumb and tell everyone not to click on it, even though, through their idiotic clicking of this article, despite their disagreement with it's idea, they have catapulted the article to the front page, where the article will bask in the hateful glow of an all-too-eager-to-hate gaming community.

All in all, though, as someone who gave the guy a chance, his reasons for disliking the game aren't that good to me. Just seems like it wasn't for him at all.

4140d ago
TheRealSpy4140d ago

God forbid anyone express an opinion that differs from yours. "The article should be down-voted because I really liked the game!" QQ

Speaking as someone who really enjoyed Far Cry 2 and beat that game, i found Far Cry 3 to be boring after a while. I was a bit further along than the guy that wrote this article...maybe another hour or two...and i just couldn't bring myself to drive to another tower and climb it, or sneak into another stronghold to take it over.

too repetitive and not enough interesting, different, random stuff in the environment.

ShinMaster4140d ago (Edited 4140d ago )

" clicking of this article, despite their disagreement "
Are we only allowed to click on an article if we agree with it?

I don't disagree with him. He makes a good point. But instead of targeting one game, he should have talked about open world games in general as almost all suffer from this.
His reasons ARE good.

" Just seems like it wasn't for him at all. "
Exactly. It's an open world game like Skyrim and Fallout. All of these open world games suffer from the same shit he talked about. He would have known this was gonna happen going into the game.
It's like a journalist reviewing a game of a genre he dislikes.

snipes1014140d ago

You missed my point. This happens all the time on thia site though. People only go to the articles that they have something negative to say about, and, most of the time, its not even constructive. Look at the first comment - its just childish.

I have no problem with people disagreeing, but for christ sake open up some dialog. Dont say- youre dumb for thinking this and an idiot for writing about it. That was what i was getting at.

darren_poolies4140d ago


'too repetitive and not enough interesting, different, random stuff in the environment.'

How could you think that about FC3 yet you finished and liked FC2? FC2 was a hell of a lot more boring and repetitive than FC3.

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MmaFan-Qc4140d ago

"Why I Stopped Playing Far Cry 3"
"The Walking Dead Is Not For Me"


Beastforlifenoob4140d ago

lucky i reead the article and they even put a Far cry 2 picture in their with no apparent reason...

Reverent4140d ago

Also, I thought Voss was the game's main villain, not this Hoyt fellow. Fail article..

TheRealSpy4140d ago

It's a fail article because you don't know who the main antagonist in the game is?


IAmLee4140d ago

Everytime I see an opinion piece like this, this is always my first thought;


MRMagoo1234140d ago

I love far cry 3 its sooooo much better than far cry 2, i dont understand this article at all its just stupid. Same knowyourstuff there are so many ways to tackle the games objectives.

TheRealSpy4140d ago

Um...no there aren't.

There are 2 main ways to tackle an object (like taking over a stronghold): Stealth and Guns blazing. If you want, you can toss in opening an animal cage.

You could approach objectives in Far Cry 2 the same way...minus the animals.

MRMagoo1234139d ago

maybe you just suck at the game then hmm ? I can think of about 20 diff ways to take over a base depending on what is in the near vicinity of it.

cooksauce4140d ago

Why I never read this article... This game is awesome front to end

showtimefolks4140d ago

2 issues I have with the game

Frame rate on consoles and screen tearing
And my biggest issue the 1st person driving, I mean it's good for those who like it but atleast give me a operation to switch the camera angle

You have to drive a lot in this game and for me personally it got really irritating

MariaHelFutura4140d ago

My only issues w/ Farcry 3 is the second island is way to easy, that disguise wrecked it. Aside from that, it`s my favorite game of 2012.

Sucitta4140d ago

Lots of children with ADHD, have issues with cut-scenes in games. They annoy and bore them.

This writer is one of those douche bags.. He was so bored with the 5min cinematics that he wrote a mess of text on why he had had enough..

People like this have never even seen good films.. For they are not able to stay awake during them.

Imagine this idiot playing Mass Effect lol

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R_aVe_N4140d ago

The real question is "Why would we care?"

vallencer4140d ago

Why would you stop playing right at the end of the game.....???? I don't care how bad a game has gotten if I'm near what I think is the end I push through. But far cry 3 is amazing so no forced pushing was involved.

