
Increasing Evidence That Nintendo is Not Serious About the Hardcore Gamers

"The Wii U is Nintendo’s way of jump-starting the next generation of consoles, but so far, it seems that Nintendo is simply playing catch up with the current offerings of HD consoles. There’s nothing being offered on the Wii U that is substantially better than your PS3 and Xbox360 to really warrant it to be classified as “Next Gen”, and yes I’ll explain." - Gamer-Rider

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LX-General-Kaos4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

I believe that the claim of Nintendo joining current Gen is false. The Nintendo Wii U entertainment system is very much a next generation experience. Simply because it's innovative selling point has never been done before on a home console offering. This is the first time.

People are making a catastrophic mistake in thinking that a new generation is judged only by graphical capability. Nintendo has once again changed the way that gaming is experienced. Creating a portal for developers to try new and untested ideas to further the innovation and uniqueness of gaming. Many of which were simply not possible within the current generation of gaming.

On top of that, the technical power under the hood of the Nintendo Wii U entertainment system clearly surpasses the likes of what is available today on the home co sole market. As time goes along, games will become prettier as the launch window titles pass. Soon people will learn that in a world that has grown accustom to HD gaming for the last 7 years. It grows more difficult to significantly leap to some form of super HD that everyone is hopeful for. As of now our tvs still top off at 1080p.

As a gamer if the Nintendo Wii U entertainment system is not enough for you. What is your definition of next Gen. What would one have to provide for you to give you that significant leap that you have been preaching about? And what would you do or say if your brand of choice took the Nintendo rout and chose innovation over pure graphical prowess?

Rated E For Everyone

paddystan4223d ago ShowReplies(2)
Cupid_Viper_34223d ago

@ LX-General-Kaos
"As a gamer if the Nintendo Wii U entertainment system is not enough for you. What is your definition of next Gen. What would one have to provide for you to give you that significant leap that you have been preaching about? And what would you do or say if your brand of choice took the Nintendo rout and chose innovation over pure graphical prowess?"

From the Article:
" I mean, sure you have the GamePad’s second screen and it does add a bit of convenience as far as gameplay goes, but a bigger Nindento DS can’t surely be what Nintendo is counting on to bring the hardcore gamers back to its doorstep, is it? The hardcore gamer does enjoy convenience, but certainly doesn’t rate it above physics, graphics, and overall performance and gameplay. So far the Wii U doesn’t have a single game that excel in any of the categories listed above."

I think the Idea of dual screen gameplay that the Wii U is trying is going for has been hear for years in the form of Nintendo DS, PSP and now PS Vita. Simply adding a Single Touch, non HD Screen to your controller with Remote control capabilities for your TV/PVR is not necessarily seen as innovation in the hardcore hemisphere.

I mean even the PS Vita offers cross game chat, and can use the Vita's built in Mic, but not the innovative GamePad?

Even you sir have to agree that Nintendo took a lot of shortcuts with the Wii U.

StraightedgeSES4223d ago


So what is your definition of a hardcore gamer? And what is your definition of next gen?

MysticalTobi4223d ago

I thought that the Wii U Game Pad's screen was in HD.

Kyosuke_Sanada4223d ago

I love reading your posts man.You should starting giving out pamphlets. XD

HammadTheBeast4223d ago

Oh god, don't give him ideas

Samus HD4223d ago

@Kyosuke_Sanada Agree
but HammadTheOne that was funny. lol

I_LOVE_MYSELF4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

I agree that a new way to play does kind of justify calling a console "next gen". The thing with the Wii being classed as a "current gen" system and being placed in the same category as the PS3 is that the PS3 has the MOVE and more power under the hood.

Where does that leave Nintendo? I can control Resident Evil 5 on the PS3 with a wand controller. I can't do the same on the Wii.

The Wii is a current gen system by category and was earned by changing the way we play games, but another console can do the same with much more powerful games.

I know this is about the Wii-U, but the same kind of upgrade was made in the past so I reflected on past events until next gen rolls in. Whats to say Sony or MS won't have a tablet controller on a much more powerful console.

