
Valve Slammed By Consumer Protection, Issued Cease And Desist On Anti-Consumerist EULA

Cinemablend "Back in August Valve sent out a new End User License Agreement for the terms of service regarding Steam and Steam user accounts. Because of Valve's good standing with consumers, nary a gamer mounted a protest despite just about everyone making comments about how unfair it seemed that our own games that we paid for would be held at ransom if we didn't agree to the new EULA (Yeah, Cliffy, that all digital future ain't sounding all that hot now, is it?) Well, the German consumer advocacy group, vzbv, has issued an ultimatum to Valve: they either change their consumer policies or face the consequences. "

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NYC_Gamer4255d ago (Edited 4255d ago )

Valve,needs to change that agreement.People shouldn't have to worry about not being able to access their bought software.

Instigator4254d ago

I agree. It hasn't really affected me till now, but the only reason I bothered accepting it was because I'd lose access to 50+ games I still haven't played through completely.

I don't mind the content of the new user agreement as much as the fact that if you don't accept it you'll lose the games you bought under the old user agreement.

AO1JMM4254d ago

Only reason I agreed was because of the size of my Steam library of over 50 games which alot I have never even touched yet.

vega2754255d ago

this was my main issue i had with valve. atleast with MS and sony ToS if you didn't sign it, you could atleast still play games but couldn't use the service until you sign the ToS. but valve you either sign the ToS or you can't access the games you bought and on top of you lose your profile and everything you have earned over the years.

before anyone comes and say "Bu Bu But valve is only protecting themselve from lawsuits" I'm sure if valve just put a new ToS without holding people games ransom to do it, many would have still signed it because valve care about gamers. but doing this only shows that valve is no different from many other companies. I've lost a lot of respect for them because of this.

honestly i have to think valve for this. because it opened my eyea to what companies can do when games go full digital distribution. that if you don't bend over they can and will take your games away when they feel and there nothing you can do about it.

vortis4255d ago

Same here man.

I know EA, Ubisoft and other big corps keep talking about an all digital future, but really, this is the main reason why we DON'T want an all digital future. This sort of stuff right here.

You can pay out thousands of dollars for gamers that can be lost to the simple click of "Cancel" when the EULA pops up.

I think about my collection of hard copy games for consoles and it's cool knowing that whenever I want I can still play them. The thing with Valve/Steam is that this sort of thing can prevent you from accessing the games you paid for.

Scary stuff.

Axonometri4254d ago

Almost all software is a license agreement. Your agreeing to use it according to the license the company issues with the software. In that license is typically a clause that states that they may change the content of the license at any time without your consent.

Although they are not entirely right how they went about it to their loyal customers and regardless of how good they have been or poor... it is more than likely their legal right to do what they did.

Gamer-Z4254d ago

This is why i would never be in favor of cloud gaming or digital distribution, it takes the power out of the consumers hands.

Axonometri4254d ago

Actually, in most cases when you buy a digital product, you may download it again at any point free of charge... when you go to a brick shop and purchase a disk, your stuck with that disk. If you get your finger stuck in it and have to break it... your shiitake mushrooms out of luck.

Getowned4254d ago

" If you get your finger stuck in it and have to break it... your shiitake mushrooms out of luck." O_O!

Amplitude4254d ago (Edited 4254d ago )

hahaha xD agreed >.>

But technically, in this case, the cost would be agreeing to the licence agreement even if you dont want to, no matter what the license agreement says.

Imalwaysright4254d ago

You may download it again IF they dont take the game down. Look at EA. They close the servers of Fifa games to force us to buy the yearly sequel. Who is to say that if the industry goes DD only publishers wont do the same, not just the online portion but with full games? When we buy games we dont own them, we're essentially renting them, and publishers can do w/e they want. Its a scary thought leaving all the power on publishers hands because this gen has proven that they dont give a shit about us, the consumers, and only care about making profit.

vortis4254d ago


You hit the nail on the head. Pubs have treated gamers like dirt this gen, ripping us off left and right and just like with EA, I don't see why they would magically become nice in an all DD future if they already aren't nice to consumers in a hybrid model.

I'd hate to buy a bunch of games digitally only to have EA do some dick move like close down their servers and the only way to gain access to the games again is via piracy.

I imagine in an all DD future piracy rates will probably skyrocket if pubs abuse the system and start mistreating consumers even more.

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Game-o-holic4254d ago

It's about time this gets addressed.

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thorstein15d ago

Should have happened a long time ago. People wanting refunds after 50 hours in game.

fsfsxii15d ago

Pc gamers will take this as an excuse to pirate things

KyRo15d ago

I'm not sure why you're getting disgrees. Whilst not all PC gamers are petty, an awful lot of them are lol

Crows9015d ago

Entirely untrue. Not any more petty than console gamers. The only large difference is console gamers don't have much of a choice.

Michiel198915d ago

Not sure why you're getting agrees. an awful lot of console gamers are overemotional twinks ready to go to war over a plastic box, I'll take being a pc gamer then.

Speaking about overgeneralizing much.

Nooderus14d ago

"X" type of gamer conversations are cringe

qalpha15d ago

Daily reminder that 'TheGamer' is a corporate-generated, anti-gamer, anti-consumer, clickbait web site. They are mostly A.I. generated articles that villainize gamers. They provide nothing positive and actively try to provoke and divide the community through extreme view points and politics. Do not give them any clicks.

Inverno15d ago

Only scumbags? As if people don't play their games on console put in the most amount of hours and return it to GameStop and trade it in for another game. But also how many people are actually do this? And what games have been allowed to be refunded?

DustMan15d ago

You can refund any game you've purchased as long as it hasn't been longer than two weeks, and you've played less than 2 hours. I wish they would change it to 3 hours because some RPG's have so much exposition that you may only get an hour total of complete gameplay. That's my only knock on it. I've refunded plenty of stuff I was just curious to try. I typically stay away from Early Access titles which are the only ones affected by this policy change.

Inverno15d ago

Apparently early access doesn't count, only complete games with a play early preorder bonus.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I definitely know if I want a refund in 2 hours.

SegaSaturn66915d ago

I never liked refunding anything. Even if a film is bad, i dont want my money back. Sometimes things just aren't for me, and it's not the creator's fault necessarily.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I feel you and i have never walked out on a bad movie cause I payed my money. I also don't refund games cause I'm a gamer and I know what to buy lol. I think having a digital refund is great.

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