
After Sandy Hook, Guy Says He Got 50,000 People To Stop Playing Video Games. But One Gamer Refused.

Kotaku - Antwand Pearman is a father. As we spoke on the phone this afternoon, his kids chattered in the background. He kept apologizing, but I told him I didn't mind.

When Adam Lanza murdered 20 children and six adults in Newtown, Conn. last week, Pearman, CEO of GamerFitNation, was understandably affected. "I know I would lose my mind if my child didn't come home," he told me. So he decided to do something about it: he called for all gamers to participate in an Online Shooter Ceasefire on Dec. 21, abstaining from violent games for a single day to show respect for the victims and their families.

MmaFan-Qc4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )


btw, why the f KOTAKU isnt blacklisted form N4G yet?

KangarooSam4153d ago

Same reason IGN gives such high scores. #paidoff

Joking, not really sure lol.

FACTUAL evidence4153d ago

Those 50k people were wii grandma gamers.

Godmars2904153d ago

Because people aren't voting it down in the link.

Actually they're rated at three stars.

ZombieNinjaPanda4153d ago

I vote down every chance I get. Hate that "site" and its writers.

CraigandDayDay4153d ago

I vote it down every chance I get as well. Sensationalist headlines get old.

Story: wtf.
Like: no

blackblades4153d ago

I forgot where to vote down show nuff don't see it

xursz4153d ago

^ Click the site name under where it says 'Read full story >>'

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4153d ago
360ICE4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

I know. What a weird conclusion. Not only are violent video games not the problem. It's not even related. How about the sandwich union not visiting Subway for 24 hours? Huh? No, but of course violence in videogames CAN potentially be harmful, and the people who didn't play have their way of showing respect. Which is good, but I'd much rather just see a moment of respect, rather than what seems to be a diversion. Some idiots are bound to take this as a concession that violent videogames are to blame.

4153d ago Replies(1)
Simon_Brezhnev4153d ago

they not blacklisted because its not HHG.

ALLWRONG4153d ago

Kotaku's articles are no different than the ones people here write and they get posted all the time. I myself don't visit Kotaku but because I don't like the design of the site. 70% of all the stuff on the front page is the same kind of thing Kotaku writes. So if you're going to down vote Kotaku then you should be fair and start down voting the other sites as well. You can start with the sites that do nothing but Wii U doom and gloom articles. I'll give you a hint, most of the sites have Playstation in the name.

ZombieNinjaPanda4153d ago

How about we start with Kotaku first and then work our way to the other crap sites. Because at least the others have some actual content, no matter how sensationalist it is. Kotaku is the website that compared an outdoor festival speaker system to Glados, they had a writer "write" how he got "laid" on a sonic bed, and another writer who made a 2 sentence article about that Big Game Hunting Game and how she's gonna "Go hug her dog now".

geddesmond4153d ago

Video games had nothing to do with the shooting. So the dude who killed all those kids played video games but what about his up bringing or how did society treat him. What happened to this man that made him snap and go on a senseless killing spree. If they can answer those questions and we find out the dude had a great up bringing, was never bullied or alienated by society and seen his life going far well then I'd blame video games and boycott the industry for good.

Yep lets take the blame away from gun laws too and just blame violent video games because we need to blame something because we are afraid to look at the truth.

Ashunderfire864152d ago

The answer is psychotropic drugs. Adam Lanza was an autistic kid on meds. I think it's possible that those meds he was taking were psychotropic drugs that gives you hallucinations about killing yourself and makes you have violent rage. Watch this.


This is the truth they don't want you to know. Parents need to stop schools from giving kids these pills. These pills are worst than the drugs the government calls illegal.

fr0sty4153d ago

Yeah, had to be the games. Had to be the guns. He couldn't have just been a crazy piece of shit, it had to be something else.

JD_Shadow4152d ago

How about people actually read the story first instead of going on and on about who reported it. I don't like Kotaku, either, but even a broken clock is right twice in a day.

