
Skype Vita App Updated Today

Hi everyone, I hope you are enjoying catching up with your friends and family using Skype on your PlayStation Vita. Today I’m happy to announce that this great app will have new features which let you enjoy connecting to even more people.

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Hatsune-Miku4371d ago

Can't wait for text chat for this

Qrphe4371d ago (Edited 4371d ago )

That's the only thing I'm waiting for to even redownload this.

"You can now ... make calls to mobiles and landlines if the person you’re calling is not online."

So basically a phone now?
Cool, hopefully we were to get a Gmail app someday (thus Google Voice).

SonyNGP4371d ago (Edited 4371d ago )

Does it still suck?

EDIT: http://i.imgur.com/Wt81Q.jp...

Amplitude4371d ago

lmao seriously?

@The disagrees: Come on. Really? That's just dumb. Too many contacts so he cant even open Skype? xD

Ju4371d ago

So, how many do you have? Talk much, huh? Must be a couple of 100s or more you talk frequently, I suppose...or did you type in a phone book?

SonyNGP4371d ago (Edited 4371d ago )

If you must know, it's 270. You'd have around the same if you had a lot of friends, fans and followers :P

Then again. I didn't buy the Vita for Skype. I have my PC and my iPad (usually at work) for that. But you gotta admit that this is a dumb error, considering the Vita is supposed to be a really powerful handheld.

Ju4371d ago

Yes, I agree it's a dump error. But at the same time, how is Skye a tool to have "follower". It's supposed to be a phone - that is, before it got linked to FB and all this "community crap". This is just a useless "me too want to be Facebook" which skype wasn't meant to be...

Amplitude4369d ago

k you guys are right it's a good error

DialgaMarine4371d ago

This app would be perfect if they could just add in text chat and allow you to call multiple people, like on PC skype. Without those, the app completely sucks, and is pointless if you already have it on your computor.

Hicken4371d ago

Because you can take your computor everywhere you can take your Vita, right?

DialgaMarine4371d ago

I think you missed the point of my comment. I'm saying that's exactly why the Vita needs those extra features: so you CAN get the full experience that PC offers on the go. Without those features though, you're probably better off just using skype on your desktop or laptop, because despite being alot less portable, it's still alot more efficient. Hell, even the iOS version has text chat. Explain to me why the Vita doesn't?

Ju4371d ago

This doesn't make sense. Why would it need more features? Sure, text chat IS missing and hopefully will be implemented at some point, but it will never replace the PC version, It is an option. Texting on the PC is still the preferred way, IMO. Simply because you got a keyboard.

DivineAssault 4371d ago

Vita is awesome.. I dont care who complains about its shortcomings, it does a lot & does way more than what other devices are capable of..

CaptCalvin4371d ago

I think you mean it's capable of doing more than what other devices are doing. It's just that Sony doesn't have much of those things very high up in their priorities.

DivineAssault 4371d ago

no i mean exactly what i wrote.. It does do more than what others are capable of doing.. Not necessarily Skype, many of its features aren't possible anywhere else.. Its equipped to play beautiful games like consoles, do phone applications, media features, remote play PS3 titles, dual sticks n buttons, etc

Anon19744371d ago (Edited 4371d ago )

My wife was out of town and using skype on her cell while I used it on the Vita to have our toddler say "goodnite," before bed and to take her over to the baby's crib and have her make faces at our youngest. Much easier than lugging my laptop around the house having everyone come and try to sit still in front of the computer.

Anyway...I was happy and surprised to see a Skype app on my Vita. I don't think I'll use it all that much, but it's nice to have.

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New Xbox One Update Allows You to Snap Skype While Gaming, at Long Last

One of the biggest flaws of the Xbox One version of Skype was the inability to snap it while gaming. Today Microsoft finally solves the issue.

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Iltapalanyymi3776d ago

you have no idea how long my friend has been waiting for this.

Gazondaily3776d ago

Maybe its less than that because he didn't buy the console at launch and later realised you couldn't snap Skype...

...I'll see myself out.

THamm3776d ago

How much of the screen does this take up? Or does it overlay like FaceTime

XiSasukeUchiha3776d ago

Best reply ever!!!!(Comic Book Guy)

Clown_Syndr0me3776d ago

Finally, I can cross-platform chat with my PC buds whilst gaming.
It would be awesome if PS4 had this too so I could chat with my PS4 buds cross-platform.

FogLight3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

Now that will be great! I have close friends who don't really own consoles and have PC. If Skype ever come to PS4, that would be like a dream come true.

If not...well there are still my Vita and laptop

GarrusVakarian3776d ago

I agree, the PS4 needs Skype. Party chat is all well and good, but some of my friends don't have a PS4 yet.