Lovable4140d ago

I do that in pretty much the majority of the game I play. I usually get bored before the end...I don't know why, but it sure give me incentive to keep replaying it haha

specsmatter4140d ago

This game is definitely overated imo anyway. I have played a total of two hours and just like any other open world game its just full of a huge open space, few enemies, and repetitious sub missions and missions.

It is beyond me how this game received 9 and 10's when the mp is so garbage. The graphics are grainy, the mp design and animations are garbage and the red lazer kill cam is so badly done. Not to mention you can hardly get into an online game because the servers suck.

I get it the sp for some may be good and i admit they did try to add diversity as opposed to other open world games i also dislike, but come on the mp should have dropped the game down to like a 7. Games like Starhawk that are known for mp get thrashed by some reviewers for its weak sp, but almost all reviewers for Far Cry 3 just gave it a pass and didnt even factor in the mp? Wow!!!!

Allsystemgamer4140d ago

If ur playing fc3 do the mp ur doing it wrong

Janitor4140d ago

What you said. I tried it because it was there, sucked. But I look at it like a bonus. Doesn't take away from the awesome single player. Also, article is bad, and whoever wrote it should feel bad.

krazykombatant4140d ago

they decided to tag multiplayer on its an added feature doesn't mean they should still get a free pass if they do some garbage work on it. I will agree it is horrendous graphics and the story for me its subpar, the only thing that FarCry3 has going for it is the gameplay and that slowing getting tiring for me at least.

Hufandpuf4140d ago

Then why was the map editor and multiplayer the strongest in FC2? I don't see anyone praising FC2's singleplayer. Also FC3 includes the map editor, Co Op and Multiplayer, so to skimp on 50% of a game is not acceptable.

Trenta274140d ago

You played for two hours. I don't think you have a right to criticize the game like that. While I haven't tried the MP exactly, the co-op is incredibly fun.

aliengmr4140d ago

So you prefer MP games and didn't like FC3. So how is it "overrated"?

I get that you didn't like it, but that doesn't mean its overrated.

specsmatter4140d ago

who said i prefer mp games? lol i def didnt buy fc3 for mp but the fact remains the mp is atrocious and the game should score less bcus of that. Reviewers should base reviews off all aspects.

Secondly ive put several hours into sp and found it boring and redundant kike most open world games.

Sorry these ppl shouldnt get a pass, if you make a mp do it right, if not dont do it at all. Too many games have been scored down for having a weak component in their game so their shouldnt be an exception.

The same was done with max payne 3 overhyped and under delivered evethough i loved the sp

creeping judas4140d ago

@ specsmatter, perhaps you shouldn't buy any more open world games? You just don't seem to enjoy them at all. Just saying, if you dislike them, why buy or even try them?

deafdani4140d ago

Your comment gives me the impression that you flat-out dislike open world games. If that's the case, then you disliking Far Cry 3 doesn't mean anything to me. Just because someone doesn't like a certain genre of games, doesn't mean said genre is bad, and it looks like you just dislike Far Cry 3 for being a sandbox, not because it's actually garbage.

Lou Ferrigno4140d ago

whoa now.. The MP is freaking AWESOME too,don't dare talk down on such a rewarding experience like that .. Of course the meat is the amazing SP but still.. everything about this game is strait up badass. =)

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FoxHound_4140d ago

Whoever wrote this article is insane.

vallencer4140d ago

Have I ever told you the def.....too easy.

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masterfox427d ago

Farcry 3 and literally thats it! lol

GamingSinceForever425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

I recently tried 3 for the first time but the frame rate was a turnoff.

I liked 5 and 6 though.

banger88425d ago

If you have a Series X or S, the Xbox 360 version runs at 60 fps with fps boost. It's a shame the remaster doesn't.

isarai427d ago

2 and 3, pretty much the only ones i really enjoyed. 1 was amazing for the time but aged quite poorly. 4 has the elephant gun, all i can praise from any entry after 3 lol

cooperdnizzle425d ago

Ummmm 3 than stop.