Not every single discussion has to turn into a fanboy argument. This is WHY we gamers aren't taken seriously in the media, and WHY we keep getting dick sauce for bills in the Senate. Can we actually discuss the story instead of who reported it?

showtimefolks4152d ago

I voted it do every chance I got but they are rated as 3 stars. That's a site only looking to do fanboy articles and only looking for hits

This and ign are the 2 worst gaming sites and 3rd is gametraikers only because shane is an idiot

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4152d ago
Blastoise4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

Interesting. They actually both have a point. In a way it's nice to show respect by not gaming, and it shows that gamers care about this stuff just like anyone else but in doing it it could almost be seen as admitting that video games are at fault. Which they aren't.

firelogic4153d ago

Since gaming had nothing to do with it, not playing for a day is meaningless. How about this one? In honor of the tragedy, I'm going to refrain from drinking coffee for a whole week. Or I'll stop eating potato chips for a day. Or I'll stop driving my car for a day.

And equating a videogame "ceasefire" with the 1914 xmas truce? Yeah, ok there.

ThichQuangDuck4153d ago

Labeling Adam Lanza a monster rather than his actions monstrous is what leads to the continuation of these mass shootings. People want to demonize everything that he engaged in videogames, autism, etc. They do not want to question society or the real violence in the world so they target movies and video games. That plumber obviously is only a plumber because he saw mario do it. Our kids are obese after playing too much Pac-Man. Everyone takes 30 seconds to think than vocalizes a scripted response because of Mass Effect. Society needs to take responsibility for its own actions rather than blaming art.

jon12344153d ago

i wonder what people used to blame before videos games were around....

prototypeknuckles4153d ago

books, movies, television, comic books

kevnb4153d ago

Whatever the media says is to blame, that's the sad truth.

lsujester4153d ago

I still blame rap music. I shot a guy yesterday because Lil Wayne told me to.

AzaziL4153d ago

Before rap music became popular, rock music was taking heat. Even Elvis was hated by the parents who had girls shaking their thing like never before.

Then it was the hippy music, disco, 80s rock and alternative/grunge. In time, people will even find a way to blame dubstep for violence.

rpd1234153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

They still blame those when video games fail. I play games, watch movies and tv, and read books and comic books. I must be the ultimate mass murderer...

M_Prime4153d ago


I still hate hippy music, i don't blame it for violence, just hate it.

I think we should also start blaming the sun, i mean whenever something this bad happens the sun is usually out, and if its not out then its reflecting off the moon so its still affecting the crazy people.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4153d ago
Sp1d3ynut4153d ago

There will always be scapegoats for the evil that men do. I think in ancient Rome, the Gladiator Arena was blamed for most random acts of violence.

lizard812884153d ago

Comic books. Comics use to be huge in the 50's, but then some guy said it made children more violent, and then the Industry bombed. Then rock music, then rap. Now it seems video games are the go to source.

Soldierone4153d ago

Very true, and that attack is starting to come back as well. I saw FOX do a story talking about how dark and violent new comics are getting (Mostly about DC's new 52) and some guy goes "not all of them are made for kids, look at the rating" and the Fox person went "Bu bu bu but!"

At the same time books were becoming a target as well (in the 50's) Just goes to show they will literally blame anything. They would probably blame board games or kicking cans if they could.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )


The news is the problem.

jon12344153d ago

woahh i thought that old man was gonna give some BS speel about these situations... and the guy hit it right on the nose!

M_Prime4153d ago

That link was really good. It pretty much explains things how they really are. Thank man.

Also made me think, what if the next guy had an obsession with FIFA football games? will they try to blame that too?

Mutant-Spud4153d ago

I'm old enough to remember the Satanist scares of the 1980's, every kid who wigged out was accused of Satanic leanings. There are those guys who spent about 18 years in prison for the "Satanic Murders" of two little kids and were only recently released and allowed a retrial because their original convictions were so badly compromised. If you want to know how nuts it got read "Painted Black" by Carl.A.Raschke,believe it or not this guy is still consulted and quoted on teen violence today.

freezola754153d ago

Hollywood.. Rap... is the blame smh

NovusTerminus4153d ago

Dungeons & Dragons caught hell. Now it has just shifted from table top gaming to digital gaming.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4153d ago
FreshRevenge4153d ago

so having gamers hold off one day from playing a violent video game is going to do what exactly? Respect. It wasn't video games that made this kid go on a shooting spree. It was his own mental problems that made him go into a shooting spree.

dericb114153d ago

Plus the fact that his mom had guns with 100's of round of ammo.