Either way I can't wait to get a Wii-U and enjoy the games :-)

herbs4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

Don't kid yourself -GametimeUK- the PS3 definetly has less under the hood and the move controllers are a joke (although they're still vastly better than Kinect) I can't believe fanboys like yourself still hold onto the dream that your PS3 is some how more powerful than hardware that is 7 years newer (get over it already) Also Wiimotes with Motion+ are superior to move controllers hands down. Move controllers lack rumble, a speaker and do not read wrist articulation as accurately because the eye camera is calculating where a glowing ball is in 3d space and unfortunetly it cannot tell if the ball is twisting or not (because it is spherical) Also aiming is considerably more accurate with Wiimotes because of IR recognition. Go play Skyward Sword then tell me your glowing Pom Pom is better lol.

etebitan4223d ago

herbs you must be trolling.. i have both the wii and the ps3 with move and even though the move is lacking software-wise the tech behind it is waaaay better that the one provided with the wii remote plus...

herbs4223d ago

etebitan explain yourself, how is it waaaay better, it's definetly more complex but that does not mean it is more effective. I made valid points lets hear yours.

hongthay4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )


Actually, the move controllers do have built in gyroscopes and accelerometers that detect wrist movement and twist accurately.

I have spent time with both, and must say that even with Motion+, the PS move is still more accurate, now if they could just bring out enough compelling software.

You are correct in lack of speaker, but the Move controller does have rumble. The Nav controller does not.

badz1494222d ago

what a lot of BS you're talking about the MOVE there! stop talking about stuff you don't know. you might be able NOT to make yourself look like an ignorant douche!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4222d ago
princejb1344223d ago

"On top of that, the technical power under the hood of the Nintendo Wii U entertainment system clearly surpasses the likes of what is available today on the home co sole market. As time goes along, games will become prettier as the launch window titles pass. Soon people will learn that in a world that has grown accustom to HD gaming for the last 7 years. It grows more difficult to significantly leap to some form of super HD that everyone is hopeful for. As of now our tvs still top off at 1080p."

the problem with releasing your console early is that they rivals will know what you have out and will try to surpass it

i bet sony and microsoft whenever they release next gen are already trying to figure out a way to make a next gen console that leaves the wii u in the dust

despair4223d ago


your entire post reads as a press release from nintendo. You say nothing to convince anyone of your point of view, its just rhetoric used with generalised terms(you should go into politics).

Also I don't think you quite understand how High Definition and Gaming Graphics work. Just because most Televisions go up to 1080P resolution (and thats just the resolution, nothing else) doesn't mean that games are at a limit. Graphical enhancements are not reliant on the TV's resolution(but they do help). Its all about the actual system's hardware.

Oh and I haven't read this article because I think its a ridiculous claim to make before the console is even launched.

etebitan4223d ago

well said... i actually think that guy works for nintendo... that or he has no life at all...

Knight_Crawler4223d ago

@etenban and despair - you guys are a bunch of hypocrites...if he was talking about Sony you would be praising LXG and bubbling him up.

Why does he even bother you? if the guy loves Nintendo then why be jelly.

insomnium24223d ago

@knight crawler

You sure are fast to call everyone a Sony fanboy huh? You either haven't been on this site for very long or you are just desperate.

MariaHelFutura4223d ago

Generations are determined by console cycles, NOT system power.

showtimefolks4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

i think we all know ms wants xbox720 to be more of a media box that does everything and so does nintendo. Sony tried lol but they realize their bread and butter is with core fanbase.

I just hope nintendo does not pull a MS on us and start with core base than switch all the way and go after casual like ms did with xbox360 since 2011 xbox360 is for kinect games and some core titles

i just want a gaming machine that is supported well by 1st and 3rd party publishers

killerhog4222d ago

Sony has a better entertainment offering than Ms and a better catalog of games for the core. Most of the new entertainment stuff Xbox owners are getting was already on the ps3. Sony surpass ms since 08 when it comes to features/entertainment. Sony has always been casual/core.

Persistantthug4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )


Assuming that to be GAMEPLAY, that's what I expect NEXT GEN to be.
Anything else, and I'm not interested in upgrading.

From reports, a 3 TERAFLOP Gpu can accomplish this, And I fully expect a PS4 launched holiday 2014 will be able to manage this.

LX-General-Kaos4223d ago

Hey I just watched that video and I hope that you are correct. Everything looked of movie quality.

ziggurcat4223d ago

@ LX-General-Kaos:

when nintendo is *just* coming out with a system that supports 720/1080p - something that the other two systems have supported for the last 6/7 years - that's current gen, not next gen.