It's weird because the Vita has Skype...but the PS4 doesn't. wtf?

Btw, does anyone know if the Web browser on the X1 supports KB/M?

Clown_Syndr0me3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

Yeah it does, just not very well. Although that could be my crappy keyboard.

The web browser on Xbox One is far superior to the PS4s. Last time I checked you couldn't even view PS Official Forums properly on the PS4. Also on PS4 Im always getting "Not enough system memory" error.

PS4 being more powerful and having more RAM I don't understand why I get that error so much.

Oh and as for those below saying you need a Kinect for this, no you don't. You can snap using a controller, and you only need a headset to talk..

ic3fir33776d ago

dude, skype is a microsoft product, it is normal to be exclusive on the xbox, and not be in the ps4.

GarrusVakarian3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

@ Clown

I'll have to disagree with you about the X1 web browser, ive found the PS4's to load pages much faster, and i visit the official PS forums on it without any problem. Never had the memory error either since using it.

But thanks for letting me know you can use KB/M on the X1 browser.


Dude, just stop. Yes, it's a MS product...but the Vita also uses it, which is a PS product. Hence why im baffled the PS4 doesn't use it.

Bigpappy3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

The IE browser works great with the keyboard and is actually very fast. I still browse much more on my PC though. I don't keep a keyboard on my X1. No wires.

On topic: this Skype snapping is a very convenient and desired feature.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3776d ago
WeAreLegion3776d ago

Just use your phone. Or Vita. Or tablet. Or computer.

sniperflash3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

So if you gonna chat you better get the Xbox with the kinect

WeAreLegion3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

I wish there were a cheaper alternative.

Volkama3776d ago

Like an Xbox without a kinect? Never gonna happen.

3776d ago
WeAreLegion3776d ago

Camera, guys. Camera. We're talking about a camera here. Not just the voice.

marlinfan103776d ago

"if you gonna chat you better get the xbox with the kinect"

uh why? all you need is the mic that comes with it. good try though!

eferreira3776d ago

Back in my day gaming chat was calling a friend on a lan line while my mom was constantly picking up the phone to see if I was off.

Volkama3776d ago (Edited 3776d ago )

In my day that was impossible, if anyone in my house tried to use the landline they would hear the blissful tones of a modem.

Crazywhitie3776d ago

Only feature needed is to allow the Use of an External HDD.. since they only added a 500gb LOCKED inside.. they should have pay a few dollars more and add a 1tb or the ability to swap the HDD...

Volkama3776d ago

I think that was already confirmed for the next update? I didn't read the article though so I don't know how "confirmed" it actually is, or what the restrictions are.

Vystrel3776d ago

The use of external hard drives is certainly coming out. I prefer my hard drives to be hidden inside and not taking a USB port IMO.

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Free Skype Credit For Inside PS Vita Members

If you’ve signed up to Inside PS Vita, you may have noticed that you received an email at some point todaycontaining a Skype voucher. The code grants you with up to 40 minutes of Skype calls to mobiles and landlines for free.

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Baylex4105d ago

Got mine too!! I'm waiting to use it when I really need it!

justastranger104105d ago

MS owns Skype. PS owners should thank MS for allowing it.

kneon4105d ago

It wouldn't make sense to restrict availability of Skype. They paid $8.5 billion for Skype so to make the most from that investment it has to be everywhere.

ooquis4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

Justastranger10.....and Xbox owners should thank SONY for blu-ray.

valet_Smerdyakov4105d ago

@justastranger10: so if someone buys you an amazon voucher you are thankful to amazon for allowing it? :-D

Baylex4105d ago

Everyone don't mind him, his just a stranger..

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tarbis4105d ago

Lol, I still haven't used mine yet from previous vouchers.


Skype come on ps4
Skype come on ps4

WeAreLegion4105d ago

I don't think it needs Skype, to be honest. I'm sure it will have fine voice/video chat without the need for Skype.

valet_Smerdyakov4105d ago

I would prefer a google chat/hangout support.

Salooh4105d ago (Edited 4105d ago )

How can i sign up ?..

Edit: I got mine immediately when i sign up :P

Gazondaily4105d ago

Wouldn't this have to be signed off by MS, seeing as they own Skype?

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Xbox One Allows Group Skype Video Calls

Joystiq: ''Microsoft's next-gen console, the Xbox One, will offer Skype in widescreen HD and will allow group video calls, Yusuf Mehdi said during the next-gen Xbox reveal event today.''

FunkMacNasty4140d ago

"I don't wanna skype I just want gamezz!! teh Xbox One has Noooo gamezzz!! The pS4 will ruuuullleee!!!! Take me to your leader Sony... I am not worthy..."

There, I saved all of you from making the same comment.. move along, nothing else to see here.