I guess video games magically gives you guns and ammo when you play to go on a real life killing spree. /smh

DasTier4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

Having the guns didn't "make" him do anything, they were just tools he used.

At the moment both the NEA & the Gaming world sounds as retarded as each other by pointing fingers in each others directions.

IMO neither were to blame, I feel the mother was completely at fault for:
A.) teaching an autistic child how to use the guns.
B.) letting said autistic child have access to the guns.
C.) obviously not raising her autistic son properly.

Banning either video games or guns would be retarded. Nothing would be solved from that.

Baka-akaB4153d ago

not really . One of the two isnt a weapon to begin with , and should never have been stockpiled in any decent household to that amount.

I agree that people are the ones at fault here . But it shouldnt be that easy to access weapons , while some drugs and pharmatical products are under such scrutiny (for even good reasons ) .

That's just silly

CoLD FiRE4153d ago


Enough with the blame shifting! The media has already disgusted me enough by trying to make this "terrorist" sound like an innocent angel who did what he did because society made him do it. It's really insulting to those little kids and adults who lost their lives because of this ugly excuse of a human whom the media refuses to address as a terrorist because he wasn't of a certain ethnicity or religion.

Autistic or not, he killed 26 innocent people (20 of which were defenseless children). If hell exists, I hope he rots there for eternity.

Cam9774153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

She must've used this cheat:
R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up

I hope he rots in hell for his crime, I don't even want to type his name because the scum bag doesn't deserve it. I hope his body was destroyed then sent to the sun to be truly decimated.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4153d ago
kevnb4153d ago

Whatever, Americans kill a bunch of kids overseas and screw over other countries. But when some random idiot goes crazy we are supposed to change everything we do. Screw off.

hazardman4153d ago (Edited 4153d ago )

I'm American and I haven't killed anyone the American government kills people not me prick..

wenaldy4153d ago

I'm Muslim and I haven't killed anyone the terrorist kills people not me prick..

Reverent4153d ago

The media does such a wonderful job at making Americans seem like selfish a**holes and Muslims as terrorists. As for me, thanks to online gaming, I have friends from all over the world. Want to know the similar trait they all share? They are all exactly the f**king same.

Kos-Mos4153d ago

But you sure have a high temperament which often result in dangerous behavior. Calm down mr.american.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4153d ago
CoLD FiRE4153d ago

You know because the kids killed by American drones in other countries have less value than American children killed by an American terrorist. Oh sorry I forgot! The term "terrorist" does NOT apply when the act is committed by an American who doesn't match a certain criteria defined by color and religion!

What happened in Newton is just as bad as any act of terrorism anywhere on the globe.

Just for the record, one day after the NC shooting, 10 children were killed by US drones in Afghanistan but sure enough the media didn't give a f*ck and Obama didn't shed a tear (I'm not saying that his crocodile tears after the NC shooting worth much).

Hicken4153d ago

We kill a bunch of kids? When? Go pull up an article about it.

This crap is seriously annoying: something bad happens, and America gets blamed. Even if we have nothing to do with it, people ALWAYS blame the US.

This dude was screwed in the head: he is to blame. So is his mother, who taught her mentally unwell son how to shoot.

They are both dead.

Guns are not to blame. Guns, in and of themselves, do nothing. What's needed is a person to pull the trigger. Without that person, a gun just sits there.

Games are not to blame. Games, apparently, cause a temporary increase in aggression, but that hasn't been shown to translate into physical action, as aggression can be something as simple as being irritated more easily. For games to influence a person to take action, something has to be wrong with them to start with. And only CERTAIN somethings. And even then, only certain individuals will respond. I've been clinically depressed since I was a child, and yet no violent movie, game, or show has EVER prompted me to do something violent.

That's because the decision- the actions- lies with me. It would be MY fault if I went on a shooting spree, or stabbed a bunch of people.

No game would have forced me to do it. No gun would have moved my hand.

It's not the American government, as incompetent as they may be at times. It's not our military, as controversial as our actions sometimes are.

I'm not even gonna get into the politics and crap involved in us taking military action in other countries. But I can assure you that people would be even more pissed if we stayed over here and were like, "Whaaat? Dictator committing genocide on his own people and the UN's hands are tied? Damn. Oh, well."

Megaton4153d ago

Plenty of children on this list. American tax dollars at work.


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