Smashbro294223d ago

You're like a preacher of bull**** man.

The WiiU matches up pretty closely with the PS3/360 in terms of what can be done in game, the PS4 and 720 will definitely knock the WiiU out of the water and it isn't just graphics, it's processing, the amount that can be on screen at any given moment and I'm certain the online will be much better.

Benjamminkno4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

I disagree. There's no way both companies will release vastly more powerful consoles. If they do, we're looking at another $600 console in this economy? Financial suicide.
Sony and Microsoft don't make games anyway, so making hardware is all they do. Sure, games "look" better, but I'd rather play Megaman 3 than half the new games out now. There's plenty of crap movies that "looked" good. Games aren't supposed to be about graphics anyway, talk about a preacher of bullsh't!... lol

killerhog4222d ago

You do know why Sony ps3 cost a lot right? Blu-ray, cell processor, were all new tech that cost money. Blue-ray and cell are now cheap. Sony is going to re-use Blu-ray and maybe the cell. In fact I think Sony is going to re-use a lot of things from the ps3 hardware (that was new tech at the time) that's now cheap but will use their upgraded version. Which means Sony can focus on other things like graphic cards, power, more ram etc..

badz1494222d ago

Sony and Microsoft don't make games?? they only make hardware??

wow...your head must be already too deep inside Ninty's **s to even say THAT!

Ashunderfire864223d ago

Nice try PR spokesman you don't fool me.

IAmLee4222d ago

A Nintendo hate article?
Well this is unusual...

tubers4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

better graphics = better processing = more complex games.. (possible only on the next PS360)

Wii U will be left on the dust with "core" gaming just like the Wii was/is.. (not that it really matters since it's still the Big N)

NonApplicable4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

(Reply to General-Khaos)
Insightful points regardless of standpoint.

Just change that tag line. Totally pretentious.

humbleopinion4222d ago

"As a gamer if the Nintendo Wii U entertainment system is not enough for you. What is your definition of next Gen"

Simple: A machine capable of running next gen engines, such as Unreal Engine 4 and SE Luminous engine and so on. If you can't run next gen engines you can't run next gen games, and so far the Wii is almost out with no confirmation that it will support these engines (not even talking about an actual game announced).

Abdou234222d ago

How many accounts did you create to give yourself all these bubbles ?!

adorie4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

Lol. I am willing to bet a Wii U that if you left out the "Rated E For Everyone" your agrees would have been more or slightly less then your disagrees.

Good points though.

adorie4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

Triple post. Sorry!

adorie4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

N4G is trying to drag me through the mud; Triple Post. -_-

vitullo314222d ago Show
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DivineAssault 4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

Core gamers buy nintendo consoles for nintendo games not 3rd party.. I think everyone can agree that if 1st party wasnt in the picture, that console wouldnt sell even a quarter of what gamecube did..

The point is, it doesnt matter if wii u is hardcore or not, ppl are going to buy it knowing nintendo will deliver some great software regardless of its shortcomings.. They make use of their products to the fullest & 3rd party rarely can achieve that..

I am more than willing to give them $300 for this thing for their games.. The time just isnt here yet cuz i have no interest in mario bros, pikmin, or nintendo land... Another round of Smash bros, mario kart, star fox, metroid, & zelda will be why i own wii u.. Their IPs are predictable cuz they always do it rarely creating a new one.. Now if im wrong, thats fantastic cuz i will get more out of what i expect from this...

ChickeyCantor4223d ago

" Core gamers buy nintendo consoles for nintendo games not 3rd party"

That's because third party games were hardly there. NES and SNES were loaded with third party games and they were bought.

Look at handhelds for example. Are you telling me no one bought third party games on those devices?

If Nintendo can keep those third party developers in check and keep the games coming then there really is no reason not to buy them.

Samus HD4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

yes and it's hard for third partys to succeeded when they compete with nintendo's software. seriously I mean Just dance sold great on Wii (third party) and it's behind like 10 or more nintendo games -4-

GraveLord4223d ago

Nintendo doesn't care about hardcore gamers. But they do want them to buy a Wii U, that's why they are trying to get 3rd party support for the Wii U.

They're off to a good start so far IMO.
There's enough core titles at launch to satisfy any core gamer.