Okay maybe two as well. But yeah probably 3 and then move on.

JEECE425d ago (Edited 425d ago )

Far Cry 2. People constantly rant about games now being too easy, holding your hand, having too many unnecessary RPG-lite leveling features, etc. People specifically complain about open world games being too focused on tons of collectibles and "checkmarks" that just waste time.

Far Cry 2 is an answer to all of those complaints. It was made by Ubisoft before they fell into all the traps discussed above (and before they started inserting towers into their games to defog the map). It has respawning enemies, weapons that degrade, and the collectible diamonds are very useful in the game (which you find in a similar way to the way you find shrines in BOTW with a radar system). The map you have is an in game item you pull out while playing, not a pause menu that is unnecessarily detailed. Also the enemy AI and physics are much better than later entries in the series.

It has a mixed reputation because people at the time said it was too hard, the weapon degradation was annoying, and then respawning enemies were annoying. FC2 came out in 2008, so this was before games like Dark Souls and BOTW had come out and made it cool to like these types of features.

XbladeTeddy424d ago

Far Cry 2, the one with the AI that find you through walls and trees, can one shot you from a mile away and have 100% accuracy? That was frustrating not fun because cheap AI.

JEECE424d ago (Edited 424d ago )

Uhh, I mean, it isn't one of these games where once the enemies have detected you they will magically forget you exist because you walked behind a wall or went into a bush. And yeah the AI isn't stormtrooper level accuracy. Again, these are positives, not negatives to me.

To be fair, I'm really directing this at the people most critical of "Modern Ubisoft" or "Modern Open World" design elements. Like the type of people who fawned all over Elden Ring because it had a clean UI because they are so burnt out by the "checkbox" type of open world design.

If you like those types of games, then a later FC game like 3 and especially 4-5 would be more your style.

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Far Cry 3 Is One Of The Most Important Games Of Our Time

TheGamer Writes "Far Cry 3 is a time capsule of what game design was like in the early '00s"

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Knushwood Butt509d ago

Beat it twice; once on PS3, and once a couple of months ago on PS5.

Doesn't Far Cry 2 have some of the things they are talking about here? Diamond hunting, healing, malaria medication?

shinoff2183509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

I believe 2 did. I highly doubt it was the only game like that though. I imagine the writer isn't old enough to have played part 2 but I also feel it wasn't the first game to introduce stuff like that

They bring up mass effect 2. I felt mass effect 1 was better. It just seem cut down. The citadel was a joke in part 2 compared to 1. How do you cut back on that.

Profchaos509d ago

Having just replayed the entire me trilogy yeah I think 1 was my favourite I think 2 had better cover and shooting mechanics but everything else in 1 was better

jznrpg508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

Mass Effect 1 was the best . It played like an RPG . The other games were more shooter and lost the feel the first game had unfortunately

gurp509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

I played it on PC when it came out, might play it again some time
Far Cry 3 is the best of the series, it was ahead of it's time

Palitera508d ago

It seems the blogger didn’t even play RDR1 if he thinks FC3 brought these elements to the AAA table. Tiktokers always have a new surprise. Smh

Sgt_Slaughter509d ago

"Far Cry 3 is a time capsule of what game design was like in the early '00s"

>Came out in 2012

Okay then

BrainSyphoned509d ago

If we are going to talk early 2000's game design how about start in the year 2000 with games that are a far cry better than something released 12 years later.
"Chrono Cross, Baldur's Gate II, Diablo II, Dragon Quest VII, Final Fantasy IX, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, and Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, along with new intellectual properties such as Deus Ex, Jet Set Radio, Perfect Dark, The Sims and Vagrant Story."
The article names things Ubisoft has shoved into games to dumb them down and then claims we should rush off to play it. Maybe instead look back at it as the death of originality from Ubisoft and gaming in general.

glennhkboy509d ago

Far Cry 3 & Assassin's Creed VI: Black Flag are 2 of the very best games from Ubisoft. All Ubisoft games since then are all just copying these 2 games.

ChubbyBlade508d ago

This isn’t an early 2000s game…you’re about a decade to early on that one.

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