Schawk4223d ago (Edited 4223d ago )

I have to laugh PS3 owners actually think they are Hardcore gamers, lol give me a break

Welshy4223d ago

Given that PS3 gamers and 360 gamers are essentially the same kind of gamers at the end of the day, what exactly do YOU brand a "hardcore" gamer?

Are we rolling into £2,000 PC territory to be considered "hardcore" ?

I don't think that "hardcore" gamers can all be herded into one category or definition. What if you only play arcade racers? racing sims? shooters? only COD? It's far too wide a scope to really brand any group under one title.

I would also like you to point out this overwhelming number of PS3 fans claiming to be "the most Hardcore" in this post btw, otherwise your comment is both ridiculous and idiotic =)

Irishguy954223d ago

A hardcore gamer is one who searches for the greatest games. Not one who aligns himself to a specific set of hardware. Every system has it's masterpieces.

iistuii4222d ago (Edited 4222d ago )

A hardcore gamer plays all games on all systems. A hardcore gamer plays all multiformats on the best system with the highest resolution & AA, & plays all exclusives on the machine that plays them. So that's why my PC plays all the multiformats, which look streets ahead, & my other consoles are for the great exclusives they bring out. No allegiance to anyone, just want the best available. All these PS3 trolls going on about Nintendo not being hardcore, then pop off to play all stars battle royale beta, now that's what I call hardcore gaming lol.

garos824222d ago

Please don't feed the troll.what kind of moron doesn't consider ps3 to have anything to offer "hard core" gamers?schawk obviously!

OT: the article is a terrible one.the only thing he might have a point at is the low amount of hdd space on the consoles.other than that I think Nintendo have made good steps towards attracting better 3rd party support. Bayonetta2 for example is good title to attract and it being exclusive may get me to pick up a Wii u. It well be interesting to see what both Sony and ms have in the pipeline

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Game Developers Have Begun Confirming Nintendo Switch 2 Support

Game developers have already started to confirm that they will support the Nintendo Switch 2 with their future titles.

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How Many More Victims, Like Garry's Mod, Will Nintendo's Hurtful Crusade Create?

Hanzala from eXputer: "As Nintendo takes out 20 years' worth of stuff from Garry's Mod, I watch in shock, thinking why it continues to hurt and discourage its fans."

RiseNShine9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

The irony that some of the most disgusting business practices come from companies like Disney or Nintendo, i can't even begin to understand what terrible damage was Garrys Mod making to Nintendo bottom line, imho they're getting pretty nervous about where they're heading in the future, handhelds are no longer something exclusive to Nintendo, from Steam Deck to many others, now you can play the latest games and pay a fraction of the price on Steam sales, so it's up to their exclusives, which just on their own would make hard to justify purchasing a closed overpriced hardware with outrageous price policies (Super Mario Odyssey is still 60 euro 6 years later!), and as a home console they're always underperforming compared to Sony or Xbox.

gold_drake9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

i cam guarantee you, that their exclusives alone is what drives switch sales. they sell in the 10s of millions of copies.

nintendo created their franchises to be sort of nostalgia driven, exclusive only on nintendo.

people will always buy the pkmn games as they always bring in new younger fans amd is family friendly

mario kart, the same thing, mario games in general.

zelda games are system sellers. animal crossing for the casual gamers.

nintendo doesnt need third vame devs essentially. they made sure with the switch and the limitations that they looked more to pc ps and xbox.

its sad, but nintendo is more than fine with what they're doing. they positioned themselves to appeal to the more casual gamers.

but to your point, im not sure why they're doing this rly.

Inverno9d ago

Look at how they handled Nintendo games being streamed or uploaded on YouTube in the past. They killed Yuzu and Citra even when they had nothing to do with ToTK being leaked, not to mention it was basically unplayable on emulation the week it was leaked. Smash Bros tournament, that was fairly recent. They shut down their online services without any care for purchases made. I bought a switch after skipping their last 2 consoles and handhelds but I don't plan on buying anything Nintendo in the future. They take things to the extremes, they legitimately hate their fans. They're honestly right up there with the likes of Acti, EA, and Ubi, only difference is that they disguise themselves as being family friendly all the while being shady.


Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

Hanzala from eXputer: "The cruel hammer of Nintendo has fallen. Farewell, 3DS and Wii U, you surely brightened my life and many others; you won't be forgotten."